Chinese gymnastics for weight loss. Chinese gymnastics for weight loss (video)

More and more people are looking for ways to lose weight without special physical and mental stress. Well, this article is not about all the dietary supplements and slimming belts. There is talk about Chinese gymnastics called Jianfei, which translated into Russian means “lose fat.” And if you don’t want to be able to lift important weights at the gym, you will need to use special rights in case of any kind of episode, otherwise in which work in the work is not a problem, but a legion.

Yak robiti right?

The idea that proper breathing can induce and normalize metabolic processes in the body is not new and has scientific confirmation.

Why do athletes in training need to start dancing correctly first? Because the respiratory system is active in the salivation of fat cells, supplying the organs and tissues with much-needed sourness.

Thus, this special complex is based on the Chinese Jianfei Dicholic Gymnastics for weight loss, which consists of only 3 things, you can lose weight and not only that. It has been proven that such training brings lightness, vitality, provides an influx of vitality, and also promotes immune defense.

Initially, you will have to practice a little and master the technique of traditional dichotomy gymnastics at home, but later you can switch to such a red heel at work, as a substitute for other places where you care manually. If you turn a lot of strings, only three activities will help you - “Hvilya”, “Toad” and “Lotus”.


If you are using the Chinese exercises Jianfei to lose weight, you will need to lie down on a support. Once you get the hang of it, you can do it while sitting, standing, or walking while walking. “Hvilya” can simply become a joke on the day of the festivities or the evenings, if the hunger is simply unbearable, but you have made a vow to trim yourself and not eat anything.

This activity reduces confusion and weakness and relieves the feeling of hunger, allowing you to fall asleep.

  • For which training of Chinese gymnastics for weight loss it is necessary to take
    horizontal position, legs bent at the knees, feet placed on the support;
  • Place one end of one end in the navel area, and place the other end on the chest. As you inhale, draw in your chest and round your chest; repeat in a mirror image to round your chest and draw in your chest;
  • In this way, the process of your breathing will create discomfort as your breasts rise and fall alternately. At the beginning stage, complete 40 repetitions for the whole cycle, gradually increasing this number to 60.


Chinese gymnastics for losing weight in the abdominal area, as they call Jianfei, includes the right “Toad”, which affects the internal organs, ensures their massage, stimulates blood flow and metabolism, brightens the color of the skin and plumps up. I have a positive attitude in every body.

  • Dana right punishes with a special manner of folding the knees: representatives of weak status need to clench their left hand into a fist and cover it with the right palm, people face down. Adopt a sitting position with your feet spread out on the heel at shoulder width, in which the foot is parallel to the heel;
  • Place your elbows against your knees, and fold your hands in a special position towards your forehead. Close your eyes, relax your body, and while taking a deep breath, which flows through your nose, begin to step by step remember the legen in the air, while inflatingly lives;
  • After holding it for a few seconds, take another short breath and start letting it out all the way through your mouth.

In order to lose weight in the belly, Qiu needs to be squeezed 3 times for a full hour of sleeplessness, which lasts for a quarter of a year. However, for people with internal bleeding, including menstruation, and those who are recovering after surgery, it is easier to see the outcome.


Together with these wild rights comes a training under the name “Lotus”.

If you know how to correctly take this position, take it anyway, then just sit on the support with your legs crossed in front of you. In this case, in women, the left leg is guilty of being an animal, and in men it is the same. Wrap your hands with the brutally burnt valleys on the stitches or place one in the other. In this case, women again give priority to the left, and men to the right. Lower your chin down and flatten your eyes.

The one on the right conveys meditation, so you can realize that you are near a clear, deep lake, near some rich vegetation - trees and grass. In control of the lake itself, and your task is to calm the troubled waters, reduce the noise, quiet the “wind” that blows the trees and flowers around you.

Just think about how easily and effortlessly snowstorms and snowstorms flutter over you, how they warm you with the warmth of the sun. Do not control your breathing - breathe naturally and calmly, but at the same time try to be timid and see long and silently. Add 15 minutes to the right for every hour of sleeplessness, especially during heavy diets.

Final stage of training

There are a lot of Chinese and Japanese practices aimed at combating weight gain. The axis of Chinese gymnastics for losing weight with a towel is a lot of handwear, which is why there is no need for special equipment and clothing. There is also no need to go to the gym: you can work out at home quietly. Well, Chinese gymnastics for weight loss with the help of a roller is nothing more than a type of stretching, which is usually done to finish any workout.

