Batman Arkham City passing through a steel plant. Batman: Arkham City walkthrough. Inspired by the video from the mechanical varti

The story begins with an episode about a woman-intestine. Beware of Selina. With quick accurate blows, we throw opponents around the corners, then we destroy them to the safe and take the flash card.

We marvel at the introductory video, from which we become aware that Batman was caught by bad luck in the name of Hugo Strange. Cheers for Batman. Let's start rozgoduvati stіlets, sob flow away. We see a soldier, who is trying to fool us. Ale another soldier vishtovhuє Bruce Wayne from the yogo cell, and we have to get through to other communications. Deyakі z them lead to dosit aggressively.

Shukayte a bright objective marker instruct from the head office of the studio and park. Vyskochit, potim pochnіt their descent to the top of life, straight up to the dahu levoruch in the massive statues, like adjoining to the head doors. Inject the beast, follow the road to the road point until you reach the generator. Click on the instructions on the screen to connect the devices to remote access and turn on the generator at the mechanism. It’s a pity, it’s a bit too late, so we’ll make it worse, so you’ll need to turn off the radio button manually.

For whom, however, you will need to take one of Lucius' new toys. Turn back to the Batmobile and go straight along the way to the Gotham City lighthouse, making your way through the gate, blocking your way. Zruchno, scho building keruvati tight electrical supply. You need some kind of serious swedishness, to repair the new growth, to speed up the grassy skins in front of you. Activate your afterburner for an additional boost and drop down on the ground through the river.

Appears in the arena, where it is necessary to fight with the battles - aggravated. Having seen the attackers, we help Jack Ryder rise up, who, having fallen, help to drink.

After whom we are consumed in the paws of Mr. Cobblepot, but in the same way Penguin comes. Vin tries to hit us, but it’s not there! Varto change yoga fuse. Not caring about the kaydanki, we start to fight in the sight of the most important fellows of Penguin. Seeing them, we can go and see Cobblepot himself.

Unfortunately, the platform has been lifted in front of the farther passage. After that, as you attach, pull back, to pull the panel and form an improvisation on the stepping platform. If you land safely, activate the battle mode one more time and wrap the bridle firmly around. If you hit the faces before the studio, find a small platform that steps into the end of the way, and snarl the beast. Find a reference point on the wall of the studio room, then launch your electric power winch.

You can try smikti on the wall, a little bit too much, so that you can get a lot of good Zamіst that, still in combat mode. - and still attached to the reference point - almost rushed forward, z_skovznuvshi with a ledge and hit against the wall from tsgogo. unstable new position, continue to collapse forward that uphill, you will not reach the docks at the top of the studio life.

Virushaemo on yes. For whom it is necessary to raise the gatherings, re-string on the pipe, and one more gathering will be shed. On Dahu call Alfred. Look at the whiskey of ACE Chemicals - stribajemo there, and for the help of hands, take the right-hander from the whiskey to the devil's descent. Rise up with her and weep even more. Then we lean on the parapet, from which it is transferred to the same parapet, spreading in front. We get to the dahu, where the order is already on us. Well, axis, now Batman changed clothes in his solid uniform suit. Hacking the system of communication between the warriors Tiger, we know that the woman-gut is in trouble and it is necessary to lie. We plan to go down and fight against the enemies. (Here you can solve riddles of the Riddler and find his trophy).

After attaching, carefully turn your engine so that the head on the screen indicator does not pass the indicator of the red line. It’s right to do it right, and I’ll come alive again on the radio. Prote vische not zovsіm zrobili with antennas. The grapple uphill by the studio and find the way point. Falcone is far from far away, so hurry up, forge it to be hooked. If you reach the radio antenna, activate the detection mode to find out the goons in the middle of the hut and the base.

All five of them, for that you will need to win out deceitful tricks, so that the stench does not drive in the handcuff. The grapple on a short ledge with a view of the future, in the middle of the antenna, and, as it was appointed, spread to one of the two other ledges, where the handrail hung. Shvidke shoplyuvannya between the dots of dawn - garniy way spend the enemy during the hour of confrontation, pay him to get to know the technique.

We go into the budіvlyu and let it go to another overhead, the stars are posterigaєmo, like Harvey Two-faced is going to inflict reprisals on the woman - the gut. Idemo vzdovzh along the corridor and, having lifted up one more hanging drabina, we could protect ourselves from the armor, which you need to silently tidy up. After that, as they smashed it, we can shoot it down.

Having called the successful attackers, turn on the detective mode and scan the application for evidence. Dira vіd kuli has lost track of shibtsі and on pіdlozі. Scanuemo insults to the zone.

If the first two thugs enter the street to hear the noise, check until the stench is watered up and shoved down, so that one of them will be drawn to the beast. It’s negligent to go to the houses, so as not to reveal your friend. Vіlnі mothers on the right with another enemy, protiv vibiraєte, so sing one more slimy voice, sneak up behind or try a quiet dismantling of the beast.

That’s why you’re flooding three people, and Lucius Fox can only have a gadget that you need, to fight them, but you will need a little bit of yoga and pick. This beauty comes with a whole range of improved features, including increased speed and increased attack power. You can know the answer of our side from the first side of the article.

Apparently on the street from the future court. Virushaemo to the church. By the entrance we were attacked by a sprat of thunder. Quietly їх, and we will see to the church. Harley Quinn will rush to us at the zustrіch. Ale, we don’t care about her, we’ll also see that we’ve killed, why should our friends - bandits tell us not to collapse from the month. Throwing yourself at them, we will become, not the most reasonable option. We throw Dima's grenade, and we fasten it on the back of the stone gargoyle, as if it were above the entrance, right above the head. Turn on the detective mode and think over tactics. We need to vryatuvat zaruchnikov. Moving from one gargoyle to the other side, we get to the rest, and from it it is unfailingly planned to go down. Expand to the wall, and break її virubuyemo okhorontsya. Let's turn uphill. Knowing the one who trims the handcuff. Noiselessly descending behind him, and carried out with a suffocating reception. Again I turn to the gargoyle. From above, we climb over so that we can lean behind the two terrorists that we have lost. We land carefully behind their backs, and we seem to be in harmony both at once. Well, from good, the handcuffs are safe. We know that Dr. Stacy Baker is in the hands of the Joker. It is necessary for us to penetrate at the door and furnish it її. Idemo at the door, in order of which the Bell Tower sign is placed. Lifting up the mountain and showing a wintivka. Scanuemo її і, having heard those that we want to tell the Joker, we don’t think twice at the window.

