Top secrets on the topic of how to correctly sign the right for people. Kegel right. Super sexy tits

Let's take a closer look at the topic of how to apply the Kegel right for people correctly.

How and who guessed, a little bit of history

The Trenouvan system was introduced by the American doctor Arnold Kegel. The aim was to tone the pelvic tissues and intimate areas of women who gave birth and their vaginas.

After all the wine treatment procedures and after the birth of the child, especially in the female state, the pelvic floor muscles became flaccid. Problems arose with the separation, and great satisfaction during the union was ruined.

The full-fledged rights complex of the professors and ladies turned great springiness and tone to their love meats, and finally made them even more springy, even before the birth of the child.

Even after the death of the professor, people learned that, given the similarity of the fleshy area of ​​the human body, the system of doctor’s rights would be just as effective for the individual human body.

All the advantages of regular training

What is the effect of Kegel rights for people and the results after the following practices:

  1. Vitality in the bed increases and appears control above the final finish;
  2. the flow of blood into the empty organ increases, which promotes its combat readiness and ferocity;
  3. pumping up the technology “the meat of love” allows you to experience more satisfaction and vidchuttiv in bed;
  4. I know the risk of prostate disease, prostate adenoma;
  5. prevents the risk of developing prostatitis;
  6. the rizik wears down, the illness appears, tied to the untrimmed ones, empty or cut;
  7. prettify circulation blood in the pelvis;
  8. The libido and vigor of stately life are advancing;
  9. It is renewed where the nakedness of human fitness is concerned with respect to the body, and it becomes as hot as the youth;
  10. Risik knows the development of hemorrhoids.

What kind of organ is this?

This main organ on the pelvic floor is called the pubococcygeus. It begins in the pubic area and ends at the place of the cupric, as it is called.

Other names for the term and its synonyms

  • LK-m'yaz;
  • pelvic floor diaphragm;
  • m'yaz kohannya;
  • pubococcygeus pulp;
  • pubococcygeus flesh;
  • Kegel m'yaz;
  • PC myaziv.

What functions does the pelvis represent?

  1. proper functioning of sechostate routes;
  2. blood circulation in the human organ, ebb and flow;
  3. control over bowel movements.

With sufficient training, a person can achieve awareness of tension, relaxation and relaxation of the muscles of the body.

And we have to worry about what people need, and sometimes not enough.

What will happen if you don’t follow your tone?


If you often sit, don’t lead an active lifestyle, don’t collapse a lot, don’t tone your pelvic floor muscles and don’t exercise your pelvic floor, the stink will disappear v'yalimi, and the blood flow in this galus becomes much worse.

A rotten rush of blood to the organ

This is the human age it's disgusting to fill with blood It is important to reach your combat readiness. And if you are already out of reach, then you may have to report to the statutory body for payment at any time.

And then it begins to severely cut people off, even if they don’t know.

Rectal problems

In addition, due to the weakness and sluggishness of the pubococcygeus muscles decrease exhaustingly rectal strength.

Vitality is disgusting

Another popular disadvantage is the inability to stream the final finish of lovemaking and disappointment in love games. Previously, we talked about ways to combat a quick finish.

In order to begin learning instructions on how to do Kegel exercises for men correctly, you first need to know the place of our meat.

How to determine the place of growing this meat

1 method of discovery

  • If you go to the toilet in small quantities, concentrate on periodically zupinyat stringin sechovypuskannaya. For this purpose, you will always strain the same muscle, which is located in the middle of the pelvic area.
  • Remember the place in this area, which meat you are straining for a piece of juice in the toilet. You will need to train yourself.
  • This meat also allows you to “see for yourself” the surplus of the string. Try it repeat similar tension and pressure toilet pose.
  • If you haven’t been able to tighten the strings, it means that while your muscle is too weak, there is a greater incentive to work on it.
  • Similar squeezes as at the toilet will be pressed into place with you in order to avoid the final finish.

2nd method

  • If your vital organ is in combat readiness and has a maximum erection, it is necessary sponukati yoga start adapt. You should seek help for the tension of the pubococcygeus muscle.
  • With such “subtractions” you can put your hand on the crotch to apply tension to the muscle and more precisely to the area.
  • That meat that is compressed, collapses and is strained by this very noise. The very thing is pumped up and exercised. The practice of such adaptations is one of the nutritional tips on how to use the Kegel method for men. Please take note of this method. Similar practices for potency have already been described.

We start training in 3 hours

Our meat, as we say, drains the prostate.

It is easy to relax and strain the flesh of love, allowing you to relax or speed up the end of the day, and also give you a lot of other advantages, which we wrote about in the article.

For what reason do you need to begin to appreciate him and encourage him in good form every day?

Krok 1. Voltage and relaxation

  1. Squeeze the muscle and stretch it in such tension 3 seconds.
  2. Apply the squeeze and completely relax for 3 seconds. These are the first two kroki 1 cycle.
  3. You need to create such cycles 20-30 throughout the day.
  4. Progressively until the end of the year, increase the number of cycles to 50 per day.
  5. You are to blame and have the right skin The day will last for two years. It is necessary to start practicing Kegel exercises for people at home, even if it is done in any case.

