How to get your blues under your eyes for help. Dark stakes under your eyes can overcome the fruits. Pros and cons

Bruises under the eyes are not only the result of a recent contact with some object or eye. Most often, blue cola under our eyes looms of a completely different nature - it appears to us as a result of chronic lack of sleep and lack of vitamins.

However, those who are otherwise extremely “popular” in the winter period, when the tight deadline before the new saints begins, and vitamins can be found in the glossy fruits of supermarkets.

You can, of course, as soon as possible, use foundation, concealer, or corrector, or, by checking the results and getting rid of the problem at the root.

So, what did we get into trouble with? In addition to the banal “sleep more”, as the rich have a nervous chuckle and add a slight tic to the sins under the eyes, you can sing the old well-worn ways of our grandmothers. list TOP 10 popular express services that will help you get your sins out of the way.

We pick up the blues from the eye for additional tea leaves

Perhaps tea is the most powerful way to combat bruises under the eye.

Making a tea compress is simple. Just brew some melon tea, soak in nematode tampons and put 10-15 drops on your eyes. Acting cosmetologists are pleased to continue changing skin tampons for 2-3 hours.

The rest of the time there are a lot of tea bags, which we absolutely do not want to do. “Fast tea” is, of course, an ideal solution for those who are too lazy to pour dill into normal tea leaves, but otherwise hurt their eyes - only hot tea can help them.

A small note: so that the blue around the eyes does not become red (as a result of opika), be sure to keep the brew cold.

Which tea to choose, choose for you. In principle, doctors and cosmetologists recommend herbal teas, but if you only have greens or black ones on hand, it’s not scary. All teas contain strong antioxidants, which not only remove marks, but also improve blood circulation in the skin. Before that, the tea contains vitamin A2, which penetrates into the skin and eliminates inflammation and scratches.

We pick up the blues from your eyes for additional fresh cucumbers

Of course, this is not the same thing that is easy to get in winter. Alas, at the extreme end, today’s not a heavenly hour – there is no devil behind the cowbass, there are, as a rule, no fresh fruits in supermarkets.

The method of curing fruits as a method for eliminating stains around the eyes is simple to the point of obscenity: cut the fruit into pins, place the cakes on the eyes, cover the “composition” with a serving cloth (this is for aesthetes). Trimati ogirki na oblichi hvilin 15.

As an option, you can rub the cucumbers through a grater - you take out more cinnamon juice, otherwise the porridge will become soft. Zagalom, choose for yourself.

The large amount of so-called “living” water that is contained in the juices helps to immediately restore the balance of the skin around the eyes, to tone them up and thereby tone them up. Apart from anything else, this may have an additional effect, so that you can safely say “goodbye” to your sons.

We take the blues from the eye with the help of a spoon

Of course, the spoon can be twisted not only as a means of applying a black eye, but also as a way to fight blues under the eye.

All you have to do is apply (not squeeze!) a spoon to your eyes - and after five minutes you will notice how fresh the skin has become. On the right, first of all, this simple table accessory, if the wine is cold, will tone the skin. In another way, the silver removes darkening on the skin.

We pick up the blues from our eyes for additional potatoes

Based on potatoes, raw and boiled, there are a countless number of masks that help you clean up your cleaning routine. In traditional medicine, this product is considered an ideal remedy for combating skin joints.

You can boil the potatoes in their jackets, peel them until they are cold, cut one potato halfway and apply it to your eyes on the surface.

Or grate the potatoes, mix with a small amount of olive or raspberry oil and place the mask on the same surface.

You can mix grated potato with milk at a ratio of 2 to 1 and apply the porridge on your eyes for 20 minutes.

With grate, you can grate raw potatoes, squeeze the juices out of them, smear them on your eyes, or just put mugs of raw root vegetables on your eyes.

To tone the potato skin, it helps to consume a large amount of potassium, which removes water from the body.

We tidy up the sins under the eyes with the help of a light massage of the skin around the eyes

Massage, apparently, tone the body. And I'm not to blame here.

By lightly tapping your fingertips, massage the skin around the eyes - rub from the outer edge of the eye to the inner one. Every time you don’t weigh on your skin - you don’t lose anything except a wrinkle! Your massage requires 2-3 hours. Before the procedure, lightly apply cream to the skin.

At the end, do a little exercise for your eyes - strongly flatten your eyes for 6 seconds, then sharply open them; repeat 10 times.

