Dry body for girls: menu for the month, day by day, for the sake of the diet. Menu for dry bodies for girls by day

At what stage are carbohydrates fats in the diet of children and body fat are reduced:

  • Snidanok: egg white omelet, half a bottle of milk;
  • Next: 50 g of boiled veal, green salad with bell pepper and herbs;
  • Obid: 100 g steamed fish, 150 g cauliflower, broccoli or asparagus, half a cucumber;
  • Supper: repeat the bottle of kefir and 100 g of syru.

Dry body diet for girls menu for a month

1st week: 2 g carbohydrates per 1 kg of food

We repeat, our meta-action is in carbohydrates.

Whose life are you to blame? rate of metabolism in carbohydrates in the diet and obligatory weight of their preparations (for this purpose, the stench, as before, is new and strong). It’s a pity that in the dry season you will have to forget about the fact that the fruits are brown. You have to take cellulose powder and be satisfied only with it if you want to lose weight following the rules of a dry diet. The head contains the right carbohydrates in the first year - whole grain porridge. Choose wheat and buckwheat, because they have a low glycemic index.

Day 3: 0.5 g carbohydrates per 1 kg of vaginal content

After the third year you can:

  • finish the schemes "0.5 g carbohydrates per 1 kg of vagina" as long as necessary to achieve the desired result, or
  • walk straight ahead at the gateway, moving to the menu of another year, and then the first. A sudden exit from a dry diet threatens with loss of health, pimples, and swelling of the vagina.

Essentially, dry diet with a variety of protein diets. Contraindications for health in such children are as follows: care for health, heart and liver. For a more gentle regime, choose a protein-carbohydrate mixture, for example, (which, contrary to its name, does not introduce the full amount of carbohydrates, but allows the inclusion of fruit).

Of course, active physical attention to abs, sores and other meats is the main source of effective drying of the body.

4 311498 2 reasons for that

As summer approaches, a skinny girl begins to eat more and more often: how can she put her body in order quickly, and again, without leaving the house? Nutrition is even more relevant at the present time, as doctors, the provision of fitness clubs and employment with a trainer entail a lot of financial expenses. and also spend a lot of time.

For those who are not ready to spend money on a personal instructor or even classes, there is a bad way out of the situation - a dry body for girls at home. This article shows how you can “dry out” at home correctly and without harm.

The drying process takes into account the change in the amount of fat to remove the relief of the body. In order for the result to be positive, you must complete a whole range of steps, starting with a food plan and ending with a training program and daily routine. Proper preparation of the diet is responsible for 90% of the success of all drying, so let’s start with food.

Total calorie intake

In order for the drying process in the home to go smoothly, the diet first requires proper balancing and correct composition. The main criterion for choosing the optimal amount of calories is the amount of physical activity a person does throughout the day. Since physical activity is a big problem, you can buy proteins that will help you stimulate your muscles.

BM = (9.99 * height (kg)) + (6.25 * height (cm)) - (4.92 * age (in rocks)) -161

Having expanded the level of basic metabolism, the result should be multiplied by the coefficient of physical activity. At this stage, you need to objectively assess the level of your physical activity and correctly select the required coefficient:

The importance of the extracted value directly infuses further results into the dried body. Approximately 20% is taken from the value of the additional norm. Finding the number is the key to losing weight.

Significance of the BZHU

The beginning of the dry body for girls is based on a balanced diet and the determination of the correct combination of fats, proteins and carbohydrates. At this stage there are also some peculiarities in the determination of these values. It is important to recognize the natural subtlety of a person and what their type of structure means. There are three types of human status:

  1. Mesomorph – characteristically narrow shoulders, tall height, thin hands.
  2. Ectomorph - due to the nature of the meat structure, low amount of subcutaneous fat.
  3. Endomorph - full stature, medium height, flexibility to the point of maturity.

The most extensive BJU scheme is based on 40-50% protein, 30-40% fat and 10-30% carbohydrates.

For mesomorphs, the optimal nutritional balance is: proteins and fats up to 40%, and carbohydrates should be reduced to 20-25%. At the drying stage, ectomorph requires 30 to 40% protein, 20-25% carbohydrates, and the majority falls on fats. Endomorph contains 20 to 50% protein, 15-30% fat and 10-20% carbohydrates.
Having chosen the optimal composition of the BZHU, the creation of a menu and food diet begins.


