See monodiet - pros and cons. “Pros” and “cons” of mono-diet

Vlitka is SO EASY TO EAT CORRECTLY: SEASONAL FRUIT AND VEGETABLES ARE INCLUDED IN IT. At the same time, it is important for people to concentrate on any one product - to achieve a mono-diet. VARTO LOOK AT THE PROS AND DISADVANTAGES OF SUCH LIVING SYSTEMS.



Monodiets assume that for a long time (usually 7 days) the “adept” will eat only one product, be it fruits from gardens or cities, dairy products or meat, and in practically indispensable quantities. It is most common to invest in vegetables, berries and fruits. The widest options are polunitsa, ogirki, kavuni.


Drink kefir and grind apples all day long - what could be simpler? There is no need to prepare, worry about the warehouse, etc. Ale golovna perevaga monodiet – in Swedish effect. After three days of a lighter menu, you can spend up to 2 kg. And per week – up to 5 (depending on the output parameters). The body is cleansed from removing toxins, and the sac is cleansed from processing important mixed fluids.


The monodiet is not balanced with the main living elements. The body needs fats, proteins, carbohydrates, micro- and macroelements. Without sufficient strength, productivity decreases, headaches begin, weakness and shortness of breath appear. If the Swede had a decrease in vaginal strength, it would seem that Bajans would appear to be a minus. A mono-diet, as a rule, does not provide more than 900 kcal per day, so it’s difficult to eat enough of one product to gain 1300-1400 kcal. Therefore, the result is immediately noticeable. However, a sharp decrease in blood pressure can weaken the immune system and lead to impaired speech metabolism. Zhoden doctor does not recommend losing 30-40 kg in 2-3 months. Monodiet may be unsafe for the vulva - especially if the acidity is increased, the fragments provoke gastritis.


In fact, it’s not mono-diets that matter, but rather the days when the energy value of the diet is reduced by about half. You can customize the menu to suit any product. Head - take care of your individual tolerance to products and your health.

...You know the name, isn’t it? Those who want to lose weight without prompting will realize that it’s all about mono-diets. It’s simple to follow: choose a product that’s dear to your heart and it will last a couple of days. Moreover, there are so many options - from cabbage and kefir to exotic pineapple.

At first glance, there are a few shortcomings in mono-diets. If you are surprised by the good, then their pluses are no longer justified as a mask for the minuses.

Plus the first one: mono-diets are simple.

The miracle method of losing weight has become so rich that your head is spinning. A new skin diet promises miraculous results, cleansing the body and strengthening the whole life. And we have a thought: it’s time to read labels, think about food, how can you eat a simple way - sit on a mono-diet?

The forums of those who are worse explain the buried vomits of the shanuvalniks monodiet, which remains to reconcile us on the correctness of the choice. And we hope to lose weight using the formula “one product – three days – as much as you want.”

It's true Without singing, you won’t be able to compose a literate diet. If you're only logged in and out once, you can easily select your own menu from the menu.

Its principles are simple: more vegetables and less fatty foods. Eat giblets, 5-6 times a day, and don’t choke on the pulp. This approach guarantees a reduction in pain and a stable result.

Plus another: the smell allows you to lose weight.

Most mono-days are covered for three, maximum seven days. This is bribing. And it doesn’t matter that nutritionists recommend losing weight completely - we want to reach our goal faster. And we are already ready to chew cabbage leaves or choke on kefir - and even the result is minus 2-5 kilos;

It's true The Swedish results are obvious. Express weight loss does not give a stable effect: the vagina starts to turn. And experiments with harsh and unbalanced diets are detrimental to healthy speech metabolism. As a result, a new skin test with more kilograms will be less and less effective, and further increase will be more effective.

Plus the third: their creators give more food.

How to feed those who are worse than all the others? Of course, how many kilograms can you lose from any other diet! And under the “kilograms” we assume nothing less than underarm fat. Of course, the additional result of minus 5-7 kilos per day seems unlikely, but even if we wanted to save three of our “reserves”, we would definitely lose it!