Massage will bring blood circulation back to normal so that you can accept the renewal of the correct skin color.

We pick up the blues from the front door for additional water

When there is no time at all, and you need to look your best, just buy a little water and a drink for the important sustrich. In spite of the expansion of the Duma, the blues under our eyes appear not as a result of what we are passing by, but as a result of a lack of water in the body.

Mittevo bring the skin around the eyes and tone you can help with just 500 grams of vital water, drunk over a short hour.

Cleaning up your sins in front of your eyes for extra ice

Ice tones the skin, thereby hiding the sunken sinuses under the eye. Ideally, you should not use frozen water, but cosmetic ice. If you are hungry, you can freeze chamomile infusions - this will help you not only to remove the synergy, but also to remove heat, since chamomile has a calming effect.

Wipe the skin around your eyes with an ice squeegee, and no blues will be scary for you.

Let's take the blues from under the eyes for additional parsley

Parsley has long been popular as an excellent cosmetic ingredient, and it also reduces sagging, tones the skin, removes dirt, refreshes, eliminates the old... By the way, take away all the strategic Bir, who proudly declares to the Sins under his eyes: “No!”

It’s a good idea to wash your eyes with parsley water today. If you need to thoroughly drink the sins under the ochima, then simply pour a tablespoon of fine parsley pellets into a small amount (literally half a bottle) of dill. Let it sit for 15-20 minutes, then soak two cotton swabs in water and place them on your eyes for 20 minutes.

We take away the sins from under the eyes for additional mischief

Another indispensable ally of yours in the fight against blue buds is shavliya. It revitalizes and tones the skin, darkens the underparts.

Preparing an infusion with shavliya is very simple - you just need to pour a tablespoon of the selected herb into 100 g of dill, after which it sits for 40 minutes. After finishing the infusion, put some of it in the freezer (near the ice tray), and reheat some of it again.

Soak a cotton swab and butt up to your eyes in the warm infusion, then immediately wipe your eyes with ice. And so five times.

We pick up the blues from the front door for some white bread and milk

Milk contains fat and protein, which is ideal for the skin. And the words that are contained in the product leave the skin smooth and tone it.

If you mix milk with bread and porridge, then apply it to your eyes for 20 minutes, then you can immediately forget about the syntheses under your eyes.

Anyone knows that without vitamins you can’t get well in a hot, clean skin. But few people know that yeast, which is the core of this vitamin, can be taken not only directly, but also made into face masks. Then there is a chance not to eat a lot of bread, which so easily irritates our sides.

Now do you understand how hard it is to make your skin and eyes beautiful by mixing milk and bread at the same time?

However, we hope that all the over-processed folk express methods for removing syns are only suitable if you really suffer from lack of sleep, including the lack of vitamins. If you have a serious illness (for example, anemia, sickness) that is causing pain to appear in your eyes, then it’s best to go to the police department for help!

Before the speech, don’t miss it! Soon we will write about beauty products that will help you disguise small imperfections in the eye area!

Eyes on the eyes: particularity

  • Cucumber contains a lot of important vitamins and minerals.
  • It has an anti-inflammatory effect, which helps to reduce swelling.
  • A high amount of water helps with sore skin.

The fruit contains enough important vitamins and minerals to give you the right dose of goodness. You should also include thiamine, riboflavin, vitamin B6 and minerals such as calcium and magnesium, which are important for various functions in the body, including a healthy diet. Vin is considered one of the most effective beauty ingredients for eye appearance. Cucumber has an anti-inflammatory effect, which helps to reduce swelling. High water content helps the skin become irritated, and cold temperature changes blood flow around the eyes. All at once, the stench can soothe the skin around the eyes and relieve the swelling. You probably felt like so many people had put little orgs on their eyes. This is a much wider practice, ale Chudova, so as to rejuvenate yourself and bring relief to weary eyes.

Ogirki in the eyes: victories of vikoristan

1. Control of swelling

Cucumber contains ascorbic and cavoic acid, which helps reduce the fluidity of morning water, reducing the swelling of the eyes. Cut the cucumber and cool the crumbs. This will help you relax and clear your eyes.

2. Fight cellulite

This fruit contains phytochemicals that help collagen production. Collagen is a fiber-like protein that provides elasticity to the skin and shrinks cellulite.

