Guide from scanning in Eve-Online. Like shukati anomalies and zlamuvat containers with artifacts. Eve Online boots

Eve Online bot, evil, cheat

If you, my little dear friend, check for stats about reading for Eve Online, then you have mercy. For some reason, I'm not going to slander you and explain that it's not good to use the same Eve Online bot. So be motion, your problems for what your way to fly from the ban. Ale, the axis of the older uncles would be familiar with the cim. How n_yak stench their pennies stained. Vtіm, i ty, my young friend, stained pennies. With whom I don’t own.

Ever Online gra paid. Navit not mentally-bezkoshtovna. Premium accounts have not been transferred to this group. Only the Pay-to-Play system, which means - pay that gray. Wanting to pity for your own koshtіv not varto bullo b vikoristovuvat chiti for Eve Online. Even if the banned account is no longer unblocked, and the fees that have been redeemed for a fee in the past, you will not turn back. Ale is not the worst.

Eve Online boots

Why do you need the stench? Rіznі well аrе occupied аnd uncles vykorovuyut Eve Online miner bot for resource extraction. Having installed the program, pishov pratsyuvati, and your ship digs without you, pulls resources to the station, and defends itself against encroachment. Zruchno, already wow! Just the axis of the sprat of kosyakiv, tied from the center to the right.

In a first way, tse in any case cheating bad for Eve Online. For a new way to anger, so ban. It’s naive to let go, you don’t waste a single time.

In a different way, framed for help by the Eve Online bot Isk, there is no other organization that respects itself and its clients, which is engaged in trading in-game currency in Eve Online.

Thirdly, it's cheaper to buy your own in-game currency. The cost of the bot and the payment for the oblіkovogo record will cost you more, lower the price, call the sites from the trading in the MMORPG.

Evil Eve Online

Tse vzagali ogidny thing. Let's call everything by its proper name - banal villainy. Put yourself in the place of a person whose evil Eve Online appearance record is being selected. Guess what the city is paid and the month of the year it costs the chotirist karboventsiv. Do you understand that you are stealing a hard copy of Eve Online from a person with a lot of rubles? Meni especially in the face of such a thought become simply smart. And the more truly painted character and the painted boats are not worth it.

In the Odyssey, radars were renamed to Data site and magnetometers to Relic site, the names of the modules themselves were changed. Now we have Codebruaker and we have Data Analyzer and we have Relic Analyzer

Dani site є cosmic signatures and їх it is necessary to vyskanuvati.

Under the hour of evil containers, grave can be used to destroy impersonal different subsystems:

Defense subsystems– Zahisnі mehanіzmi system. When the stench is detected, do not let the module collapse to the nodes adjacent to them. Deyakі put defense subsystems can mothers in the arsenal of additives inacceptability for the attacker.

Corinth subsystems- Behind the system of distribution of various utilities, such as gravel can be beaten either to improve your module, or to attack defense systems and cores.

bazi danih- Qi encrypted knots sound safe. The grave can be decrypted instead of a node. You can also give him a core subsystem, or you can activate an opposite defense subsystem.

Nucleus- It was already guessing more, the whole heart of the system, what is angry. Drive in all the cores of the system and take control of it.

Modules, defense subsystems and kernels determine the attributes that define them coherence (life eyepieces, hitpoints)і attack power. The fight is allowed to start on the move of the attacker. The defender's coherence is changed by the value of the attacker's strength, after which the blow is struck at the defender (as the defender is alive).

The most important characteristics of the modules Data Analyzer and Relic Analyzer now Virus coherence

(rіven - eyepieces * life *) that virus strength (Attack Power*). Chim stink is higher, the better. The access difficulty bonus is still gone, but it's still a bit of a surprise.

Another important fact is those who have now removed all NVCs from Relic and Data signatures (Crim BX). It is possible to scan and shape them without garmats. Ale container vibuhaє following two recent attempts to evil. Trying to evil is not far away, you flew far into the container (more activation of the analyzer) or spared you all your lives.