The advantage of such practice is that no one will suspect you of what you are training, no matter what public place you are in. No one knows, even if you are on a minibus, on the subway, or sitting in the office at work. You can work on squeezing and relaxing the pubic-coccygeal muscle under the hour of completing any routine of the day.

Lesson 2. Start exercising isolated from other groups of meats

  1. From now on you will have a tendency Stress together with the pelvis also other muscles: the sit, abdomen, abdomen, legs, toes, muscles on the face. Initially it will be normal for a beginner.
  2. Ale your zavdannya learn to squeeze and relax the pubococcygeus muscle isolated from other meats. Just start doing business with her. This will give a greater effect.
  3. It is important to step by step to increase the intensity and number of cycles with the training of this special meat of love. It's like in the gym, if you've come to exercise. We earned our quota for 15-30 rubles and went to get some food. We all need some repairs.
  4. Consistency is the greatest factor in success. Know your minimum, which you can easily achieve without much effort. And start gradually increasing your vantage. That's how it is at the gym. This is a simple and effective Kegel gymnastics for men and a complex of tension and relaxation to bear fruit.

Krok 3. Squeezed by the timidity that lasted for an hour, and the relaxation is shorter

  1. Now the meat of the kohannya is straining and straining against such a squeezed stretch 10 Seconds.
  2. Relax this meat on 4 seconds. These first two cycles create 1 new cycle.
  3. You need to work 20-30 such cycles in one day and gradually increase their number to 70-100 in a day.
  4. You can break down the practice of viconny cycles into 2 parts: 50 euros and 50 evenings. For example, 50 if you go to work early in the morning, and then go home in the evening.
  5. The third krok is guilty of pulling out 4 years. And then it is necessary to easily maintain tone, do not give up on exercises, but periodically repeat them and work up to them.

Marvel at the upcoming video about Kegel rights for men and the lessons of this in depth.

We also talked about the topic of increased flamboyance in the bed with Kohana in another article with Tsikavym.

After completing 3 practice sessions

Once you complete all 3 steps, you will you can experiment and find those that best suit you individually.

Apply individual advantages

  • I will do 2-3 continuous squeezes for 15 seconds with a 2-second pause between them.
  • For others, a series of short squeezes of 5 seconds will be ideal.
  • If you want to do 2-3 short squeezes (as long as it’s effortless and without much loss of strength), take a break to refresh your strength, and repeat the same 2-3 short squeezes.
  • Now you should work on about 40 very short squeezes as a start, and then 15 longer ones. Who cares?
  • The actions begin with a light squeeze for 10-15 seconds and gradually increase its strength from the offensive stage. If you achieve maximum compression, without going into relaxation, you will gradually change your tension. Use 3-5 levels of compression strength. With frequent exercise of the Kegel muscle in men, the pressure on the skin begins to increase.

How men can verify the power of meats after long practices

  1. Once you have already learned to loosen up your life and adjust to the awakened state easily and without stress, you should put your people on a new towel.
  2. Here your organ is already easily to blame fit with a small towel, draped over. It’s not easy to put things down, especially if you’ve been practicing for a long time.

Putting the equipment in a tray to extend closeness

In your favorite position, using the Kegel muscle compression technique helps to enhance the finish.

  1. Voltage with maximum force. When you feel that the herd of horses is heading off into the distance, and the finish line is imminent as the train approaches the end station, you begin to strain the pubococcygeus with the maximum strength that you have. Just like that, you started training just before the hour. Approximately 20-30 seconds will be enough for those who need more.
  2. Be aware of the proximity to the critical point. When a critical point is reached, someone’s eyes begin to become numb. In this case, as a rule, your prostate begins to intensely shrink, resulting in vibrations in the organ. Kozhen must clearly understand the scale of arousal of his body and understand this critical moment in the future. Many people who have not learned to recognize that peak when a locomotive takes off into the distance will often be asked about their rights.
  3. It’s better to start before the emergency. You don’t waste your life as if you didn’t want to, and you continue to handle the tension of the pubococcygeus, you don’t give in and you don’t relax at all. It is better to release the long squeeze a few seconds earlier, so that it does not become too late. Do it yourself, as was already found in the article and was shown for beginners in the video lesson about Kegel’s right for people at home. If the vibrations subside, you can relax.
  4. Pull at the right time. Make it easier to use the technique so that you can stretch out your tension more easily and thus relieve tightness. Continue the friction after releasing and there is no need for tension.
  5. Vikorist little tricks. If you have been training with the pubic-coccygeal meat in isolation for an hour, then with a partner in the bed you can be cunning and help yourself to include other meats using the method of saving life (either straining the press, or Individuals, legs, pulpy mouth, crack or toes). Ale tse deprived of attention with the method of prolongation of closeness. During the hour, be sure to work on squeezing thoroughly with other muscles, as described in chapter 2. And only in this way will pumping proceed properly.

