Why can’t you sleep with your feet to the door, it seems like a sign. How to properly unstitch it is easy - you can sleep opposite the entrance doors

Most people who want to place them directly opposite the door opening, don’t worry about those who can sleep with their feet up to the door. The world has a lot of different concerns and uses. Some of them are important to understand, and some of them can be useful. One of the broadest things that occupy people's minds is: how can you get your feet wet or your head straight to the door? And if it’s not possible, then why? This is the basis of nutrition in ancient beliefs, and in certain current developments.

Versions of different nations: how you can sleep with your feet to the door

Food that you can sleep with your feet before going out has long been popular among many people. The Slovenians, Scandinavians and even the Chinese tried to understand how to properly wake up before going to bed, in order to have a good time and thereby avoid negative influences.

In most peoples, sleeping in a prone position, which is placed opposite the door, is associated with negative emotions and energy

There are a number of versions from different nations to explain why it is not possible to work:

  1. The Scandinavians have a great legend, according to which the Universe has three lights. In one of them there live original people, in the other - gods, and in the third - monsters, evil spirits and other evil spirits. It was important that when a person fell asleep, her soul was strengthened from the body and went on its way, and the doors were a kind of portal that carried the soul through. So, from falling asleep with your feet before going out, you could go all the way to the “dark” world populated by ghosts and never turn back.
  2. The Slovenes closed the doors practically in the same way and respected that their legs could drag a person into hell. During these days, people tried not to sleep with their feet until the door, so as not to allow any evil spirit to take their souls.
  3. Food security - such a person has too much food, it is easy to attack her and commit any illegal actions. That's why the ancient people tried to sleep in a deep bunk and straight to the door, so as not to give the enemies the opportunity to launch an attack.

Followers of the Feng Shui movement also call for sleep as much as possible, but not forward with your feet to the door or rather, since this position of the body is respected in such a way that it gives its vital energy. A person will lie down tired and feel bad.

I feel like there is a piece of truth in this, so that so many people sleeping with their feet before the exit mean that:

  • I'll have nightmares;
  • Frequently suffer from sleeplessness;
  • There is no complete recovery after sleep;
  • Sleep is very interrupted and restless.

And the version is that such speeches are made on a certain level, because people feel unprotected at the hour of sleep, and the instincts of ancient ancestors do not allow them to relax in the “foot to door” position.

Thoughts about those you can sleep with your head to the door

It’s no less good to eat than to torment rich people: how can you sleep with your head to the door? Let's find out.

There are such options to explain the idea:

  • According to the Scandinavians, it is also impossible to sleep with your head before going out - through the doors the world light opens and evil demons can penetrate the head of a sleeper and hypnotize him or steal his soul;
  • Feng Shui is also clear in this regard: you can’t sleep like that, because the head is responsible for the mother’s strong body that protects not only the tension, but also the calm that preserves calm;
  • Food security is also even more important - in the “head to the door” position, it is not at all visible who is entering it, which gives a feeling of insecurity and discomfort.

It’s wrong to go out, sleep neither with your feet nor with your head until you reach the door. Ideally, it should be placed here on the side near the exit from the room. If you have to sleep with your head to the door, you need your mother to butt the back that is blocking the person from the exit.

Moreover, as it is lightly spread, the sleep of the person who lies on it will be as calm and clear. When moving to a new monastery or undergoing renovations, you will give your food special respect.

Best placed in a bedroom according to Feng Shui

Well, how to put it correctly, it’s easy to understand Feng Shui:

  1. It’s easy to get caught, which means touching the corners to the wall or matting the back with your hands;
  2. It’s not good to hang police over a sleeping place and put all sorts of important messages on them: who knows what second the stink will start to fall;
  3. When lying on a bed, you need to carefully exit the room, otherwise you will feel restless and will not be able to read normally;
  4. A mirror that discourages sleepy sleepers and is placed directly at the back of the window is also not the best option - exchanging the sun that falls on the mirror surface can help ensure a restful sleep;
  5. It is important to place your friend so that you approach it from the skin side;
  6. For a baby's stroller, the most important place will be in the coddle, with whose little bed they stand, sticking up against both walls.

How to choose between moving the bed according to your bearings before exiting with your feet or head, then the first option is best.