It's true It's not so easy to get rid of fat. On mono-diets, we lose weight due to the loss of water, carbohydrate reserves and meat tissue. And, be sung, take hold of the fat body in the rest of the world!

Plus the fourth: all products are cinnamon.

The skin may also benefit from the miraculous power of its product. It has vitamins, minerals, and fat-burning agents - in a word, everything you need! Sit on the monomenu for a while - and the intestinal microflora will be renewed, and the metabolism of speech will be normalized. And in the face of slag, be sung, and you won’t run out of waste!

On the very In fact, all products may have some value. You'll probably find some vitamins and minerals in the station chebureks.

The problem is that for a productive life, people need not just one vitamin or mineral, but a whole set. Therefore, if you eat carrots in your belly and take a loading dose of β-carotene, your body will miss dozens of other essential elements. Well, obviously, losing weight is not at all acceptable.

Plus points: you can eat as much as you want.

This product, dear to your heart, can be eaten as often as you like, so we definitely won’t go hungry. And don’t let the diet consist of 6 plates of buckwheat – look, kohana, we’re definitely not in the mood!

It's true The most delicious caress are coming. Realize that you haven't eaten chocolate bars all day. If you find it easy, you will be deeply moved. It’s not worth experimenting with yourself - take my word for it, after two days the sweet soup will be more delicious than all the snickers in the world!

Another minus is the sharp reduction in caloric content of the diet to 600-800 kcal, which doctors do not like. The legacy of such a “reduced” game is doubtful. The mood drops, the life becomes a burden and ends in disaster.

All in all: the mono-diet is not at all a quick and effective way to lose weight, but rather a damn weight-loss scam.



Menu: Divide 1-1.5 liters of kefir into 6 servings. For fermented milk products, you can add sucrose or 1 tsp. honey In addition, per day you are allowed to drink 1 liter of water, tea or kava without cucumber.

Shortcomings: lack of complex carbohydrates, lack of protein, daily fats. Deficiency of vitamins and minerals.

Inheritances: pain in the bowel, vitamin deficiency, disorder and emptying.


Menu: Divide 250 g of buckwheat porridge without oil into 6 servings. For the whole day - 1 liter of water, chi kavi tea without cucru.

Lowlights: daily fats and proteins. Deficiency of vitamins and essential amino acids.

Inheritances: vitamin deficiency, low mood, constipation.


Menu: Divide 1.5-2 kg of apples into 6 servings. “Wash it down” with 1 liter of water, unsweetened tea or kavi.

Shortcomings: daily proteins and fats. Deficiency of vitamins, minerals and essential amino acids.

Inherits: mental disorder, vitamin deficiency. Not recommended for people with sensitive muscles.


Menu: Divide 100-150 g of chocolate into 6 servings. Eat as a snack with tea or cava without cinnamon (up to 1 liter per day).

Not enough: no cellulose or protein. Deficiency of vitamins, minerals and essential amino acids.

Effects: elevated blood glucose level, avitaminosis.


Menu: divide 1-1.5 liters of milk into 6 servings. You can add sugar substitute or 1 tsp. honey 1 liter of rіdini – for the whole day.

Shortcomings: deficiency of carbohydrates, vitamins, minerals and essential amino acids.

Ingredients: carbonation, dissolution and emptying, allergies. Not recommended for people with sensitive muscles.


Menu: Divide 250 g of cooked rice into 6 servings. Throughout the day, drink some water and drink cava tea without cucumber (up to 1 liter per day).

Not enough: no protein or fat. Deficiency of vitamins, minerals and essential amino acids.

Side effects: constipation, vitamin deficiency, low mood.


Menu: Divide 1-1.5 kg of pineapple pulp into 6 servings. “Wash it down” with 1 liter of water and some chi kavi tea without tsukru.

Not enough: no protein or fat. Deficiency of essential amino acids, vitamins and minerals.

Inheritances: allergies, abdominal pain, abdominal pain. Not recommended for people with sensitive muscles.

What types of mono-diets exist?

