EVE Online. Basic information about the citadels. Razgortannya citadels and їх decommissioned (anchoring) The name of the fire for the citadel in Єve

Together with new updates in gree Eve Online, the time has come to think about those who have a new check engraved in grі, who fell in love. It has changed even more richly, but more calmly, that the citadels in Eve Online have become an order of magnitude tighter, more solid and have become richer defense spores, lower it was earlier. Earlier, for the help of an entosis-transmitter, it was possible to pave a swedish path to victory, now it happens to get better at your attacking crocks.

It is obvious that the gra itself has become an order of magnitude tsіkavіshoy that gostrіshoy, which did not get rich for gamers. I thought to whom the merit lies on the renovation of the citadels. Start growing in Eve Online, as before, you didn’t know about it. Let's talk more about the development of citadels near cults MMORPG grі.

For the citadels of Eve Online, the average diameter is 5-25 km. This type of defensive spores in the big world will be native for gravity, as it will play the role of solo victors or for small teams. It is possible to install a wicked zakhist, a kind of pidide for vidbittya rich attacks. Defendant can be awakened and for the participation of the KBT.

More expanded citadels in diameter 100 km. Alliances and corporations are groups of gravity that will give priority to this type of defense complex. You can install service modules and defeat mass attacks. Respect what is also known in grі and citadels over great squares, yakі at the diameter to change 100 km. The stench has everything necessary for mirroring mass attacks against the great military fleets. If you want to dock, then this may include more great ships, including a typical CBT.

The citadels of the building independently date the vіdsіch zagarbnikovі

Citadels near the city of Eve Online are equipped with launchers and harmonic installations, which can 2 different. Alecia is sufficient enough to win the defense function. Tsі zbroyovі systems become available to gravitational workers after that, how to master the basic skills.

Znaryaddya far-reaching type, which will be restored, will miraculously fit for victorious against great and great purposes. Tse can buti CBT chi battleships. Presented and znaryaddya vedenniy zahisnoy attack, which is even more effective against other targets.

OSOM updates

The super-great citadels of Eve Online can be equipped with a fire system of special sweatiness. The new defense module has low technical features, which allow you to effectively defend yourself. Such a defender effectively compensates for the indestructibility of the citadel during the supernik's mass attacks.

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The citadel can be burned down by members of the Gravity Corporation.

More than a rocking station, a director or a president of a gravity corporation, can fire up the citadel.

Citadels cannot be spawned in systems of this type:

  • Trade vuzli (Zhita, Amar, etc.)
  • Razkoloti sviti

The citadel can be fired up at any point of the planetary system at a distance of no less than 1000 km from another distance and no less than 1000 km from the celestial body.

Yak ignite the citadel:

After the process of roaring the cob for setting up the citadel on a yakir, you will need a lot of money.

After 24 years, there will be 15 hvilins of strife and trivality, with the help of which the gravel is guilty of defending the spore. After the completion of 15 minutes, the stock of armor strength, power fields and the hull should reach 100%. Even though the dispute was still attacked during the period of strife, the repair function is activated, in which case the standard rules of strife are used.

Yakir at the sovereign system in the "zeros"

The installation of the citadel on a jakir in the system with zero security will be out of the trap, as in the system there is an Infrastructural Hub, which belongs to another alliance.

The hour of continuation becomes 24 years on the skin level of the index of strategic development.

Index of strategic development 0 = putting on a jakir three 24 years

Index of strategic development 1 = putting on a jakir three 48 years

Decommissioned sporudi (anchoring)

It takes 7 days to write off a dispute.

Only the director or the president of the corporation, who is a man of great courage, can weigh the anchor.

After writing off the cob of yoga, you can say, but in the second case, when you re-arrange the anchor, the validity of the operation will again become 7 days.

After 7 days, mine gravel, which was in the warehouses of spores, will be moved to. Modules, charging and charging, mounted on a spore, will be moved to a container, access to whatever can be taken by a capsuleer. The spore itself will be lost in space, you can lift it up to the hold. Installed on the basis of tuning modules are lowered.

Under the hour of decommissioning, the years of strife do not change. As soon as the dispute was recognized as a successful attack, the process of anchoring the anchor is affected and the dispute is transferred to the strong one.

Be kind, remember that the timer, which is brought to the structure, reflects the period of volatility, and not the period of anchoring. The timer for lifting anchors is not available for recognition.

Hello pilots. We have one more article for you about the novelties of the large-scale update "Citadel", written by the Game of Drones team. About an hour passed by the time of the rest of the article about the citadels; there was a need for additional information. So, sit down at the table, be smarter and get ready until the next look, but save on mushroom jams - prepare CCP Guard.

On the visceral frame - the moment of the rest of the mass test, in which the fleet of gravity fought against the super-great citadel of the "Kipstar" type. The model of the citadel is presented - not a residual option. Sign given to Lord Maldoror.

