How to cut yourself. How to properly cut human haircuts at home

If you can’t know the ideal maestro, who, at a glance, seems to understand how you came to work, then, perhaps, you can try to cut your hair on your own. Another reason for a girl to go to a beauty salon is a great human line.

Aja, you need to trim your chubok, so it’s important to go somewhere for the sake of someone else, you can do everything yourself in your home minds.

The main curl under the hour of an independent haircut is the skewness, which was raptly manifested. There's something to be said at that moment, if you take knives in your hands. And besides, it’s all the same, it’s possible to paint a straight line, as I turn around.

Sound so creative failures all the same end with a trip to the salon, de informing the master, incomparably pohituyuchi head, trying to correct the traces of your independence.

How to learn how to cut your hair straight?

First for everything, it is necessary to say that it is easier to cut a chubok, shards of wine are right in front of your eyes.

For a distance change of tone, you need:

  • Trochs wet the skein, yakі you are going to take care of it. Golovne, remember that after the hanging hair became a trifle short, that hair was cut, it was necessary to protect this little nuance;
  • Clean up all the curls, yakі do not enter the forelock on the mountain. For arrogance, you can wind up curling your curls with a gum, so that the skein does not squander under the knives;
  • See one skein and squeeze yoga between the expressive and the middle finger. Kindly stretch the part of the hair and push the chin along the line of the fingers. The coming skein needs to be cut just like that. For that, the line of hair turned out to be even, orienting the varto on the height of the shoveled fingers;
  • If the process of adding a forelock has reached the end, it will be obov'yazkovo to turn over all the pasma of the same old age. For whom, stifle the whole forelock between your fingers and pull it out. If the edge is even, then the haircut is deep, if not, just slightly correct the problem area.

Well, we got along with you, like cutting your own chubok. ale mova in to this particular type, I went about the big equal forelock, it’s not too difficult to cut a yak. But how does the procedure look like, how do you need to make your own braid of a forelock?

Yak samiy cut the braid of the chubok

In order to cut the sprat sash under the hood, you need:

  • Zvichayny perukarskie knives;
  • Knives for thinning;
  • comb;
  • Dekіlka hairpins.

Now you need to wet your hair. After that, as the hair became hairy, timidly extended it clearly in the middle. Let's sweat the potency of the forelock with a tricot extension.

We will approach the crop without interruption of undesirable kіnchikiv. For whom, two ways can be victorious. In the first fall, it is necessary to tear the curls under the singing kut with one hand. So the line will be equal.

Alas, it’s a pity, tsey way of vimagaє in view of that, who is swifter than such professionalism, shards of ruh with scissors can be repeated so sharply. And if you cut your hair on your own, then you definitely won’t have such haircuts.

Another way is easy. You will need to put the knives vertically up to the forelock and cut the skin with a tooth. At this vipad, the edge of the hair will be trochs lamented, but it’s so conceived, it’s not varto to be embarrassed.

After that, as you have reached your ideal, you can dry your curls. Respect! A scythe forelock cannot be twisted, only straight. To that varto vytyaguvate skein with a rower for an hour of drying. So you don’t have a chance to twist a curling iron in order to lay unheard-of curls.

How to cut your own hair extensions

Father, you and I already figured out how to cut yourself in that fall, if you need to cut only a forelock. Ale, about those, how to bring kinchiks to me, they have not yet spoken to you. As we know, the hairs on the tips are not the same as shoes, but you can look for the tips. But it’s not so little, that hair growth will be better after such a boost.

Before the procedure, listen carefully to yourself. And if you don’t see any positive results, then it’s better to go to the salon anyway. And yet, if you feel even more impressed, you can boldly take up the knives. Now we wet the curls and kindly їх rozchіsuєmo.

Then we need to buy a hair from the fold to the fold and stab it. That skein, which has become unsuitable, is divided into two parts, and thrown over the shoulders. For those who cut their hair on their own, start a haircut on the left side. Razcheshіt kіnchiki and stifle them between vkazіvnymi and the middle finger.