Therefore, after finishing all three of the rights in the front complex, the final step is to perform such a stretch and your deposit on the right side will increase due to the change in moisture.

  • Roll up a towel or a thin blanket with a roller and lie on the support so that you fall right under
  • Extend your arms above your head, palms down, with your little fingers sticking out;
  • The legs will try to stretch as much as possible, sticking out the great toes of the feet;
  • Lie in this position for 5 minutes. When stretching with a towel, it is allowed to stretch it under the breasts or in the area where the ribs begin.

By exercising regularly, you can lose up to 10 kg of weight in a month, and nutritionists recommend combining your workouts with a rational and balanced diet. Good luck!

Chinese gymnastics for weight loss has a symbolic name. “Lose fat” - this is how the word jianfei is translated. Ale tsya is similar, being a part, does not care about losing weight with the head.

Vikoristic practices and techniques of Jianfei, Chinese wisdom to bring people to harmony and inner balance.

  • Radimo read it

The Chinese system can be extended to traditional medicine and used for treatment and prevention. Our Svedomosti has alternative medicine that is not officially recognized. And those who, having strived to achieve it, want to lose weight, mean endless achievements.

  • The Jianfei gymnastics complex does not require a lot of time spent on training, grind 20–30 hours per day;
  • To use, no special sports equipment is required, it is used in a natural, loose-fitting garment;
  • You don’t need any special physical training to practice gymnastics;
  • There is no need to go hungry and limit yourself, if you want with the right food and the result will become noticeably more noticeable;
  • Jianfei is a safe complex that is suitable for all, besides the surgical procedure that was recently undergone, which is not something that menstruating women should forget about;
  • This kind of gymnastics normalizes metabolism, calms sensations and emotions, improves immunity, relaxes, heals and rejuvenates the body;
  • A quick result of all the benefits of regular gymnastics is that you can spend 1–2 kg in the first 7 days; over the course of 2–3 months you can lose up to 10 kilograms;
  • The Chinese complex is very effective, the result is preserved for a long time.

Goals and principles of Chinese gymnastics

How to lose weight, you need to know. Review your diet, change portions, go in for sports. Why should you work, since you don’t have enough energy for sports? And how can you help yourself if hunger continues and plans are ruined?

The very same Jianfei system, based on the correct diet, relieves the feeling of hunger in the first day.

The body becomes sour, cells and tissues renew. The Chinese, understanding that incorrect or excessive exchange of speeches could be the cause, use special gymnastics to solve this problem. The exchange of speech is normalized, kilograms of energy are converted into energy and go. Therefore, after the end of the war, the complex has the right to be guaranteed a healthy and positive mood, and therefore, stress is relieved.

For the history of gymnastics, Jianfei better adhere to the following principles:

  • The right to bow at a relaxed state;
  • There is constant control over the food;
  • Svidomosti creates positive thoughts, people only think about the reception;
  • All busyness is not finished in a hurry and is done;
  • The complex evolves at a sing-song tempo, neither fast nor slow;
  • You need to breathe not with your lungs, but with your stomach, even though it sounds wonderful, the thought of passing the wind through your whole body;
  • The music is played out and played out step by step.

Complex rights

The complex of Chinese gymnastics consists of three rights, ending with the ability to reach the set mark.

To the right "Khvilya"

Healthy activities are best learned from “Khvili”. Khvil had the opportunity to fold his chest and stomach while lying on the underside. I'm relaxing. Legs bent at the knees, stand firmly on the underside, one hand pressed to the stomach, the other to the breasts. As you inhale, the chest is rounded, it becomes tense and “sticks” to the spine. Apparently, it turns out that life is rounded. The tempo of the roars is as close as possible to the frequency of breathing. Inhale deeply, and the movements are fixed for 2-3 seconds. Hands control the process, pressing for the required moment.

To the right, “Khvilya” ranks those who are worse off because they feel hungry. After gymnastics has been mastered in a supine position, we can practice in other positions.

At the cob stage, the right is repeated 40 times. The number of repetitions increases step by step up to 60 times. As soon as the right time began to sink in, self-consciousness and boredom appeared, and it was impossible to continue chewing. Stop for a few minutes and continue if you feel better.

To the right "Toad"

Why "toad"? Lives in the vicinity of the right to be rounded like that of an amphibian, although the posture of the call does not remind the creature. To the right, start in a sitting position with your legs bent under a straight line. The folds of the arms are folded onto the knees. The palm of one hand is placed on the clenched fist of the other. Women clench their left hand into a fist, men clench their right hand. Now we lower our shoulders to our hands and flatten our eyes.