Missed one of the previous articles? Give respect to such a request:

  • – at this article, we have discussed changes in the rules related to disputes and about long-term plans for changing these changes.
  • – in these articles, they talked about the work on the first type of spores, as well as about the rules of gri for all spores.
  • - at this article go about principles attacks and attacks of new spores.
  • – in this article, it was mentioned about the principles of saving and moving assets in case of declining spores.
  • - at this statue it was told how to take the chair of the citadel and induce

About equipment in general

Kipstar equipment for an hour of one of the internal tests.

Let's remember those that were said about equipping the citadels at Fanfest-2015, for example, as you didn't see the bridges that they found.

On the view of the essential POS, expanding the functionality of your small space fortresses - citadels - does not mean the placement of impersonal spores. The stench of the vicorist rigging system is practically identical to the rigging system of the ships, with roses and modules of these roses, which allows you to finely tune the range of opportunities for spores.

Roses are available in decals of different categories:

  • The roses of great tension, are used for the installation of modules, which are switched on, mainly, but also for the safety of the remote support.
  • Roses of the average tension, recognized for the installation of devices electronic warfare that radioelectronic support (for example, systems for transmitting targets, or transmitting transitions to systems for detecting targets).
  • Roses of small tension, are used for expansion modules, which are constantly deployed (for example, reactor control systems or modules, which increase the efficiency of construction).
  • Service modules: a new line of modules that support services of NPC stations or other game systems (virbility, modernization, access to the trading system, medical services ...)
  • Tuning-modules provide additional specialization of the dispute. For example, the trading module at the citadel will allow trading, and the tuning module will ensure a reduction in taxes when trading. Naturally, tuning modules are reduced every hour of training: tse seriously investing money.

Beginners and profile features of disputes

Caldari "Raven" not similar to "Scorpion"; so the very dispute will be more different. Arrange to support the singing leaders, mayuchi recruiting strong and weak sides. Zokrema, citadels provide for the logistics and distribution of corporate offices; moreover, it’s good for Timchas’s bases.

In practice, it means that most of the modules and tuning modules can be put into a sporud, but more often than not, you can beat them to the type of sporud that plant. For example, a great citadel of the "Fortizar" type can be equipped with service modules and tuning modules for vibration, but the savings per hour and materials will be smaller, lower with robots, launched in a warehouse equipped with a similar rank.

We specialize in special profile features of the project of dermal corpora types.

Zocrema for citadels:

  • 25% increase in the efficiency of tuning modules used for citadels
  • By 25%, the cost of fire for the work of service modules, designated for citadels, is reduced
  • By 25%, the enemy warhead of missiles launched from spores is moved

On the vіdmіnu vіd vіd korablіv tі perevagi staticіnі do not stay in vіd novichok character. Vzagali seeming, іsnuyuchi navichiki absolutely not vplyvayut on spores, modules and tuning-modules spores. So the Engineering rank does not increase the pressure of the citadel reactor, and the rank "Rocket Fire" does not affect the effectiveness of missiles launched from spores.

This decision is praised, shards

  • We don’t want the unfortunate capsuleers to constantly languish in the citadels, “pleasing” to the efficiency of their recruits;
  • We may change the plan for mastering new skills between pilots-early pilots and veterans in the management of disputes; We want, that the battles for the citadel could take the fate of the graves, and not just the special rank of trained okre characters;

Tim is not less, we are introducing a smattering of newcomers to manage disputes and some kind of improvement in their efficiency, but the result of their mastering from the guesswork of the reasons will be obmezheniya.

  • Structure Missile Systems: increase the damage of missiles launched from spores by 2% for the skin stage of development.
  • Structure Defensive Systems: reduce the amount of energy spent on the work of all defense modules by 2% for the skin stage of mastering the skill (specific modules are not indicated, so most of them will not be ready before the release of the citadels)
  • Structure Electronic Systems: reduce the amount of energy accumulated for the work of all REP spores, gravitational and gravitational impulses by 2% for the skin step of mastering the skill
  • Structure Engineering Systems: reduce the amount of energy accumulating on the work of the Doomsday sign and contributing to the accumulation of goals by 2% for the skin step of mastering the skill.

All of these beginners are dependent on the characteristics of "Charismatic" and "Force of Will" and mastered by other folding; stench practically does not impair the development of other skills.

Catch your respect: Starbase Defense Management's newbie is out of work right up to the point of being outdated; after that, we change my recognition, or we saw the newcomer from the gris from the air.


Shards of the citadel are roaring roses, the stench is spiraling on the standard on-board systems: calibration, CPU pressure, reactor pressure.