They forget about the subtleties

1. Do not confuse the practice of training itself with the cob stage of finding meat

  1. There is no need to flush the toilet in the toilet! This is a way to cover only those in order to understand where the food supply is in the body. It becomes stagnant only at the cob stage in cobs.
  2. The essence of the technique itself is to learn to relax and compress this muscle in any mind, and not just in one toilet.
  3. After that, as you already knew and learned, the very practice of tightness and relaxation is better than working with an empty pot. So that there would be no supernatural pressure on the prostate.
  4. In the toilet itself, we will practice the Kegel right for men with unsightly secrecy after surgery.

2. Stick thin dikhannya

  1. Dikhati is better with your stomach, but it is also possible to die more accurately under an hour of practice. In this case, you may breathe in through your nose, not your mouth.
  2. Subtle breath. On your breath, be afraid to be timid about the tension of the flesh, but in the unqualified sight, you should already be afraid to relax. Don't be fooled.

3. Feeling constrained to move around in different positions and walk while walking

Perhaps, beginners will be able to strain the muscles more easily in the supine position.

But with knowledge and practice, a person must come to the point where, no matter what, he must go out sitting, standing, and even during a walk. No boundaries in poses.

4. Incorrect conversion

  • For many unknown people, the very name of the technique evokes unreasonableness or a doctor, which is a great mercy through incompetence.
  • This is right for active men who want to become superior among others.
  • Practicing the right Kegels to relieve pelvic floor ulcers gives you the skills you need to know in bed, which are not common for most guys.

5. When will the results be clear?

Depending on how much the muscle is weakened from the beginning before the beginning of these practices, the results come through the following terms:

  • 1-2 months;
  • or through the pelvic floor (as the pelvic floor diaphragm was particularly weak).

For example, there are changes to be made in terms of pumping the muscles and adjusting the final finish.

This is where your stubbornness and your need to deal with the problem thoroughly prevail. Golovna, don’t give up and take an hour to develop yourself.

When the famous gynecologist Arnold Kegel developed a unique complex for the treatment of women’s intimate tissues, he didn’t even think that his method would become popular. Now it is common knowledge in all corners of the earth. Which is a completely more logical explanation. The technique of practicing Kegel rights is simple and straightforward, and you can practice them at home. In addition, the technique gives a visible result, which has been verified and praised by women all over the world.

Note! The rights, which achieved wide popularity, were developed by Arnold Kegel in 1952.

What do you do with the Kegel?

Correct Kegel for women – this involves physical exercises on the pelvic floor, directly on the external area. The main goal is to help the pelvic muscles move the internal organs in their natural state. Apparently, with age, its elasticity and tone decrease. The right Kegels help to turn them at the coli. The basis is on technology, compression and vyshtovhuvannya.

Note! Problems with intimate and pelvic meatuses in women arise not only during pregnancy, but also after pregnancy, and may also cause them to become ill.

Use Kegel to help women improve the tone of their flesh, which has a positive effect on their intimate life. As a result, hormonal levels are restored and sexual desire increases. Doing Kegel for women at home is also an old-fashioned preventive measure.


Indications to the right of Kegel:

  • treatment and prevention for untreated cuts;
  • ailments localized in the rectum;
  • prolapse of the uterus;
  • weakness of the pelvic and intimate muscles after intercourse;
  • the presence of orgasm during physical activity;
  • renewal after operations performed on the pelvic organs;
  • prevention of prolapsed uterus, which is often a concern in women of advanced age.

If you perform Kegel exercises regularly, you can achieve the desired result.

Note! We must first understand that there are problems that require Kegel training. It’s even easier to get started. Don't stress enough to make the cutting process slow. In this manner, you will succumb to the pressures that require attention.

A set of Kegel rights for women at home

Before starting to do the Kegel right, women need to completely empty the hair and take a hand pose. Young people should practice in a supine position, but once you’re new to it, you can do gymnastics while sitting or standing.

The undeniable advantage of such occupations lies in the fact that Kegel's rights for women can be found not only in the home, but also in transport or offices, and it is completely inconceivable for those who live abroad.

Basic right

The kidney needs to master the basic Kegel right:

Having mastered these simple steps, you can move on to more complex ones.

In case of untrimmed cutting

Let Kegel be used for treatment, as well as for prevention of untreated infections in women. The main ones are:

  1. Feet shoulder width apart. The valleys are located in Sidnytsia. Tension of the pelvic floor muscles, squeezing and relaxation of the feet.
  2. Outstanding position: crustaceans. The pelvis is located a little more than the shoulders. Squeeze the muscles, feeling the squeezing into the pelvic floor.
  3. Lying on your stomach. Bend the leg at the knee, squeezing and relaxing the muscles.
  4. Lie on your back. Legs bent in knees. Place one hand under your seat and the other on your stomach. Squeeze the pulp with your hand and squeeze it.
  5. Sit on a table with legs crossed. Hands pressed into the support, back straight. The flesh tightens and the lower parts of the mouth rise above the surface.
  6. Standing on the floor, lean forward a little, hands on your knees, legs straight, apart to the sides. Squeeze and squeeze the flesh of the pelvic floor up and down the middle.

All rights with descriptions are presented below.

If you do Kegel straightening regularly with a non-trimmable cut, you can already gain weight in just a few years.

For travelers

Use Kegel to stretch the muscles of the perineum, which helps during the hour of the canopy. Therefore, it is recommended that women remove them during pregnancy. The greatest width is to the right:

Note! In the hour of conquering Kegel's right, it is recommended to use small-sized vicors.