And those that are appropriate and with whom you lose weight... I think there are a lot of rich women. And, at first glance, the monodieta is very similar to this world. You spend a few days depriving those you love and, as a result, you lose two to four “lost” pounds, as well as a feeling of legitimate pride and deep satisfaction. Nice - products can be practically whatever they are. Do you love porridge? Miraculous. Potatoes? Wonderful. Can't you live a day without chocolate? Well, no need! What do they already say about such traditional dietary products as sire, kefir, fruits and vegetables? Wait, everything needs to sound so good... So I want to ask, what’s the trick? Let's find out what effective mono-diets are?

"Mono" in Latin translation means "one". So, as you might guess, the system is based on the use of any one product for two or three days. Hire it like this from the beginning. Now the situation has changed a lot. In addition to the traditional monodiet, nutritionists have developed several variations. Now all of them include two or three basic products, including them. Therefore, you can not limit yourself to three days, but increase the triviality of the course. Good or bad - judge for yourself.

Any type of mono-diet can be classified as gluttonous, and any of them has a lot of contraindications. If you still decide to undertake such an experiment, please consult your doctor first. Otherwise, instead of getting the desired result, you can avoid serious health problems. People who suffer from chronic illness, vegetative dystonia, diabetes or anemia are contraindicated to follow such a diet. Well, of course, a mono-diet is not suitable for pregnant women and women who are getting older.

Great care must be taken before choosing a suitable product. Naturally, in the first place, you should be guilty. These days will become important tests for you. Ale tse is not all. Golovne, so that you become healthy, allowing you to live it with sufficient strength.

For example, almost everyone loves oranges and chocolate, but many people have allergies. But those who have problems with alcohol are unlikely to benefit from a protein diet. And one more thing - at the time of childbirth, it is necessary to respect your self-esteem. As you have noticed that things have begun to get messy, you should follow the course. To put it simply, in order not to harm yourself, it is necessary to approach everything seriously and reasonably.

“Pros” and “cons” of mono-diet

The monodiet has its advantages and shortcomings. And before you rush into the world headlong, you need to remember everything carefully. Let's stop eating. The main advantage of this method is that it effectively helps you lose 2-4 kilograms in just a few days. Effective mono-diets allow you to spend kilograms virtually in front of your eyes. Another great advantage is that you choose your favorite product yourself.

But you can practically do everything that is good for you - from meat and eggs to cowbass and chocolate. The third important day is that on this day you will reduce the time-consuming and tedious preparation of dietary herbs. It is especially important to please working wives. Well, now - “spoon dyogtu”.

Unfortunately, this system also has a lot of disadvantages. The first and foremost is that for a number of days you greatly reduce and eliminate your diet. Well, your body does not remove all the vitamins and microelements it needs. Don’t be surprised if, at the same time, from the hated kilograms of this day, you begin to see vitality and energy, and they are replaced by weakness and bad moods. The hair, nails and skin often become aggravated. These problems with the herbal system are not uncommon.

Another little one. After such a brutal deprivation, few people manage to “trim their hands” and do not rush into the refrigerator as soon as the child’s time is over. Tim more, the result of your efforts is obvious. Didn’t you really deserve a little holy? So, or perhaps so, the greater part is more important. The result of this is that the driven kilograms joyfully turn around in their rightful place.

If you want to save your achievements, as if it were not important, get out of the monodie gradually. Well, and the third thing is to find your favorite product, since it’s three days later, call the guide again. On the other hand, it’s better, at least six times a day those that you can’t tolerate...

What types of mono-diets exist?

As of today, there is no shortage of highly-involved children. It seems that if you are a person, you can choose a mono-diet “for the relish.” However, before we learn about their actions, it is necessary to tell us about another important mind. Physicians and nutritionists believe that it is absolutely unacceptable to drastically reduce food intake.

This can cause serious harm to your body. Therefore, before “settling down” to the chosen mono-diet, you should carry out preliminary preparations for two or three days. During this day, gradually reduce the number of calories you burn. Well axis. And now a bunch of different monodiets.