The approaching period is relaxation, calmness, internal problems resolution. Recall that he lives fully through deep breaths. Let yourself breathe for 2-3 seconds while you inhale. We can see until the end that life may be “bloated.” The right to vikonutsya 10-15 hvilin, 3 times a day. Robimo has the right to “Toad” not only at home, but also on the job, on the bus, in the subway.

“Toad” improves blood circulation, metabolism, trains and improves internal organs. It is important to do it correctly, otherwise the desired effect will not appear.

To the right "Lotus"

The Lotus pose is familiar to everyone. We sit on the mat with our legs crossed. We place the lion with the lid open on the right (heads on the right on the left), hands on the legs. We relax by lowering our heads and closing our eyes, adjusting to the reception of calm thoughts, clearing the mind of negativity, awakening moods, and the effect to the right. Let's concentrate on dihanna.

  • From the beginning they were calm, eager and quiet. First of all, don’t die at all. So dikhaemo 5 hvilin.
  • At the onset of the 5th century, it’s dikhaemo, as before, but it’s the most profound and equal.
  • The third stage, which consists of 10 minutes, is characterized by deep, even breathing and breathing and breathing.

All three to the right can be added one at a time and in a complex. Chinese gymnastics is unimportant to our knowledge. We called out to directly heal the ills of the place. Jianfei flows into the entire body, including physical and spiritual health.

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However, people can do alternative and even effective Chinese gymnastics for weight loss if they don’t just want to go in for sports, but they are far from this concept. What is the secret of Chinese gymnastics for losing weight? On the right is that these gymnastics are based on copied ruins of creatures. Therefore, after completing the complex, you reduce muscle mass, correct your figure and simply raise a healthy spirit. Believe me, it’s really fun and they can be found in a group with children.

Let’s take a look at the report on how Chinese gymnastics have the right to use weight loss treatments.

The fox has the right

To perform this task, you need to sit on your feet, placing your hands on the support, and bend your body a little forward. With this five, the butts are raised. Look straight ahead in front of you in a pretext. Then we lower the upper part of the body onto the support, placing our hands so that our elbows press into our knees. Now we completely dry our hands at once from the upper part of the body forward, like a fox that sings when it gets dirty. Finishing to the right, we are in a standing position with our legs extended and our upper body raised higher up. Try to press your hands firmly against the support and raise your head. Now let yourself in completely, without bending your knees or tearing your legs. Repeat qiu to the right, five times.

The witch has the right

This is the right side of the camp, standing crustaceans. Get started, don’t rush forward, jump forward with your left hand and foot, then with your right hand and foot. We can move forward without bending our knees. Whose body is in a relaxed position, and his head is bowed. Then you can select the reverse gear. It is important to remember that this rightly develops the muscles of the lower abdomen and activates blood circulation in all organs. In addition, at the end of the day, all salts can be eliminated from the body.

Right Turtle

We sit on the bench and bend our knees. Next, we place our feet on the reverse foot, resting our toes against the support. Now from this position, try to lift your body across the yoke, resting your hands on the support. Now try to work a little bit of the kidney to the left side, and then to the right. Repeat to the right trichy. If walking is too difficult, try just sneaking from side to side.

To the right Gorobets

To finish this, you can bend a few knees and tilt the body forward. Raise your head slightly and perform a series of small jumps, landing on your feet, throwing your arms back. To the right we have the jumping humpback. Continue chewing the vikonuvati to the right with a stretch of five khvilins.

Right Great Panda

Imagining a panda, sit on the underside, pull your legs up to you and hug them tightly with your hands. Next, we lower ourselves completely back until our back practically touches the frame. Now, with a sharp roar, we turn around in the exit position, relaxing our hands. Repeat five times. Then, from the exit position, they timidly flicked to the sides six times on the skin. It’s important that you are so stupid, you can’t make excuses. This also helps in the fight against stubborn fat deposits and activates blood circulation in the spine.

The entire complex takes about 20-25 minutes, so you can find the right time for gymnastics. Do Chinese gymnastics to lose weight while listening to fun music and losing weight for your health! Good luck to you and great results.

Winter is coming, and after a couple of months we all rush to lose weight in the gym, for training and jogging, which often takes no time or simply gets tired, to make life difficult. Through this stress, all our attempts to lose weight are marni. What can we tell you that you can lose weight easily, just on your own?