After the canopies

Use Kegels after the curtains to help women recover from pelvic masses. However, it is important to remember that not everyone can do them. Contraindications include illness in the pelvic organs, excessive bleeding, cardiac ailments in the acute stage, genital perineal injuries, etc. In case of sutures placed after the curtains, the right of Kegel is also blocked.

You also need to know exactly what hour after the curtains you can stop doing the Kegel right. From which drive comes the following recommendations:

  • in cases where there are no ruptures or injuries, you can perform the Kegel right 3 days after sexual activity, with minimal pressure on the kidney;
  • After suffering from injuries and ruptures, the Kegel right can be stopped after 10 days or after consultation with a gynecologist.

After the position is completed, Kegel’s rights are as follows:

  1. Before the hour of emission, rub the flow of the emission for approximately 15 seconds, then continue the emission again. In one hour of going to the toilet, they have the right to do at least 5 times. This will help you soak up the meat in the basin, and also learn how to use it. Moreover, it is important to understand other thoughts so as not to get to work.
  2. After the curtains, simple basic rights are used. For example, squeezing and squeezing of pelvic ulcers is essential.
  3. Lie on your back. Bend your legs in knees and wrap your hands around them. Squeeze the pelvic floor muscles, hold for 5 seconds and release. Vikonati has the right 10 times, progressively increasing importance. You can also use special bags for training soft tissues.
  4. The training of the pelvic muscles can be applied to the internal part of the stitch when vikonnі primary rights. In this manner, the initial squats will help. When doing this, it is important to keep your back straight, your legs apart shoulder-width apart, and your toes directed toward your sides. You need to stretch yourself and squat as deep as possible, pressing at the bottom point for a few seconds.
  5. Stepping on the right Kegel is recommended to be done several days after the application. However, the first time you can get twisted. According to a well-known gynecologist, beef pulp is formed from many surfaces. It is necessary to gradually stretch the skin from the bottom to the top and back to back. As a result, the company took over the name Lift. It is done by lying on your back, with your knees bent and your hands on your stomach.
  6. This one to the right of Kegel is similar to the one in front. This is how the pelvic floor masses rush through, not just downwards, but from front to back.

Moreover, not all Kegel exercises are corrected, as a certain gynecologist recommends that women stop doing postures.

Note! As soon as Kegel's rights are conquered, a woman feels discomfort and pain, feels self-conscious, and then unsafely takes a job and immediately goes to the doctor.

To get rid of the unwanted effect, you need to press the skin to the Kegel right at least 10 times.


Not everyone can overcome the Kegel right. There are songs that are contraindicated for this type of gymnastics. They should be followed by:

  • oncological illness;
  • the first two results after the canopies;
  • deformation that occurs during pregnancy and after pregnancy - such deformation occurs due to the opening of the cervix at very early stages, low fetal position, movement of the uterine tone, and so on;
  • before removing the stitches after the canopy, the way is Caesarian surgery;
  • Infectious diseases of the pelvic organs

If there is any doubt about the insecurity of Kegel's rights for health, women should go to the doctor and carry out a comprehensive treatment.

Video lessons: how to get rid of Arnold Kegel for women at home

It’s not surprising that Kegel’s ideas have achieved such popularity, even though the stench looms over it. Their viconry does not require a lot of strength. So why not get busy, since you can earn money, whether at home or at work. Do Kegel exercises only to restore the elasticity and springiness of the pelvic muscles. It is recommended to work on this simply for prevention, so that the future does not face similar problems.

Vikonuvati correct Kegel correctly for women to help with video lessons.

If the famous American Arnold Kegel discovered a complex of rights for intimate pain, he was unlikely to bank on world popularity.

However, the method of the advanced gynecologist turned out to be so effective and in demand that it is now widely used in almost all parts of the planet.

Do Kegels for women at home: it’s time to treat pelvic masses

With special technology, compression and adjustment is possible train two groups of muscles: intimate and pelvic. In normal life, they practically do not develop, so in general they lose elasticity, tone, and strength. For a woman, this is not just rotten, but even more rotten. Why?

The main treatment for pelvic meats is to restore the internal organs to their normal, natural state. After pregnancy, a woman may experience problems associated with a prolapsed uterus, incontinence, or the development of other ailments. Sexual life suffers, depression begins.

It is important to master Kegel exercises for women at home so that the baby can show up without any problems. In addition, trained muscles increase satisfaction during intimate intimacy, both for the woman and for the partner.


It is necessary to exercise the pelvic muscles to achieve the following goals:

Prevention (and in some cases one of the methods of conservative treatment) prolapse and prolapse of the pelvic organs;

Preparation before labor;

Prevention of untrimmed cuts;

Renewal after canopies;

Prevention of burning of state organs;

Improvement of sexual cravings.

Use Kegel for women at home - this is an ancient miracle prevention. Exercise normalizes hormonal balance by stimulating the production of the most important hormones in the female reproductive system.

Use Kegel for women at home: how to know intimate meats?