Perhaps the most popular is the rice diet. And it’s completely clear. In addition, because rice contains a lot of brown microelements and vitamins, it can also remove toxins, salts and other, not at all brown substances. However, with such a diet you can experience a secondary effect - reducing weight and cleansing the body. Brown rice is best for children.

The duration of a child’s life is no more than three days. You can repeat the course no earlier than two months before. Such exchanges are associated with the fact that, in a series of other ways, the body also removes potassium salts, which are necessary for the functioning of the cardiovascular system. The principle of the rice diet is very simple. Boil a bottle of rice in the morning and eat it throughout the day, dividing it into six portions. You can drink it with apple juice. Since it is impossible to maintain such a diet, two or three small green apples are allowed.

  • Protein diet

    This option is suitable for those who cannot imagine their life without meat or fish. The problem is that you end up focusing your choice on just one product. The ideal cooking method is to boil without salt. You can add greens. Organize your daily diet in such a way that your daily intake does not exceed 1500 kilocalories. The diet is covered for three days.

    This day it is necessary to drink as much as possible. Non-carbonated mineral water, green or herbal tea are excellent options. Kava is contraindicated. It is important to remember that a protein diet is not suitable for those who already have a lot of congestion. During the early stages of obesity, such a diet increases the risk of blood clots.

  • Chocolate diet

    Trival - three days. For her, dark chocolate without turmeric is suitable. This, as you know, is a high-calorie product. Therefore, the daily norm is small. You are allowed to cut only one tile. You will have to stretch out the same amount of maneuvers as the hedgehogs. The truth is, it’s better for everything, but it doesn’t affect your mood, and even chocolate releases the release of endorphins.

    Instead of the bar, you can make chocolate bars. Please note that such food is not recommended for gastritis and other diseases of the intestinal tract. Well, this is far from the best - doctors are considered one of the most important. And they don’t care about those that allow you to effectively burn several kilograms.

  • Kavunova monodieta

    This option is really great for autumn. Kavun normalizes the metabolism of speech and removes waste, toxins and salts from the body. The diet is covered for five days. Lasuwati can be done at any hour of the day or night, but not less than six times to suit. For every 10 kilograms of your body fluid, one kilogram of kavun pulp should fall. If you really want to eat, you can include two bowls of black bread in your daily diet.

  • Kavova monodieta

    It should be said immediately that this diet is quite “aggressive” and may be highly contraindicated. So not everyone should get out. At the same time, it is effective to finish. Kava has a sedative effect, speeds up the metabolism of speech in the body and reduces appetite. The duration of the course is three days.

    You are allowed to drink one cup of black cava without rind, no more than once every two years. A small amount of dark dark chocolate is also allowed. Mineral water without carbon - whenever and wherever you want.

  • Winter diet

    To replace those in the forefront, this is monotony for the day. I was prompted a little differently. Today you will experience one product. First day - potatoes are boiled. You can have five great bulbs. The other is one kilogram of raw carrots or boiled beet. It is recommended to grate finely. The third is a liter of kefir or sour milk.

    You can use nutritious yoghurt for the yogurt, and then reduce the quantity to 500 ml. Fourth day – two bowls of sweet vegetable soup without salt. Fifth - half a boiled chicken or 300 grams of boiled lean meat. Once you have chosen the trigger, do not forget to remove the skin from it. Sixty – one liter of fresh juice. Better than apple one. Seven days, the last day - 500 grams of whatever porridge. It needs to be boiled in water, without garlic or salt. So, pearl barley will not work.

This method of weed control can be proven for a long time. To achieve a simple monolith will win more and more mischief in the whole world. And, since health allows, and “on the nose” as an important idea, you are likely to see everyone around you - why not try effective mono-diet?

Mono diet: pros and cons. Kefir monodieta, buckwheat monodieta, apple monodieta, kavunova monodieta. If you want a mono-diet, this is the easiest way to lose weight. Having chosen one product you like, enjoy it. This diet is delicious and even loved by women, so you can lose weight with chocolate, pineapples, cabbage, bananas, apples.