3. Change the dark color

4. Change the wrinkles of the eyes

Cucumber plays the role of a natural sweetening cream. The skin around the eyes is the same for our body. Placing a brush on the eyes helps to chew the skin around the eyes. This, with its help, helps. Cucumber can truly be called a sweet treat for the eyes.

5. Toning the skin around the eyes

Cucumbers also help tone the skin around the eyes. Take a cold cucumber and process to form a paste. Add lavender or chamomile oil together with honey. Mix well to form a fine paste. Stick the yogo under ochima, little by little, with your fingers. Add 10-15 pieces of cotton and wipe with a damp cloth. This will help you change the number of bags under your eyes.

The skin under the lower centuries is a kind of sensor of health and physical fitness of the whole organism. As soon as it changes color or becomes puffy, it is imperative to take care of yourself: both your appearance and your health. And don’t miss the people’s ways – simple, effective, verified centuries.

The periorbital facial zone is the skin around the eyes, which is susceptible to hypersensitivity and will require special attention. It’s here that you often see things that bother rich women so much: dark clothes, blue eyes and little bags under your eyes.

It doesn’t matter in the minds of your home if you avoid any inconveniences from your appearance. It is possible to earn money through the help of simple and popular public services.

Potato compress

There is a popular belief that it quickly reduces dullness and evens out the color of the skin.

Preparation and curing:

  1. Peel a large potato (or two small ones) and grate it with a fine grater.
  2. Add a tablespoon of ground wheat beard to the mixture and mix well.
  3. Spread a thick ball onto a double-folded serving dish, place it on your eyelids and under your eyes.
  4. After 20 minutes, remove the compress, wash the skin with green tea infusion, then apply the original life-giving cream.

Compress with tea

The simplest and most effective ways to get rid of stains and dark stains associated with the eyes are due to steeped tea - black or green; You can use the simplest types of brew, without additives or flavorings.

Black tea

Compresses on the eyelids from brewing black tea can be done both before bed and before bed.

Preparation and curing:

  1. Steam black tea (one teaspoon) in a quarter of a glass of sprinkling and leave for a day.
  2. Soak cotton wool pads with the filtered infusion and place them on flattened eyes. Treat tea compresses to one or two drinks, then replace them with fresh ones; earn so much - five times.
  3. Soak in chilled mineral water or make a compress with it for a couple of quills, apply life-giving cream.

Green tea

Green tea can be brewed for compresses on the eyelids in the same manner as black tea, or for better clarity, it can be steeped directly in paper bags for brewing; Instead of black, green tea does not pigment, but instead brightens the skin under the eyes.

Preparation and curing:

  1. Fill two tea bags with a small amount of dill - so that the water only covers them.
  2. After five minutes, remove the bags from the middle and, without pressing, place on a plate in the refrigerator for one year, repeat.
  3. Place the cooled bags on your eyes, rub for a quarter of a year, then rinse your skin and apply cream.

Compress from the sun

Modestly, this product is miraculous for women’s health and beauty, and this product miraculously revitalizes the tired skin around the eyes.

Preparation and curing:

  1. Grind a tablespoon of flaxseed oil in cavomolk, grind it well with a spoonful of honey and add two tablespoons of warm milk.
  2. Cotton pads will seep through like a rare porridge. Without squeezing, place them on your eyes.
  3. In about fifteen minutes you can remove the discs, wash yourself in and apply the cream to your cheeks.

Mask for youthful skin around the eyes.

Mask with starch

For cosmetic purposes, it is better to use potato vikoryst or rice starch - corn is too harsh and you don’t need to bring a lot of bark.

Preparation and curing:

  1. Carefully stir a tablespoon of starch into two tablespoons of hot water. Vimishuvati masu doti, doki won not oholone.
  2. Add two tablespoons of ripe banana puree to the sour mixture.
  3. Place the mask immediately under your eyes, rub for 15 minutes, then wash off.

With chamomile

Chamomile is a popular home cosmetologist. This popular practice brightens the darkness under the eyes and removes swelling on the eyelids.

Preparation and curing:

  1. Prepare a decoction with a teaspoon of chamomile leaves and half a bottle of dill; if the skin is very dry, the chamomile can be replaced with shavliya.
  2. After cooking, strain and divide in half: one part will need to be put in the refrigerator, and the other part will need to be heated.
  3. Using soaked cotton wool pads, pour hot or cold infusion and place them on your forehead. Zagalom procedure takes ten minutes, work better before bed.