The third one is to promote life for the Data site or for Relic. You can build a couple of T1 rigs in Helios (about the new language, I’m flying on the new ones) and take +10 hit points to both, or build one T2, or take 20 hit points to one of them. (otherwise two T1s are the same, the same +20 to life) The choice is yours.

Also, eve has an implant to increase the level of attack. I know only one Poteque "Prospector" Archeology AC-905 or Poteque "Prospector" Hacking HC-905, stink to give +5 to the level of life, ale offended to go at 09 slot impiv, that offending the mother will not be seen. If you know more similar imps, I will be the judge for their introduction.

Vlasne, let's do it. If you reach the container for any of the listed signatures and activation of the module for this container, it will appear at the end of the form:

Below, at the left corner, there will be two scales with numbers. Left scale is your lifeline, right is your attack rate.

When such a fortune-telling Utility module is detected, there will be a picture with two numbers (in the color below)module), the upper ones mean the lifetime of that module, the lower ones of the attack on you. Attack modules back only if you click on them, so you can safely bypass them.

At to this particular type I stumbled upon an unacceptable module, which is NECESSARY TO DRIVE. As we sing out of this description, we renew the life of other modules. It is important to come to respect, I will change the life span less than the critical modules and more than one module per 1 run.

The axis of the buttstock of the great Firewall, which was inspired 3 times:

Yak mi bachimo, now zamіst 80 hp, the new one has 170 hp, to rob him with a folding and stained right hand.

The following types of defense subsystems are in vzagali:

firewall: rich life, weak attack.

Restoration node: rich life, weak attack, restore the life of the last modules on the spot

Virusnode: little life, strong attack.

Virus suppression module: average life, average attack, lower your attack rating (in my attacks by 15 units)

Zahisnі modules nоdі speak suіdnі lanki lanky. Be respectful.

Also, the basic subsystems of the Utility modules, as you can know about:

Restoration (wrench icon):revitalize your life with 3 moves

Kernel Rot - ytaking exactly half of life from any kind of zahisny module. Yogo vikoristannya is not vvazhaetsya overrun.

Secondary Vector: inBy pulling 3 moves, you take 20 lives into one of the last modules, or into the cores.

Polymorphic Shield: wіt against 2x attacks of cold modules. This module is only visible at the moment of an attack on you, so you can activate it immediately.

T2 analyzers can have up to 3x Utility modules in stock at the same time. These modules will not be carried over to the next test of scanning, so please vouch for them once for recognition.

bazi danih

Іnodі at roztinі konta to appear close node-bazi danih,like just burning with a bright dot. Sometimes there are different utility words, but most of the time there are attached modules. Think, first attack them.

First of all, the core or System Core needs to be driven in to open the container:

The bigger the core ( more lives) it will be tastier loot from the container. Mustache cores, yakі I zustrіchav, small however 10 attacks.

After the core has been driven in, the evil ones curl up and flutter small containers, which need to be caught with pens (by clicking on them):

Containers do not appear in overview (accept I don't know bookmarks for them). That is why you should catch them with clicks after them.

Containers may sing a songful hour of life, after which they know. Therefore, choose the type of container that you want to be mean.

Clarification. Containers yaki you are picked up lamati - you can scan cargo scanner ( Cargo Scanner I\II) and tell me what to lie in a new one. May I help you spare a little bit of an hour.

Drink loot.

After opening the puzzle, fireflies of various types (Data, Materials, Parts, Equipment) will start to appear in the container. Leather revenge or smittya chi schos korisne. To evil the green firefly, you just need to press on the new one once. We will start to bіlim and pull up to the ship (automatically, Tractor Beam is not needed), we will turn the firefly into a yellow one. After a few seconds after the icon of the cargo hold, the icon of the captured loot will appear, the other fireflies will turn green, you can click the advancing firefly. Get up to the firefly for an hour, don’t get drunk, but better start from the next. Svіtlyachkіv can't be lifted up, as soon as you get to them it became bigger for 3 km, so they become stronger. But you can catch up with them, as well as start spamming them with a double click.

