The squad pays more per person (psychology of the situation). What is going on when the squad earns more for a person? The main problems of the family, where the squad earns more

More recently, we have seen evidence of discrimination against women in the world of work and business. Fortunately, everything was lost in the past, and at the same time there may be a third of the wives who are working, getting the same or looking for a salary, no people. It’s really not surprising. We expect the same exposure as people, we work at work in order to achieve recognition and career advancement. Why is our salary so low?

Even though a little time has passed since the moment of discrimination, the actions that have taken root cannot be compared to the majority of people. For example, who cares, but regardless of the 12-year working day, a woman is required to do all the housework (cooking, cleaning, etc.) after coming home.

“In a good way,” you say, “Since both the man and the squad are already working, then the obligations around the house should be divided between them.”

In fact, the division of roles in the family is not so simple. It is clearly not enough to make arrangements that one throws out the estimate, and the other under the pretext.

According to the thoughts of the psychologists behind this diet, it goes like this:

They don’t care about those who, with a working team, actively take on part of the household duties, their quantity is also small in the same amount as a wife’s housework. So, a woman works at home for 5 years, a year more than a man. And if the family has children, then this difference becomes close to 17 years per week! Wait, is it unfair?

However, psychologists have noted that the closer the squad’s income comes to the person’s income, the less time the wine is spent on furthering the state.

Now, if your family is in such a situation that the squad earns more per person, then in order to save hundreds of dollars you should pay attention to the lower expectations of psychologists.

These people were written by their camp, they respected themselves as producers and therefore had no right to be the head of the family.

Nowadays, the situation regarding the earning of pennies has changed greatly, but it is said that the squad earns more for a person, it is unlikely that one person can find out that he is the head of the family. After all, it will take another generation change to become aware of this fact.

2. Don’t talk about the level of wages. If every member of the family is in his place, and he belongs to what he does, then as a retailer, he earns 50 or 200 thousand rubles per month.

3. Discuss unpleasant moments. Do not think that nutrition under the rules of domestic rule will take care of itself. If you have suggestions about looking after the children or doing housework, then start discussing them. It is unlikely that a little paid person will take the initiative and expect to bear the brunt of the household bugs. If you destroy this topic and make your own arguments, it is possible to destroy the situation from a dead point.

4. Don’t hesitate to seek help from a psychologist. It’s really crazy if the ten-day hundred-dollar exchanges between friends begin to collapse especially because the squad has begun to pay more for each person. It's not easy to get good breastfeeding. In the same way, let’s go against the stereotypes of the past.

If your family has frequent welding related to money, shopping, household work, do not think that the person has a problem. The problem lies in the same situation as this. Contact a psychologist, and he will help you direct the situation in the right direction.

To begin with a critical assessment of the situation, it’s easy to understand how healthy you are in your home country.

As soon as a woman earns more than her partner, our reality constantly demands different levels of importance. Why do you need to work so hard and why do you need to work?

At first glance, everything can be good and without gloom. The couple has a kitchen, a reasonable one. And when it comes to finances, it’s not enough how things work out: in such situations, it’s better to get a better deal from a woman. It’s too early and it’s too late, with the supply of aliens or through the surroundings that have changed, the situation begins to give rise to thoughts. And it turns out that every happy homeland is unhappy in its own way.

There are two obvious reasons for this obvious dissatisfaction.

  • Biological. Long ago, nature understood that humans run and swim, and women bear children. For which, in the structure of various systems of the body, including the brain of individuals, there are special biological mechanisms that ensure various types of vitriol, resistance to various stressogens, and smut, etc. There is nothing for the continuation of the family and the security of his life. Therefore, the peroxide raises alarm on the level of biology: “What will happen if I become infected (infected)? - We’ll all die.”
  • Social. We were so hyped up. The ideal family for our fathers is patriarchy. The man is a worker, the woman saves the rot. And when they switch roles - the man automatically switches to the category of henpecked, who asks for money from his friend, following their commands and orders, aka, “non-man”.

Over the course of the greatest development of this financial misalliance, it can lead to the fact that a person loses self-esteem, the couple relaxes their cravings, along the road, rustling aspen leaves, and having sex...

How can we resist biological fears and social stereotypes? It’s easy, but if there are significant internal reasons and reasonable arguments, it’s possible.

Guess what the division of family roles and responsibilities is your life project, not a tribute to traditions.

As you intuitively feel that your couple is in control, as anxious thoughts and doubts appear even after eating sensitive foods and believe, ignore the thoughts of your neighbors and back ground of father's families. Listen to your arguments that seem important to you. Calm down, make sure that everything is working out in the family project the way you both want it, and – about any mishaps – read on.