The thin and sensitive skin of the periorbital zone responds well to the drying of various healing oils and ethers - they need to be treated correctly and carefully so as not to reverse the effect that is caused by the skin.


Mygdal oil has a strong rosacea, soothing and toning power: with its vikoristan, syntheses and pigmentation under the eyes are lightened, and marks fade less.


  1. Apply a small amount of pure almond oil to the skin near the eyes and leave for a quarter of a year.
  2. Soak cotton wool in running warm water and wipe off excess oil from the skin.


In home cosmetology, coconut oil is widely and successfully used. You can help by trying the wounded sins under your eyes. There are a lot of ways to establish this national interest - let’s say one of them is unique and very effective.

Preparation and curing:

  1. Pour a tablespoon of tea leaves over three tablespoons of dill and stir. Add a teaspoon of coconut oil and a tablespoon of gelatin granules.
  2. Let the mixture sit for seven to ten minutes, then divide it into two equal parts and freeze in grub foil.
  3. Make sure to apply fresh ice under your eyes and check the size of the skin - the eyes and blues will disappear without a trace.

Coconut oil and other syntheses - video


Essential oils are very active and are ideal for starting metabolic processes and normalizing the skin under the eye. Stocks of aromatic “cocktails” for decoration are best selected individually, or a universal mixture for the periorbital zone.

Preparation and curing:

  1. Add one drop of essential oils of geranium, rosemary and verbena to a teaspoon of olive oil of jojoba.
  2. Maslyana sumish carefully press the tips of your fingers into the skin near the eyes. Do not wash, excess oil can be blotted through the surface.

Camphorne and Oblipikhove

The best result is obtained by an oil mixture of sea buckthorn and camphor: regardless of the visible pharyngeal effect, sea buckthorn oil, synthetic and pigmented spots under the eyes are brightened, and the active components of camphor stimulate metabolic and detoxifying processes. cool down the skin.

Preparation and curing:

  1. Mix sea buckthorn oil and camphor oil in equal parts, carefully apply to the skin, avoiding getting into the eyes.
  2. Using light hands of your fingers, tap and massage the skin under the eyes, straight from the outer fold to the inner one.
  3. Remove any excess oil with a paper servette, and after 15-20 minutes soak it in with warm water.


Vitamins and other valuable components, which are found in castor oil, rejuvenate the skin at the tissue level, completely improve the functioning of other blood vessels, and also improve viii.

Preparation and curing:

  1. Heat a teaspoon of castor oil to 40-45 ° C, soak your fingers in it and, without haste, massage in small portions into the skin under the eyes and upper area. The procedure cannot be carried out at any time; Oliya is not guilty of losing more than ten quilins on her skin.
  2. Having blotted the castor oil with a serverlet, wash the husk with heated and then cold mineral water.


Olya turns the skins over the lost springiness, removes the bags and dirt behind the eyes, and at the same time the drying wrinkles.


  1. With a thin, even ball, apply lyanium oil to the area of ​​sinuses or underarms.
  2. After 15 minutes, wash the oil with warm water without milk and wipe the skin with an ice cube.

Apricot tassels

Apricot oil, like peach oil, contains a lot of valuable ingredients that help to renew the skin under the eyes. You can use this oil both in stock of creams and eye masks and for a clean look.

Preparation and curing:

  1. Fold small pieces of gauze into quarters and soak them with a lot of apricot kernels.
  2. Place the compresses on the eye area for a quarter of a year, then wipe the skin to remove excess fat.
  3. Wash in with heated mineral water.

Banana skin

Banana pulp is too brown for the skin, but do not rush to throw away the skin of these fruits, as it will definitely dry out the sinuses, bags and tiny wrinkles around the eyes.

Preparation and curing:

  1. Peel the skin of an overripe, brown-speckled banana. Remember the banana peel from the “twist” for a little while.
  2. Place two strips of skin on the face in such a way that the skin from them covers both the upper edge and the area under the eye.
  3. After a quarter of a year, soak in cold water.

Miracle banana mask.


Regularly soaking cosmetics in ice is one of the most effective folk methods of combating dark stains and stains under the eye. Cryomassage smoothes the skin and stimulates rejuvenation.

Preparation and curing:

  1. Prepare ice cubes with infusion of chamomile, shavliya or mint (a teaspoon of dry herbs per dill bottle).
  2. Every evening, perform a massage with light circular movements from the outer eye to the inner one.
  3. Do not get the skin wet, let it dry, and then lubricate|lubricate| cream.