First of all, nutrition is important when it comes to exercising your intimate sores – how do you know them? Are the pelvic meats themselves removed, because it is not possible for them to work in normal life? To be honest, it’s difficult to clearly identify the place of compression and compression.

Therefore, there are two main ways to detect bugs.

1. Natural method. Allows for a slight compression of the flesh when draining. Empty the sechovy mikhur, interrupt the process, quickly cut the meat around the biscuit. Zupiniti strum sechi went into the very flesh of the pelvic floor. After six seconds, you can relax the muscles by renewing the flow. Repeat to the right to memorize all the robots. This can easily be overcome in any difficult situation as the day goes on.

2. Palpation method. Lying on your sides, place your fingers in the crotch area behind the back. Reduce pelvic floor swelling by rubbing for six seconds. During the hour of shortening, the brush may be retracted a little bit into the middle. Another method of palpation is to tighten the fingers near the vagina. The tense meat fibers feel sensitive to the fingers.

It is important to remove sores from the back, abdomen, buttocks, and anus. Over time, an automatic habit will be formed, but at the first stage you need to carefully follow the correct training.

Basic Kegel rights for women at home

The most rapid exercise will be concluded with the next step (during the period of mastering Kegel rights for women at home - lie on your hips, fingers in the crotch behind):

Squeeze the muscles, fix them for six or seven seconds;

Relax your muscles for ten seconds;

Repeat to the right from five to fifteen times;

Swedes are completed in the same way: afterward you need to work out ten speeds at a fast pace (no more than a second on the skin). Then comes a ten-second period of relaxation. Repeat to the right on the Swedish shortcut ten to fifteen times.

Throughout the day, train until five o'clock with long and quick shortcuts. To achieve the required results, you need one hundred to two hundred rights per day. It is important that the fragments of meat from the cobs remain in an even weakened state. Ale on the right of that wart: literally in three years you can make daily changes to the state of health.

Shorten the pulp of the puff, which has a roach, which is wishtovhuet. It is possible to guess how to feel the flesh during defecation, directly over the back of the anus, and the area of ​​the back.

Fix the pulp for three seconds.

Repeat the cycle ten to fifteen times.

The frequency of Kegel exercises for women at home can be reduced in the world due to the prevalence of sores. The most complicated are the first few days. From the fifth day of training, the muscles will be “awakened” by sufficient peace, so that work will no longer be so tiring.

Do Kegels in your home mind: for vaginas

Vaginity is the most important period in the life of any woman. From proper preparation before labor, it is necessary to observe the process itself, the birth of the baby, and the birth of a healthy woman.

Doing Kegel exercises for women at home is very effective for preparing for a successful birth. As the uterus increases in size, it gradually stretches the muscles, causing its elasticity to decrease. Even the flesh itself will accept the passage of the baby from the uterus in the light under the canopy. The steep slopes can be passed easily without any breakdowns.

The complex is right, which allows preparation before the birth process.

1. More compression from the basic complex. The stench is from the meat fibers. One approach – five squeezes, the next cycle – ten approaches. Vikonuvati, lying on the side.

2. The other person has the right to bend in a similar way, except in a supine position.

3. Take a pose that has a position under the hour of canopy: Place your hands on the sides of the sheepskin coat, legs are bent and spread to the sides. You need to place flat pillows or folded towels under your back and head. If your intimate muscles are so intense, you will need to apply a sternum. Exercise for ten seconds (it’s too difficult to start with a five-second exercise). Relax, take two or three breaths, repeat. Conclude according to all approaches.

4. Fold to the right under the title “Take the Elevator”. Understand that biscuits are a bunch (three-four) of meat dumplings, or an “elevator shaft.” Thoughts rise from “top” to “top”, starting from the bottom ring. After rubbing the skin “on top” for three to five seconds, gradually increase the pressure. Having reached the “top”, squeeze the meat as tightly as possible, fix the position for five or seven seconds. Now begin the descent at the gate sequence, gradually easing the tension of the muscles.

5. To the right is “Hvilyuvannya na Mori”. Squeeze the vaginal tissues tightly and relax. Immediately tighten the muscles of the anus and relax. Viconati is a cycle like five to six weeks, I guess. Repeat up to five times.

6. Training muscles for tension during the hour of the canopy(concludes with bowel movements and sechovym mikhur). Get on your knees, resting your hands and body on a football or sofa with a pile of pillows - this way you will take one of the birth positions. Stress yourself as if you have a bowel movement, immediately trying to push the vaginal fluids forward and downwards. To help remove the sores, apply to the area up to the crotch. Relax, repeat five to ten times. You have the right to begin to push correctly, helping to push the baby out of the uterus through the birth path.

Training the intimate muscles during the period of pregnancy helps to significantly reduce the amount of pain during bedtime, quickly after childbirth, and eliminate problems with bowel movements and vaginal discharge in postpartum women. od. It’s easy and painless to go through the canopies.

In addition, perform a Kegel for women at home - this is the best way to prevent your sexual life from dying out, which, unfortunately, is often spoiled after the birth of a child and harms family life. Exercising stimulates the synthesis of female hormones, thus prolonging youth and giving beauty.

