"Breathroom frescoes" of ancient Pompeii from bodies of the XXI century. Wall frescoes of Pompeii Erotic frescoes of Pompeii

The ancient life of Lupanaria (these were the names of the brothels in ancient Rome), buried on the 24th of September 79th at once with a grate of misfortunes under the lava of Vesuvius, was badly preserved to this day, CBC reports.

On the walls you can still see frescoes with sex scenes inside, which served as a kind of service menu for old Italian brothels.

Archaeologists say that there is little great popularity among the militants of the politicians and wealthy merchants.

Nearly 200 brothels for 30,000 inhabitants were discovered on the territory of Pompeii. Todi was respected by the norm, like friendship of a person sleep with others, ale zamіzhnya zhіnka to protect one's own person was harrowed under the fear of being hurt

Tsei Lupanariy was the greatest of the manifestations at Pompeii. Yogo was dug up in 1862, but its doors for tourists were opened recently through a three-fold restoration. This is the biggest brothel in the city.

Tse two-topped life in the very center of Pompeii with five rooms - two square meters each - dovkola vestibule. At the wall of the kіmnat, stone beds were built with carpets. Lupis were practiced in such rooms (“lupa” - poviya).

There were no vicons in our rooms. The stench of flaming likhtars hung from the air. Archaeologists affirm that in the occupants there was a strong smell of that air.

On the opposite side of the entrance, there was a rosette at the entrance - one for all, and at the vestibule there was a high throne of its own, on which "Madame" sat - an elder magnifying glass and a collar behind a bag.

For special guests there were also VIP rooms, which were known in another version. And yet, because of the view from the lower rooms, the stench was not small, there was a balcony, from which it was possible to pick up customers.

Vidpovidno before the laws, brothels were shouting about the 3rd year in the afternoon. The peak year fell on a late evening - the ear of the night.

Behind the skin layer, their own room was fixed, and they were beaten over the entrance to the name of the Vlasnitsa. Tse allow me to admit that the laborers lived in other places, and only the workers came to the brothel.

So, just like in the whole of Ancient Rome, Pompeii were forced to go through the state registration for the withdrawal of a license. They paid taxes and small special status of middle women. My profession was not respected by ganebnims.

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The materials of this post can be shocking to someone, which reflects the same statement about morality, morality and other miracles. At this time, it’s better not to marvel.
Tim, who is calmly placed before the difference between cultures, I remind you that the illustrative material is taken from the book
Catherine Johns. Sex or Symbol: Erotic Images of Greece and Rome

Part of the black-figure painting. The woman waters the falos that grow from the earth. Nayimovіrnіshe, ritual of kinship. 430-420 BC

Livoruch: Roman bronze amulet.
Right-handed: a Roman amulet in the sight of a gladiator attacked by a creature, like a phallus, I st. BC - I st. not.

God Pan and goat. This small Marmur group from Herculaneum is respected by the classics of ancient erotic art of the 1st century. BC

Kohantsi on a lizhku. Pompeian painting. 1st century AD

Ice and swan. Roman wall painting from Herculaneum I in AD

Lloda (other Greek Λήδα) - in ancient Greek mythology, the daughter of the Etalian king Festius and Eurytemidi (or the daughter of Sisif and Pantidi, after Eumel of Corinth), the squad of the king of Sparta Tyndareus. Struck by the beauty of the Lady, on the river Eurotas, standing in front of her in the form of a swan and wooing her, she laid two eggs, and the fruit of her union was Polydeuces and Olena.

The detail is embellished with a silver line that depicts Bacchus and Silena with satyrs and maenads that dance.

Satyr and maenad. Pompeii.

Terracotta figurine from Pompeii depicting Pan the Faun. It was possible to winkouristed like a lamp. 1st century AD

Bronze statuette of Mercury with numbered phaloses and ringlets for twins. I st. not.

Oka phalos
End of the 7th century BC

Roman bronze amulet, miraculously saved. Knowledge near the river Moselle near Trier. I st. not.

Maenad is defended by thyrsus as satire

Detail of a Roman marmur sarcophagus depicting an effeminate Pan and Pan on a hermitage. The other half II. not.