Mask with white bread and milk

A safe recipe for nourishing, softening and improving the elasticity of the skin in the periorbital area.

Preparation and curing:

  1. Pour warm milk over the flesh of fresh white bread and mince until the bread softens.
  2. Apply to the skin near the eyes, after 20 minutes|minutes| Wash the mask first with warm water, then with cold water. You can apply cream to sensitive skin.

Parsley compress

Vitamin applications of fresh herbs from the garden reduce blood flow, increase the elasticity of capillaries, and also provide a booster effect.

Preparation and curing:

  1. Add juiced parsley leaves to the porridge - carefully, so that the greens are grown without chemicals.
  2. Apply green paste to the skin area near the eyes, place the animal with a cotton pad or just a small piece of cotton soaked in mineral water.
  3. After fifteen minutes, soak in the cold mineral water.

We test various nationalities - video


Cucumber juice is incredibly exhilarating, fermenting and slightly tightens the skin under the skin, so enjoy this especially during this cucumber season. Please remember that the effect of greenhouse fruits is weaker than fresh ones.

Preparation and curing:

  1. Knead the cucumber and cut into 3-5 mm rounds. To improve the result, the circles can be replaced with porridge from finely grated cucumber.
  2. Place the cup on your eyes and rub for 15-20 minutes, replacing the cups with new ones.

Mask with syrup and honey

Sirna mask perfectly brightens and revitalizes the skin under the eyes.

Preparation and curing:

  1. Grind 3 tablespoons of full-fat homemade syrah with 2 tablespoons of thick honey.
  2. Beat the butter to a uniform creamy consistency and carefully apply under your eyes.
  3. For a quarter of a year, wash the mask with warm milk.

Mask with water peroxide and yeast

Such an unexpected combination of components gives a quick and strong effect. A mask has been proposed - this will help in the appearance of blues and dark spots under the eye, read about it if you need to terminally organize the accoutrements before appearing.

Preparation and curing:

  1. Dilute a tablespoon of fresh baker's yeast with pharmaceutical peroxide and water (3%) until it becomes a thin sour cream and slightly dissolved.
  2. Apply the skin of the periorbital area with an irritating cream and let the skin soak in.
  3. Apply a mixture of yeast and peroxide on top of the cream, pour in 15 minutes. Then carefully, using the massage lines, remove the mask with a servet - there is no need to wash it.

Mask with turmeric and soda

You will see dark spots and wrinkles under your eyes at the same time: this is the result of a miraculous mask that consists of three components.

Preparation and curing:

  1. A tablespoon of baking soda is “quenched” with a splash of natural lemon juice; if the skin is dry, you can replace the vicor juice with mineral water.
  2. If you manage to sizzle, immediately soak half a tablespoon of ground turmeric in it, mix and apply to the skin under the eye.
  3. After 15 minutes, soak in and apply cream to the skin.

Mummy lotions

Mumiyo, combined with various additives, carefully removes the sins under the eye. The most effective way to do this is to mix the mumiyo with water.

Preparation and curing:

  1. In a water bath, achieve complete dissolution of the mumiyo in three tablespoons of water (boiled, mineral or simply filtered).
  2. Cool the skin in the refrigerator and use it for 15 minutes, then rinse the skin with cold water.


Celandine, which many people respect as a weed, is, in fact, a very strong medicinal plant: with it it will help not only to blow your sins under the eye, but also to completely paint your face.

Preparation and curing:

  1. In a thermos, steam the herb dry and fresh purity with two teaspoons of purity added to a bottle of dill.
  2. After repeating the infusion, strain and store in the refrigerator. In this case, you just need to wash your eyes at least twice a day.

The most popular recipes for syntheses under the eye - video

Recessive and chronic problems

Of course, far from the past, the problem of cats and dogs is clearly of an aesthetic nature. The difference is related to serious factors, such as:

  • sluggishness is bad;
  • health problems;
  • centuries of change;
  • wrong way of living.

It is necessary to first find out the reason for everything, and only then the consequences. Undergo medical treatment: it is possible that problems with the skin under the eye indicate a malfunction in the cardiovascular or herbal system, problems with the eyes.