The new use of "Misto Fear", a dark face, starts from the consistency of the video, in which you can indulge in a stingy attack. Look at the look of the policeman Ovens. The gas was let out, which made the restaurant attack and drive in the rest. A long time is broken for Gotham, and it won't end until Batman wins out evildoers.

Turn on the generator pereshkod

For this attack of the Scarecrow, I may again gloomy plans for Gotham. At my confessional video, I threaten to inflame even more combat readiness, then the place will escape and the chaos will expand. Opudalo far away to transform Gotem into a place-mayor, de evil-doers took control of themselves.

Orienting to the signal of the Joker's radio, we can calculate his misfortune. Dzherelo signal roztashovane at the steel plant under the name "Sionis Industries". Leaning on the veil, we call Alfred. Penetrates to wakefulness through dimar.

We land on a motuzka, the stars are transferred to the Maidanchik. Bіzhimo corridor, pіdrinаєmo pіd ulamok stіni, we climb through the crossroads. It is possible to reach the oven, and not to die under the influx of high temperatures, to beat the claw on the hatch. Vogіllya zgasaє, and now you can get over the new one. We stream down, move along the ledge, climb over to the railing, as if hanging over a fiery prairie, and from them we transfer to other analogous railings.

Police Commissar Gordon calls Batman to help and ask for yoga zupinity lakalo. So, go to the target marker and turn the policeman on the head of the cutthroats, then you can help the Russian car and carry it off the road. Vіdstezhennya mіstsya Ukritta Scarecrow.

Everything that you need to grow, feed a soldier and take a shot of fear gas. After analyzing the gas, you can know that Scarecrow will break through until wake-up call. Take the disk with a slide, and then turn off the rest of the attachments. Although you have successfully completed the main game, it has not ended yet.

Perebuvayuchi in detective mode, at the necessary place zastosovuyemo vibukhovy gel on the bed, to work in a new dirka. Let's go there and look around. There is a red button on the wall, so you need to throw a swedish betarang. Before us is a narrow passage, which is necessary to get through. Rush far away, and we can’t hear the voice of Harley Quinn, and bachimo the gangsters. Stop talking about the doctor.

Place of fear - a new suit

For beginners, it is also recommended: help for buddies. . At the rozpovіdі about the smut mіsії "Misto fear" after that, as you have planted bran ivy near the pit, you can unblock the additional bіchnі mіsії. Look at our list of bags.

For the help of a winch, you can fix the overcoat and you can shoot at the dakha with an afterburner. Sob the mother's ability to burn shed, you can win the winch, to win the pieces of sheet metal and improvise the ramp. Axis generator, which needs to be re-supplied. If you finish, the radio will work again.

We need to go through the trumpets that wreak fire. Zrobiti tse is possible at that moment, if the half-light is extinguished. So that a couple of trumpets did not bother us to go far, vmikaєmo the detective mode and collapsing buzovzh the trumpet is approaching the jumpers, it is necessary to launch a betarange. Let's sweat, talking unfailingly for everyone, and listening to them, opining on the foul, over which the Joker's bandit's purchase stands. We show it raptly and allow everyone. Harley Quinn will appear, then we will contact Alfred, and come to the aid of the doctor.

It is recommended to open a shard of training missions in order to unblock new points of improving skills. The main meta argument is that the stench of the radio drums, you need to turn detective Cottage on the road and attach the transmitter to the console. Goloshennya, like mi vіdhilyаєmo, yakscho it was ordered right straight. Batman now needs more information about everyone who is living on the factory site, for otrimannya additional information about Scarecrow's mental health. Walk backwards until dahu and take a look around.

You need to quietly close all the guards and make your way to the terminal. Hint: Walk up to three fences above the life-giving rampart at the terminal. In the wind you can go up the road in front of the bridge and go near the door with an afterburner. Tanks may be surrounded by the speed of the shooters and can shoot and shoot from Lansgam. Therefore, get rid of the fast Russian, you need to shoot a sprat, to turn off the tank. Now follow the road along the road through a happy place and eat a camp at the gate, as you can carry with the wind.

Passable at the door livoruch, and rushing far away, the docks are not moving the conveyor. Above it there is a red button, according to tradition it was by niy beta rank. And above the conveyor, a small passage is settling down, as we will not forget to speed up. We take a handy position behind the backs of the thugs, and in the old fashion, we quietly eat the same on the back, and then the two lads in one fell swoop. Zrobivshi all tse, sigaemo at the window. We take away the bandits. For the sake of clarity, we plan to have our own, victorious detective mode. We know Dr. Stacey Baker and for sure. As a desire for good behavior, we take away a special attachment - a remote electric charge. Zliva is the gate, it is possible to open it for the help of others, and behind them one more is the same. We found people who tried to solder the doors, and they stumbled.

Zvіlnivshi Mark Chung, z'yavlyaєєєєєєєєєєєєє faceєр Arkham. Vіn vіdrazu start to move the promo, as if only here ready, you can attack from the Batmobile the soldiers of Litsarіv zzadu, to rob the swindler. Litsar negainoly in the flow, and you can call Chung.

Then you need to turn around at the inner door, where you had your first tank battle. There you will know a crane, with which you can shift the lower haircut, and the remote control with a crane can be used to steal by some soldiers. From the other side of the hump you will eat at the vantage vіdsіk and you will start again under the fire in the block of tank drones.

Turn back there, de mi bachili Harley Quinn. If it's out, and shut up in the room with the Joker, we'll get an electric charge and shoot at the generator for a while. It’s safe, like a gachka, close the windows, and virushaemo there. It's true, we haven't been sued yet to get to the bed, because they prepared an unacceptable surprise for us. The easiest way to deal with a one-armed clown, to shoot at a new energy charge, moreover, he himself throws his helpers, a spinning turntable. And if yogo's posіpaki will be tumbled down, you can calmly finish off yogo himself. We take away from the window and marvel at the video clip from the Joker.