For those who want to eat a lot of vegetables, they chose potato, buckwheat, rice, and oatmeal diet. For lovers of dairy products, kefir, milk, cheese... Choose from a wide range of options.
Regardless of the attractiveness of the diet, the richness of the food, the brown and the cheap approach to the loss of your vagina. So as not to waste it until paste, please contact us.
The main advantage of such weight loss is that you move quickly and easily. There is no need to grab calories, agonize over the menu and cook steadily. However, if you don’t follow the correct life-giving system afterward, then kilograms of enemies will begin to attack you again. You can stay on a mono-diet for no more than 10 days, because you cannot allow a further decrease in the supply of vitamins and minerals to the body.

Let's take a look at the pros and cons of some popular monodies.

Apple monodiet.
The result of the child is reflected. In just a few days you will lose 5-6 kg of weight. The apple can be eaten plain, grated or baked. With 1-2 kg of apples per day, you are allowed to eat 3-5 slices of black bread and drink green tea, although without zucchini. When the acidity of the shell is high, it is better to absorb licorice varieties of apples, and when it is low, sour ones. Apples contain a lot of essential vitamins and microelements.
However, while on such a diet, you save yourself some protein. Their presence can cause disturbances in the endocrine and nervous systems. The inveterate worship of apple mono-diet causes problems with the menstrual cycle in women.

Rice monodiet.
Rice is a living and brown product. It does not stimulate the movement of the scutaneous secretion and removes salts, toxins and other waste materials from the body. In case of a strict diet, if you can eat only one bottle of boiled rice per day, it is allowed to add various vegetables and fruits or no more than 200 g of lean fish and meat. You can drink non-licorice juices, tea and mineral water. Vikoristovat better than unpeeled rice, the scraps of the same present vitamins of group U.
If there is a lot of rice, you can stir up the pulp, causing the splinter to collapse. When there is a protein shortage, hemoglobin drops. It is also necessary to take potassium supplements to correct the deficiency.

Vysyanaya diet.
You can easily lose 3-5 kg ​​per week, without going hungry. You need to eat porridge without salt, otherwise there is no need to cut down on the quantity. It is also permissible to add a little dried fruit or honey. Drink more non-licorice juices and fruit drinks, green tea and mineral water. Enveloping the walls of the bowel, oatmeal cures various bowel-intestinal ailments.
The diet is fat and tiring. Due to imbalance, it is better not to sit on it longer and not to repeat it earlier, less than once.

Greek monodieta.
The main advantage of a Greek diet is the number of servings available. With this you will lose 3-7 kg in weight per week. Buckwheat cleanses the body, removes toxins, and increases hemoglobin. To make the menu more interesting, you can add a liter of kefir per day and a few sour fruits, for example, apples. Eat buckwheat without salt.
A few years before bedtime, you need to get ready to go. The Greek diet, like any other mono-diet, leads to the fact that the body is supplied with various necessary substances. Therefore, it is not recommended to lose weight in this way.

Cabbage monodiet.
The result of such a ten-day diet can reach 10 kilograms lost. Cabbage should be eaten fresh without salt. There is no limit for quantity. Drink more mineral water or green tea up to 2 liters per day. You don’t feel any particular hunger, so your little boat can be filled in the future.
The main disadvantage is that it is low in calories and low in carbohydrates. Before that, you won’t want to eat cabbage for a long time.

Banana monodiet.
Bananas saturate the body with potassium, which also cleanses the body of waste and toxins. The banana diet is recommended for those who have problems with the intestines and metabolism. Over the course of a child's life, you can lose 3-4 kg of weight.
If you love bananas, you won’t want to marvel at them for a long time. Before that, if you throw off your vagabonds, they can easily turn to you if, after childhood, you attack the malt. Banana mono-diet is contraindicated for people who suffer from obesity, varicose veins, low blood pressure and liver disease.