Now, with neat ruhs, you can see the edge of the streak. The same procedure is repeated from the other side. Now we have a small patch of stabbed hair and try the same procedure with her. Only an axis of two skeins, which happened, we impose on the already trimmed. І vіdrіzaєmo kinchiki yak for the template. The axis is so and pіdstrigaєmo hair sobі to the required life!

And one more thing: as you are a happy hairdresser of the coachmen, then don’t think about trimming them at a dry look. You will definitely have a good chance to wet your hair, straightening yoga with you for help rowing. Let's sweat it out, until the curls are twisted back, we move the knichiki.

If you want to cut only little kinchiks, if you feel like it, then take a small skein of hair and twist the kinks behind the year's arrow. All hairs, as if they were cut, weave from the skein. After that, as with the rest of the hair, it will be finished, twist tighter the skein of the anti-Year arrow. So you dance, like hairs drooping in front of your respect.

Like Bachimo, a skin girl can cut her own hair. For whom it is necessary to stock up on special scissors and patience, the procedure takes a long time to complete the procedure. And if you are inspired in yourself, then you have everything, so go ahead, create your new image and be happy!

A woman’s wound cannot do without a mirror. Looking at oneself from one's sides, one adds a lot of respect to one's hair. How much stink garni? Chi not hour pіdrіzati kіnchiki abo, navpaki, vіdrosti dovga hair? Bagatma is chosen. Deyakі zhіnkі vykonuyut navіt independently. Ale, impeccably, it can be seen from the hair, the master’s hands were patted with them, or the zachіska vikonan was an amateur. The article has the widest haircut schemes. Vivchivshi їх, it is easier to choose the appropriate option for yourself.

Short haircuts: advantages and disadvantages

Otzhe, as if the girl had made herself a short haircut, she obviously had a mind that:

  • it is not important to keep an eye on her;
  • laying - on the right is simple;
  • the image is changed for additional styling;
  • vіdkrita zone shiї to rob the image of the most sexual;
  • a short zachіska to rejuvenate a woman.

At the same hour, having an eye on her, you need to understand the minuses:

  1. Dry the hair on the tongue after the mitt, so that the wounded surprises disappear.
  2. As soon as we call on you to shake up your long curls, then get ready for singing period if you don’t want to go out, you still don’t have any necessary home.
  3. The stylist often has hair cut.
  4. To eat a meister is not even a high qualification, then old look, and at the same time from it, moods will be spent for a long time.
  5. Vlasnitsi duzhe thick hair take off the head like a kulbabi.
  6. It is better to look at a short haircut, as if drawing a veil of sharpness.

Schemes of vikonannya haircuts vrakhovuyut form and disguise. Even if you don’t work it out, the effect can be far from being stunned. For example, to the head of the stylist, who works with a client with a round special, є podovzhennya yogo line. For whom vikoristovuyutsya different rules.

  1. On makіvtsі bazhano otrimati bagatosharovіst. So the hair rises, and the disguise moves.
  2. Direct extended at times turned off. The hair is combed slanting the slanted one, or the asymmetric forelock.
  3. Too short haircuts for such a form of individuals are categorically protected.

Then a caret at be-yakoy looking at looking good.

Haircut schemes also allow for visual twisting. For whom they lift the line of chola. Tse reaches the path:

  • oblique extensions;
  • various asymmetries;
  • sloppy past;
  • vіdkritih vuh.

And the axis of the equal thick, long and important forelocks is slowly moving. The ideal option would be a full haircut with voluminous hair and not falling behind the hairline.
For girls with a tricot form of appearance, it’s about to add yakraz on the board. Їm pіdіdut dovgі chi kosі forelocks. Short and dense options are included. It is not recommended to wear high hair or a too short haircut, so it’s better to reinforce the shape of the tricoutnik.