Through this vantage vіdsіk you will spend until the next one, Gerald Wicker and Steve Reilly. Unfortunately, they are no longer alive. Pull back the gas line behind an additional windlass, stitched lower than the navantage platform. Let's go through the dakh until budіvlі. Let's just turn the fence around and help the vibukhov gel through the wall, you won't know the dead there.

We continue the order of Mr. Frost

At the end of the corridor, the entrance can be broken, and access to the block of guards is free, curving yogo. Until you are guilty, stick the wall behind the help of the vibukhovo gel. There is a dead number 2 at the corridor of the zlіva, who is following this corridor, for example, there is one more box of guards on the rampart. The handguard is still alive, from the hatch on the stele you can attack the guards and get in. After the call of Adam Brewer, the video sequence is revealed.

We cry for the woman-gut. Selina goes home to herself for the necessary speeches. Approaching the booth, sounding the restless guests, straightening them out, she is taken from the windows.

Well, axis, when we got home, we got yakus zbroyu, now you can get in touch with Plyuyuchy. At a cost, let us protect you, trying not to make a haunting noise.

Fight with ivy friends, try not to get stuck on the skin level for a long time, rise higher, as if they just ran into the enemy. Otherwise, ymovіrnіst otruїtisya otruynym viparami. Do not zatrimuєmos in one place, so as not to become a target for Ivy's super-cats.

Place of fear - Bos: unmanned helicopter

The scarecrow is in the central zmishuvalny chamber. History continues without problems. In the video aftermath, Batman to see a savage brovarnik in a safe place and, not long after, starts an attack by a helicopter-drone for the help of other tanks-drones.

Fight with Penguin at "Iceberg Lounge"

Fighting tactics - Bos: Helicopter homin. In addition, deyak drum tanks take the fate of the diy. Vykoristovyte cunning trick, so that you can vibrate more from the line of fire. Those same stosuetsya bombing helicopter. Vin also launches rockets, as if you are guilty of defending an additional machine gun.

I call Batman. After reviewing the video, we understand that our new task is to know the coldest point in . Shukatimemo Mr. Freeze, focusing on the climate analyzer. It’s clear that I’ve hunkered down at the coldest place, like, behind a wondrous set of furnishings, becoming police stations.

We open the door for an additional electric charge, we take a walkie-talkie from the corpse and we transmit the signal. We pass to the hall, where we are sacking a sprig of guardians of Penguin, carefully picking them up one at a time. Penguin Vikoristovu pulse sensors, schob stezhit for pіdlegli. If you stink, you know about it. Also, it is necessary to crumble, yaknaishvidshe and bring out the harmony, attacking the beast. Let's drink the rest, who's gone.

Place of fear - evil in the middle

Let's turn the tanks around the yard, and then we'll dedicate ourselves to the helicopter. Now you will need to change the position of the foot streak with a vintage crane and place it in front of access to the service tunnel, but on the back you will need to damage the wall with an onboard gun.

Do not miss your way to the mixing chamber. At the tunnel, more tank drones are checking for you, and they are attacking you. For the sake of your nig you can listen to the favor of the police, take away the rest of the instructions, attack them and beat them. Cross over at the gates in a similar rank, crash down to the next gates and catapult uphill. Shvidko take a look at the room behind her and turn on the guard at two stationary guards, guard yourself just under the camera, deviating the Scarecrow.

We in the past need to get into the room of the burying and break the code lock for the help of the sequencer. Code word: ANATOMY.

Directly to the museum, the way to the new we need a searchlight. We were guarded at the entrance by a security check, as if we were disturbed by a series of precise strikes. Entrance to the museum under a combination lock. Code word: Okam'yanіlіst. Seeing the boys with knives. There are gates, in which a roo sensor is installed. The right-handed one sees them, in a way we are vistribuyemo, and we are smeared with zlamat keruvannya by the sensors of the movement. We don’t have anything to go out - they put on military jammers, as if we need to drive them in. We go to the museum, and I’m sorry for them, I’ll meet a friend for a little at a pivnich, and for a third, I need to break in the subway. Rushing there, dearly, we will protect you and know her. Let's eat in the middle and let two lads go. We go down to the ground, Bachimo old subway train. Climbing onto the wagon, the lion-hander roams, rushing with it through the zanedbani tunnels. Virivaem the boardwalk wall, hear the enemies. For the help of an electric charge, we open the doors, we penetrate into the middle. We fight against the broken enemies, and we leave the silencer behind. Tim himself along the path straight back at the museum.

Now you are closer to meti and guilty to sabotage the gas supply to the mixing chamber. If the security is turned on, the gas supply is also dry. Then let's launch a video aftermath with the opudal, we'll fool you and lock you in front of the camera. Activate the computer in the middle of the camera.

Let's sweat out the wickedness of the chotiry and utrimuyuchi outbuildings with gas cylinders. The stench of screams and vibukhone is unsafe. Now you are responsible for removing them "as much as possible" and transferring them to two empty outbuildings in the other room, and the neutralizer will be released into the system.

A short episode with Commissar Gorden. Check out James Gordon for a short hour. Everything you need to know, just talk with us, and after the sequence of the video, you will control Batman again. Few people believe that at the moment the film is based on Batman, it can be robbed. Ale Rocksteady stink mali plan. Naykrascha gra Batman, if created and a strong candidate for rock. Now the time has come to talk about your friend part, and the bar of the floor is high, so that they can do everything to please the fans.

Re-break the code lock. Code word: Dinosaur. Let's go downstairs, call the policeman. Vin tell us the code. Going down even lower, and batchimo grati, over which one can see a red button. Run into the button with a betarange.

We watch the video. We are attacked by yurba aggressively lashed lads, fighting with them. After that, the majestic clown, the Titan infection, appears. It is necessary to tie the youma on the back, and in the tests throw us off the wine will be scattered across the room by the lads. If the clown and yoga comrades are knocked down, let's move on. In front of us is a drill under tension, behind it is a button, on a yak mi vykoristovuemo kerirovanie betrang. Breakable code lock, code: Yursky. We go into the elevator, for the help of the vibukhovo gel, we lift the bed. Let's go demo, lift the wall of ice. In order to trap the frozen policeman, we land on the ice, gently crumble and, approaching, breaking the kirzhan pick, like a yogo sacked. Zastosovuєmo bet-claw to attract to yourself the slab, which was earlier in the elevated camp.