Kavunova monodiet.
This diet combines the grain extracted from the body. I'll go with her and ask her. In five days of diet, you can spend up to 7 kg of food. Microelements found in kavuna, vitamins and antioxidants, prevent the development of osteoporosis and atherosclerosis, reduce blood pressure, and improve immunity. Cellulose relieves the most common problems of a lazy intestine, and magnesium positively contributes to muscle tone.
Through constant hunger, productivity can suffer. I know again, not maintaining the grub regime after losing weight has led to the kilograms turning around. The diet has a greater emphasis on the heart and blood, so it is contraindicated for people who suffer from chronic diseases of the cardiovascular and thyroid systems.

Chocolate mono diet.
It would seem that you couldn’t imagine a tastier and easier child. So, by sitting on chocolate you can lose a few kilograms. The use of these lassoirs is indicated for anemia and decreased energy levels in the body. Antioxidants, like those found in cocoa beans, enhance the healing process of the body.
There is no need to exceed 100 g of chocolate or chocolate bars in your daily diet. You can also drink non-licorice kava, adding a little bit of low-fat milk to it. We can’t pin down the basics of healthy and proper food and diet. Although we think that chocolate raises the mood, the diet causes depression due to a lack of vitamins and minerals.

Kefir monodiet.
Kefir is a product that is easily absorbed by the body and contains a lot of brown substances. There are different types of children where you can drink kefir either pure or combined with other products. Monodieta gives 1-1.5 liters of low-fat kefir without turmeric per day. Wine cleanses the liver and intestines of waste and toxins, and clears the skin. Brown kefir for hypertension, kidney disease, diabetes and liver diseases.
Kefir does not have carbohydrates, which can interfere with intestinal motility, resulting in constipation or diarrhea. Kefir diet is contraindicated for people who suffer from gout and rickets.
No matter what mono-diet you choose, you need to be careful. If you switch to full-time food, you will eliminate additional problems with poisoning. Always consult an endocrinologist and do not indulge in a mono-diet. Not all products can be eaten clean for a long time.

– This is a hedgehog treatment mode that is based on the intake of one, maximum two products. The diet lasts for 3-10 days, reduces body weight, removes waste products and toxins from the body. With this kind of food you will be filled with a new world, enriched with the necessary ingredients and avoid any feeling of hunger.

The essence of this diet lies in the consumption of only one product, the nature of which leads to weight loss. There are still quite a few such rules in food. As a rule, others simply eliminate unhealthy foods and have a calorie deficit.

The main principle of a mono-diet is to eat only one product, regardless of what kind of food you eat or vegetables. Among other principles it is significant:

  1. It is recommended to continue the course of treatment for at least 10 days.
  2. Full of salt and borochny.
  3. Repeating a child is allowed only one month after the completion of the previous one.
  4. Drinking regimen is not less than 2 liters per day.
  5. The quantity of the product consumed during the diet is not reduced.

The results of rich women show that such mono-diets reduce metabolism, remove waste and toxins from the body and then move on to a reduction in fat. It is important to hustle at the moment, so as not to provoke the sickness of the boat.

Pros and cons of a mono-diet

There are benefits to eating monodiet, as long as you eat it correctly and don’t allow yourself to weaken your diet at the time of diet. Among the main advantages you can see:

  • the ability to independently choose your own food product;
  • Minimal distress during childhood;
  • Swedish results;
  • Easy to tolerate for children;
  • Saturation of the body with necessary essential components;
  • The number of individual intolerances;
  • Cleansing of the mouth, feeling of lightness;
  • Skin accessibility.

All these advantages can be recognized by every human being who is worse off under this system. Smut, strictly follow these recommendations, eat only one brown product, drink plenty of water and engage in little physical activity. The first results will be visible the next day.

This also means some minor disadvantages of mono-living, which every diet cannot do without:

  • Folding food in a kitchen with only one product;
  • The feeling of guilt is like hunger in the first days of childhood;
  • The need to take additional pharmaceutical vitamins and minerals;
  • It is necessary to stop dieting;
  • The rate of return of consumed kilograms when the food regime is returned to normal;
  • There are side effects.

Regardless of the minuses, the result after a mono-diet is very good. The average weight gain is minus 5 kg per day. Not all children and stays in food houses will give such a result, which is worse.