Importantly, Why should a vaginal woman practice the method of an American gynecologist only after consulting her doctor? There are situations in which tension in intimate areas is contraindicated during the child’s wine period and can provoke a pregnancy. After the 18th stage of pregnancy, you have the right to move your body into a standing or sitting position: this way, the lower empty vein is subject to less tension.

Correct Kegel in home minds after curtains

Over the course of the first period after the birth of the baby, the young woman’s body is renewed. At this time, training of vaginal muscles is indicated as a method of preventing prolapse of the uterus, urethra, uterus, intestines, and other internal organs. Unfortunately, the danger of neglect is very great during this period, so it’s time to take care of your health.

You can start with the canopy booth. Since the canopies were natural, there are no right to any contraindications before Vikonanne. After cesarean surgery, it is important to consult with a gynecologist about the exercises and post-surgical precautions.

To renew the body's training, eat beef with the right muscles.

The right to bend while lying down. Place your hands on the life, inhale through your nose, inflate the life. You can see that the vaginal tissues are retracted, tense, and the lips are interrupting the flow of the section when the section is emptied. Hold the position for five seconds and relax. Repeat up to ten times (at your discretion). At the same time, due to severe pelvic ulcers, the blood flow may decrease.

Diaphragmatic dihannia. Place your hands under your chest, breathe in through your nose completely, smoothly, deeply. Now it is not the life that is to blame for thinking, but the sternum. Use your mouth as much as possible, trying to retract your navel. The right does not touch intimate parts, but the press is kind.

Extract two steps to the right from the basic cycle: more and more compression. At the hour of recovery and relaxation, breathe smoothly, deep in your stomach.

The right to value pelvic and cerebellar muscles, press. Lie on your back, bend your knees. Having inhaled through the nose, the inflator lives. Seeing through your mouth, draw in the abdominal muscles, tighten your abdominal muscles. Fix the squeeze position for five to six seconds. Relax, repeat five to fifteen times.

Regardless of age, you can do Kegel exercises for women at home who need to work in a regular routine. This is a very effective way to restore your health and eliminate many serious problems. In addition, those who are always busy can make their intimate lives brighter and happier.

It is very important to talk about your wife’s health and know how to exercise the flesh of the soil. Let's help you straighten your Kegel. If you work out at the fitness room on exercise machines or with sports equipment, it’s early and early and they can give a visible effect. Either the meat mass increases, or the body becomes more prominent and toned. At the same time, the intimate flesh is not visible, but the level of their guilt spills over into many spheres of life, especially into the area of ​​intimate life.


  • Before we end the complex, we have the right to follow those who have weak muscles.
  • In other words, we have the right requirements for the prevention of ruptures in future canopies.
  • Another indication before the conclusion is the untrimmed section, which occurs on its own, or when coughing and coughing.
  • Prolapse of the uterus and prevention are also indicated until the right.
  • Dissatisfaction with the state of life also encourages one to begin to stop Kegel.
  • If you have hemorrhoids, you can also help correctly and systematically with the rights of Kegel.
  • If you regularly move to the right, the process of aging in the woman’s body is completed, and the process of menopause is also increased.
  • With systematic practice of Kegel rights, bleeding of the pelvic organs increases. All organs function more efficiently at different times.
  • In addition, if you move to the Kegel right, you will experience more fluidity after the position.


When preparing the cob, begin to feel the pulp of the beef.

  1. Zrobiti is possible for additional help. It will be difficult to work at first, then you will understand how to work correctly and recognize the pain. However, this cannot be done frequently, otherwise it may have a reversal effect, such as weakening of the muscles.
  2. If you didn’t succeed with this right, try to withdraw the other right. Insert your finger into your throat and squeeze the flesh forcefully, as if it were trying to get around your finger. And here you immediately feel the pain. Before you begin to straighten the Kegel, you need to immediately empty the sechovy mixture. If you can’t earn anything, then, right now, you can get more and less of a cut. In addition, this can lead to infection of the thyroid glands.
  3. In the meantime, the guilty party has the right to deal with intimate matters. Always remember to strain the muscles of the press, the wall and the seat. They have the right not to take their fate in any way.
  4. Your behavior may be equal and measured. This cannot be trimmed in any case. In order to feel that the muscles are relaxing, put your hand on your stomach, and you will realize that the muscles of the press do not take part in Kegel’s rights.

  5. The posture for the right hand position at home can be either manual - sitting on the table or lying on the underside. However, while sitting on a chair, you can only relax to the right if you learn to completely relax and properly relax while lying down. If you are lying on the back, your arms will be completely relaxed and your body will be stretched, your knees will be slightly pulled up and your knees will be at the same time.

Right the Kegel

Once you have mastered all the information provided, proceed to training the muscles.

First, squeeze the muscles and rub them for five seconds, then relax for 10 seconds and repeat to the right 10 times. You need to earn three hours a day.

After it's been a while since your trenuvans are on the cob, start squeezing the meat for 10 seconds. Repeat 10 times, repeat 3-4 times a day.

Retract the pelvic floor muscles. It is important for you to understand how to work, to realize that this is a vacuum. Tighten up and move your legs up and down. Exercise in this position for five seconds, and then relax. Repeat to the right 10 times. The analysis of all approaches may take a little more than 1 hour.