First of all, reinvestigate Penguin, we are guilty of lying to the policemen and Mr. Freeze. For whom it is necessary to get around all the necessary applications. The place of roztashuvannya is indicated on the map. Three police officers and the frieze suit are found by the guards. To get into the room, de zahovany Friz, you need to break the lock on the gate. Code word: Reptile. We smeared the wall with a vibukhov gel, as if we were right-handed in the sight of Mr. Freeze. Raptom vinikaє one-armed thug. If yoga will be knocked down, we can call Frieza by breaking the code lock. Code word: Microhvilya.

We watch the video. Let's turn to Frieze's suit, let's move on to the new module. We will be given a wine town - a destructor of krizhan harmat. Now you can see Cobblepot. Coming close to the new one, the destructor zastosovuєmo and nadaemo you quicken with a right-handed hook. Solomon appears before us. In order to win over him, it is necessary to squirm with a swedish vibukhov gel, trichі pіdіrvati three zherel zhivlennya, similar to hatches in pіdlozі. If the hatches are out of order, it is necessary to strike Solomon on the head. Do not forget to squirm in the face of electrical outlets. The result of your evil monster will be knocked down. Dali, unikayuchi rockets, get to Penguin and turn on yoga.

The regime's detective is virushaed by traces of blood, the assistant Ras al Ghul. Shelter on the dachas one day, and shave there. When you see the bandages, you see the woman we have opened. Let's follow it and, having overtaken, zastosovuєmo counterattack strike and attach a bug. Robin appears, joining him, she seems to be a new rope thrower.

Directly following the signal of the bug, and we will go to the island of the Joker. By the entrance to the sewer, we happen to fight with the Joker's followers. Having rested against the obstacles, we swerve down and collapse in the air of the tunnels. Diyshovshi to the edge of the urvish, vikoristovuemo our brand new cable thrower. Rushing for the help of a rope thrower, I needed another one to shoot at the beck left corridor. We get to the majestic hatch at the wall, which was necessary for the prolamation of the pidlog. Here we will have a hell of a fight with the Joker's lads. Razіbravshis іz them, zlamuєmo console. Code word: Transport. The gates open, and before us stands the subway, which we already know.

Let's turn our back to the right hand, walk at the door and go straight to the left. Let's add water for an additional cable thrower. Apparently from the metro on the street. Mi Bachimo, that Batman's self-feeling pogirshuetsya, signs of infected Joker's blood in his body. If wines come to tyami, they directly far away. We cross the river for an additional rope thrower. There we go with clowns, then we pass at the door. Let's go hand in hand with the paws of the broken lads of the Joker. Going down, we come to the great doors, beating like Batman, I feel bad again. We charge the doors with an electric charge. We attack the three girls from the league, we know them, and we see the devil's doors, as if we are working in the same way.

Before us is a great gate, which is impossible to cross. It is necessary to know our ability to opine in the middle. We instructed us to remember the robot-guard, which is good. Scanning yoga and virushaemo on the jokes of other robots, which need to be scanned. As long as we are safe, we will be attacked by assassin girls. Two robots are on the stands, one standing opposite one. The fourth robot checks for us on the street not far from the first one. Zliva vіd vorіt, on the other side of the old abandoned booth, we know the fifth robot. From the same month, we shoot with a cable thrower at the screened window, we move to the middle of the week, we start yogo, we break the slope in one window, and we penetrate into the new one. Axis mi knew one more robot. The rest of them are in the dahu of the court house, in such a wicked wall. We marveled at the video, and let's go to those places, like a bachimo on a new one. The counterattack is driven in, the sword is beaten to penetrate the middle.

Batman vybiraєtsya over the door through the hatch, vіn vzhe praktichesleny, and yоgo vіdvіduyut vіdіnnya. Rush to the gate, like before us. Thalia appears, ready to test the Demon. We follow her and drink instead of the cup.

We are planning to help the white stream, we are crying for a krizhan shaved for the help of a bet-claw. Under the hour of the passage of the test, it is not necessary to stick around, otherwise it will fail. We plan to shave on a friend, fighting with warriors, and in the event of an offensive we throw ourselves to the center of the fire whirl. Continue the cycle of doti, doki Ra's al Ghul won't stop fighting him. Mi virushaemo to Taliya, as if to lead us to his father. Now we can fight Ra's al Ghul.

I’m going to keep fighting, after which I slyly whimper in the sight of majestic stars, like giant Ra’s al Ghul throwing at us, shooting at a new electric charge, trying to get drunk in the intercourse between warriors, which turn out to be so bad. Head dashing, we will surround the star at our arsenal, there are more gigantic climbs that crash down to us on the ground. In order for you to file a visa, you need to know right next to them, and turn around in them at the last moment. If the villainous strength is exhausted, and wins its own splendid look - victorious counterattacks to fight against the attack of the sword. This process is repeated a few times. Ras I take my daughter as handcuffs, and to the same victorious betarang.

Turn back on the streets of the city, and by the very same path they drank it here, through the metro we rush back. Breaking the code lock on the gate. Code word: Vіddіlennya. Rising up the mountain, and virushaemo to the measure of the place, soblnite in the eyes of the lads, who drank yoga, and feed yourself.

We turn at the police station to Freeze and hand over the blood of Ra's to you. The healthy warehouse is ready, but Viktor does not tell us yoga. Vіn vimagає deign to yogo squad from the paws of the Joker. We enter with him at the bey. In order to win over him, we use our entire arsenal: burying the back, attacking the beast, attacking from the hatch, cutting through the windshield, pulling the walls, hitting the electromagnet, the cable thrower and the destructor. Skin okremy can be killed over Viktor only once. To be brought to the edge of guilt. Having seen the mountain above Friz, we look into the safe, and we do not see any faces there. Well, let's take the yoga from the Joker.

Departing from the life of Mr. Freese, we dearly need to help Vicki Vale. Directly before the accident, we seem to be in harmony with the snipers and the journalist.