- Data - you can revenge the BPC. Like a CargoScanner showing the BPC on the fractional seeding modules, you need to catch more Data.

- Parts- Firefly of the first class. It is best to avenge the worst loot. Parts are blocking us in front.

- materials- A firefly of another class. Call to avenge another row of loot by showing a cargo scanner. Ale can take revenge. Vіdkrivati ​​pіslya Parts.

- Equipment- Most often to revenge trash, you can catch more sense only if there is nothing more.

- Scraps zavzhd avenge a portion of Scraps Metal, you can’t catch it, you’ll need stink only on the crossroads.

On which ship we fly.

Bonuses for the strength of the virus and the cost of life can be obtained by all ships with bonuses for scanning.

Frigate T1: magnate,Heron,Imicus,Probe

Frigate T2: Anathema, Buzzard, Helios, Cheetah

T3 strategist. cruisers with installed subsystem: ***Electronics - Emergent Locus Analyzer

Without middle modules.

Data Analyzer I/II - for attached locations data site

Relic Analyzer I/II - for attached locations Relic site

Yaki clones are needed.

Emission Scope Sharpener I/II- for module Data Analyzer

Memetic Algorithm BankI/II- for module Relic Analyzer

Implants (pin 9)

Poteque "Prospector" Hacking HC-905 - for the Data Analyzer module

Poteque "Prospector" Archeology AC-905 - for the Relic Analyzer module

For example fit Tengu without implants.

Astero ship in the Amar space.
Cadets, we kindly ask you to scan anomalies and signatures before the academy! Here you take away knowledge, which will help you get secret information about the enemies of our great empire. For your pratsyu you will be generously wine! Learn hard and diligently. Alright, get up.

Skeletons for scanning

Scanning in eve-online is one of the most highly profitable ones to borrow from grі, which is highly related to the variety of clones. If you are a newcomer, you can easily find your way in the grі zі scan of anomalies in the empire. In order to start scanning, you need to learn a couple of newbies from Scanning. Let's quickly go through the skills and sort out what kind of infusion:
  • Astrometrics - the sensitivity of the rosesond equipment, which changes between the coordinates when searching for objects, increasing the speed of scanning.
  • Astrometric Pinpointing - changing the input of exact coordinates
  • Astrometric Acquisition
  • Astrometric Rangefinding - boost the sensitivity of the probe hardware
  • Hacking - more healthy virus for collecting data.
  • Archeology - more healthy virus for searching for artifacts.
For hand-scanning, finish all the skies in chotiri.

The best ship to scan in EVE.

The group has 8 specialized ships for scanning, 2 for the skin race T1 and T2 modifications. Ale є і 9, the crown of all engineering technologies, creations by the Sisters of Eve, they are called Astero. May be even more agile and a high bonus to the sensitivity of the probe equipment. This ship is the best for scanning at Єві, but even more expensive for a beginner. Astero has a full T2 fit over 200 million ISK.

So let's move on to a bigger budget, newcomer option. I present to you the frigate - Magnate. It is the main advantage of the middle T1 of the tablecloths in the 4 lower slots, with little tightness. That's why you decided to take up scanning, start the game for the Amar empire, so you will need to read the skills less.

Feet of ships for scanning

As soon as you began to pay for Amarov and went through all the starting quests, you already took the frigate Magnat from the gift. Good, ship, now let's do yoga. Fit - tse collection of possessions, like we wear on our character, at times on the ship.

At the slot of tuning modules, plugs are inserted, tse own kind of earrings, like closing dirks in resists, or like a newcomer. At the top slot, the rose of great tension, is inserted - zbroya, at our point of view, it’s a probluncher, which launches the probe. At the middle one, additional modules are inserted, for the help of them, we protect the container. At the lower slot, we put passive modules on the inertness and maneuverability of the ship.