Products rich in protein:

  1. Meat: chicken fillet, lean cowhide, rabbit
  2. Meat by-products: liver, tongue, heart
  3. Fish: salmon, tuna, pink salmon, mackerel, hake, cod
  4. Seafood: squid, shrimp
  5. Eggs: chicken and quail
  6. Low-fat sire
  7. Vegetables: Brussels sprouts
  8. Cereals: quinoa, soy, sochevitsa

An important criterion for choosing a protein is its biological value and amino acid composition. The higher the amino acid storage, the better.


Before choosing the main source of carbohydrates, you need to note that carbohydrates can be simple and complex.

Simple carbohydrates include the following products: bakery and confectionery products, baked goods, zucchini, soda drinks, fruits. These products have a high glycemic index and have high caloric content. Afterwards, you should wait and for an hour of drying, practically completely turn off food from your diet.

Before complex carbohydrates, place foods with a low glycemic index. The most important cereals are: buckwheat, oat porridge, pearl barley, brown rice. Adding carbohydrates is the basis of a healthy and proper menu.


The importance of fats on a dry diet is underestimated by most girls, and sometimes, with all due respect for their harm, they completely include it in their diet. It is true that people are very fragile, so it is possible to buy fatty oils that will help solve this problem. Brown fats are polyunsaturated fatty acids (Omega-3, Omega-6, Omega-9). It is important to note the important role of the choice of fats. The main source of brown fats is:

  • fish fat (halibut, mackerel, salmon, sturgeon);
  • Oliya (lyana and hemp oliya);
  • peas (almond, hazelnut, hair and cedar peas);
  • nasinnya (nasinnya soya, dormouse, lyon and chia);
  • fruit (avacado).

Having learned the basics of food rations, we will put together a menu for the day.
And such a small butt. An endomorph girl with an average level of physical activity consumes 1267 calories, which is a good norm for her to preserve apparent body weight, which begins to dry out. Taking 20% ​​of the calorie content, the calculated value is 1013 Kk. Healthy nutrition of BZHU is taken: proteins – 40%, fats – 40%, carbohydrates – 20% of the total calorie content. 1 gram of protein and carbohydrates has 4 calories, 1 gram of fat has 9 calories. Then the required protein intake becomes 100 grams, fat – 45 grams, carbohydrates – 50 grams.

It is important to note that the increased level of metabolism of the varto is often eaten and “fragmented” by eating food, causing problems with snacking between the main methods of the skin for two to three years. It’s also not a good idea to forget about living in the country. The minimum amount of water drunk is at least 2 liters.

Menu for drying for the week

One of the menu options for the week for girls at the drying hour:

Option 1 Snidanok 40 g oatmeal in water, two-egg omelette
Snack bottle of low-fat kefir
Obid low-fat chicken broth 150-200 g, 40 g rice, 150 g chicken fillet
Noon 2-3 hairy peas
Supper sheep salad, 150 g boiled fish
Snack 2 years before bedtime
Option 2 Snidanok 30 g diet bread, nutritious low-fat yoghurt
Snack fruits (apple, grapefruit)
Obid pea soup 150-200 g, 40 g buckwheat, 150 g boiled fish
Noon boiled corn or an omelet with two eggs
Supper vegetable salad, 200 g seafood
Snack 2 years before bedtime 200 g low-fat siru, a tablespoon of flaxseed oil
Option 3 Snidanok omelette with two eggs, a piece of coarse bread with olive oil, vegetable salad
Snack fruits (peach, half-fruit, orange)
Obid low-fat soup 150-200 g, 40 g buckwheat, 150 g chicken fillet, stewed vegetables in water
Noon bottle of low-fat kefir
Supper sheep salad, 150 g boiled fish, a bottle of skimmed milk
Snack 2 years before bedtime 200 g low-fat siru, a tablespoon of flaxseed oil
Option 4 Snidanok two boiled eggs, diet bread
Snack peas or nasinnya
Obid low-fat soup 150-200 g, 45 g pea porridge, 150 g boiled veal, sheep salad
Noon low-fat nutritional yogurt
Supper sheep salad, 200 g chicken fillet
Snack 2 years before bedtime 200 g low-fat siru, a tablespoon of flaxseed oil
Option 5 Snidanok 40 g corn plastics, skim milk, grapefruit
Snack omelette with two eggs and vegetables
Obid low-fat soup 150-200 g, 50 g pearl barley, 200 g boiled fish, baked vegetables
Noon low-fat kefir
Supper sheep salad, 200 g grilled salmon
Snack 2 years before bedtime 200 g low-fat siru, a tablespoon of flaxseed oil
Option 6 Snidanok nutritional low-fat yoghurt, oatmeal plastics, fruits
Snack 100 g siru, peas
Obid low-fat soup 150-200 g, 50 g rice, 200 g boiled veal, vegetable salad
Noon omelet with two eggs
Supper stewed vegetables, 150 g chicken fillet
Snack 2 years before bedtime
Option 7 Snidanok 100 g siru, fruit
Snack low-fat yoghurt, peas
Obid low-fat soup 150-200 g, 50 g sochevitsa, 150 g chicken fillet, two-egg omelette
Noon bottle of kefir, vegetable salad
Supper stewed vegetables, 200 g chicken fillet
Snack 2 years before bedtime 100 g low-fat siru, a tablespoon of flaxseed oil