In truth, it happens that a person’s financial hopelessness signals those who are not nearly 100. And this is a completely different story, which requires respectful consideration.

Development scenarios for this may vary.

1. "Mommy"

Obviously, you have your butts cut out if a woman becomes not just the real head of the family, but a person who is responsible for absolutely everything. Vaughn speaks for the wisdom and everyday decisions, for everyday problems and for the financial security of herself, her children and her husband. You have to work hard so that everything is good, and at the same time you are pressed to decide the spheres of your family’s life. In this system, a person plays the role of a non-turbo child with a minimum of equipment received for her, nice treasures and viconics of “friends’ equipment”.

If you stumbled upon a similar situation - it’s a pity, it happened all the time. The man manually, and he hardly wants to change it. It leads to comfort, so that hopelessness will increase, lead to degradation, waste of professional skills and qualifications, and at the end, our hero will soon end up chronically lying on the sofa, at the worst - quiet drinks with an overwhelming sense of dissatisfaction and lack of fulfillment. Not only will “matusya” provide for her beloved financially, but she will also serve as a vest for hiccups, a comforter and an emotional donor.

Unfortunately, in our reality such a scenario is not uncommon. There are no reasons for this, starting with the fear that is passed down from generation to generation, “being lost without a man,” intolerance of self-esteem, female ineptitude, chronic self-disregard and, ultimately, the lack of a positive family scenario. I and the butt for inheritance.

Of course, in a skin situation of this kind, there are no nuances and important details, but before giving a secret recommendation, you must be amazed at your duty to control absolutely everything. Why do they all require your control and participation in all matters? Is it true that your man is an absolutely hopeless and heartless being, that he cannot live without you? What will happen if you give your and other members of this part some kind of recognition? Why are you so afraid?

Honest nutritional tips can help you if you want to start changing.

And remember that in this situation only you can hear a human voice.

2. "Victim of Genius"

This family has a job to do, as humanity will benefit (or not) in the future, but there will definitely not be a penny for that prosperous family. History knows a lot of butts when a woman’s special happiness was brought to the noble sacrifice of human genius and future humanity. At the same time, the statistics are not good: there are only a few geniuses out of many millions, and there are thousands of lazy people who get into work due to the likelihood of uncomfortable groans in their families.

A bunch of similar hundred-year-olds for those who are always “busy” are constantly self-sustaining in the face of ailments, finding solutions, issues, problems with children and relatives, and this is known as support. In this case, Genius can periodically download his license or appear as a father in an unusual and wonderful manner, often in constant trouble, but not in any way helpful.

Obviously, knowing (although often unknown) the woman’s choice is to sacrifice her comfort and normal life for the whims of a man. And, of course, I live with narcissistic charisma and intellectual hysteroids with emotions of an extremely wide spectrum. However, as a rule, all smells fall under the description of a neurotic type, and then a chronic one.

If you feel like a pale shadow, an actor on a different plane, driven by a horse that does not take away respect, nor money, nor dignity, supply yourself with food: “What do you need?” What do you take away from such speech? Looking back in the past at your hundredth birthday with your dad - won’t you remember anything? And start valuing yourself, respecting yourself, changing the rules of the game and the boundaries of what is permitted. You can write a list of 100 points under the title “What am I good for?” he has justice. And don’t wait for favors from a person - the list may end up regardless of one’s mood. And then, you’ll be amazed, the whole system of hundreds of dollars will change.

3. "Nezgasna Zirka"

I had a client - a very rich woman, the owner of several businesses. Over and over again, a number of times came out, and the situation was repeated: a successful “tsikava people”, with whom she tied up her life, after which hour she spent her work/business and began to live for her money. If you were hooking up with a third man, if he was a prosperous and promising businessman, the woman, after a long conversation, said: “Maybe I required Should a man entrust the weaker one for me? If you will be strong, successful, you will be attractive to the young and beautiful and may not leave me. Otherwise, no one needs this wine – only me.”

This is not the only problem in my practice, if a woman has a deep inferiority complex, first of all, she brings her career to her career, in another way, to compensate for the lack of success of the man.

Think about it, as soon as you see the “bad luck”, in any situation, the Angel, Zirka, the Queen and the Diva, “the troubles and the evil”, which you “overwhelm everything”. Perhaps this situation could reveal your complexes, the constant competition in your parents’ family and the fear of being betrayed by a valuable, attractive, possible and attractive partner?

Definitely, all three family systems are unhealthy.