It is important to think about the fact that there are no empty pipes behind the bed. Be that as it may, quiet sounds can even be heard on good nights and activities that are kind to people. What kind of calm and refreshing sleep can we talk about?

It’s not possible, but it’s still possible to place it flat against the doors

Why bother, since it’s easy to stand opposite the doors? That's right, what do you want to change? Psychologists note that there is a lot lying within the people themselves, and how comfortable they are with such a change. Just because it is a sign does not mean that it requires everyone to believe it.

However, since people feel restless, relying on a bed like standing opposite the main or balcony doors, you should not torment yourself and arrange the bedroom space in a different way, for example, perpendicular to the entrance.

Particularly important when decorating a bedroom is to focus not only on the arrangement of the bed, but also on the interior of the room

There is no need to put it lightly:

  1. Sticking behind the wall, on the broken door that blocks your view - this time you don’t see the people coming in, so you’re restless;
  2. Head to the window, especially if it is close to the outside: outside noises and sounds are disturbing and create anxiety;
  3. Under the even low or sloping stele - there may be psychological discomfort, which is expressed in the calm, restless and seemingly vise-like atmosphere of the animal;
  4. There is a door on the same line as the window - this type may have problems sleeping due to the intense flow of wind currents;
  5. Let's burn it to the wall - at which point it appears that there is no way around the room, and with which all the energy of a person goes into the wall.

Expert's thought: why you can't sleep with your feet to the door (video)

If people sleep, they want to be as protected and calm as possible. Only in this situation can you hope for healthy and deep sleep. I don’t have any thoughts about how to wash the body or lie down before going out. The skin of a person may listen to its own sounds. If you feel comfortable sleeping with your feet up to the door, then don’t let me sleep like that. This position is respected as friendly, but you can sleep with your head before leaving the room. You can check yourself, having spent the night in rich situations, and, in this way, it means that sleep will be the best.

During the hour of nighttime sleep, a person’s body completely relaxes, all systems and organs begin to accumulate the necessary amount of energy to remain active all day long. Lots of people think that it’s not at all important where you put your head and feet, the brand is handicapped. All the recent marriages and losses may bring their thoughts from this drive. You can sleep with your head to the door, or rather turn your feet to it, you are guilty of this for yourself, and for whom it is not obvious that you will get acquainted with the relevant information on this topic.

As far as I can see, Orthodoxy needs to sleep as best it can. Just notice that you sleep to the door with your head and feet - there is a camp not far away. The endings are not to blame for being straightened to the entrance, and even for the deceased to leave the house. Some of the truth in this, and even a lot of sleepers, is indicated by the following facts:

  • They often have nightmares;
  • the stench prevents you from falling asleep for a long time;
  • they throw themselves away a few times;
  • The lies do not feel right.

Why can’t you sleep with your head until the doors open?

Important to know! There is an idea that this is the entrance to the portal of the world where demons live, who can penetrate the head of a person who is in a sleepy state, and also take away their energy and soul.

It would be better to install corners of the walls, as you will be a kind of protector. The Church world does not confirm this fact.

Doors as a symbol: carnage

How to properly sleep before the door, collect rich gifts, and want her child and other members of the family to feel comfortable in any room. Various peoples have their own sound in the same way as to put it more simply: to the corners of the window, to the wall and to the entrance. Our ancestors came to the same idea, it’s not good to shake your head until the door, but it’s explained like this:

  • The Slovenians respect that the exit door is the path to the world of the dead, and if you lay your feet before it, your soul will quickly go to hell. This concern is explained by the fact that in ancient times, a lot of people died in their dreams.
  • The ancient people respect that the door is a transition to another world, where the soul of a person who is in a sleepy state can easily get lost.

How many peoples, so many thoughts and the skin of them can be respected faithfully. Let me tell you for sure that it is impossible to sleep better with your head or feet to the door. People themselves believe that they will approach by appreciating their similarity, having faith in their own strength, and having respected psychological comfort. There are a lot of concerns, but there is no scientific explanation for them. It is necessary to place it as much as the room allows, if after several nights you feel discomfort, then you can rearrange it and try again.

Sleep with your head and feet to the door: what to vibrate

A person spends almost a third of his life every day, so the correct body posture is important. There is plenty to love, while lying in bed, watching TV, reading a book or eating. And they would also argue that such people could live forever. It is also very important to know how best to lie down, where to straighten your legs and head, so that you can truly get the most out of your body. It often gets so bad that, having slept all night, you realize that without getting enough sleep, everything hurts and ache. A nice and comfortable sleep is a guarantee of a good mood for a long day.