In such cases, due to genetic diversity, folk methods alone will not heal either the blues or the eyes. I mean, I mean, you can help yourself - if you look at the rules of life and food, follow the awkward recommendations:

  1. Let's talk more about the fresh air: lack of sourness is noticeable on the skin.
  2. Don’t miss physical demands: a sedentary job, a low-impact way of living, relieve stagnant problems in the body, which in the first place comes to light.
  3. If you indulge in unhealthy foods, alcohol and chicken, you will soon become not only beautiful, but also healthy.
  4. Stay calm and don’t worry: chronic lack of sleep and stress are the first reasons to appear behind the eyes of sick bruises and dullness.
  5. Drink more clean water throughout the day, and take a healthy drink two to three years before bed.

Lights on the eyes, and most often they apply it under the eyes mainly as a method of removing synthetic skin and puffiness, refreshing the skin. How effectively does this procedure help against all these problems?

It is clear that fresh cucumber is approximately 90% water-based, which is likely to have a virulent effect upon contact with the skin. And vitamin C (ascorbic acid) and starch, added to the warehouse, soften the skin. It turns out that addition plus lightening creates a warm, refreshing effect.

While there is a lot of stress about the sheep, which people call bags under their eyes, the situation is improved not by the sheep itself, but by the cold outside. Tobto. For this purpose, it is recommended to remove it from the refrigerator; the refrigeration itself will remove the marks on the surfaces. And this is the same effect, for example, chilled potatoes or cold tea bags.

If there is still a positive result from masks with fruits for the eyes, then let’s move on to recipes.

Folk Ogir masks under the eyes

Classic option– do not bring cold flat mugs with a stem (or halves of mugs) to the lower eyelids. You can lie down, flatten your eyes and place a hand on your upper eyelids, generally refreshing the entire eye area.
Zokrema, if there are wrinkles in the skin area, the procedure is easy to remove, soothes the skin.

Before applying, wipe under the eyes The mugs can be soaked in cold milk or sour cream. This will help you achieve a healthy and refreshing effect.
Instead of milk, you can replace it with raw chicken juice, also from the refrigerator. Zhovtok also turns out the skin very well.
If you want to get a lasting effect on the skin around your eyes, coat the ore before applying mayonnaise (preferably prepare homemade mayonnaise).

Recipe for a calming and soothing folk mask with cucumber for the eyes:
Take 1 tbsp. l. fresh cheese, preferably homemade and fatty. Take it at once with 1 tsp. olive oil (or avocado oil, popcorn oil) and 3 tbsp. l. milk. Milk, like cheese, must be cold. Once the paste is removed, apply it onto the small pieces of the eye, and apply the small pieces to the skin near the eyes (on the lower and upper eyelids, in the mounds of the eyes) and press with your fingers. Trimati hvilin 15-20 after just soaking your eyes in cold water.
This mask has a hydrating effect, after drying the skin becomes more fresh and soft.
If you add 1 tsp to the warehouse. honey, you can use it against wrinkles in the eye area, or if your galus is irritated during the day, otherwise honey can provoke a negative reaction.

Orange mask for eyes with natural oils:
It will be necessary to add one of the vegetable oils (ricin, almond, peach, apricot or macadamia oil). Also essential oils (trojan, ylang ylang, neroli or geranium).
Up to 1 tbsp. l. The vegetable oil is supplemented with 2 drops (no more) of essential oil.
Before curing, the cucumber needs to be kept in the freezer for at least 30 minutes. After freezing, the vegetables are cut into flat pieces, and the pieces are thoroughly soaked in an oil mixture and the first couple of pieces are placed around the eyes in a circular pattern. Then a few heated slices are applied to the skin and rubbed for 15-20 minutes. This is necessary in order to immediately create an anti-skin effect in extreme cold, but at the same time not to over-cool the skin.
Oliya helps to color dry skin and smooth out slight wrinkles.

A unique folk mask made from potato and cucumber to avoid stains under the eye:
Grate fresh ham and sour, peeled potatoes. One procedure requires approximately 1.5-2 tbsp. l. grated mass of both vegetables (in equal proportions).
The first masa is placed in a plastic bag (or burned in a piece of grub spit) and placed in the freezer for 10 minutes, then removed, placed on the lower and upper layers around them, and sealed Eat with grub kick. Trimati 15-20 hvilin.

More against puffiness, teasing and simply to brighten the appearance of the skin around the eyes Cucumber slices are best soaked in green or black tea, in chamomile infusion (1 tbsp of dry flowers is poured into a bottle of dill and left under the lid until cool) and applied to 10 pieces. Then you can repeat the procedure by soaking the cucumber again.
All components should be kept cold.