Why is gymnastics “Jianfei” so challenging?

Perhaps, due to the fact that three rights have been combined (Hvilya, Toad, Lotus), the main emphasis of them falls on the correct and measured size of the breath. It doesn’t result in the waste of many kilograms, but also in the inner world, the remainder can be achieved only if you can concentrate on the activity, clearing yourself of all the stress and problems (if we are under enemies of any kind, our є let’s see that it doesn’t є It’s a good example, because if only twenty hundred percent of the required amount of sourness enters the body, then it increases the exchange of speech, which means it helps to increase the intake of energy).

In addition, Chinese spiritual gymnastics reveals the secrets of the troubled life of people immediately, the encouragement of their youth and beauty.

Literally Jianfei shifts to lose fat.

This result is achieved due to the fact that three main factors relieve us from feeling hungry, remove all that stress, and also stabilize metabolism. Such a balancing complex improves health.


A little secret: to take advantage, you don’t need to buy gym memberships, so you can do everything at home.

The main moves of Chinese gymnastics

Rich people categorically protect physical needs and children. Acts of “hunger strike” can cause harm to your health, and even lead to harmful consequences. What are we talking about surgical delivery?

“Jianfei” is great in that it is universal, and moreover, it is a must-have for every skinned person who respects himself and cares about his health. Nutrition is assigned to “Why?” Due to the correct transition from the upper to the lower respiratory system, the entire body is filled with maximum acidity, which is the start for the renewal of all damaged organs and tissues.

Also, Chinese physical gymnastics will ensure:

  • reduction of speech exchange;
  • normalization of acid-meadow balance (pH balance);
  • renewal of tissue gas exchange;
  • improvement of the immune system;
  • a surge of strength and tension;
  • advancement of practicality;
  • be aware of stress;
  • plumpness of the skin (this creates the effect of freshness and elasticity);
  • increase in nervousness.

An important plus can be called those that require a handy coat to borrow.

Contraindications and recommendations for victorious rights

The main reasons not to do this gymnastics are:

  • presence of hypertension;
  • back and spine injuries;
  • stone in the ruminant mikhuri and nirkah;
  • mental health care;
  • oncological illnesses and new developments (malignant, in case of good faith, please contact a doctor for a recommendation);
  • illness of the cardiovascular system;
  • problems with pressure (both arterial and venous).

It is important for children, elderly people and adults to have a consultation with a physician or doctor so as not to harm their health. It’s also a good idea to get tired of doing something for someone who has recently undergone surgery.

Operate the right way smoothly, without sudden crashes or jerks.


If, during the training period, you begin to feel confused, tired, and feel severe discomfort, then it is better to go to the doctor, so as not to tell about the problems in the functioning of your body.

Complex of rights "Jianfei"

Persha to the right: “Khvilya.”

I'll make you feel hungry. The greatest effect will come if you do something more urgent (actions to kill “Khvilya” instead of hedgehogs, just don’t need to be evil: possible tides will be a waste of strength).

To get to the action, you need to relax! The best position for a victor is lying down, otherwise it is possible in any other way (to lie down in a situation similar to yours).

Lie on your back, stomach up to the top. We bend our legs in knees so that they bend at about 90 degrees. We put our hand on our chest, and our friend’s hand on his life. And we begin to breathe in this manner: when we inhale, the chest opens and lives retractably, when we see everything, it’s timid, the chest retracts, but it lives retractably. So the breasts collapse straight down to the bottom of the beast, and he lives from the bottom up, which provides a kind of illusion of the hvil. The dolons are then pressed on the chest, then on the living, in such a manner that they help to die.

Repeat forty times.

The main motto of “Khvili” is: “If you’re hungry, get busy; if you’re not hungry, don’t get busy.”
If you feel confused, it’s best to slow down the pace a little, or else you’ll stop playing.

To the friend's right: “Toad.”

It largely regulates the processes of renewal of the central nervous system. In addition, it has a beneficial effect on blood circulation in the body, which also promotes freshness and elasticity of the skin. “Toad” can also be balanced with a massage of the internal organs, which stimulates metabolic processes.

To perform the ceremony, we sit on a low chair, about forty centimeters high, so that our legs bend between sixty and ninety degrees. Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart. We clench our left hand into a fist, and bury the palm of our right hand. We place our arms on knees, and place our heads on our fists. We close our eyes and relax to the maximum. You must have some good thoughts in your head to bring peace to all your sides (physical, mental, moral).