Ship: Magnate
Tuning modules: Small Gravity Capacitor Upgrade I -2pcs.
Top slot: Core Probe Launcher I Core Scanner Probe I -16pcs.
Middle slot: Relic Analyzer I, Data Analyzer I, 5MN Quad LiF
Bottom slot: Type-D Restrained Inertial Stabilizers - 2 pcs, Type-D Restrained Nanofiber Structure - 2 pcs.
This fit with the ship will cost you within 1 million.

Improvement of the interface

Otzhe, you have learned all the necessary skills in 3-4. We got a ship for scanning and fixed yoga. Now it's time to start shukati signature. Before that, as a scanned image, I recommend that you fix the interface a little bit and blame it on the working style of the attack:
  • Local chat - for analysis of pilots who are in the system, a pirate is not a pirate, he is a stranger.
  • Podscan or plengator - for wet safety. Number of types of ships, presence of battalion traffic jams.
  • Vіkno rozvіdzondi – for searching for signatures.

Improvement of the interface

In the empire, I don’t threaten you with anything, but from the low or zero, the obligations are due.

Search for anomalies and signatures

To assign a signature, it is necessary to open the airborne probes using the help of the ALT+P command, or by clicking on the icon: system airborne probes. If there are signatures present in the system, then in the results of the search, the stench will be shown in the presence of the attached signal with a readability of 0%. Signatures are illuminated in red color, anomalies in green. It is not necessary to scan anomalies, it is not necessary to scan us as signatures.

As soon as you have shown a good signal, you need to send a rosette to call them traffic jams. Then let's go to a save-spot or on the sun, and spin around like a charm, turning into stealth mode.

Open the system map and launch probes at the branch station. Insert a group of traffic jams in the center along the vertical and horizontal lines of the signature. Let's expand the sacks of traffic jams so that their zone is bigger than a red sack, then press the button: analyze.

Cool roses

Then the radius of the "chervonoi kuli" will change or else it will rise. The replacement of the new one will be deprived of the point, as you can destroy the kill. In this case, you need to change the radius of your traffic jams and move them to the place where the point (signature) appears at once.

The procedure for changing the radius of traffic jams and їх rearrangement from month to month is carried out until the signal reaches the 100% sign. Then the arrow appears: --->>, for help, you can navigate to the anomaly itself. You can change the radius of the blue sacks (traffic jams) with an additional combination of Alt + Scorl mouse.

Hacking containers with artifacts and danim.

Signatures are divided into three types: wormholes (dirki), combat anomalies (plexi), anomalies that are broken, in which containers and artifacts are found, we are left to chirp.

Leaning on the anomaly, you will find the "islands" of the containers themselves, as if they were slandering for the help of the Relic or Data modules, the fallow itself is the anomaly itself.

Evil is such a mini-gra, a kind of labyrinth from which you need to know the way out. Gravets acts as a computer virus. In the process of asking the point of evil, your virus will attack "faioly" by itself, changing your health. Expanding on the virus system, you can know the color boosters, how to spray yoga.

Interface to evil.

The momentum of your virus needs to be tracked by the year arrow at your spawn point, reaching the rate of one and two. qia scheme, in my own way, and not obov'yazkovim to zastosuvannya.

Can you earn skils on eve-online scans?

After that, as you broke the container, take Yogo together on board. For the average of the Artifact signatures, you can take from 0 to 100 million ISK, which looks like a month. 3 dates from 0 to 25 million ISK, plus recipes for making cloves, and any other not cheap junk. If you scan in systems with a status of 0.0 and lower, then in the empire the income is richly lower.

You can wake up on the scan good business in eve-online and earn a decent penny on the selection of clones. For whom, take all the loot from the artifacts into a screen.

Having accumulated dismantling components for 20-30kk, buying a sprat of S-recipes for the selection of the stench module is the essence of a penny. I start working. Earn 2, or even 3 times more, lower just sell loot to stingers. For the most part you can make a choice for scanning ships, but then you will figure out how to grow the market.