Virushaemo on steel plant. Trumpet, through the yak mi of the past time, they drank it here for us now not pіdіyde, more in nіy viruє half a day. Idemo shukati іnshiy vkhіd, do not forget to spare the guardians. Three clowns attack us in the middle, having gained the upper hand over them, you can boldly go to the water. We create slabs for the help of a crying blow and fire on a new one, maneuvering with a bet-kigtem. Penetrating through the ventilation shafts, pushing forward a little, and squeezing at the window, we plan to directly onto the back of one of the thugs, fighting with the Joker's lads. Proyshovshi far away, zneshkodzhuєmo two soldiers, but it’s not obov’yazkovo for a man to dvolik. All the same, you won’t say a kind word to us for this, but you just want to beat us. We break through the cloak of the wall and weep it under it on the raft. Plivemo to the right, and then against the flow, pulling up for the help of the cable. Let's take a vikoristovuemo tether and ferry to the next bik. Zastosovuєmo screaming blow, to shut up the trumpet. Leaning against the steel doors, we ran a knife switch behind the gates of evil. We throw the betarang so that we have consumed the electric charge, and then we direct it into the panel of the shield. I am starting to cry with a blow robimo plate and plivemo, the docks are not right-handed under the ledge. We choose new. We break the code lock. Code word: Romansionis.

We pass the place and we go straight with rails. Bachimo at the end of the corridor doors and straight to them, approaching, we take a blow with a metal pipe. It appears that the whole car has hidden behind the boxes. The time has come to rozіbratisya with mines. Turn on the detective mode, and from the concessions fall on the Joker's boys. If we need everything, we can go to the court house, de-selected a large number of min. We carefully bypassed the sniper, and then, to our respect, Quin was called.

I’m far away, zneshkodzhuєmo two snipers, it’s necessary to show the harmony of three clowns and directly uphill, where the Joker is checking on us. We have to fight with him, and this battle is supposed to be finished with folding. Boys with knives will alienate us, and in the middle of them a one-handed thug with a hammer. It’s also easy to hit him with a combo-hit, slapping him behind his back and hammering on him, after that, as if he were hitting with a hammer. It is necessary to protect and unique cars like іnodi z'yavlyayutsya on slats. And then the clown pumped up by Titan appears, and you need to fight with him. We need to stop killing the Joker, otherwise we’ll constantly get up and get up after our knockouts. We get the Joker, and we marvel at the video that intrigues.

Grazhemo nezrivnyanoy woman - gut. We need to get to the warehouse. Bіzhimo to the sewer manhole and descend into the new one. To break the security system, we are responsible for getting the key cards from Tiger soldiers. It is necessary to behave the yakomog more quietly, and to that it is necessary to sweat. The bowel vіdmіnno pozaє on the walls of that stele. Tse vminnya stand by us at once - we climb onto the stele, and then silently stribuyemo behind the back of the soldier and steal the key card. We need three keys, and henceforth, it is necessary to make three keys. I'll turn back to the computer, and then I'll help you break access to the treasure. Tiger warriors are not as bad as you would like to have to clean them up one by one. Let's get in at the shovishche. We see the soldiers in harmony, that we have arrived anew, and we see the diplomat from the meeting. We are faced with a dilemma: to betray Batman and calmly drink your good. Batman is still not a stranger to us, so we believe it is yogo. If we still choose another option, then it will be rewinding the hour, and we will take another chance. So, in fact, there is no choice of the right one. Virushaemo to help Batman.

Gramo for Batman
The moment is approaching, if the Protocol -10 may be filled with chivalry, and we will definitely need yoga soundness. All helicopters are scanned in the back for the presence of the main program management software, the docks are not visible to the main program. Chipaєmosya to the helicopter that zavantazhuєmo necessary information.

Virushaemo to miracle-vezhі. Leaning on the mission, we throw off two snipers and break the code lock. Code word: Nadihayuchi. To go further, we open the door for an additional electric charge. Robimo tse doti, docks are not spent on the warriors Tiger and aggravated. Having listened to Strange, we let all the fighters go down and through the sewer hatch we go down into the sewer. Vikoristovuєmo cable thrower, to get to the room with a year old, pіdrivаєmo pіdlogu. There is a healer there.

We seem to be in harmony with the whole guard, which was chosen by the guards, and the elevator calls in the middle. Code words: Nav'azlivy, Medication.
Climb to the very top and fill the elevator through the hatch for the beast. We strike through the slope. Breaking the code lock on the gate. Code word: Bronyuvannya.

Let's take the antenna, from її kіntsya for the help of a bet-claw, we cling to the beam, as we know more. Prodovzhuyuchi chіplyatisya, podnіmaєmosya all the more uphill. Viroblyayemo chergovy evils of the castle. Code word: Pidtrimka. Through the hatch we make our way to the ventilation shaft. If we choose to call, six good-natured lads will be checked on us, which need to be born. Zdiysnyuemo evil panels, code word: Zahist Gotem. Protocol-10 has been withdrawn. You can blame the jokes of the Joker. Vіn hovaєtsya at the budіvlі theater, the perimeter of which is supposedly protected by snipers. Bringing zneshkodzhuvati їkh quietly and unremarkably. Having called us, we penetrate into the middle.

It turns out that the Joker, who is in front of us, is not right. The Joker himself, as before, is ill, and his role is played by Clay-faced Clayface. Let's fix it from him.

Weeping in the face of blows, we showered Clayface with crying bombs until quiet feast, until the veins turn on the stone. As soon as we approach the new one at point-blank range, we begin to kill the clay for the help of the sword. In addition, you can make a great shkodi yoma, as if to lure yogo into the tі kuti, de zahovana vibukhіvka.
You will need to repeat the procedure.

Clay viysko is not a bar. We fight with soldiers and don't forget to throw bombs at Clayface. If there are few lives in the new one, it is necessary to close in and achieve yoga. We changed, we take away from Clay-faced, we need faces and forks.

Gramo Selina. Virushaemo home. Take back your speeches. At home, an unacceptable surprise is on us - a bomb is planted there, and the speeches we need were stolen by Dvoliki. Virushaemo see yogo to the museum, de smash over the army yogo lads take away those for which they came.

For the most part, we would happen to be under the care of Zhinka-guts, and not Batman, as it could have been. We are investigating with the people of Two-Face, because of which the safe is broken, de all our success is interrupted by Harvey, who said.