The Ogirka mask for the skin and eyes is very useful:
Right now you need to prepare a warehouse in which to soak the mugs or slices of cucumber. You will need milk tops, which are generally suitable for store-bought coffee in the amount of 10 to 20%. You will also need honey and butter.
In a small saucepan (or Turk) up to 3-4 tbsp. l. 1 tsp add verts. honey has the same thickness as vershkova oil. The mixture is heated over a small fire so that the honey and oil melt. Then remove everything from heat, stir, cool the parts and place in the refrigerator for 1:00 (or in the freezer for 15 minutes).
Now, already in a cold warehouse, wet the cake and apply it to the upper and lower layers for 10 layers, then the soaking procedure is repeated. For example, just soak it in cold water.
Helps you live well and gives freshness to the skin, promotes springiness and elasticity,

Cucumber is one of the favorite food products of grown-up children. It is no secret that this product has proven itself very well in cosmetology, and it also helps to refresh and rejuvenate the skin without any special stains. Coryna will please and various recipes for cucumber masks will delight both mature women and young girls.

Where should I put it?

People of all ages are advised to regularly clean their eyes. What is required? Orange masks leave the skin vitalized, nourished and softened. Vitamin B, which is sufficient in vegetables, is even valuable for nourishing the skin. The pectin and starch that are in the cucumbers are full of pectin, the skin turns white, the dark and blue cola under the eyes dry out. Cucumber juice tones, soothes, refreshes, and revitalizes the epidermis.

It is especially recommended to apply cold water to the eyelids to reduce inflammation and reduce blueness and swelling around the eyes. The cold allows the vessels to sound, thereby ensuring a anti-scorching and refreshing effect. Flavonoids and antioxidants, which are abundant in cucumbers, help to irritate the epidermis.

Caffeic acid, which is found in coffee beans, like ascorbic acid, removes the excreted substance from the body. Original orginal sponges, applied before the eyes are closed, pull out excess hair from the skin of the skin. The swelling of the eye changes immediately.

After washing the orange masks, you should smear the skin around the eyes with a special face cream.

Korist and Skoda

Orange treatments tone the skin, reduce blemishes and pimples, and help fight wrinkles and pigmentation. Mix this vegetable with 90% water. Springiness and freshness are imparted by cucumbers and skins that are dry. Vegetables contain components that change the time and stimulate the work of sebaceous glands. Ogirka masks show beautiful life-like power, hide the mild form of acne and blackheads. Beta-carotene and magnesium soothe dry skin.

Excess fruits contain vitamins and organic acids. Vitamin B regulates the metabolism of vitamins in the skin cells. Vitamins E, C, H contribute to an enhanced skin conditioning process. Phylloquinone, folic acid and biotin control skin color under the eyes, reduce dullness and dark hair. Starch and ascorbic acid are characterized by strong properties. Retinol and tocopherol revive, transform and renew the skin.

All procedures with exceptions are found to be not costly. The undeniable advantage of oger's characteristics is that the smell does not cause allergies, so people with sensitive skins can wear masks from this vegetable without fear.

Skoda can sell Ogirka masks to people who suffer from dermatitis, as well as to those who have open wounds. Since chemicals and nitrates were used during the growth of vegetables, masks made from such vegetables may cause allergic reactions.

Mask recipes

The simplest way to freeze cucumber masks is to place cut circles on the eyes. The skin around the eyes becomes fresh and white. Trim the cucumbers on the sides until the juice is thoroughly soaked. Once only the cucumber mugs have reached body temperature, they can be turned over and then replaced with others. Sometimes, just before applying the cakes, soak the sour cream and cold milk.

An ocher mask is effectively made from grated vegetables, squeezed and poured into porridge, which must be removed after the fifteen-year-old soak, and the skin around the eyes should be smeared with a similar cream.

Blue colas under the eyes are miraculously soothed with cucumber infusion. Grind two sprigs in a blender, pour one bottle of dill and leave for 5-6 years. The front and evenings should be wiped with a cotton pad soaked in the processed solution.

If the procedure is carried out systematically, the blue color of the eyes will never disappear again.

The darkness under the eyes will also become wet if you mix the cucumbers with fatty cheese, vikory and peel off the masa like a mask. For this you need to beat 2 vegetables with cheese (100 g) in a blender. Separately, please pack them in thick gauze and cover your eyes with it. Trim the skins first, then rinse off and wipe the skin with fresh cucumber.