Repeat this two years before training. Before an hour, you need to live a sufficient amount of life. Twenty minutes after completing the workout, you need to thoroughly plan your skin.

Dry training during the hour

A well-dried body for girls at home, in addition to proper nutrition, also conveys another difficult process, which significantly increases the severity of the emergency.

At this point, the process of burning fat begins for the first time, one of which is raising the pulse. For this reason, you have the right to increase the intensity of the training process. In this way, the number of repetitions in one approach will immediately increase to 15-20 times. The time between trips also shortens to a minimum. The optimal pulse value is 130-140 beats per hour.

Cardiovascular exercise is one of the most effective methods of drying and burning fat. Interval cardio training is important in the form of running, or with the help of special exercise machines, training can be done at regular intervals, for example, after the end of cardio, then after doing exercises for 20-30 minutes, p. Yesterday cardio. It has been proven that this system of vikonanny cardio-vantage has the greatest impact on lipolysis and breakdown of fat cells.

In addition, in order to consolidate the effect even after training, the strength of the new generation that is strengthening greatly helps!

Dry training program

For basic training you will need a fitness lift, a jump rope, and a pair of dumbbells up to 2 kilograms.
Exercise the track 3-4 times per week. Between training days, start with 1-2 days, just to renew your body and improve your sense of self. Before starting the cob, be sure to carefully warm up and warm up the flesh to prevent injury.

1 day

  • Warm-up 10-15 minutes
  • Vidzhimannya under sublogues 4 sets of 12-15 times
  • Squats 4 sets of 50 reps
  • Chilled with dumbbells 4 sets of 15-20 reps
  • From now on, Nahila has 4 sets of 20-25 reps
  • Lying crunch 4 sets of 15-25 reps
  • To the right "Plank" 1 hvilin
  • Skipping on jump ropes 300 times

Day 2

  • Warm-up 10-15 minutes
  • Squats with wide legs 4 nets 40-50 times
  • Vipa with dumbbells 4 sets of 15-20 reps
  • Extension of legs on the standing side 4 sets of 30-40 reps
  • Vistribuvannya uphill with bavons 4 networks of 20-30 times
  • Bichni pіdomi tulub recumbent 4 nets 15-20 times
  • Right "Plank"
  • Interval cardio

Day 3

  • Warm-up 10-15 minutes
  • Standing dumbbell lift for biceps 4 sets of 12-15 reps
  • Sitting dumbbells uphill 4 sets of 12-15 reps
  • Dumbbell bench press 4 sets of 12-15 reps
  • Standing dumbbell swings from side to side 4 sets of 12-15 reps
  • Deadlift with dumbbells 4 sets of 12-15 reps
  • To the right "Plank" 1 hvilin
  • Skipping rope strokes 300 times

To get the final result, you just need to follow the mode. Sleep lasts at least 7-8 years. A trace of stress and nervous worries. If you follow all the described recommendations, you won’t be spoiled for results.

Drying is an effective way to get in shape, popular among athletes and bodybuilders. This method allows you to preserve the meat mass, quickly burn the accumulated fat, and shape the burning relief. How to independently carry out the drying of a girl’s body, how to correctly prepare the menu for the day at home?