For a rectilinear individual dovge hairy pull yoga even harder. The best option for this look is a haircut scheme, with some appearances neatly framed, and the hair is crouched. For which type, the forelock will be more dense.

The most widely seen schemes of women's haircuts

Today, a good building stylist creates an individual image, adopting classical haircut schemes with modern technologies. However, it is necessary to add an hour to the jokes in order to know such a fahіvtsya, what is worth it, for someone who feels the style and understanding of your hair.

If such a master is found, then you will be deprived of choosing a high-profile look and trusting all the nuances of a professional. Let's take a look at the widest haircuts for today.

  1. Bob is a classic short haircut for different types of appearance. It is invested differently, and work the next day.
  2. A square is suitable for all types of disguise, for a winyat sackcloth of great rice and round cheeks. If she is professionally veiled, then special styling is not necessary.
  3. The cascade is characterized by stepwise transition from short to long streaks. Here zastosovuєtsya chi torn technique. The cascade miraculously looks on the volodarkas of oval forms.
  4. Sesun frames the appearance with clear lines. To that vіdminno poddhodit for important smooth hair.

Shave your head before getting a haircut. To that, as you climb to the front, there is no need for a front mitt. Meister will kill you for you.
Let's take a step-by-step scheme for short haircuts.


  1. Clean, not drier hair, cut into pieces, attaching the skin with hairpins.
  2. At the lower zone on the ceiling, skewer along the line of growth i, pulling it with two fingers (indicating and middle) perpendicularly, pulling the hair.
  3. So they continue, rushing uphill to a horizontal stretch. Pasmo after pasma shortly along the cheeky lion and the right side.
  4. Combing the curls in the tim'yanіy zone, cut them with a similar rank. The cordon may appear with broken skeins.
  5. Then, they will grow up with a long hair, and cut the forelock. With this line, hats should be sashed perfectly even.
  6. For example, a “bob” haircut (the scheme is shown) increases the rice of smoothness and softness. The effect is reached by the hands of the master and the technique of filtering.


Qiu haircut, on the front view, wink, not retracting the skein. Tobto the hair is shed vertically, and the line in the eye comes out parallel to the bottom. Let's look at the technique step by step.

  1. The lower back was extended for two: one went from the tops to the sides to the upper points of the voh, and the other - from the middle line of the chola to the shi. After whom to shy away, another one continued: from cover to cover.
  2. Similar to the front haircut, the rank of water-creaming sash is in the lower zone. Ale zrіz robyat strictly horizontal. On the first pass, we will then orient ourselves when shearing.
  3. When I step on the part, take it half a centimeter higher, pull it down, cut it two or three millimeters further in front. So continue, the docks do not reach the horizontal extension of the mountains.
  4. At this zone, sash in parallel to the parting in the hem to the hem and cut, focusing on the line at the back. The curls are cut along the offending sides in the form of an extension, which goes from the middle line of the chola to the shii.
  5. hairy, Scho Lost, divide into two parts and cut, step by step.
  6. The skin is pasmo, as if they are shaping, they look at the line of sight.


Tsey type of haircut is similar to a square. The robot's prote here is victorious with others directly. However, the hairy dove is reachable when you count the hill. With the help of the control, like in the frontal slope, є sash from the lower politic zone.


This haircut wins at the pivkol form. Won zdatna nadati dodatkovy obsyag volosyu. Cessuns are up to universal ones, looming on the verge of those suitable for young girls and grown-up women at the rocks. However, її do not recommend choosing chubby and casual. You look better than you at the sackcloth of thick hair. So garno looking at the sloppy coachmen. Cessun is a garnet solution for women, as they helped to rejuvenate. May I fold the technique for haircut. The scheme is composed of the following stages:

  1. The curls are cut from the top of the head down. After that, they are separated by a vertical extension.
  2. With a horizontal extension, we strengthen the potile part, then we will divide it into two parts, and we will stab the thyme zone.
  3. They see the central cloud and see, the roblyachs need a dozhina. They are far from being guided by it.
  4. Reshta is hairy in the zone of driving.
  5. Zvіlnivshi zatiskі, raschіsuyut skeins and cut them just like the base. Dovzhina veyde troch more for the front.
  6. Give the tim'yan part of the cut down, water-cream the curls for the forelock, the crown part and cut the forelock below the line of the brows.
  7. Let's cut the skronevu zone under a slanting kut.
  8. Dali ensure a smooth transition, lifting the elbows from the bichny zones with a forelock and driving them.

Haircut vykonuєtsya without haste, oskіlki є foldable and vimagaє to a respectful approach. Then the result is a feminine, romantic and stylish image.

Sprat of words about human haircuts

For the creation of human images, a vicorist machine is often used. Ale vona pіdіyde tіlki tim, hto vіddaє vіddaє vіddaє dovzhinі volosya pyati semіtіvіv. The scheme of a human haircut an_trohi is not simpler for a woman. Maistry for an hour to create miracles, blatantly in an individual style. Pererakhuemo the widest human haircuts:

  1. Napivbox.
  2. Boxing.
  3. Tenis.
  4. Zhachok.
  5. Bobrik.
  6. Kare.
  7. Garson.
  8. Ring.

A rich woman with a method of saving money and practice at home haircuts for an hour. Ale, like on the other side, still hoarsely busy. In order to expand your knowledge of the world of fashionable haircuts, we suggest you some options for simple homemade haircuts. Come join us!
Otzhe, let's look at the simplest haircut, for example, I can cut my hair on my head.

Haircut kinchikiv hair

Robiti haircut at home is not recommended. However, even though you already virish її robiti, otherwise the surroundings were so stacked up, next to be put up to the set goal even more seriously. First, on what follows the respect, so the knife is like a knife, like you victorious. The stench mayut buti steely and even gostrimi. Why is it important? Stupid knives can damage the hair, yoga structure, after which it will be broken more often. Gostrі knives, navpak, cleanly cut the hair, not traumatizing the tips of the hair.

Otzhe, if you prepared the hospitality knives, it is important to carefully comb your hair, combing all the knots. Now pick up the hair with your hands, comb it with a comb, shave your head down and pull the skein of hair so that you rolled the hair. Trim the skein of hair with your hands. Now take the knives and cut the tips of the hair so that it was pulled tight. Vіdrіzati hair slid with one hand in front of the fingers. In this rank, we take even a simple haircut of kinchikiv hair. Dalі volosya sіd viti ta apply balm. The haircut is ready, like a bachite, it’s easy to work.

Do-it-yourself haircut cascade

Bagato girls are free to create with their own hands. It’s easy to finish it, because you have good knives under your hands. Like you have a foldable haircut with a drabbinka with bagator_vnevimi skeins of hair, like you did at the fahіvtsya, remember that, better than everything, in home minds you can’t reach such a result. However, you can try to create a cascade haircut, like a basic haircut and look bad, especially on long hair.

Otzhe, for the creation of tsієї zachіski you need a comb, gostrі knives and a gum for hair. Before speech, you can whip it up like a spray for hair, so you can use water to give a hair ear texture. Now, if you are ready, comb your hair with a comb, vicorist water or spray, to give your hair a special texture and pick it up with your hands in front of you. For whom to heal his head in front of him. Fix the tips of the hair behind the help of a thin gum. If everything is ready, you can start cutting your hair. Otzhe, vyznachte dozhina volosya, zakrypіt gum at bazhany mіstsі haircuts. When you do this, remember that a knife was climbed under a straight trim under a straight cut. Now wake up your hair in one go. To make the hair look more natural, it is important to make a thinning of the hair.

How to profile hair in household minds?