Penguin wants revenge on Wayne, that's it. with Batman, he steals yoga right at the entrance from the closet of Arkham City. Having become conscious of the dark apprenticeship, before our noses, the mystifying Dr. Hugo Strange, who, perhaps, will gain power over our mist, starts migrating. I don’t think twice, I’m going to go on the style and it’s fluttering in the case of bandages. The soldier who appears is stunned by a counterattack, after which another soldier takes us to the Maidan until other blows. We get up in line “A” and we pass into the elevator. Climbing up the hill, blatantly yazniv, after which Jack Ryder is helped to get on his feet. It's time for Penguin himself to show up. After moving with him, a counterattack is inflicted on him at the moment, if he swings again. Razbiraemos s yogo by people and podnіmaєmosya on dachas on drabintsі, podnyatisya on yak can be on the container zі smіttyam. Now you need to change the greasy suit on Batman's firm outfit. Stribajemo to the court I will wake up with neon Vivisky i, making our way through the ledges, we will eat on the dachas. Having equipped, the radio signal coding is broken, the meanings of the orange stake. It is necessary to vryatuvat the Woman-intestine in the Two-faced. We fly until the wake of the court, we understand with the protection that we penetrate into the middle. Silently crushing the enemy against the enemy, after which it strikes down and proceeds to scuffle with the public.

Selina vryatovano, it is necessary to provide a place for the presence of evidence. Scanuyemo sklo, in a yak shooting the Joker, as well as dirka in a close quarters. Judging by the trajectory of the bush, the archer, being in the church nearby, is right there. Use the middle of the sound Quin, how to live us nazustrich, to welcome, calling on everything. We put a fist forward, after which it appears and leaves the place. Ale її ozbroєni smashed, to stand in front, not to let us pass. We throw Dimov's checker and climb on the gargoyles in the mountains. Vikoristovuyuchi mode Detective, flying on the remaining ledge in the distance, noiselessly stribuyemo down and zdiisnyuyemo counterattack. Two thugs were left out of handcuffs. One is strangled with feet, hanging on the foxes, the other is cut down, breaking through the wooden wall. The guards have been called, now it is necessary to secure the place of shooting, that is the link. The door is right-handed at the head entrance, and it rises uphill. Having scanned the sniper rifle, we marveled at the video of the Joker, after which we saw it at the window, roaring at the bombs.

It is necessary to know the Joker in order to supplement yoga about those who know about Protocol-10. Shukati yogo can easily be reached by radio signal. If the signal is clear and signifies gillyastishim, then we will go straight to the right one. So it’s up to you to help yourself to help me. We get to the gate, the stars call from Alfred. Schob to spend at the factory, happen to strebnut in Dimar, which is known once by the state.

Zstribuyemo from the skeins forward to the Maidanchik. Kovzemo under concrete, re-pipe. Sob not to burn on the corner, take a light claw and help open the hatch in front. Stribujemo down, along the ledge, perepovemo over the melting hall. Climbing on the railing, the stars are re-attributed otherwise. Being in a deaf kutі, we apply a vibukhovy gel on the bed and go down. Viymaєmo betarang and launch yoga in the red button above the pipe, the stars come out hot pari every time. We climbed at the vuzky passerby and bachimo the stratum of the doctor. If everything is in trouble, it is propagated by clowns, which are lost, without coming into contact with them, we are far away. In order to clean up a couple that we want to go far, at the regime the detective should blow his trumpet and for the help of a Swedish beta rank, turn on three times at once. Now you can go through the wicked trumpet with a calm soul to fall on the heads of the Joker's servants. Having sorted out with them, we open the map of mistevity and straight to the conveyor. Vikoristovuyuchi mode Detective, shukayemo іnshiy way. For whom, directly along the conveyor, de opening the door for an additional button, which is located right there. Silently usuvaєmo clowns and stribaєmo at the foot of the foot through the vein. Usuvaёmo other obroєnih bandits, after which the doctor Stacey is called. We pick up a new armor and continue the path to the Joker.

We turn back to the vintage workshop, but, soldered by Kuynn people to the door, do not let us in. Lіvoruch vіd ї є іnshі doorsі, vіdkriti yakі it is possible for additional remote electric charge. Behind her, in the same way, the doors come and go to the conveyor. Through the ventilation, we can see a lot of clowns and spread them out. Directly on the Maidanchik, de zustrіchaєmo Kuynn. If it's up to the very titan-beaten Joker, we'll have an electric charge and vikoristovuemo yogo on the generator, which is opposite vivisky. Rozgoyyuchi the crane itself, we carry the vivisco and climb up the hill. Take us off with your chavunny leg, one-armed pumping clown. It is paralyzed by an electric charge, which, waving its sledgehammer, inflicted a serious harm on the clowns, without disturbing us strongly. If all the clowns are on the slopes, we achieve health and climb up the mountain, de Joker has ruled the paste for Batman.

Now we have to fight again for Selin. Virushaemo on її apartment, schob take deakі speech. We get to the dahu, we open the grati, we throw away the unfortunate guests and we take away the objects. Now, if we have everything, straight to Ivy. Feeling її bey-friends, step by step raising everything on equal footing, so that you don’t suffocate in the її junk gloom.

Tim an hour the Joker blasted Batman and wiggled his faces to get rid of himself. So the very faces are needed by Batman himself, he will have a chance to tell Friz. Vіn know in budіvlі politsії, samoї cold spots Gotema, there are streams on the birch. Two clowns were viruble at the entrance, and for an additional electric charge, the door was half-opened. Let's forge it through the middle, take the chip from the corpse and decipher the Penguin's radio signal. We go in the middle and sweat deafeningly chotirioh of Penguin's people. The fifth fight, which is overdue, is drunk, after which we try to get out of the pasta. For whom it is necessary to go to the panel, it is for the help of a cipher sequencer. Weide the word "Anatomy". Look back at Gotham through the exit and straight to the museum. For the entrance we know the security and hacker panel, the password is like “Skam'yanіlіst”. Having penetrated the middle and having learned to wiggle out of knives, we shoot at the right side of the window and try to break the console in the direction of the sensors in the hand, which close the front. Unsuccessfully to us zavazhat viyskovskij jammers, to happen їх їхичити. The first one is known to the museum, the friend of the troch to the pіvnіch vіd dahu. The rest of the third is on the subway. Directly on the spot and we know the security call. We penetrate into the middle and at the same time we hear two fighters. We go down and see the old metro tunnel. Kovzemo on the car, pushing the wall from the boards, throwing three bandits. They immediately opened the door for help with an electric charge and slid through the middle. We’re destroying the broken soldiers and we’re working with the rest of the jammer. Tim himself turns back to the museum.