You can believe the signs and, following them, choose a more comfortable place to lie down. Skeptics respect that the solution will be clear from anyone directly. Although there are few of them, most often people look for signs and choose those that say their faith.

Chinese philosophy Feng Shui

According to one of the popular Chinese philosophical principles, any object in everyday life is guilty of its mother’s place. It is most correct to arrange speeches to ensure a steady flow of positive energy, which means that the resident will have happiness, prosperity and health. The arch that opens at the door is between two energy areas, the outer one is considered “dead”, and the inner one is “alive”. So it’s not the fault of the stench to move and shift, you can’t sleep with your head or feet opposite the windows, balconies, and doors. It doesn’t threaten death, but it can lead to dullness, weakness and a bad mood, even if it’s weaker, positive energy.

Please! Feng Shui suggests that you place the bed so that the beneficial flows do not flow out. Easy to install diagonally to the doors - this is the shortest option.

If the living room does not allow you to get out of bed like that, close the bedroom before going to bed. In this state, the “dead” energy will not be wasted in the middle, sleep will be calm and peaceful, and dreams will be without nightmares.

Lots of people say that sleeping with your head to the door is really bad, especially in polite families. Such a situation puts a lot of pressure on the psyche, making it impossible to fall asleep and causing extreme discomfort.

In Chinese philosophy, too, it was possible until bedtime:

  • It is not the responsibility of the driver to be partly or empty, the people will not be caught behind him.
  • There is no harm in the empty boxes above the bed, the stench is respected by the energy passing through.
  • Fewer sharp jokes that can cause conflicts between relatives.
  • The double model does not have to have partitions in the middle - it will create a stench between friends.

Zabobony Slovenian peoples

The Slovenian people have a lot of myths that they pass on to their future generations. Therefore, with one of them, the doors are a portal to another, world beyond.

  • If you sleep with your feet until the door opens, you will soon end up in your grave.

I believe that once the ends are sizzling before the entrance, there is no risk of slipping over again. While the body rests, the soul leaves it, even if it goes out.

  • Another sign is that through the portal, evil spirits come to the huts and try to capture people while they are asleep. It is possible, all this is a guess, but obviously it is true in this, the people themselves bring shame upon themselves and, in the face of vile thoughts, the lies are told without giving up.

Mythology of Scandinavia

The Scandinavians also have their own beliefs. They respect that the world is mentally divided into three parts: the upper one with angels and gods, the middle one is given over to mortals, and the lower one is inhabited by demons and other evil spirits.

Those who inhabit the lower world must carefully follow people, like sleeping with their feet to the door. The stinks respect what people demonstrate so much that they care about them, and they begin to love them. Evil spirits wait for a long time, and then choose the appropriate hour and lead the sleeper to their kingdom of nightmares. So it’s not a good idea to sleep with your feet when you go out, because you don’t want to fall asleep under the sawing gaze of the demons.

Islam and Christianity with drive roztashuvannya lizhka

This religion does not give precise recommendations on how to sleep with thyme. A Muslim can sit right next to the door, with his head turned towards the holy place of Mecca. Sleeping on the stomach is protected in Islam.

Important to know! The Bible does not give the necessary joys, headaches, so that the Orthodox will remain firm in his faith and feel comfortable at the hour of sleep.

Indian culture is being resolutely put in place until the end. Yogis think that the human body has its own magnetic field, just like our planet. Therefore, the foot is the inferior pole, and the head is the inferior pole.

Please! At the hour of sleep, you need to align yourself with the energy lines of the Earth. If you sleep in such a position, the lie will be thrown off and we will stand up.

If the room does not allow the bed to be set up in the way that Islam demands, then the sleeper is guilty of laying his head on the descent and descent.

In India there were cabins so that the bedroom window faced the downward side, or in the direct direction where the sun would go.

A practical approach without mysticism

Let’s accept this and believe it, so you don’t immediately understand, which is better than sleeping: with your head to the door or with your feet? I think that you should choose a position based on all aspects of the world.