Dark colas are difficult to handle with masa; to prepare it, take equal proportions of heavily crushed cucumbers (1.5-2 tablespoons) and grate fresh potatoes. The mask is called “express update”. The potatoes contain enzymes that lighten the skins, and the cucumber has a wonderful sound. Sometimes, just before vikostannaya, leave the porridge for about an hour in the freezer. With regular standing exercises for 25-30 minutes, the swelling gradually becomes apparent.

For different recipes, you can, before using the cucumber mugs as a mask, rub them in cooled black or green tea or in chamomile infusion: put a spoonful of dry flowers in the bottle, pour in the dill, and simmer under the lid until completely cool. The mask lasts for 10-15 minutes, repeating as necessary.

To reduce pigmentation and red coloring, add a teaspoon of honey to one tablespoon of cucumber. If you add one tablespoon of aloe juice and milk powder (15 g), it will make an excellent addition.

Yoghurt made from cucumber will create unnoticeable crow's feet around the corners of the eyes, which is best suited for those whose age has exceeded forty. Unsweetened yoghurt must be mixed with the same amount of finely coated cucumber and covered with a lid. Trim the mixture first, then knead it and apply the cream around the eyes. The procedure is wonderfully suitable for young girls who are dealing with dry skin.

Deep wrinkles are miraculously removed with cucumber mixed with black clay. You can vicorize white clay. Apply sumish to the eyelids until completely dry. Crushing the cake with parsley juice is also a great remedy for wrinkles.

The mask can be made more vitaminized by adding two drops of vitamin E.

Another great recipe for rejuvenation: pour the tops into a container, add the tops oil and honey (a teaspoon at a time), heat on the stove until they melt, then stir thoroughly and cool. Having wrapped a piece of ork in a cold mass, spread it on the skin near the eyes, rub 10-15 khvilins.

For the milk-butter procedure, you need cold milk. First you need to chop up a fresh sprig and place the chopped butter on your eyelids. Place two cotton swabs on top, soaked in cold milk. The procedure takes place at first, then the mask needs to be washed off under running water.

You can use the following recipe for a milk mask: mix two tablespoons of grated cucumber with milk, low-fat cheese, olive oil and parsley juice (all ingredients are taken in one tablespoon). As a result, the pores are cleaned and sounded.

To rejuvenate, mix grated cucumber with aloe vera gel, apply for 20 minutes, then rinse with cold water. This procedure can be performed no more than twice a week.

Orange cubes for rejuvenation need to be applied correctly so as not to damage the delicate skin around the eyes. In a special form, mix an equal amount of cucumber with boiled chilled water and place it in the freezer. It is necessary to wipe the lids thoroughly with ice cubes, otherwise the procedure may exceed 2 ridges.

Gurkas can be used as an application under the hour of applying any other masks to the face. Since the skin around the eyes is very delicate and easily susceptible to scuffing, they can be rolled into thinly sliced ​​pieces so that they better follow the contours of the skin when applied to the eyelids. In this condition, the skin around the eyes becomes devoid of cleanliness. The bark will be undergrowth.

It is necessary to vikorist the great vegetable, so that one bunch of cucumber can completely flatten the eye.

Numerous studies of people who use Ogir masks indicate that women often reject their results. The skin around the eyes becomes brighter, fresher, smoother.

A delectable effect comes from the procedure of applying a sliced ​​fresh cucumber with sour cream to the surfaces. After such tricks, the skin around the eyes becomes a miracle, so that the result surpasses all calculations. The only drawback of the mask is that the porridge strongly spreads not only to the face, but also to the body.

To reduce the risk of burning the skin, mix the beaten egg white with some grating and leave it on the surface for 15-20 minutes. Then you need to resolutely absorb yourself. When injured in a visible manner, people need to stay in a horizontal position. Then the mass was not immediately detailed.

People with a delicate, even sensitive skin need to carefully trim one ham, add a teaspoon of honey, two tablespoons of sour cream, a tablespoon of oatmeal, in which first add brewer's yeast (20 g). After 10-15 minutes, wash in and apply a rich life-giving cream to your eyelids.

Masks on the eyes will help ladies always have a fresh look, look young and cheerful for a long time, but for the minds of proper food, see the chicken, spare sleep and security for yourself in the future.

In this video you will see the most popular recipes for cucumber masks.

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