Details below:

Actual explanation:

  • For service modules, the need for reactor pressure and CPU.
  • Modules of ships and citadels are not interchangeable.
  • How it was guessed at the article “Citadels: how to storm them (once again)”, new spores are repaired automatically in the repair mode, so the regeneration of the force field cannot stink.
  • The threshold of efficiency is determined by the sign between the poshkodzhen, won by the spores of the song hour. Details about the dividing threshold of the divine fortune-telling article.
  • Citadels can be victorious and vinischuvachi-bombers; The work of the robot is being ensured to the point of paradigm-shifting of all CBT, which will also be carried out as part of the large-scale upgrade "Citadel".
  • We care that in the first release of the citadels of roses, that resources for their equipment will not be won all over the world. We made a decision: we plan to launch new modules in an hour.
  • New spores will be absolutely protected from practically all the REP benefits, and, zocrema, from the successful REP benefits, which will facilitate the manifestation of that supportive goals.

List of modules and tuning modules

Most of the modules and tuning modules, which were recognized before the release of the first update, we have already refurbished in the article "Citadels: how to be". The time has come to marvel at those who really stink.

As always, vrahuyte, that all the names of the meanings can change from time to time as a result of practical trials.

Service modules

  • The shopping center will ensure the operation of the trading system. Cannot be installed on Astrey. Orders at the trading system are placed at the boundaries of the sector (at the w-space - at the boundaries of the planetary system)
  • Medvіdsіk: ensure the robot with clones and jump-clones for your spores. Medical bays in the w-space of the unacceptable transfer of information about the calls of the planetary system, but to allow the change of clones "in the field".
  • Recycling plant: allows you to recycle materials from the factory
  • Pressing shop: allows you to grab materials from spores

Roses of the great oppression

  • Launcher installed against KBT: launcher of missiles designated for the downfall of KBT and KSBT. The speed and radius of the expansion of the vibukhovo squill when driving their warheads to smash them with smaller ships that are unsuitable for shooting.
  • Launchers installed against ships of standard tonnage: launcher of missiles designated for the destruction of ships of standard tonnage. Povna protilezhnіst vishchezgadanї anti-CBT launcher.
  • Launcher installation of bombs from a guidance system: launch bombs, which are aimed, like to follow the method like rockets, and attack the area like a bomb. Three types of bombs can be equipped: one type of bombs is effective against battleships, another against frigates, and the third one reduces the energy reserve of accumulating fortune ships.
  • Great and super-great energy neutralizers: they work the same way, like ship analogues. This module is thicker than ship analogs, not safe for CBT and empty battleships.
  • Malium is the middle energy neutralizer: it works the same way, as well as advanced modules, but it is also used for other purposes.
  • Systems of local defense: not a trace of stray from anti-aircraft missiles; the attacking action of these systems is constantly pouring into all objects within the range of the singing radius, which gives protection to the fortune-telling drones and frigates.
  • Combat grav_zahop: it may work just like that, like a great grav_zahop, but pulling up the ship, and not the sly. Combat gravizahop not to jam the warp engine: you can speed up the fall of the rush, or increase the launch of the ship to leave the warp mode.
  • Arc Worton Generator: Doomsday Sign. Promin energy aim at the main meta, then move on to the five nearest additional goals.

It is respectful at the arms that the rockets launched by spores will be more indifferent: we will reduce the effectiveness of the tactics of the fire wall. Specifically, the solution will be praised for the pіdbags of testing. In addition, the radius of the signature of all CBTs will be increased even less to 10 kilometers, so that the stench gave sporuds to the guessing missiles.

Roses of the middle tension

  • Gravity pulse: all the ships are about to measure up to their wt. To reveal the effect of the zіtknennya z kіlkom "Maharіelami", scho split up, and understand the principle of yoga diї.
  • Multi-frequency switcher for the purpose of: matching the same ship module, but also adjusting for a specific type of switcher for additional firmware
  • Pereskodoinstaller for the detection of targets: to match a similar ship's module
  • Stazi field generator: similar to ship module
  • Guided missile jumper: compatible with a similar ship module
  • System for matching targets: matching a similar ship module
  • Warp jammer: similar to a similar ship module

Roz'em little tightness

  • Attachment for trajectory control: increasing the rate of fire of all three lucid launchers of missiles and bombs and the striking fire of their charges.
  • Missile guidance complex: improving the radius of the expansion of the vibrational wind and the speed of the three known types of missiles and bombs.
  • Spivprotsesor: raising the CPU intensities and reactor intensities
  • Increase signal strength: move the number of targets entered to the support list and increase the maximum number of targets to that list
  • Reactor control system: monitors reactor pressure fluctuations of CPU pressure

Tuning modules:

Tuning-modules spores are rarely airborne from tuning-modules of ships. Similar to the stench in the fact that only one caliber and one should be installed at the building of a special design; the difference is in the fact that no characteristic of the dispute can not be more skillful to more than one tuning module. For example, from the list below, you can put Medium Missile Application I and Medium Missile Projection I on Astrea, but not Medium Missile Application I and Medium Missile Application II; more, you can not put a pair of Medium Missile Application I.