First The main problem is to understand that the financial imbalance is just the tip of the iceberg. It is necessary to live out defects in the veins, such as complexes and fears.

Other - Do not tolerate discomfort; tell your partner what is appropriate; present the options to the exit.

Third - critically evaluate the situation and the power it has. You can’t change another person – it’s unreasonable to extract and chase someone else. Maybe you have the power to change what you give. At least this is enough to change what you are eliminating.

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The article describes the problems that arise in families, where the team is the main earner. Make recommendations from psychologists to improve the moral climate in the family.

Nowadays, a situation has developed in the marriage that is radically different from the situation that has been going on for centuries. In many areas of life, women have significantly pushed aside men. The stinks began to make a good living, and for some families they became the main producers of food. The people settled on another plane, which gave rise to a low psychological problems.

Having taken a leading position in this family, the woman lost her position. She also bore the burden of the same responsibility, which had previously been the prerogative of a man. In this case, purely women's duties around the house were left behind on her. This trend is also noted. The more the squad earns, the less the person shows enthusiasm for the search for a highly paid job. All of this is indicated on family cards by the least rank.

Most people who pay less for their friends experience a decline in self-esteem. At that very hour, the stink is psychologically ready to admit its material impossibility. All this puts a strong influence on the manner of behavior of a strong character. The man begins to feel a sense of responsibility with a prosperous squad. He has a variety of complexes that negatively affect his normal routine.

The squad is getting tired of the situation. The role of a yearling is not inherent in her genes, but due to circumstances it has to be abandoned. In this case, women over 35 years of age and older adults will have to cope with the ritual of conquering those who have no power over them. As for the young squads, since they place the role of the main earner on their shoulders, they are not going to earn money for long.

The deception of family stereotypes is also evident in the intimate sphere. The man, realizing his inferiority, begins to shy away from sexual contacts. Women, however, need a regular pattern of life in order to feel good about themselves and gain value. At that very hour, she was to blame for some psychological problems with her boyfriend. Since the squad takes care of all the financial support in the family, it begins to feel like a mother, not a khan. Is it possible to have full-time intimate intercourse with a child?

What kind of nutrition should psychologists think?

We must first please the women, who earn much more for their men, and do not emphasize their advantages under any circumstances. If you earn more money, it’s wonderful. There’s no need to tell people anything about this today, and let’s just talk to people. This behavior provokes a negative reaction and further exacerbates the problem.

To prevent the development of complexes in a person, it is necessary to constantly and steadily reinforce his significance in family life. You should praise him for doing his homework well, for shaking hands, for help and encouragement. If complexes develop, and the person becomes rough and uncoated, then the only option is to rupture the veins. Otherwise, life will turn into hell.

To avoid focusing on your earnings, put your family income in one place. Let it be a box or an envelope. Next, discuss with the person all your expenses, as well as large purchases. When buying more respectfully, it is necessary to take care of the formality of the booth in advance. In other cases, this reflects the image of disarray and has a negative impact on the peaceful atmosphere in the family.

You don’t need to take into account the correct amount of your earnings in order for your money to be reliable. Never put pressure on a person, call him lazy, lackadaisical, worthless. This will only lead to welding and scandals.

In any case, a woman must decide for herself which path she needs to choose. Acting well-earning squads are in control of the situation that has developed. Especially since a person tries to streamline emotions and not get hung up on the high penny income of his weaker half.

It is necessary to understand that this form of family containers does not have any historical roots. Vaughn is completely new. Therefore, it is necessary to form with your own hands the way of life that would rule both the rich squad and the poor man. If a person does not want to adapt to new current realities, then the only and most reasonable thing is separation. It will be better for both of them. There is no need to be afraid of separation, as the bonds have gone into a dark place and bring neither spiritual comfort nor mental relief.

9 picked up

“If the squad pays more for a person, it’s not our family!”- The hero of the well-known Radyansky film categorically affirmed. Today's economic and everyday realities have developed in such a way that Women in general can earn more money and be happy with the opportunity to profit. Let's find out How this situation flows into the middle of the family.

Today’s family has changed not only from an everyday and social point of view, but also from a psychological point of view.

Psychologically, people are divided into masculine and feminine types of specialties. In the first phase, people of the greater world have a variety of human qualities: courage, leadership, ambition and aggression. The other has women: softness, softness, strength and emotion. People with a masculine personality type are often successful in work, while feminine people find it easier to settle down at home.

However, men and women can have one or the other set of abilities. How much the stench has been blamed, to lie in the slump, the recovery of living minds.