Putting thyme on the bed is considered the best option. It is important, however, when choosing a lien, not only to address it directly, but also other aspects, for example:

As soon as all concerns and mystical manifestations are eliminated, then one must focus on the need for one’s achievements and the practical benefits of one’s future. It is necessary to protect a person from the noise, the street saw, the broaches, the light of the lamps, the fragments of glass that suddenly broke at the window.

Please! The optimal placement of the bed will give the hibernator a sense of security, peace and quiet. How to choose the best place, like intuition and the powerful organism that requires hearing.

The best alternatives for placing a sleeping bed

I believe in a lot of thoughts, since everyone is their brother, it will be difficult to choose the right way to stretch the bed. It’s better to trust your instincts and take into account a few dirty rules:

  • Place the bed, narrower than the corners, up to a blank wall. Whenever a person appears to be in a state of disrepair, whoever feels it is protected and comfortable.
  • It’s easier to place a single bedroom next to the bunk. This is especially suitable for children, even if it is securely closed on both sides, the baby will not be overwhelmed by nightly fears. I think that such a spread is ideal for finishing, which will take more than an hour to get started.
  • The double model is installed so that there is a clear passage on both sides. Place bedside tables and lamps on the sides.
  • In a small room it would be better to install a folding sofa.

How to properly sleep with your head to the door? It is impossible to know an unambiguous answer to this question. Russian people sleep, as it is easy for them, Feng Shui has its own rules, and at the gathering there are special protections. What you choose depends on your skin.

Put it lightly, adhering to all traditions, you won’t see, even super-wise thoughts. After all, the bedroom provides the opportunity to arrange everything as required. Therefore, choose the place for your bed that is like you. Make sure that everything in the bedroom is perfect, and then you won’t have nightmares.

These people, as the saying goes, don’t show evidence of nutrition, which is why you can’t sleep with your feet to the door. It’s not possible and that’s it! Entire generations of our ancestors thought and acted this way; the stench was not bad. Well, as life shows, most people have completely reasonable explanations, and they don’t need any action. For example, the affirmation that it is impossible to sleep at sunset does not require any explanation - after such sleep you really feel not satisfied, but even more broken and tired. There are a lot of signs that they simply look stupid, think, for example, about the black gut that crossed the road. However, now I’m talking about those why you can’t sleep opposite the doors. Let's try to get to the bottom of the truth.

Why can't you sleep opposite the door?

I'll stop the beast before folk rituals. As you can see, put the poor people with your feet up to the door of the hut, and kick them out of the house with your feet in front of them. It is possible that sleeping in this position is not recommended, so as not to inflict trouble on yourself and become like a dead person. Sleeping opposite the doors always means having your feet to them. You can easily stand in a straight line, but for good measure, not directly opposite the exit from the room. This is due to the fact that one begins to respect the energetically negative place, which separates one’s own from that of others, good from bad. Energy flows flow through the door to the room and from it, at the same time as people go to sleep, the forces of life flow from them. Ale tse is already feng shui. It’s obvious how easy it is in the purest place in everyday life, how innocent it is for strangers to hang around, and we can rather sit and sleep in something new. Here you spend most of your life, even sleeping in the middle of the year for food, and most often in your hairy bed. This time is used to recuperate, renew energy, and sleep correctly so that the forces of life return to you in your sleep, and are not wasted through the doors.

Of course, not all people have ideal living minds that allow them to rearrange everything in the right place, and the usual folding sofa in a one-room apartment serves as a bed, on which people can sit idle throughout the day. And a great number of people happen to sleep opposite the doors, wanting the stink of something. However, not all of them are related to restless sleep, nightmares, perceived lies and filthy self-esteem. Everything on the right is about how important you give the sign of care and variety of fashionable times. Believe me, if you take them all at once, then it will be clear that only those on the bed can sleep peacefully and not be afraid of anything. Try not to think about the bad stuff, especially if you don’t have the strength to change anything. If your faith in your signs is so strong that you can’t overcome it, then you might want to try moving the pillow to another side of your bed and bed without damaging the door too much.