Drying - crumb until burnt

It is necessary to know

The diet for drying the body is based on a reduced amount of calories per day, the menu includes a minimal amount of carbohydrates. When planning a menu for the week, a girl can learn the following rules:

  • Dried meat can be started only with enough meat mass;
  • the food may be shotgun - so the exchange process will be done quickly and correctly;
  • follow the nutritional regime - the amount of clean water per day is indicated by the formula body weight 0.3, rather than drink cold water;
  • keep a food plan, record in a table the calorie content of everything you eat during the day;
  • Before engaging in sports, you must start 1.5 years before, after physical exercise you can start after 2 years.

Control the hour you eat before and after physical exercise

At the beginning stages of your diet, you should completely exclude foods that replace carbohydrates from your diet. To make it easier for the body to tolerate such stress, all foods high in carbohydrates and fats can be consumed before the 12th birthday. Supper should be as light as possible. The basis of the diet is protein products.

How women eat during the dry hour

The dry diet is very strict, you need to carefully follow all the rules. The maximum drying period is no more than 35 days.

Most girls will be able to use any kind of malt, including non-licorice fruit and honey. Then replace the pasta and pasta with cereals - the normal amount of porridge should not exceed 200 g.

You will get to see your favorite pasta

What products should you include before your diet:

  • Oliya roslinnogo podzhennya – olive, kukurudzyana, llyana;
  • cereals - rice, buckwheat, oatmeal;
  • vegetables – leafy vegetables, legumes, mushrooms, cucumbers, tomatoes;
  • sire, milk.

Kharchuvannya by year

First week - introductory, 1 kg of body weight provides 2 g of carbohydrates per day. Girls follow the steps of avoiding wasteful liquid, salt, spices, and absorbing a lot of cellulose. The main products are whole grain porridge, chicken meat without skin, egg whites, squid.

Vidmova of cheap products - obov'yazkova wash for trimming your figure

Proteins can make up half of the daily diet, proteins – 30%, fats – 20%.

At the next level, the diet switches off saltiness and the amount of carbohydrates changes twice. Protein juice makes up 80% of the food menu. The basis of the diet consists of cheese, milk, kefir, lean meat, seafood, and green vegetables. Next, ingest 10 g of the syrup.

The third day of drying - the amount of carbohydrates needs to be changed twice more. At this stage, your health may deteriorate - you may often feel foggy in your head, your mouth and body may smell like acetone. To enjoy this, add 50 ml of licorice juice to your diet. The volume of compressed water decreases by a third. Finally, it is necessary to recommend taking multivitamin complexes.

After a month, it’s dry, on the fourth day, the same as at the hour of the second and third seven days.

The fifth day is leaving childhood. The menu shows what is available.

It is not necessary to keep the diet for an entire month. You can start with protein. Products can be boiled, stewed, baked, steamed. Season the vegetables with a mixture of rosemary. The amount of salt is minimal and you will need to be very careful when handling it. Cook porridge with water and skim milk.

Table of the daily menu

Day Snidanok Obid Noon Supper
1 Oatmeal, egg white omelette, tea with honey and lemon Lean meat, fresh green vegetables, small fruit Riba Dairy products
2 Protein steam omelette, 200 ml milk Veal, sweet pepper, celery, parsley Asparagus with rib Low-fat dairy products
3 Chicken egg, Greek porridge Lean fish soup without potatoes, vegetable salad Sir from 20 g dried apricots Fish, fresh cabbage
4 Vysyanka, tea Squid with a small amount of sour cream, bell pepper Sheep soup Dairy products
5 Protein omelet made from two eggs, tea, fresh cucumber Mushroom soup with chicken and parsley Sheep salad Fresh cabbage, meat
6 Boiled egg, choice of vegetables, green tea with honey Chicken with kvass and greens Syre, kefir Buckwheat, chicken fillet
7 Oatmeal with 20 g raisins, herbal tea Vegetables with fish Salad with seasonal vegetables and leaf lettuce Stewed squid, sir

As a snack before your diet, you can include apples or grapefruit. For maximum weight loss, it is now necessary to eliminate aerobic and cardio exercises. At home, a girl can take up running, dancing, or jumping rope.

The technique called “dry body” is relevant for girls and women who engage in athletic sports. The method is to reduce the subcutaneous fat and create a plump silhouette with sculpted muscles that are visible.