In the past, the sex of the roles of the whore was clear: men were married for the species, women – for the house and family. In connection with this most stable and intimate union, bets were made in which man had a clear expression of masculine bones, and the woman had a feminine side.

Today, such a “classical homeland” no longer seems ideal. In today's world, people who are more strongly respected are those in which friends contain the ramifications of one or the other psychological type.. Let's say, a man, for all his accomplishments and masculinity, is responsible for being able to reveal his humility. And women, for all their softness, do not have a little courage.

In this manner, the clear division of gender roles is gradually being eroded.

Roles swapped

Nowadays you can make bets in which friends "swapped roles". Thus, a strong and respectable female leader has masculine bones, while a soft and approachable man has feminine bones.

Here comes another movie couple: "Mati they have Novoseltsev!" Kalugina and Novoseltsev demonstrated to the Radiansky looker the very same thing to them: a strong woman - a soft man. Do you think that after the heroine gives birth to a child, she will turn into a housewife? I really doubt that more than Novoseltsev’s salary and two children, as we remember, were not paid. Supposedly, go back to work, and the man will take care of the house and the children. And in this way people can become happy.

Such bets, where people do household chores and tend to go to maternity leave to look after their baby (legislation does not allow this),- Not a rarity. Golovne, so that everyone is happy: the woman is happy about the opportunity to realize herself in work, and the woman is not averse to taking care of her family.

How, having switched roles, the skin from you is felt "in its place" All is well with my family. The only thing that can inspire your mood is the thought of those who are absent. It has already happened that a man who earns less for his squad can still be considered a scoundrel and henpecked. Your girlfriends may jingle in your ear, so that they might joke about a successful man. Don’t listen to yourself and don’t let people turn sour. News in the family – this is your special place lo.

That's how it turned out

However, it’s not always the case that a friend’s salary means that a person has a more apologetic feminine jaundicedness. It’s entirely possible that this happened. Perhaps your profession has quickly become more in demand on the market. Or you have better communication skills that will help you find a good job. Or maybe you should get your traction with the profession, which in our country is low-paid, and ambitions are expressed in professional, not material terms (So ​​often it happens with books and science).

The butt of such a man is the same Georgy Ivanovich from the film Moscow can't believe tears. There is a clear expression of masculine bones: “To be honest, I believe myself on this simple basis, that I am a man.” With his calls, he respects the work of the locksmith and does not risk his career.

In such a situation, a friend’s salary may actually become the cause of problems for the family. A person may develop complexes, even though it matters what we get. This can manifest itself in a bad mood, and sometimes in uncontrolled aggression, jealousy and claims to friendship. If you let the situation go, then, why the hell, we can ruin this whole thing.

How to do?

But don’t rush to get embarrassed, the high salary of the squad does not mean “virk” for the hundred-year-olds. Remember that same movie Gosha (Aka Goga, aka Zhora, aka Yura). I took my idea about the fact that the squad cannot be considered as a person for a person’s social status not from the truth, but from everyday evidence: “I’ve already had enough of this!” This means that the partners in the front seats were led incorrectly and were unable to escape from the situation. And even at the end of the film, having turned to Katerina and I, it seems that everything will turn out well for them, regardless of the salary. What do you think?

Ale In order for everything to be good, it is necessary to train a number of minds:

  • Financial nutrition needs to be carefully managed. The position: “if you earn less, you also have no right to vote” is unpleasant.
  • You can’t match a person’s income to put successful people in the spotlight.
  • Encourage the person in his activities, reinforce his importance.
  • Say that you are a strong woman, with a man you can allow yourself to be weak, Let us have the opportunity to talk about you.
  • It’s difficult for the two leaders of this family to get along well, since you found yourself in such a situation, try to separate the spheres as you go: You praise decisions in one area, the person – in another.

Tse timchasovo

Don’t think that you just started paying more for a person at some point, but never again. Just Women often change and men adapt to the situation that has changed. Therefore, a crisis or short-term crisis can “knock down” a person, and he will need an hour to “get back on his feet.”

It was noticeable after the break - then the women themselves first adapted to the new economic situation, and the men continued to work for a long time without harm from the labor force or were still sitting at home without work. If the stinks get back on their feet, they will stop working and soon begin to take care of the whole family again.

In my opinion, the high salary of the squad in addition to everything else is a nasty incentive for a person. Whenever my income begins to approach a person’s income, it is important to find a way to increase your income.

What do you think about this drive? Do you think this is a normal situation if the squad pays more per person? Tell us about your story.

Valeria Protasova

Reading hour: 6 hours


A person takes away little and does not hesitate to change, and his team values ​​every coin, saving money on the most necessary things. At this time, the family becomes critical. A woman is not in control of such a situation, but a man is happy with everything.