Doors are of great importance in the science of Feng Shui. In addition to their functions, doors play a great role in Russian living forces. The main benefits that Feng Shui brings to the door:

  1. Vidkritya. The principle of door alignment is of great importance - the ideal option is to place the doors in the middle.
  2. Color and texture. The doors are light and solid, without inserts that cut through the canvas. It is impossible to allow malfunctions in the door release mechanism - it must move smoothly, not sag, and the hinges must not rip.
  3. Roztashuvannya. The doors must be located very close to the bathroom or window, so as not to generate a flow of energy.
  4. It is important to hang feng shui bells on the entrance doors to represent amulets, and not to restrict the space in front of the door to ensure a constant flow of fresh energy.
  5. At the entrance area you can hang a Feng Shui talisman - music to the wind, with five or six melodic pipes. Vona gradually grows and directs friendly energy in all directions.
  6. If you go out of your plans so that the doors are opposite the windows, and there is no possibility of moving them, then you must avoid the swift rush of energy along the “corridor” once it has settled. To do this, the area of ​​the window needs to be “enveloped” with the energy of the earth - place the plants in pots on the windowsill, in which case the cactus is called “unloving” in Feng Shui. Its thorns will take the “blow” of negative flows.

A little bit about feng shui

Doors and people, mutual energies

The doors are located between different energy sources, stink and protect and regulate the balance of energy. The strongest concentration of all energies is found right next to the doors and outside of any living area. Therefore, people need to be especially careful when using doors and windows. Feng Shui does not recommend standing with your back to the top of the door for a long time, as the smell is caused, especially if a person is trying to sleep.

This is explained by the fact that in moments of relaxation, the aura especially overflows, and the pressure flows from the windows and doors can simply take away vital energy. It can be said to skeptics that any person can understand this process on an intuitive level: every person, at least once aware of unpleasant sensations, sits alone in the room with his back to the window or doorway. Having recently been in such a position, you will feel a “goosebump on the skin” that will inevitably be felt.

Particularly close to the plan of “replenishing” energy can be considered the type of planning and arrangement of furniture in the room, as you see in the photo:

  • If the doors are always on the same line, and the work desk or bedroom space is located between them.
  • If the doors on the other side are laid out smoothly, the corners are up to the wall and with your feet up to the exit.

In the bedroom, you may be in a “quiet” and quiet place in the room, and it is impossible to find yourself in a sleepy state. It is obvious that according to the tenets of Feng Shui, the cultivation of the bed can be rejoiced here with the particularly friendly and directly eight-fold Ba-gua. If you talk about friends lightly, then you can’t resist the friendly developments of one of them, but rather choose a place with a strong positive charge.

In addition, in an area where it is easy to stand, the Vlasniks may feel as much as possible protected. See the distant corner of the bedroom. It is necessary to carefully remove the door so that when the person is asleep, his head and legs are not directly in front of the door. At the moment of not sleeping in the field of view of people who are lying down, they are guilty of opening the doors, which creates the illusion of control over the flow of energies of Qi and Sha.

Since re-planning and rearranging is impossible, and the size of the room, the table is small, so it can only accommodate lightly, so hang musical bells at the entrance - music to the wind. When choosing music for the wind, be sure to pay attention to the color and texture of the pipes, as well as their sound - it can be as sweet as possible.

In the photo you can see more options

Why can’t you sleep with your feet to the door?

Based on all the sciences about the flows of energy, a person passes cosmic energy through himself from head to toe, and during the hour of sleep his soul or the energetic shell is released into the cosmic spheres. Your energy channels are weakened and overflowing. Therefore, if you walk around with your feet before you go to sleep, it is extremely undesirable that fragments of negative energy can take their place in the body, and then completely overwhelm the soul and completely take over the body.

According to Feng Shui, the state of a person when he or she sleeps with his feet up to the door, is called “the state of the negligible,” which prophesies “energetic death.” Lyudina, sleeping with your feet up to the door practically “absorbs” negative energy from the flow of Sha-Tsi. As a result, having woken up, you may feel overwhelmed and tired. Don’t hesitate to show yourself that you are fragile and ill. If you want to arrange your sleep in a similar position (at a party or in a hotel), move your feet away from the doors as much as possible, for example, taking a diagonal or transverse position.

In addition, since they are easily straightened to the opening, then the rulers will have to defend themselves not only from the negative energies of the Sha, but also from the destructive energy of the sudden glances of others. The family bed is especially valuable. The mutual energy of the two friends is in a very tendentious turbulence, and any influx of energy can lead to the breakdown of family conflicts. Therefore, before unwinding a friend’s bed, it is necessary to approach with special respect.