“Body drying” is a professional term that comes from bodybuilding. The addition of physical strength and a special food system allows you to permanently retain fat deposits and achieve perfect forms. In the photographs you can see the dramatic relief of the muscles, the toned silhouette and the unnatural beauty of the body of athletes. Fundamentally important points in the process are:

  • until the end of the hard diet, which is transferred to the diet, on days of reducing carbohydrates in the diet and increasing protein intake;
  • special mode trenuvan;
  • taking medications to remove fat and support the immune system;
  • Minimize the amount of salt and add at least 2–2.5 liters. rіdini;
  • povna vidmova vid ta zvichok.

The way to go is to salvage the fat, with an immediate increase in meat mass. Professional athletes carry out the procedure under the full control of doctors and trainers. It is very important for the athlete to reach the peak of his form and demonstrate the advantages of his figure, which is why he goes to the top to perfection.

Nuance food

So what is dry body that causes extreme weight loss? It is fundamentally important to gradually switch to a low-carbohydrate diet. This is due to the fact that carbohydrates are a source of energy, which also leads to an increase in insulin levels and the formation of fat deposits. The exchange of products that replace the diet prevents the body from replenishing the lack of energy from “strategic reserves”. How people use the drying method, one step at a time: by following the rules, you can gain 25–30 kg in a few months.

  1. Valuable cooked and milk protein is a good material for meat fibers, so during the drying period the diet can be reduced instead of fat: turkey fillet, chicken, veal, cheese and fish.
  2. When eating, it is recommended to include some essential fatty acids - olives: flan, pea or olive.
  3. To achieve the optimal balance of carbohydrates and fats, it is necessary to eat and strictly follow your diet.
  4. Products - dzherela: zukor, confectionery sprouts, vipichka, bread, potatoes are generally excluded from food and replaced with durum pasta sprouts, fresh fruits, vegetables, greens, buckwheat, wheat porridge.
  5. Carbohydrates are eaten in the first half of the day, and protein is consumed in the afternoon and evening.
  6. You cannot go short of food and allow painful breaks between meals; it is optimal to eat after 3-4 years.
  7. Today it is necessary to drink at least 2–2.5 liters. drive

Suggestions and thoughts from girls of all ages confirm the effectiveness of the technique only when the basic principles of energy have been reached - the energy expenditure of the body is responsible for over-perceiving a large number of burning calories, which may be respected by us. Foreign physical obsessions.

A deficiency of carbohydrates in the body can lead to impaired liver function. Therefore, the drying of the body in the home can be carried out with the aim of maintaining health and following a previously laid out program.

It is important to switch to a life system with a minimal amount of carbohydrates and the right to high repetitions. This is to shorten the amount of fat produced and see the meat relief. Ale persh nizh polish the body and pick up the paste. This is why this method of body correction is popular among fitness enthusiasts and bodybuilders. In addition to weight loss, the process of straightening out the loss of adipose tissue and saving meat. A guarantee of success- Proper storage and diet.

The diet for drying is designed for 6 days. To avoid shocking your body, over the course of 3 days, change your portion and calorie intake by 10%. Then switch to a meal containing high-quality protein, and reduce the energy value by another 10%. To preserve the index of meat mass reach 3 minds.

  1. Balance your diet. The menu has enough protein, 200 - 100 g of carbohydrates and 30 g of fat.
  2. Eat 5-6 times a day in smaller portions of 200 g. This stimulates metabolism and tone and helps control appetite.
  3. Fold dry the children's menu for the day ahead and keep the stock of necessary products in the refrigerator.

What to turn off

Immediately use products containing monosaccharides. Take away malts and white flour products and replace them with high-carbohydrates during the required digestion period. When dried, “sticky” grains such as polishing rice and peeling the hull of cereals create mucus in the body and remove water from tissues.

Recommended cereals- Barley, quinoa, steamed buckwheat, millet. The smell does not provoke a surge in insulin and provides the body with energy for 3 years. When drying your body, you can also remove zukor and other substitutes like asparkam from the girl’s menu. You can add stevia to your porridge. Honey grass with a unique complex of nutrients brings extra bark.

What to eat before and after training

Carbohydrate products can take days to survive up to 15 years. In a year Before sports, don’t forget to have a snack so that the meat doesn’t burn. Before pre-workout meals, include up to 60 g of high-quality carbohydrates. Thus, buckwheat contains the flavanoid chiroinositol, which is a transport insulin that delivers food to the meat.