After which we inhale freely through the nose, and carry it down to the stomach, and also invisibly through the mouth. You have to go through the following “progіn”: vide, inhale, freeze for three seconds, again inhale briefly and vide. Dikhannya under the hour of vikonannya - Cherevne.

Then we raise our heads without blinding our eyes, so that we don’t start to become boring. We rub the palms of our hands, after which we massage the head with our fingers. Only after this we open our eyes, stretch, take a deep breath and see fully.

The average cost is 15 times.

Third right: Lotus

It will help relieve stress, treat chronic illnesses and speed up metabolism.

We sit again on a not very high bench, or on a flat surface (underlay, kilim, hard mattress, mat) in the position of a Buddha, so we can sit with our legs raised under ourselves. We place our hands on our legs in front of our stomachs so that the valleys marvel at the mountain (we cover our right hand with our left). We straighten our back, lower our shoulders and lower our chins. We close our eyes, and the tip of our tongue touches the palate of the upper teeth. I'm relaxing. The main part can be divided into three stages.

First stage. Deep, equal and natural. We will inform you about this process. All thoughts are concentrated on the technology of Wiconia. The chest and life rise uncontrollably. There are five hvilins.

Another stage. Now the process is apparently unknown and not regulated. And it is seen undisturbed and quietly, almost silently. Also the hour of Vikonannya is five times.

Third stage. Outside relaxation. This is where control over both inhalation and vision is exercised. Dikhaemo, as before.


Regularity and consistency are the key to success. Repeat to the right today, and you won’t notice that five kilograms have gone up in a month, and your waist has become a wasp.

Today, similar traditions are found not only in the Asian region, but also throughout the world. The accumulated knowledge and evidence of the ancient sages have been tested over time and have brought their existence to life regardless of current realities. Chinese gymnastics is constantly growing in popularity - a system that allows you to improve your body and spirit at the same time using the simplest manipulations.

Secret information about the rights of Qigong

Chinese gymnastics Qigong in the Fatherland is considered one of the oldest and most effective methods of healing and improving the body, and is actively opposed to both traditional and folk medicine. It is accepted that such a technique dates back to the 300th century of our era, and the first clues about it remain until the designated period. The name of the technique is similar to the term “Qi”, which meant the energy of life.

Chinese spiritual gymnastics Qigong is considered one of the most complex, and is divided into five main areas, including the sarcastic, authorial, philosophical, combative, and sacramental. Skin flow is characterized by specific features and a three-step rejuvenation technique. Gymnastics exercises lie at:

  • special training in medicine;
  • relaxation of the body;
  • relaxation of sensations, freeing the mind from emotions;
  • training of specific poses.

Trenuvan results

Intended use in the complex will ensure renewal of the body, an increase in physical as well as spiritual strength, which is beneficial for a healthy person. By following the technical rules exactly, you will be able to:

Basic information about the rights of Qigong

The guilty have the right to confess correctly, measuredly, without haste. The exact lessons you request will be determined individually with a professional instructor, which will allow you to make sure you get the desired result. In order to understand the frequency and severity of their struggle, it is necessary to add an hour of gymnastics on a daily basis for about a day. Vikonanna has the right to overdo the same thing, in order to increase positive changes, and lead to the accumulation of the latter.

At the beginning stage, you can learn about the Qigong technique, which has three phases:

  • Greater benefits for the body. When I reach for the arm, I will begin to relax and relax the tension.
  • Physical recovery, illness prevention, immune system support. Reach behind the rakhunok to complete the singing techniques of breathing under the hour of collapse and special poses.
  • Find emotional calm. Occurs with the weakening of physical strength, breathing and work of knowledge (mind).

Peculiarities and treasures of Wushu

Another popular Chinese gymnastics is called Wushu. This technique is suitable for both professionals and beginners, as well as all groups, including elderly people and small children. Its main features are simplicity and high efficiency, positive effect on the flesh, lumps, circulatory system, and also the circulatory system. By practicing Chinese gymnastics regularly, you will be able to:

  • enhance the aging process, achieve a rejuvenation effect;
  • boost the immune system;
  • the reach of the ability to exercise one’s own body is complete;
  • achieve peace and tranquility.

The ear is respected by the importance of various currents and schools, so before you begin to master any rights, you must learn the material part and choose directly to the soul. For information, let’s clarify the flow of approaches recommended by the most popular school of Shaolin.