  1. To create a safe spot, find the sun in the overview (navigation panel) and press go to warp mode in full, after 3-4 seconds, press ctrl + b and ok. Then press the right button on the space, the depositor will have a point in the system, this will be your savespot.
  2. When scanning in zero or wormhloh, beware of the gravel of the tablecloths and the stench can rule the ambush on anomalies. Constantly change the direction finder (pedscan) to determine the visibility of ship gravity and traffic jams. Having flown to the container, direct the ship to the nearest point: the planet, or beat it, so that you can press the ship quickly.
  3. When scanning in a wormhole (WX), do not forget to save the entry and exit points, the shards can ruin that long-term shukati exit.
  4. You have flown to the anomaly and you are busy, there you are already breaking another scanner, to know your own new etiquette. In another situation, you may be undermined.
  5. Don't hang modules on your scanner ship, which boost the zakhist, stink to make it important and clumsy. Your advantage is swiftness and maneuverability, swedish turn and watchfulness in warp mode. Scanner ships are not designated for combat.

My video guide is scanned from eve-online.

The guide was written a long time ago, but the main points in the Greek have not changed, I am trying to add those points, as they were used in this article. I'll take a look!

Write your food in the comments to make the guide better and better. Per garny commentary As a matter of fact, for those who are skin novice T1 ship for scanning as a gift, don't forget to leave your game nickname to win the prize. For this course, the training course for tablecloths-pochatkivtsiv is completed. I wish you good luck! o7

Zakatka Night wrote:

Doctor Gramodzeka wrote:

analysis of the map of the region and the population of the city

and why should the varto give respect to us?

p.s. with a drive to break through the camps with inters and bubbles + sabra (ale araz / rapir nemaє) -> what is better than robit - to spit out a bubble on an overheated MVS without a clap or 1 cycle of the MVS, spells and swipe correctly and accurately with a clap?

(I look back at the gate for an empty hour)

As a rule, we break through the skilki kіlіv in some sisah. Skilki stribkiv. Raju v_dkidati deadlock system and special respect for pipes (sisi with 2 nuts). Then we lay the route as a sequence of scans of all systems, as if more or less safe. In front of the route, the scout flew along, the robers spot in the skin sis. The pipes have that potentially unsafe dodatkovo spotty on the nuts. Expensive posterigaemo for mistevimi aborigines. What are they doing. On some heels. How to react? How to make contact, not spying, but spitting, trying to tell, how to put yourself up to flooded scanners. Depots are placed at the center places. There, we save loot and PVP fit for the scout. The front flight often gives a lot of basic information; The scout is periodically angered, without which, no way. In this way, we scan dirka with a scanner and go in again with a scout. We break relics only when the locale is empty, the docks cannot be sorted out by the habits of the local population. PVP fit scout victorious for competitors. So I live in the region, the docks are not nabridne chi do not see the workers. Call for 1..2 months. Let's keep changing the region.

As if you were hanging from the nuts and leaning in the mobile, moreover, I’m flying a couple of ceptors and sabra, then, hehehehe, if the people hadn’t written and not boasted, put it on the kilimka, there’s not a lot of chances. Crying, don’t go to the grandmother ... Whoever camps nuts constantly, their hand is full ... short version- Don't go camping. For whom the scout is right.

ALE!! thank God in zero mobile rіdkіst. Mostly either a ceptor, or a zebra in one rylo. Moreover, most of the checks are specially for you))). Vіd sabri vkti shanіv rich. Navіt z T1 clapthem. Went out frequently. The scheme is simple. Rozgin at a good straight line and once a clap. They gave only a little to pray, so that they didn’t tell. Let's check until the announcer's test is cleared up (3 mins are given). No one was thrown to another.

And from the species of the skilled ceptor, the drink is much more important. Lochit in one fell swoop, more low you go in the clap. Here, singly, ping plays a great role. I think try jamming against them. Tobto. scout flying on jam-freeze with shreds T1. Against Sabri tezh pide, maybe, as if the alpha is not vb'є. If they locked up, then jam and klapti / warp. If in mobile, then jam and on MVS topish with mobile. You can jam again and again. XZ dopomozhe pereviriti required. I rock Scout Jaming. Let's see what to come. Another variant with a skillful ceptor is a friend of mine.

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