These rules cannot be followed when placing furniture near the children's room. The bed in the children's room, in addition to proper care, should be best decorated with a thin, transparent canopy, which can be lowered when the baby is sleeping. This is to seize the child from bad dreams and give a sense of predation, so that the child’s aura even flows into negative infusions, not without reason, since ancient times it has been believed that a child is so easy to “meet.”

By following these simple rules and listening to the wise science of Feng Shui, you can ensure yourself a sweet and sweet sleep, which will give you a healthy spirit and a rich mood. Let's talk about the comfort of sleep after every day, even if a person spends a third of his life in the world.

There are many believers about the correct formation of the human body during the hour of sleep. Let me just say that you only need to head to the door to sleep. How can you put your feet up to the door and still listen to the ancient sounds? Maybe some of the truth is there. You can contact us by following the beliefs of different peoples and information such as bioenergetics.

Myths and beliefs of words

Similar to the Slovenian myths, the doors have a lucky frame with a bright light. There are a lot of respect for people who stand feet first at the door of the dead. This means that by kicking your feet to the door, you will set yourself up for the fate of going to hell.

Moreover, ancient Slovenians respected that those who kick their feet to the door have great confidence in not telling lies. The reason is simple: during the hour of sleep, the soul immediately leaves the body, and it can turn back to the body as it has not gone far. If you suddenly walk out the door, you will be in another world, it will be important to turn back. This means nothing more than death in a dream.

Important! It is similar to other myths that people have stretched their legs to the door, and are helpless before the forces of evil, so that they cannot penetrate into the premises. Those who show such carelessness have a greater chance of becoming victims of evil forces. It’s true that this is not true - it’s difficult to assert, but it’s unreasonable to deliberately inflict misfortune on yourself or your loved ones.

Why can’t you put your feet up to the door? Myths of the Scandinavians

Since the popular beliefs of our latitudes are not enough for you to understand that you can put your feet up to the door, let’s take a broader look at nutrition.

According to Scandinavian beliefs, a person who sleeps with his head in front of the door becomes a source of demonic forces. If a demon occupies a person’s body at the hour when the soul is hovering in the hour of sleep, it threatens rapt death or possession. And the spent souls are condemned to permanent torment. Therefore, it is also not recommended to turn your feet to the entrance doors.

Feng Shui: can you place your feet flat against the door?

Myths about evil spirits that lurk over human souls and, come what may, try to capture them, are also tired of similar peoples. It is important that if the sleep position is incorrect, the soul runs the risk of getting lost and not knowing the way back to the body. Today, the most relevant energy concept is Feng Shui.

Important! Feng Shui is not just about the correct distribution of living energy. It was time to transform into an independent science and philosophy. Based on the recommendations of fachists, you can implement them in various aspects of everyday life.

If you stay with your feet up to the entrance doors during the hour of sleep, this can lead to disruption of energy flows. The inheritances may be different or unacceptable. You can eliminate problems with your health, finances, and recognize problems in your special life. The least thing that counts on a careless person is that they seem to be broken from the very wound.


There is no clear evidence for food that you can put your feet up to the door. Some of them are important to stand up to the centuries of accumulated knowledge of humanity, while others are dedicated to confirming that there is nothing more, nothing less than self-denial.

Self-reliance cannot be felt. Sometimes people felt a miracle, kicking their feet to the door. Albeit almost like the legends described above, the stench immediately began to feel discomfort. Nightmares, brokenness and disgusting self-perceived lies in this episode - no more than the development of distrust and obsession.

How to properly arrange the furniture in a room?

In accordance with the generally accepted rules, you need to lay your head on the ground, repeating the lines of the earth's electromagnetic fields. Legs, apparently, are brutalized for the day. As you turn around to the front door with your feet, change position. It will be the most similar.

Important! Another option is to focus on the Gua number, which will be taken out until the date of birth. It is necessary to ensure that the body is removed from other objects in the room.

It’s wrong to put it lightly:

  • Head to the window.
  • With my back to the entrance.
  • Bilya mirrors.
  • White the wall where the door opening is located.

Important! A mirror is necessary in the bedroom, but it must be placed in such a position that the bed and the person who sleeps on it do not appear in it.

Video material

Of course, it’s not easy to arrange the furniture in the bedroom correctly. The area is especially demarcated. If you are afraid of inconveniences due to improperly washing your body before going to bed, follow all the recommendations. It is better to be impressed by the stability of the situation, at the same time.

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