We squeeze and relax the muscles rhythmically. Follow up 3-4 times per day.

If you learn how to move them to the right when lying down, you will be able to work them both sitting and standing, which means that now you can handle them not only at home, but also in some place, for example, at work, or else get busy being like home rights.

Exercise machines for intimate pain

The members of the Duma agree that rights alone are not enough for clear and meaningful training of the people of the Russian Federation. As soon as your muscles begin to reach the required form, you should connect to a variety of intimate exercise machines. The smells are specially divided and created for these purposes. What types of simulators are there?


Most often, this simulator looks like this - two balls are connected to each other with a cotton thread, and then come out of one bag so that by pulling this thread, you can pull the balls out of the cotton. The material from which such bags are made can be very different - from simple plastic to laminated glass. However, the fakers do not recommend vikorystvuyat them, because it is very wrong to vikoristaniya and as a result there is a reversal effect.


This simulator is similar to a manual expander and is designed for training the most intimate areas.

Vacuum trainer

Such a simulator is considered the most effective of all. With this help you can achieve much more positive results. At first you may think that the device is very foldable, but after reviewing the instructions, it becomes clear that there is nothing foldable in this device.

What do you need to remember beforehand, how to train the meat of the biscuits for help with Kegel's rights? Why should you show special respect?

If anyone in the right needs diligence, he must not overdo it. Otherwise, it is possible to reverse the reversal effect, such as passing urine more quickly or causing congestion in the intestines.

The secretion trace should be compressed only in order to remove the intimate tissues, without introducing it into the right cycle. In a different situation, you can achieve such an effect as an unbreakable cut.

In advance, watch out for the fact that the first results will appear no earlier than in a few months. In the shortest time, if your kidney tissue is not too weak, the effect will be faster, no earlier than after 4-6 days.

If you don’t see the desired results in the given hour, but if you feel like you’re doing everything right, don’t miss a day, try going to a gynecologist for a consultation. We will help you to understand something that you have the right not to give the desired effect.

When the first results come, don’t try to borrow every time. Otherwise, all your efforts will go to waste. And in about an hour the pain will subside, and you will have to start all over again.

Under the hour you will have the right, do not overshadow the dikhannya. You have to move evenly and rhythmically.

That’s right, don’t strain the meat of the stegon, cherry pulp and sodnichny. In the process of victory, these people have the right not to take their fate, but relaxation.

The Kegel right can be removed during pregnancy. However, it is still better to play it safe and consult with a doctor who will guard against your vaginosis. He himself knows you and overcomes your importance, so only he with success can tell you not to harm you and your child has the right.

Before the cob, Vikonanna has the right to empty the sechovy flour. If you don't bother anyone, the beef meat weakens, and the risk of infection in the sechovye paths also increases.

As soon as you make the right move, you feel a pain across, which means that you have broken the technique of making the right move. Here we can recommend that you also contact your doctor for a consultation.

With regular practice of Kegel's rights and with the understanding of all the nuances, you will soon realize that you have begun to care for your intimate parts. Your health, which has improved, will undoubtedly tell you “great”, and also, doubtless, will please your sexual partner! Good luck to you!

Vitalina Shelepova


Pelvic floor ulcers in women are stimulated by organs such as the uterus, pelvis, rectum and small intestine. In the forties of the twentieth century, the gynecologist A. Kegel developed and described a complex of rights for intimate fluids, which, when regularly drained, helps to keep the pelvic organs in good shape for long periods of time and improve the quality of sexual life.

A. Kegel complex Maybe it will benefit not only women, but men. Training the pubococcygeus muscle with this technique allows you to learn to control symptoms, eliminate problems with inconvenient sepsis and prostatitis in future patients.

Now you need to do Kegels

The system of rights for women (Kegel gymnastics) was developed to prevent such conditions as:

  • netrimannya kalu ta sechi;
  • cystitis;
  • prolapse of the uterus and cervix.

All these illnesses in women should be provoked, first of all, by irritability and gentleness. Great attention leads to weakening of the muscles, which in normal life have practically no effect and become increasingly weaker over time.

If all these problems do not bother you yet, you can use Kegel’s data to forestall their developments and improve the quality of your sexual life: increase sexual arousal, increase libido, learn to perceive many Inni orgasms, reject new sensations.

Correct Kegel in your home minds Vikonuvati is easy to finish. With little respect, regularity and focus on results will surely bear fruit.

How to recognize pelvic floor swelling in women

It is important to understand how to quickly feel the pelvic floor and effectively perform Kegel right when the uterus is prolapsed.

  1. Try to clean the stream while you are on the toilet. In this case, it is important to spread your legs slightly and not to help yourself, either by tightening or straining them. Try to improve the strength of your pelvic floor.
  2. Place your middle or middle finger at the base of the dough about two centimeters deep and try to strain to squeeze it. The finger must be carefully buried in a ring of spices. It is important not to strain your buttocks, legs, abs or back.
  3. Vikorist mirror. If you can’t find the meat you need, check out the mirror. Focus on the area between the openings of the anus and the throat and try to tighten this area. As it all worked out, there was a sound between the gaps and the moment of tension.
  4. At the time of the official act, you can squeeze and roll the flesh around the partner’s official member. Ask what the sound of the smell feels like.