It is hacked by the new console and takes the password "Dinosaur". Passable far away that vilnyaemo afflicted. One of the copies appears, as if they came here for the tasks. However, the stench is all in full, if you happen to let them go at once from Friz. We descend lower and pass at the door. Sob raise the gate, beat the betarang on the button. Let's go ahead and enter the arena, de Penguin will unleash on us simply majestic NATO's wars. Sob vryatuvatisya in the midst of greed for the flesh of Batman attovpu, shoot with an electric charge at the people who were paralyzed, so that in paralysis they beat their own comrades-in-arms. If a bandit, against us, is pumped by a titan, we will sneer at the yogo battering ram, we will snuggle and we will tie the yoma on the hump. Znishchuyemo reshtu v'yazniv and the thug himself. To go far, victorious betarang on the button of zliva, which is behind the dart under the pressure. The panel is hacked, the password is "Yaskraviy". Get into the elevator, lift it up, apply the vibukhovy gel on the bed, go down, lift it up and lift it up again. Vibukhayemo concrete and krizhan wall. Viyshovshi to the Great Hall, Bachimo, like Penguin freezing the policeman. Ryatuemo yogo, carefully making your way through the ice. We get to the lifted raft and, for the help of a claw, we lower it into the water, after which we take two other frozen mines. Now there are no more vryatuvati of five police officers, the place of which is marked on the map. For the cob virushimo to zbroyovoї, deryatuemo three policemen. Frieze's costume is also found here, but Yogo himself is not visible. Directly back to the ice, and let's go to another place, which is opposite to the front. To get through to three bandits, to fight, the console with the password "Reptile" is broken. Having installed lights under his eyes, we pass forward and we know Friza. The right-handed one looks like an unstrengthened wall, smeared with gel on it, like a thug looming before us. Having sorted out from it, we pass forward and vilnyayemo Friza, having broken the password of "Mikrokhvil". Now it is necessary to turn back to the suit and pick up the module. Otrimavshi destructor krizhanoї harmati, straight to Penguin. Pіdbіgaєmo up to the new at point-blank range and victorious destructor, after which we prescribe a noble lyash lihodіyu. Ale, Solomon calls on our head. Sob yogo overcome, for the help of the gel, we give three dzherel energy three times sleep, until we can overcome this walking machine for driving. Dali, whimpering in the sight of rockets, climbed up to Penguin and virubuyemo yoga.

In the detective mode, the blood of the ninja is scanned, and, following the tracks, we go to the street. Shelter us vivede on da budіvlі, de viyavlyаєmo binti. We scan and attack that assassin. Let's follow it, and if it's necessary, we'll counterattack and add a bug on his back. At about an hour before us, Robin will show up, who will give a cable thrower to the gift. Having taken a fancy to this corny gadget, right behind the signal of the bug. Vin lead us to the island of the Joker. Having broken some clowns, they beat the entrance to the sewer, parried down and straight through the tunnels. Removing the shave from the water, we remove the cable thrower and shoot from the new aisle in the next end. Ale, we need to turn the left hand, to that, if we are on the road, we will shoot yoga in the next day and we ourselves will get to the place we need. We reach the wall healthy hatch, at the bottom of which we can break the log. Rozіbravshis і from the people of the Joker, zlamuemo console - "Transport". Through the gate, which you saw, you can see in the old familiar metro. We turn right-handed, we go in at the door, we go left-handed, we pour water for an additional cable thrower.

Vibrating on the collapsed streets, Batman will not be able to cope with everything through the same Joker's scum. Arriving up to you, overflowing with clowns. Apparently to the hall with a marvelous machine, de ryatuemo doctor. We go down and pass through the door, de Batman again, again, not on my own. To open the gate with an electric charge. Zustrivshi three ninjas, arranging with them and, just like that in a moment, wielding the gates. Apparently to the majestic sealed gates. It’s just that you don’t recognize them, it’s necessary to know another way to spend the middle. A robot is on hand, which you can scan to see the video. But I know, unfortunately, not all information is hidden in his head, it is necessary to know other robots. One is behind us, two others are at the windows, one is opposite one. The fourth roztashuvavsya levoruch in the form of a sealed bramy in a booth on another version. We shoot with a cable thrower at the top of the slope, we fly through the middle, we wake up, we break another slope of the fifth robot. Having left the rest, you will find yourself on the opposite side of the hut on the dakha with wicked chotirma walls. Marveling at the video recording, we know secret entrance at lіgvo ninja. Let's go to the next month, deliver a counterstrike to the assassin and beat the sword to penetrate the middle.

Climbing up the hill through the hatch, Batman will become filthy, right up to hallucinations. Happily, Thalia is grabbing us, as she is ready to receive us at her side. For whom it is necessary to pass a test. I'm going for a big friend, she's drinking from the bowl. In front you can see a great krizhana shaved - we fly to it, vikoristovuyuchi pikіruvannya, to gain height. So by itself we get to the offensive shave, on which we break two dog ninjas. Pіkuєmo into the portal, which will take us to the next month. Anew we get to the krizhano shave, and so on to the very portal. Now it is necessary to know Ras himself. Rise to Taliya. We pass with her in the middle and zustrіchaєmo її dad. The hour has come to fight with 600 years old. For the cob razumієmos on yoga dog army. Far away, whimpering in the sight of metal stars, it climbed, shooting at Ra's with an electric charge. After that, a counterattack is applied and the operation is repeated with an electric charge. Robimo tse doti, the old docks do not take your daughter, Thalia, as handcuffs. We choose the right betarang and ratuyemo the bidolahu.