What can you eat on a mono diet?

The main rule is a mono-diet - for 3-10 days, eat only one product. Here is a list of products that should be consumed as permissible, and are most often used for maintaining mono-diet:

  1. Buckwheat.
  2. Yabluka.
  3. Water.

Everything can be experienced only in a single view. Sometimes before porridge you can add one apple or a bottle of kefir per day.

What you can’t eat on a mono-diet

The following products are restricted:

  • Bread;
  • Gas drinks;
  • Vershkov oil;
  • Salt, zukor, spices;
  • Macaroni;
  • Ribu.

The mono-diet is not affected by the presence of products in the middle of the diet, so you can only know about them 2-3 years after the end of the mono-diet.

Menu from different types of diet

Mono diet for 3-5 days is most often used. It completely cleanses the body of waste products and toxins, removes waste, breaks down fats, and makes weight loss healthy. Among different species, mono-diets divide the diet into cereals, vegetables and fruits. Those who give preference are selected individually. All of them cope with the function of breaking down fats in a minimum hour.

It is respected by the harshest and harshest diet, as not everyone will be close to the soul. The food mode for the day involves taking one bottle of boiled rice, which is divided into the required portion. When paired with rice, you can add soy sauce and apple juice. If hunger does not stop, and you become confused, add 2 apples per day. Trivalism lasts up to 3 days.

Vaughn is insured for 5 days of residence and has a less hostile character. One bottle of dry buckwheat is mixed, filled with two bottles of boiled water, and left overnight. There is no need to cook. Salt, spices and oil - fenced!

On such a mono-diet, you can add buckwheat with 1 liter of kefir 1% fat. If necessary, add apple and natural yogurt. 5 years before bedtime, any food taken by hedgehogs is strictly forbidden. You can drink more water.

The diet is infused with kefir in a pure form for 3 days, without adding zucchini or honey. Three days after the complete fasting, you can add one option of vegetables or fruits to the diet. The diluted monodiet can be preserved for up to 7 days.

The diet is based on drinking pure milk throughout the day. The maximum storage capacity is 1 liter. It is permissible to drink water from an open container.

The diet is characterized by the consumption of berries and fruits totaling 1 kg per day. You can brati kavun, dinya, oranges, apples, half-litsya. Everything is stored in a special way similar to the skin.

The diet should be taken seriously, or mono-diet for 10 days – this is the maximum number of days that is allowed for it to grow. As the number of days increases, side effects and a variety of illnesses in the intestinal tract occur.

Contraindicated before mono-diet

However, mono-diets for weight loss may be contraindicated, because the stench can be overwhelming even if you are confined to a tavern. If you don’t take care of the essential barriers until the monotony is finished, you can run into serious problems in the operation of the pickling system, avoiding a congested shell, which leads to irrevocable inheritance.

Contraindications for monodiet are numerous and significant:

  • Vaginism and the period of breastfeeding;
  • presence of chronic illness;
  • Serious illness of the intestinal tract;
  • century to 18 rocks;
  • Until the end of the 19th century;
  • the presence of allergic reactions;
  • Detection of anemia and vitamin deficiency;
  • Disease of the cardiovascular system.

Before giving preference to one or another type of mono-diet, it is imperative to consult a gastroenterologist to determine the size of the schluka and give your permission to such exchanges in the kitchen. Without the supervision of a specialist, any independent actions can lead to serious consequences.

Side effects

Monodiet is a type of diet that most often provokes the appearance of side effects. Among the main ones you can see:

  • Pain will be felt in the opening of the shank;
  • Loss of physical activity;
  • Confused and boring;
  • Waste of information;
  • Disturbed sleep;
  • Destroyed and empty;
  • Hormonal changes;
  • Weakened immunity.

Not everyone, who is thinner, appreciates mono-diet, because they are not confident in their strengths and have doubts about its positive aspects. To heal the body and cleanse it of waste waste, speed up metabolism, and activate the process of fat breakdown, just a few days of such a diet are enough. Further monolife may provoke the appearance of various illnesses.

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