Kegel exercises are better than exercises, sitting or standing. A good option is to lie on your back with your legs bent and your pelvis raised.

Kegel exercises miraculously prepare the small pelvis before birth, allows you to change the pain during pregnancy, speed up the process of expulsion of the fetus, speed up the renewal of organs after birth, and eliminate problems with the inconvenience of pregnancy and prolapse of organs.

Stages and stages of training for women

Let Kegel go for women of any level of preparation. Of course, it is better to start tackling it long before pregnancy problems, since the problems already exist, the complex will help to significantly change their manifestations and, over time, achieve even better results. Kegel exercises for a prolapsed uterus are an excellent way to get rid of the problem without surgery.

Complex right.

To the right 1 (pressure and relaxation).

  1. Take a manual position for you (sitting or standing).
  2. Squeeze and squeeze the meat into five steps: 1-2-3-4-5 – squeezing steps, 1-2-3-4-5 – relaxation steps. This year it is necessary to increase the hour to ten hours. In this case, it is necessary to use approximately such speed: one rakhunok - one second.

Repeat to the right 10 times, 3-4 times a day.

Right 2 (vacuum).

  1. Lying on your back, bend your knees and raise your pelvis.
  2. In this position, squeeze the muscles of the pelvic floor, simultaneously stretching the pelvis and pressing up and pressing.
  3. Rub in this position for a few seconds (2-3 seconds are enough for the cob). Step by step increase the ticking hour to ten seconds. Repeat 10 times.

To the right 3 (shvidke squeezed and relaxed).

  1. Take a hand-held position for you (sitting or standing).
  2. Squeeze and squeeze the back and anus once or twice: first second - squeeze, another - relaxation. Step by step increase the squeezing speed up to a hundred times.

Repeat to the right 3-4 times a day.

To the right 4 (morning).

  1. Sit down or stand up as you please.
  2. Squeeze the pelvic floor muscles and release them for three seconds. Increase the hour incrementally to 15 seconds. Repeat to the right 10 times.

Move to the right 3-4 times a day.

Correct the Kegel (complex for protruding women):

Extension of Kegel rights for women is mainly aimed at increasing muscle tension, increasing the number of repetitions and changing body position. If you have been studying for a long time and have become accustomed to the classics, do not be afraid to complicate the complex.

  1. In a standing position, spread your legs hip-width apart, place your hands on your seat and bend your knees slightly. In such a position, the tension comes directly to the top, allowing you to gain attention.
  2. Stand on these points of support (knees and arms), then stretch your arms forward and lower your head on them, and raise your buttocks up. In this position, repeat the complex from all others in order.
  3. Sit on a platform with your legs straight (make sure you are sitting on your pelvic bones, not your thighs, if necessary, use your hands to lift your buttocks and push their bottoms sideways), and then cross your legs. Straighten your back and strain your pelvic floor, noticing that it is bulging under the support.
  4. In a standing position, stand with your feet hip-width apart, bend your knees and place your hands on the animal’s shoulders. Repeat all the right Kegels, stitches after this, so that your back becomes straight.
  5. Lie down and press the entire back of your legs and buttocks up to the wall, and then bend them and bring your feet together, with your feet on the wall. Complete the Kegel rights in this position.

Posie for Vikonanny right You can change it several times a day (for example, the front of the chest is right, the morning and after lunch are standing, and in the evening – lying down.). And you can change the status of the goal and the goal, as you please.

  • During the hour of training, make sure not to strain your pelvis, back, legs, and life. Concentrate on essential meats and eat more of them.
  • Breathe correctly: at the moment of shortening, breathe in, at the moment of relaxation, inhale again. If you have severe stress, breathe calmly and evenly. Proper breathing promotes proper digestion of tissues and improves metabolism in tissues and the effectiveness of training.
  • Don't miss out on the fun.

There isn't enough time, Remember that you won’t notice anyone, because in the simplest terms you can do Kegel’s work in public transport or while sitting at a computer at work.

  • Before classes, dissolve the sieve mixture. If you regularly perform Kegels in the right direction with excessive swelling, you may experience slightly painful pain and small, unbearable cuts (as the muscles are still very weak). In addition, heavy fire during busy hours can provoke a fire.
  • Repeat this exercise several times a day (at least three times).
  • If you feel like you’re working in the wrong way, add a special tool that will help you improve the connections with your body and learn to control it.
  • Vaginism is not a contraindication for exercise; the Kegel system is suitable for all women. Before you begin to master the complex, enjoy your gynecologist.
  • Try to eat properly and completely. For development, the body needs a balanced amount of proteins, fats and carbohydrates.
  • Do yoga. The Indian practice of asanas also has a positive impact on the development of pelvic floor muscles, and also allows you to improve and improve the health of the entire body.

You will see the first results of regular training in about a month or so. Until that hour, having learned everything, you will have mastered the basic skills and learned how to easily master the rules in any mind. Regular exercise is important for women, as it gives freedom and fulfillment to oneself, allows one to avoid inconveniences associated with the dysfunction and loss of organs, and to open up new boundaries in sexual life.

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