In addition, the efficiency of tuning modules is dependent on the level of the planetary system’s performance according to the CONCORD standards and on the type of dispute: at “zeros”, “low-secs” and w-spaces, the stench will always be effective, lower at “high-secs”. Zavdyaki tsyomu is actual retail game process in other regions of New Eden will be saved.

First of all, tuning modules of various expansions will give you the edge, however, for strength, but for "hot". For example, Medium Missile Application I increase the speed of the expansion of the vibukhovo stubble with the introduction of warhead missiles by 10%; its analogue - Large Missile Application and Projection I - to increase the speed of the expansion of the vibukhovo swell by 10%, but before that, to increase the speed of the missiles themselves by 10%.

According to this rule, you can use blame - zokrema, you don’t need tuning modules for the processing of materials, we want to save the difference in the efficiency of processing for the help of various spores.

Vikoristannya paliva

On the vіdmіnu vіd іsnuyuchih POSіv novі sporudu vіmagatimut paliva іlki оn the work of service modules.

Paly vikoristovuetsya in two ways:

  • In the first place, for the inclusion of the module, so that the capsuleers do not try to spare the burningly regular inclusions of the modules.
  • In a different way, for this robot, on the cob of the skin advancing age (itself on the cob of the age, and not the sixty-decade interval after the module is turned on). In this rank, we will simply rozrahunok the needs of the fireworks for an hour of work with kіlkom modules.

Vitrata paliva is tied to service modules, so you can override the vitrata of great POSіv or waive the vitrata of small POSіv fallow in the range of available possibilities of the citadel. Here we will make a list of some of the service modules that come with the kit with citadels, and the most important vitrata paliva.

Service module Burning on turn on Burning on robot Shopping center 2800 burning blocks 40 burning blocks per year Medical bay 720 burning blocks 10 burning blocks per year Refinery 360 burning blocks 5 burning blocks per year

At the same time, we were respected that we would introduce a new type of paliva, which would be viable with the use of some of the isotopes overpowers, but after an impersonal discussion, they would create a low-problem, over-the-world challenge for the import of all materials.

Therefore, the citadels can be built on whether or not there are more than a few pale blocks. In the regime of indifferent citadels, do not stain clathrates and strontium, so we will add them to the list of materials needed for the production of fire blocks, and we ourselves will save on them to drink. At a time, we are focusing on 400 units of strontium clathrates in a package of 40 pallet blocks.

In addition, the summation of licenses for the work of POSiv from "high-sec" (Starbase Charters) will not be included in the list - it would be outrageous.

From i all

As always, it’s guessing that all the guesswork is not residual and can change. Point to correction for feedback and practical results. We are planning to conduct tests on test servers: follow the news.

Citadel u Єvi online - the price structure is new, so you can indulge in u grі. The main task of the citadels is to replace all the established POSs, autonomous blocks and outposts. It’s true, it’s not going to be worth it right away, but for a patch of patches, like step-by-step tidying up the old structure.

Otzhe, strongholds Eve online, perhaps from the worst - where can you build a citadel?

It is possible to be practical skrіz, okrіm sektorіv іz vnem sekpeki 0.9-1. However, you can install not all modules available in the functionality of strongholds in high-sec settings, but we will talk about them below.

You can put your citadel at W-Space, but its functionality will be surrounded, like in highsecs, for example, by jumpcloning stribati to the empire and you won’t see back.

Citadels in Europe

Keepstar is the largest

Fortizar - great

Astrahus - middle

The structure of the citadel is exactly a copy of the structure of the ships in Eve online - the hull has empty slots for possession and equipping the gravel for the authority's judgment

There will be available modules of standard 3 types of roses (large, medium and small tightness) that will be vicarious at stations.

For the living of the modules of the citadels, you need to stock up on the fire

In the citadels there is no bordering near the city of Angara.

Rozmir shield, armor, health, as well as defense that attacking city.

A year of quirkiness, which you can choose at any convenient playful hour (3 years per day for medium citadels, 6 for great citadels and 21 for super-great ones), but don’t forget the warto, that when the years of quirkiness change, the serpents will become more ceremonious than an offensive day.

Number of module slots (med, service, low, high and others) for equipment

Borrowing space near the hold (8000 m3, 80 000 m3 and 800 000 m3)

The citadels will become the same for the future, as well as for the alliances, and their suffocation will become one of the most exciting moments in the game. But, unfortunately, the fact that the citadel is equipped with all the necessary modules costing great pennies and far from leather gravel, you can afford it. With us, you can easily buy a citadel, which you can boast in front of your friends.

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