Chervonofigurny painting. 500-475 rubles BC

Black-figured painting with a homosexual scene. Middle of VI Art. BC

Hellenistic Marmur sculpture depicting Hermaphrodite as she stands on a bed

Black figurine painting. VI Art. BC

Erotic stories that are often repeated.
470 r. BC

Stage a banquet. Another half of VI Art. BC

Chervonofigurny painting. Remaining quarter V Art. BC

Chervonofigurny painting. 500-475 rubles BC

Small marmur relief from Pompeii. A couple of coats. Middle of the 1st century not.

Roman wall painting from Pompeii. I st. not.

A krater of embellishments to the image of a woman who carries a majestic model of the phallus. The other half of the 5th century BC

Detail of a black-figure painting 470 р. BC

A small Roman bronze statue of Hermaphrodite. I-II century AD
Hermaphrodite is the son of Hermes and Aphrodite, the youth of supernatural beauty. Beau vigodovaniya naiads in the Idean caves. At the hour of mandrіvok Hermaphrodite near Caria near the 15th rokіv yogo was swayed by the nymph Salmakida and spalled her love to the new. If Hermaphrodite was bathing in a jerelle, in which Salmakida lived, she fell down to something new and asked the gods for help. Vin succumbed to it. The gods vikonal її bazhannya and the stench were angry in one istotu. Behind the orders, the skin, who drank from that dzherel, touched the share of Hermaphrodite - even if not literally, then I would like to have a sense, which became painfully womanly.

Chervonofigurny painting. The scene of the dance is like a fake symbol - a religious rite. V Art. BC

App. To cost a white cat with fruit, she takes care of her phallus.

Priap (іn.-Greek Πρίαπος, also lat. Priapus) Greek god of birth; watering that garden - among the Romans. Depicting himself from a transcendentally displaced state member in the camp of eternal erection.

Two personified falos, which symbolize the victory of the phalos over the filthy eye.

Small bronze falіchny amulet-bird.

Black figurine painting. Dionysian scene. Another quarter of VI Art. BC

Marmur relief. The shepherd calms the siren.

Top: a satyr rides a deer
Bottom: black-figurine amphora with scenes from the faces of people to young people

A couple of coats. Another half of VI Art. BC

Roman goblet with a homosexual scene. Rubizh I st. BC I st. not.

Chervonofigurny painting. The sculptor creates a herm. The rest of the quarter of the VI century. BC

... now tell me
Artist of Caesars, mastity my Vitruvius,
Navіscho Pompeii ty on lava sporudzhuvav,
Nibi did not remember and did not know
What is your heart in Italy - Vesuvius?

L. A. May

The ancient Roman Pompeii, as you know, were erupted during the eruption of the volcano Vesuvius, and the hot lava after the eruption covered all the places and clayed all the life in such a manner that all accessible places were filled with it. As a result of these peculiarities, sculptures, objects, and human remains have been well preserved to this day through the accessibility of the acid. Long ago, the place was buried under a six-meter (!) lava ball.

Significantly with the term. Later, a fresco, according to the words of Wikipedia, painting on Syrian plaster, one of the techniques of wall painting, proliferation of secco (painting on dry). When it hangs, it’s not easy to roam in the plaster, making a thin gap of calcium plating, to make a fresco, it’s important, long-term! The availability of outdoor materials (vapno, sand, mined minerals), the simplicity of the painting technique, as well as the longevity of the works, made the great popularity of fresco paintings in the ancient world.

So axis. Until I saw Pompeii, the word "fresco" for me was associated exclusively with the period of the Middle Ages and temple painting (mostly Christian churches). The “right” ones, with the bright, living farbs of the wall frescoes of ancient Pompeii, became what kind of witnesses! I cannot be expressed in words.

So, what is important - maybe all the frescoes from Pompeii at the current moment are in the archaeological museum of Naples (I didn’t get there, sorry, I didn’t get it). Vono and zrozumilo - scho lay in the bagatometric tovschі volcanic ashes for two thousand years, did not wake up on the next day under the onslaught of the rainy italian sun and the onset of tourists. to the mischief itself, which is 2 thousand years ago.

Otzhe, marvel!

The axis here, for example, is a fresco of the famous villa Misterii imituє mur walls with expensive marmur. The fancy illusion is felt by the fact that the “stone blocks”, written by the painter, stand out in relief from the wall. The photographs have faded, unfortunately, they are black, because a room with frescoes without a window of daylight.