Vibiraєmos back on the street by a turning way through the subway. Go around the gates for ventilation and samper in front of the armored clown. Rozroblyayemosya s reshtoyu and zlamuemo console - "Viddilennya". Vibrating under the sky, virushaemo to the stolen measure. Rozkidavshi yoga vikradachіv, dopomogaєmo merovі vіdvesti i vkradaєmo yoga themselves. Having fed the infidel, straight to Freeze, in order to give the blood of Ra's to you. Ready for jubilation, but first of all yogo sorbnuti, Friz vimagaє turn yomu yogo squad. Ale, you need to drink the potion at once, so we enter the battle with the scientist. Sob yogo overcome, hand-to-hand combat it is not enough, it is necessary to block impersonal offensive attacks: stoking the walls, luring an electromagnet, stoking electrics on a spilled kaluzha with water, stowing a destructor, stoking a cable thrower, sneaking up from behind, burying from a ledge, luring a piss from below, attacking a beast from a side, attacking a beast through a side vikno and haircut to the beast. If Friz is going to be able to, it will show the safe, and it will show the sight of the faces. You need to choose yoga from the Joker, Victor can help him.

We choose to go to the street through another weekend. So that the hot steam was not a problem for us, we chirped with a screaming blow. Viyshovshi Nadvir, Bachimo the fall of a helicopter with a journalist on board on the name of Vika Vale. Right before the fall, let the snipers and ryatuemo Vika. Now it's time to straighten up to the Joker. Through the old entrance, do not use the pipe, half a day is literally waving through it. Directly to the other entrance, de obov'yazkovo let's protect. Penetrating into the middle, let the three clowns and stribuyemo to the water. For the help of the krizhan strike, we create stoves and plivemo for the flow, virulyuyuchi for the help of the claw. Through the ventilation propovzaemo trochs forward and plan to clown through the windows. We pass far and, having made two additional drinks, we do not ryatuemo a person, tk. that deputy of the "dakuyu" ogre zzad with a fist. We break through the wall, we create slabs and weep under the wall. Far away, right-handed, and transferred to the next bank for an additional cable thrower, tk. plate is stuck. With a shouting blow, we tick off the trumpet. Having reached the steel doors, we note that the knife switch in it is known as a left-hander in us behind the gates. Distantly curing betarang, launching yoga into the electrics, after which we redirect yoga to the shield. We make screams of plates, we burn for the flow. The right-hander saw us under the stele, a ledge, we climbed there. Hacking the console with the password "Romansionis", deployed and passed through the bridge. Pіdіyshovshi to the door, otrimuєmo steel pipe on the nose. Tse likar, all harazd. Vіdchinyaєmo dvorі that potraplyaєmo at znayome primіschennya. Chose with yoga bagging and passable in the foot with an impersonal min. Knocking over them, ignoring the sniper and looking at the highlands, Kuyn is tied. We pass far, we throw two snipers over the ledge, so we can easily take three clowns and we go uphill to the Joker. The battle is far from easy: a faceless clown, a one-armed, titanium-filled clown and the Joker himself. For the cob, we allow the clowns, shooting at the one-armed with an electric charge, so that they spread it with their sledgehammer. Dali let go of the one-armed, by the method of stunning. So we fix it ourselves and pump it up like a clown. Now the Joker is gone.

While Batman comes to you, we have a new episode from the life of a woman-intestine. It is necessary to get to the warehouse-confiscate. We reach the sewer hatch and go down. For the evil security system, we need three keys from the Tiger fighters. Noise is fenced, that child will have to sweat as much as possible. For whom we put on the stele, three keys are stolen from any three soldiers. Turn back to the computer, that evil thing. Ale bats of Tiger do not spare the brain, like the people of Penguin. Prihovano znіmaєmo skin soldier that we go to the shovische. We choose from support and we take away diplomacy. If we see zі shovischa, we have two paths to appear: vryatuvat Batman chi pіti zdobichchyu. So that we were not tormented by our conscience, let's go levoruch and, having thrown our rolls, hurry to Batman.
Tim in an hour Protocol-10 will soon be in good spirits, you need to do yoga in a negligent way. It is necessary to scan the helicopter on the back for the program of general management. We scan all helicopters, docks do not know the main program. We fly by helicopter and download data. Now the hour has come to go to the Miracle Vezh. Arriving in the field, we throw off two snipers and that panel is broken - “Nadyhayuchi”. We pass forward, opening the doors with an electric charge, until we hit Tiger's warriors and warriors. Having listened to Strange's notation, we let loose all the soldiers and go down at the sewer hatch. For the help of a cable cutter, we get to the stone with a year-old, de pіdrivаєmo pіdlogu. Zustrichaemo doctor. Razіbravshis іz іzhoronoy bіlа foundations vezhі, zlamuєmo lift zvnі і і sredіnі - "Intrusive", "Medicine". Climbing to the top, we climbed out of the elevator through the hatch of the hill. Through the slope, a vicious blow is inflicted and we achieve the destruction of the enemies. Roztinaёmo gate - "Armored". Pushing forward with an antenna, s її kintsya so we rise to the point, which is greater. So we keep pushing the beams higher and higher. The console is broken - "Pidtrimka". We climb into the hatch, which I see, we climb into the ventilation. We choose up to six defunct fighters, having conquered them, we break the panel to Strange - "Gotham's Defender". We turn on Protocol-10 and proceed to the joke of the Joker.

Vіn know at the theatre, along the perimeter of which snipers were roaming around. Quietly we work with them and penetrate into the middle. It appears that the Joker is correct, replacing the role of Clayface. The Joker himself is not healthy and so very ill. Ale z Glinolikim will still grow up. Weeping in the face of yoga blows, throwing yoga screams with a blow, until that one is completely stoned. Pіdbіgaєmo at point-blank range, distance the sword and miss the clay. You can also lure yogo into a kuti with dynamite, so that you can get the maximum shkodi. Robiti is necessary if she pretends to be a sack. Changing the scenery, fighting with the clay wind, moving on to the Clayman. Vidbiraemo have a new face that ztsilyuєmosya vіd wipe.

But the story is not finished yet. Switching to Selina, straight to the booth for speeches. The middle of us checks for a surprise at the sight of a planted bomb. It appears, the speeches are false, Dvolikiy, straight to the new museum, having dealt with the majestic NATO people, we take those who came to visit us.

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