Hair thinning is an important tool for achieving the ideal hair shape. Zocrema, perukary often zastosovuyt filirovka hair, to thin out the tips of the hair, give it a shape or make it asymmetric. For thinning hair, vicorist is used like a fine knife, so are thinning knives. Deyakі maistry shave thinning with a razor or with hot knives. Ale, as if talking about the creation of thinning in domestic minds, here variant become the ultimate steel knife.
What are the rules for hair thinning?

Yes. First lower profile hair, next yogo haircut. Krіm tsgogo, before fіlіrovka, obov'yazkovo apply a spray on the hair, to bachit dozhina kinchikіv hair. Give a vikoristovuyte flat fixer for hair, which allows you to bachiti kinchiki hair.

If you can’t do this, just fix the hair with a hairbrush and apply water or spray on the tips, so that the hair becomes hearing. Flatten the hair with your hands, so that it becomes as thin as possible. Dali, for an additional knife, profile the hair. It is necessary to work with a straight cut, with which the comb is trimmed parallel to the knives. You can look at the hair with a slanting look, in such a time you take off the braid haircut. From the same time, the process of thinning is simple, you will grow hair under a straight cut. Gosh, don't overdo it. What is the contraindication for hair thinning?

Hair filtering is not recommended for women. Thin hair in the process of thinning becomes more thin and loses its touch. Curly hair in a tan can siktis and collapse. Before carrying out the thinning, the hair needs to be consulted with a hairdresser, so that not the skin texture of the hair can turn into a similar haircut.

Bagatorivne haircut at home

To create simple haircuts at home, you already know, try experimenting with different haircuts. Such zachіski dosit smoothly in home minds, it’s real. To create a burgundy haircut at home, you'll need a pair of steel knives, a hair texture spray, and Creaclip (a special hair clipper that allows you to create haircuts).

In the rest of the hour, cosmetic campaigns report maximum efforts to make haircuts at home as comfortable as possible. The rest of the cut - Creaclip - allows you to fix your hair and cut your hair under the cut. Zocrema, this technology is more convenient for cutting. short hairїї can win like a man, so a woman, to do it manually. Otzhe, how do you get a rich haircut in your home minds?

1. Spray on the hair and carefully comb through the yoga.
2. Take the hair with your hands and heal your head down. Fix your hair behind Creaclip help.
3. Now, for help, cut the hair in the style of the hair, the skis were planned. Move the troch up more and profile the hair under the cut.
4. Znіmіt zatiskach, rascheshіt hair.
5. Cream the front of the hair, detangle and secure with Creaclip.
6. Now profile the hair tips again.

Our haircut is ready;
Like a bachite, it’s easy to do a haircut in your home minds, especially when it comes to a simple haircut. It’s more folded to make a rich haircut. At the next article, we’ll talk about those, how to cut your chubok independently, stay with us!

A skin girl, when choosing a haircut, can damage a low number of features. It is necessary that the screening was taken to see all the traits of the individual and to take the songs of the wadi. Women's haircuts are based on great diversity, and most girls choose short options, which allow them to create an original and attractive look.

The main advantage of a short haircut is for someone who is practical. The process of laying zovsіm clumsy and short. For її creation, only a sprat of whilin is needed.

Krіm tsgogo, a haircut can visually underline the line of shiї and can correct the proportions of the guise. In order to know who the haircut is for, it is necessary to look at the options for haircuts for the singing form of the face.

Round face

For chubby beauties, getting haircuts is not so easy. It is necessary to have respect for that option, which is a better disguise and sounds closer to the boron. So that the haircut looked elegant; And the reach of which is possible is the zavdyaks of rich sphericalness.

In order to make the appearance less, it is necessary to ruffle the elbows according to the pretychny person, falling on the cheeks. You can also call a round person for help with asymmetry. For her, the characteristic ones are left that the forelock can absolutely be-yak, and the tips are left on the cheeks.