And the axis of the fresco of the 1st century AD. one more rich booth (the so-called Budinka of the Ancient Poluvannya). The right name for the booth is to look like a wall painting, which is known in the clay, from the images of the watering of the animals, which, unfortunately, was filthy saved. To marvel at how relatively the details were written down, and how farbi they were.

Here, in the middle of the fresco, it was virizano, moreover, it’s even more equal, better for everything in the same place, there was a miraculous preservation of the image, moved to the museum

Pompey still sees his erotic frescoes, found on the walls of the front of a huge booth (lupanariya). Chi is not “high mystetstvo”, ale tsikavo, zvichayno)). Naimovіrnіshe, tsepії (and the originals in the museum of Naples in the soundtrack to the Secret Cabinet).

Before the speech, these frescoes were just posters for quiet services, like the girls (mostly slaves from the Gathering) gave in the lupanaria.

More budinok from frescoes. I suspect that the originals, because chastkovo saved themselves, and chi to turn їx ventured to know and take them to the museum.

Numerous frescoes from the famous Stefan's house. Before the speech, the ancient Romans seemed not to know dear! І prali speech (і wool of creatures for її podshoy ї obrobka) for help sich, yak was taken in a special place not far from the forum and fought 2 tizhnі. About the subtle technical process of the century, they also found out about the painted frescoes on the walls of the halls.

And the axis of the fresco is with a thermal field (bar-restaurant in our opinion))

The axis to this image is two guesses - either it was a guide, how to get to the nearest lupanary, or just “for good luck” (because the ancient Romans used the phallus as a symbol of family)

UPD - a friend of mine turned out to be correct:

"Phallus \ in Ancient Greece And Rome was interpreted not as a shattered part of the body, but as a symbol of birth and mirroring of the powers of the fortune-tellers, that yoga was depicted on the booths, near the huge places, on the objects of the all-encompassed butu "(s

Since the archaeologists have unearthed the ancient site of Pompeii, the light of the zmіg will dazzle the wondrous works of art - sculptures, mosaics and frescoes, created by ancient masters. The frescoes of Pompeii were exposed at the houses of the local residents.

Three stories

The history of the city of Pompeii began in the 4th century BC. Then, on the site of modern Naples, near the bottom of the Vesuvius volcano, a settlement was founded, as if by a year a shard of susceptible forces came to itself and became a big city. The culture of the ancient Etruscan tribes formed the basis of their culture.

For example, in the 5th century, the city of Pompeii was occupied by Samniti, and the 6th century began to be taken over by a part of the Roman Empire. The inhabitants of the place were going to serve in the Roman army, but they did not lose their right to the common land. Tse caused the rebellion.

Ale yoga was strangled, and Pompeii was given the status of a Roman colony. So the stench has wasted their independence. But the bulk of the city did not see the change. 90 rocks that were left before the volcano erupted, the stench lived freely and securely on warm and dear earth. The place was actively developing until the tragedy that has become.

Behind Pompeii stood the place of Herculaneum. The most important legionaries settled at this place, who went to the calm, and the slaves. The very frescoes of Pompeii and Herculaneum were revealed by archaeologists in 1748.

fresco painting technique

Even more often rich city dwellers begged artists to paint walls at their booths. It was fashionable to call maestriv from the capital.

A bunch of stench was resolutely prepared by the walls - putting plaster on them in a sprat of balls, for viriving the surface (the robot was beaten by slaves). The remaining ball of plaster was invisible - alabaster was added to the new one to give a surface glare.

Let's start the mitets before painting, combining sprats of vidi farb:

  • wax;
  • encaustic;
  • tempera, ground on a bark base.

The finished wall was rubbed with a zahisny wax ball, so that the Farbies did not waste the brightness and did not grow with the hour. The maister's orders were to preserve the TV for a long time.