Why did it happen like this and why did it happen like this before? Why does a person earn little and how can he earn more? It’s worth thinking about this situation.

The reasons why a person does not take away a lot of pennies - why does a person earn little money?

Ling is not the reason, but people, by their nature, are lazy, but it is primarily due to the conservation of energy. The skin is supposed to work less, as much as possible.

  • She has such a character. People don’t require anything, they are ready to sit forever watching TV, they don’t make a mess in the booth, they don’t beat their breasts in their skins. But he himself is not great at speeches. A new telephone is not needed, clothes are not worn out yet, repairs are a must, as long as the trellises have not fallen down yet. Infantile people, please don’t bother with anything. I wish I could start spitting. You need to get involved for this.
  • Not ready for a leading role. In my father’s family, I was always a little child, as my mother took care of me. And the squad, before speaking, was strong and powerful. That’s why it’s up to you to work harder.
  • Features of the robot. It is possible that such an activity will require a rough start, otherwise this delay will pay off in excess and lead to a huge salary. For example, in order to achieve promotion, you need to prove 3-5 years of age. Or you need to achieve singing merits, develop a dozen projects.
  • Or maybe the person earns money normally. It’s just that the squad gets a lot of money. Varto carefully evaluate your expenses. It’s nice to spend a lot of pennies on cosmetics and clothes. Or maybe even worse. My family called for food and restaurants? Then the reason became clear.

Golovne in this problem - the roles of the woman and the man in the family . From a long time ago, the squad is the keeper of the treasure, mother, tenderness and love. Man - strength, strength, prosperity, protection, support and stone wall.

On the right are the women - to make money, on the right the man - to get money for living. As soon as pennies show up in the booth, the squad instinctively begins to build a nest. Just as a woman stops keeping the night quiet, the man stops keeping the room quiet . Close the ring.

In such situations, wives often begin to think that it would be much easier to live economically without a man. You spend more on it, less income. Here you will have a chance to see yourself in cosmetics, new products... But it’s not good to work like that. Tse - Way to go, let’s make a pit in the middle of nowhere, from whom it will be impossible to get out. Dear Sir, stop grooming your friend’s wife, stop respecting her. Sit on your neck, hang your legs, and don’t care about your needs.

Why do you need to work so that a person earns money well, how can you help a person earn money?

  • Chi don't get separated. In order for a person to earn a good salary, he needs to be sufficiently motivated.
  • Stop praising yourself. If you happen to live in a state of hunger, then find a better way to reach someone, explain that he is a year-old. In addition, if a woman is a producer, she won’t be able to devote a lot of time to the children, which will then lead to severe harm.
  • Dream, there will be plans for Mayday at the same time. Know why you have to work harder. If you don’t have to go out, you can create lists of things to do and write there everything you want, without adding anything. Draw a map of Bazhan. Glue stamps from magazines and newspapers onto the paper jacket. To see a new TV, a sandy beach with palm trees, a new car.
  • Get it right. As it was said earlier, it’s not good to separate your loved ones from everyone. Economy will not bring Suvor any good. Just turn off impulse purchases, start planning your expenses and keep them under control.
  • Let the man bear the risk of losing money on himself. Like an old man, don’t put kowbasi in the refrigerator. This is better, the bottom line is to guess what you need to buy for a child. And don’t stop going to Fatherland meetings yourself, they will also ask for pennies.
  • Give kermo finances to people. If you plan to spend money, you know what and how much you need per month, what prices are in stores. And what can your family really afford on your salary?
  • Appreciate your friend, recognize someone else’s authority. Leadership is in the blood of people. If you let go of control over the right family, then after an hour you will take control of the person. Golovne - finish the check. Whether any person feels buried in himself, he would like to know what is the best. Read also:
  • And, obviously, to praise. Goodbye, you'll just pay a little for delicious tea. Don’t be jealous and don’t nag a person - this undermines his authority.
  • Talk. If you trust your partner, then make simple arrangements according to your plan for Mayday. For example, if you want to enjoy a drink in an exotic land, then you will need a sum of pennies. You can accumulate as many as a few thousand. What do you need to do to get the most out of your family budget: start saving and find extra money.
  • Raise children. This is one of the strongest incentives for a person to start bringing pennies to the booth. Moreover, the more, the better. The primary instinct is to produce and express thought in today's civilized people.

Taking on the role of a support worker is the wrong way out of the situation. You need to work for your own person, a successful, self-sufficient person , the leader is, insanely, the head of the family.

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