In other words, for a round individual, it is necessary to pack with volume. In order to visually lift the appearance, it is necessary to raise the zachіski uphill, and cut the axis of the temple shortly.

oval face

For ciєї form, choose a short haircut will be easier. Girls oval effectively spared, to the fact that stench can exacerbate the effect of that comfortable arrangement. If the appearance of the troch is won, then it is not necessary to zastosovuvat straight ahead. The forelock can be straight or oblique. At the time of the haircut, the hair should be professionally profiled. Taking the decision to choose a haircut, it is necessary to protect the type of hair.

In order to visually shorten the victorious disguise, then the forelock is to blame for being present, the shards of wine can change parts of the disguise. The ideal option is an asymmetrical haircut with an oblique extension. For principle girls with oval faces, I can give women's haircuts. If the appearance is wider, then lower the curls on the cheeks of the varto, let's look at it differently.


With such appearances, the girls will happen to improve, abi pick a haircut. It is necessary to take two rules to heart. The zachіska is guilty of smoothing out the kuti, so that the denunciation will become victorious. The best option will be, de є lightness and fluffiness of curls.

For denunciation square shape varto vibirati kucheriki. Moreover, they can be natural, and piece. If the girl does not want to work while laying down, then the ideal option would be a drabinka or a cascade.


When choosing a patch for a straight-cut shape, it is necessary to choose the option that expands the whiskey. The forelock is filled with a lingering element. She herself will give the appearance of the necessary roundness.

Do not varto give respect to haircuts, as if I will openly expose the guise. The ideal will be a short haircut, in which the sash hangs a bridle.


For the appearance of the tricot form, such features are characteristic, such as the neckline of the border and the wide forelocks. When choosing a haircut, it is necessary to ensure the ability to sound the upper part of the face.

Asymmetric zachіska, slanting attachment and the presence of a forelock - tse obov'yazkovі elements, for the help of which you can disguise a wide cholo. Do not choose a skewer for a tricot individual, with a skein they will be lowered down.

And the axis is what it is, to help you understand the information from the article.

How to cut correctly

To take a short haircut, it is necessary to finish the offensive plan:

  1. Walk along the hairline with a rower and see the potilichnuyu area near the pidkovi. Zrobiti extended it with one crown from another, fixed the hair on the makivtsi for an additional zatiskachi.
  2. On the sweatshirt, signify a vertical sash, stretch the veins and cut off the necessary dozhina, at its trimaty, hair under the fringe of 45 degrees. Zavdyaki tsyomu can be saved for real obsyag. Such a technique is necessary to zastosovuvat and for further hair trimming.
  3. The next step is to get to the point where all the shears are sheared, reconciling them from the control.
  4. The hair in the area of ​​the crown is combed and stretched, so that it can be smoothed down to the face. Allow me to give credit for a creative look.
  5. For help, I extended from the top to the top, I saw a streak near the upper region of the roof.
  6. Proprate the hair in the same way, elevating it to the control skein and pulling it out under the fringe. After that, you can move on to cutting the thyme zone.
  7. Designate a working area with additional prolongation only on equal eyebrows. You see the smut of smut, the trochs take yoga straight to the potilice and you will need a dozhina. Ruhatisya at a straight line of the political region, pulling a skein perpendicular to the head. The smutty savage of the thyme region is due to the fault of the dozhina with the sheared hair on the tiling. Zavdyakov vіdtyazhtsі vdaєtsya reach podovzhennya in the zone of the forelock. Tse miraculous weather decorate її beautifully.
  8. I am refining the area, but dividing it with horizontal lines. Tse allow me to tidy up the kut, some kind of molding through the retail price.
  9. Complete the sweep in the area of ​​​​the hide, seeing the skein one by one vertically.
  10. Chubchik rose and cut the outline. For the help of a hair dryer, hang your hair, and then you can proceed to the final stage.
  11. Sob zachіska otrimala nebkhіdnu texture and zrobiti simple process of laying, it is necessary to cut the ends of the hair, trim the cloth with a knife perpendicular to the fingers. Allow me not to cut a lot of hair and not to destroy the contour.
  12. Restore your hair, as if you don’t see all your life. If it is necessary, then you can make a forelock, forging a forged vertical cut.