Painting styles

The plots of the frescoes of Pompeii are different, and ale zavdyaki they were far away to find out about the ancient place that yogo meshkantsiv. Aja stinks imagined not only scenes from old fairy tales and legends, but they imagined that private life residents

German vcheni urged to divide all the frescoes of ancient Pompeii into 4 mental styles:

  • Inlay - for a new characteristic painting on the walls from a rough surface, which imitates marmur. Appearing under the influence of Hellenism, one can often see the plots of ancient Greek paintings.
  • Architectural - images on the walls of the architectural elements (cornices, columns) and landscapes, which create a great sense of the prospects of space. People often painted in this style, folded compositions and scenes from mythology.
  • Ornamental - in the basis of a flat ornamental frame, in the middle of which were painted pictures of a simple rural life.
  • Fantastic - images of people become dynamic, landscapes are fantastic, and painted architectural elements are more similar to theatrical decorations, as they do not comply with the laws of physics.

Plots depicted on frescoes

At some boudinkas, murals were revealed, which are hushed up in different hour periods. Most of them date back to ancient Greek mythology. One of the best sights is the frescoes of the house of the Misteriy.

Vіn raztashovaniya beyond the borders of Pompeii, on the slopes of the pagorba of the Neapolitan tributary. Vecheni admit that the priestess of Dionysus was a gospodarka. Todі tsey cult buv fences by the Roman Senate. It’s possible, it’s smart to settle not in the very place, but in the frontier.

There were about 60 rooms in this villa, one of them is the hall of Dionis. On the yoga walls there is a ritual dedicated to the rite of Dionysus. On the new one, nine different characters are depicted, among them there are Mr. Willy.

The Garno was painted not only the mansions of the wealthy, but also the simple houses of the middle-class wealthy. The houses of the Vettievs stand apart - having lain down for two colossal slaves, they bought them richly. old house. This is one of the most beautiful mansions.

Yogo walls are covered with bright frescoes, which have been practically and ideally preserved. There, the plots from the myths of Ancient Greece are re-imagined. Here you can see the paintings "The Punishment of Dirka", "Little Hercules, to choke the snake", "Women, to open Pantheus".

Mysteries of the frescoes of Pompeii

The inhabitants of Pompeii were amateurs in solving and riddles. The purpose of navit was the basis of some paintings on the walls of their houses. In one of the revealed houses, the walls are painted in such a manner that it is possible that none of the characters in the frescoes stand by the room.

One of these frescoes of Pompeii is in the photo.

It's wonderful, but all the frescoes miraculously survived to this day. Don’t call on the fact that he drank, which often “conserved” them for good, becoming the cause of it. Ale Mayzhe for two thousand years farby did not fade away.

The ancient life of Lupanaria (these were the names of the brothels in ancient Rome), buried on the 24th of September 79th at once with a grate of misfortunes under the lava of Vesuvius, was badly preserved to this day, CBC reports.

On the walls you can still see frescoes with sex scenes inside, which served as a kind of service menu for old Italian brothels.

Archaeologists say that there is little great popularity among the militants of the politicians and wealthy merchants.

Nearly 200 brothels for 30,000 inhabitants were discovered on the territory of Pompeii. It was respected by the norm, like a friend of a person to sleep with others, but a foreign woman to protect her person was hindered under the fear of being hurt

Tsei Lupanariy was the greatest of the manifestations at Pompeii. Yogo was dug up in 1862, but its doors for tourists were opened recently through a three-fold restoration. This is the biggest brothel in the city.

Tse two-topped life in the very center of Pompeii with five rooms - two square meters each - dovkola vestibule. At the wall of the kіmnat, stone beds were built with carpets. Lupis were practiced in such rooms (“lupa” - poviya).

There were no vicons in our rooms. The stench of flaming likhtars hung from the air. Archaeologists affirm that in the occupants there was a strong smell of that air.

On the opposite side of the entrance, there was a rosette at the entrance - one for all, and at the vestibule there was a high throne of its own, on which "Madame" sat - an elder magnifying glass and a collar behind a bag.

For special guests there were also VIP rooms, which were known in another version. And yet, because of the view from the lower rooms, the stench was not small, there was a balcony, from which it was possible to pick up customers.

Vidpovidno before the laws, brothels were shouting about the 3rd year in the afternoon. The peak year fell on a late evening - the ear of the night.

Behind the skin layer, their own room was fixed, and they were beaten over the entrance to the name of the Vlasnitsa. Tse allow me to admit that the laborers lived in other places, and only the workers came to the brothel.

So, just like in the whole of Ancient Rome, Pompeii were forced to go through the state registration for the withdrawal of a license. They paid taxes and small special status of middle women. My profession was not respected by ganebnims.

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