It’s especially painful to eat because it accelerates your acquisition and promotes vitriol. Instead of porridge, you can make a couple of eggs and vegetables. Green salad absorbs fat, increases the penetration of fatty acids into the blood, and eggs add protein and fat.

For the anabolic effect and protection of skeletal tissue with pure protein, drink a cocktail. During this period, it is necessary to drink one more portion of the drink. With a vase at 65 kg and drink more dilutions or nothing.

What to choose from foods for lunch and dinner

During the period of dry body in the home minds, girls have better give advantage Turkey, veal, white chicken, seafood, soy cheese. To obtain protein, eat baked vegetables and fresh salads. Siri vegetables - tomatoes, spinach, cabbage, watermelon, greens have negative calorie content and do not contribute to calorie intake. Roslinna cellulose:

  • creates the illusion of saturation;
  • stimulates intestinal peristalsis;
  • remove metal salts and decomposition products.

Season your salads with olive oil. Flaxseed, sesame, olive are rich in microelements and vitamins, containing 3 types of fatty acids necessary for the synthesis of hormones, antibodies, supporting biological processes in the body. For the female body important polyunsaturated fats from sea fish, peas, avocados. The stench is indicative of hair growth, skin and reproductive functions.

Menu for dry food for girls this week


  1. Snіdanok - porridge with oatmeal + crushed berries, drink something to flavor, without zucchini. Brine tea with mint, chamomile, dill, and shishina infusion.
  2. 2 drinks - 150 g syru + 50 g dried fruits.
  3. Dinner - turkey with steamed buckwheat + cabbage with carrots.
  4. Midday: half an avocado with shrimp and olives + a bowl of whole grain bread.
  5. Supper: baked or fresh pepper + sweet breast.


  1. Sirniki in the oven + tea from 1 tsp. grated ginger
  2. Baked watermelon with 5 kernels of hairy peas + a bottle of herbs.
  3. Vegetable puree soup, spinach with eggs in the oven + peas.
  4. Syre + 5 dried fruits.
  5. Steak with veal, leafy salad with cucumber and green cibul.


  1. Steamed buckwheat + 50 g syru + kava with cinnamon or tea with ginger.
  2. Smoothie with kefir + green apple + greens.
  3. Squid stuffed with mushrooms + a mix of boiled celery, carrots and green peas.
  4. Yogurt with a spoonful of rolled oats, a bowl of tofu.
  5. Seafood cocktail + stewed asparagus.


  1. Grainy cheese with berries and drippings + hot drink.
  2. 5 pieces of dried apricots + shipshina.
  3. Chicken soup without potatoes + baked broccoli with 50 g of syrup.
  4. Steamed garlic with hairy peas or porridge.
  5. Stewed mussels with eggplants.


  1. To drink, you can choose from the following days.
  2. 4 things. egg white + kefir + 2 liters of whiskey + black berries.
  3. Risotto with brown rice and mushrooms + green salad.
  4. Apple + 50 g algae.
  5. Boiled shrimp with sprinkles.


  1. Sirna casserole with 5 pieces of dried apricots + tea with ginger.
  2. Slice of whole grain bread with tuna and lettuce.
  3. Stewed kvass in tomato sauce + vitamin drink.
  4. Yogurt with half or chornitsa.
  5. Steak and salmon with folzi + cauliflower + broccoli + tsibula with lemon sauce.


  1. Oatmeal with berries + hot drink.
  2. 50 g unsalted brinza or tofu.
  3. Breast soup + salad with avocado, tomatoes and chasnik.
  4. Kefir + spoon of lion + 4 egg whites.
  5. Hake from the oven baked with carrots, zucchini, tomatoes.


For the first week go up to 2.5 kg. If the cost is less than 1.5 kg, the cost will be greater. As an option, reduce the amount of glucose to 100 g. After 2 days, increase your carbohydrate intake, increased the norm is up to 200 rubles. Many sports nutritionists recommend reducing glucose levels to a minimum on one day and increasing your blood glucose levels by 2 times the next day. In my opinion, this promotes a stable level of energy and accelerates the breakdown of adipocytes.

Peculiarities of children aged 2-4 years

Now start rahuvati BZHU. At this seventh day, the norm for carbohydrates is 2 g/1 kg of body weight, protein – 2 g, fat – 1 g. The calorie content of food for a girl weighing 50 kg is 1200 kcal. If you weigh up to 60 kg, your energy value will increase by 200 kcal.

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