As you can see in the photo, a short woman’s creative haircut is shown here

You can get a photo of a short voluminous haircut for thin hair here

And the axis is a short human haircut on the top box, to help you understand the information given

How to get a short haircut:

A short haircut is a universal option, which is ideal for young girls and mature ladies. When choosing a necessary option, it is necessary to protect not only the type of hair, but the same form of disguise. As a rule, a short haircut is practical for all girls, but only if it is necessary to correctly choose the option of a haircut, so that you can see the appearance and grab the nedolіki, є.

Yakі recognized for vikonannya raznomanіtnyh zachіsok self-tapping at home. it is necessary for the typewriter to reach the current rules of the technique of yakіsnoї zachіski.

Clipper haircut - the easiest way for home perforation

The technology of foldable stripping is developed as follows:

  • Nozzle No. 1 and No. 2 are installed. The attachment is trimmed with a forest burn. Obrobka starts from the shi, from the line of hair growth. The curls are cut to the potilichny region.
  • Then the nozzle No. 3 or 4 is changed and the curls are cut to the top. Then the nozzles are replaced again and the skeins are pulled out on the covers. Then the nozzle closes again 4 or 3 and the skeins are cut from the edge to the top area.
  • Attachment is carried out to the dark. It is not possible to cut off the growth of curls, to that, with which skein, there is a different rozmіru.
  • At the process, the comb is fixed, and the curls are climbed on top of it.

Haircut machine always starts from the back of the head. At the end of the procedure, the skein on the folds and shiї are moved.


First cut your hair with a machine, you need to soak it and comb it thoroughly. Pasma is subdivided into sprat zones. When this is carried out, it was extended from the depressions on the forehead to the tiling part. This is how the temples and tim'yana dilyanka are watered.

You can see the following zones:

  1. thyme;
  2. two in skronevyh areas;
  3. three in potilichnyh dilyankah.

Meaning may yakіsne edging on shiї. There is a trapezium-like round shape.

How to cut a machine with a transition?

So that the model haircut looks smooth, you need to work on the right transitions. In any case, the process of fitting with an attachment can be neat and tidy. Comb is necessary to trim the left hand.

Pasta is cut by husbands. The chola area is sheared on the back, then the potilichna part. For potilitsi vikoristuetsya smaller nozzle.

Haircut vykonuєtsya from the bottom and the attachment is carried out uphill. On the back, the machine is pressed up to the surface of the head, and in the dark the apparatus is blown. With this, there is a difference between skeins. Let's sweat it with the very nozzle, the temples are sheared.

From the Tim'yano region it is necessary to vikonate a smooth transition. View of short sashes of edging. The edging is carried out at the shisha behind the vuhas without a nozzle. Let's sweat the dozhina shanks all over the head.

The tendrils of the short hairs of the shearers are corrected.

How to cut hair?

An important stage is the edging of the crown area. Skronі can be oblique, straight, up to the earlobe or in the middle of the ear.

Start laying the next line from the skronevyh boards. With this, the curl is cremated with a diagonal extension. Then the hair starts to look like a lie, and it turns out to be hidden. Then the skeins are piled down, and the edging of the skronevy part is carried out.

Ruhi with an attachment to make buti light and without zusil.

How to properly cut a chubok boudinka?

Cholovіch_ haircuts under the typewriter with a forelock are foldable. For cutting a forelock, the largest nozzle is selected. At the same time, the forelock is lifted for the help of the rowing, by which the skeins are lifted for the need of a walk. Zrіz butt to fight over the comb. We will come out equal from the first time.

Clarify yourself simple rules machine haircuts and forward

For the help of a typewriter, you can get a short haircut, or you can make a folded haircut.

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