The simplest ones are right

Chinese gymnastics for beginners will be as simple as possible, which any person can master. Among them:

  • Take a relaxed classic pose (feet shoulder-width apart, arms hanging slightly at the sides, head straight, and eyes straight ahead), gently clench your fists as you inhale, curling up and pressing your thumb to the side. When you see your hands, you need to relax, the manipulations are repeated 9 times.
  • Spread your legs shoulder-width apart, and raise your arms to shoulder level, creating a line parallel to your heels. Return your respect to those whose hearts may be up, not down. Your goal is to strain your hands while breathing, and then relax them when you see them. Try to imagine all the important aspects at once.
  • Without changing the position of your legs, bring your hands together opposite your chests, with your thumbs curled up and pressed to your body. In the inhalation, the valleys will need to be separated, but in the sight, the valleys must be created with the singing zusillyam.
  • Finally, try rolling again. You don’t change your position again, but spread your arms along the line of your shoulders at your sides, vigorously working with your hands, pressing on the wide expanse in front of you.

Similar Chinese physical gymnastics will be especially effective for achieving the greatest gains. The stinks of the stepping postulates:

  • At the basic level, the manipulations are repeated more than 9 times, and the gymnasts practice exercises up to 81 times per gymnastic session.
  • Everything can be carried out at least an hour after the day, do not forget to maintain a gap between food and physical activities.
  • For one harvest you should not work more than three approaches.
  • If you feel tension in your muscles after gymnastics, it is important to give a light massage to avoid unpleasant sensations.

The effectiveness of the Tai Chi technique

Chinese gymnastics Tai Chi is ideal for beginners, it has smoothness and dimensionality, and seems to suggest rich dancing arms. Due to its simplicity and apparent ease, a complex of similar rights is gaining popularity especially in those with poor health, a minimum of physical strength, or lack of training.

Dosing often Tai Chi is considered a Chinese gymnastics for weight loss. The technique is especially suitable for combating excess vagina, and in addition, helps with:

  • rehabilitation after serious illness or other injuries;
  • improvement of the body's health;
  • the need to normalize the exchange of speech;
  • high vice;
  • low coordination of hands, lack of flexibility;
  • stress and stabilization of mental peace, search for new physical strength and resources.

Basic rules of technology

Let us formulate the basic rules that characterize the Chinese gymnastics Tai Chi. We can bring them up to date:

  • The study of physical manipulations to help relieve pain, and the way to visualize all actions.
  • Mastering Chinese philosophy in all areas of life.
  • The drums are played in a calm rhythm, smoothly, without sudden jerks.
  • Regular monitoring of breathing, deep and rhythmic breathing and breathing.
  • It’s important to control the emotions of your body.

Don’t be afraid to experience the mitten effect, watch out for those positive changes that will appear in the next hour. When achieved, the results are preserved over the course of a three-hour period, and through steady gymnastics and throughout life.

Chinese gymnastics Tai Chi will be based on the learned energy “Qi”. Absolutely everyone can master the basic rights, regardless of age or status. It is important to pay attention to the gymnastics in the first half of the day, for example, in China all manipulations take place in the open air on the first day of the day.

Chinese gymnastics, which also has the respect of a significant number of different schools. In this case, although there is a difference between various currents, the principle of the victory of all rights is very similar (softness, the form of spiritual techniques, sensibility).

The simplest Tai Chi is right

This kind of Chinese gymnastics is subject to the ceremonialism of the fakers, whose behavior will result in a number of benefits and can quickly ruin the necessary skills. However, with diligence and respect, you can learn the basic rights on your own. Let's review the most popular rights specifically for this purpose:

  • Zanurennya. Feet should be shoulder-width apart, bend them at the knees, and straighten your back as straight as possible, try to distribute the body weight evenly on the offending foot, the injured one side is not allowed. Fix the pose and, while inhaling, raise your arms in front of you approximately to your shoulders. Then begin to bend and unbend your arms so that your knees rise to the level of your head and turn around at the exit point.
  • Embrace the month. Take the most advanced position, with the toes of the right foot firmly pressed against the surface, and the heel placed at the side of the left leg, with the ankles pointing out. Stretch your arms forward, smoothly bending them at your elbows so that you try to straighten your lips or close them to the same diameter (manipulations are carried out with inhalation).
  • Kidok. The weekend camp is more classic. As you inhale, you need to bend back and completely relax. Immediately you need to bend your left hand in such a manner that the bottom can reach your head, level with the forehead, and the right hand can be mirrored downwards. See, and then, with singing sharpness, perform a swing with your left hand (the hand is bent, the palm is forward).
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