The main problems that arise during a hypnosis session. Hypnotherapy: types, principles and methods of hypnosis - How can illness be treated with hypnosis?

Hypnosis is the most mysterious of all modern healing techniques. There are only so many myths and legends known. Society has a strong stereotype that hypnosis is closely associated with magic, magical power and the seemingly magical. However, despite the great advance, medicine has officially recognized the effectiveness of hypnotic sessions, and similar medical procedures have been carried out in many medical facilities for more than a century.

Small What problems arise and how to undergo the hypnosis procedure?

How is a hypnotic session performed?

First, the hypnologist conducts a conversation with the patient, during which he evaluates his condition, explains what he expects from the treatment, what he needs to eat, what to eat. Next, the patient is advised to take a manual position, stretching out in a chair or on a couch. My eyes ache and are closed. The hypnologist turns on a calm musical sound, which allows the patient to relax, leaving the world of influences.

After which the doctor asks the patient to listen to his voice. The text, as you understand, is different for the skin hypnologist. But the essence of the most important introductory promotion will be lost forever, however: “Soon you will completely relax, you will be very lightly dozing, you will not want to collapse, your body will be filled with a welcoming loader, all the problems and troubles will be far behind you...”

After the hypnologist has given the patient an external condition, he will put him out of trance. For whom a song phrase or word is often vikorized. The patient loses his mind, but in this case, not having slept at all, but having been at the bed, which suggests forgetfulness, sent or just in time.

4. Achieving harmony in the spirit, thoughts and body

7. Evolution of behavioral and mental patterns

8. Improved furnishings, such as

10. Relief from the feeling of heaviness that comes after losing something dear or someone close to you

17. Relief from depression and anxiety

18. Voltage voltage

19. Replenishment of special drains

In Greek, hypnosis is interpreted as a dream, but in the basic understanding it really is not. During the hour of the session, the brain does not switch to the “energy-saving” mode, as in normal sleep. The information and subcortex enter into a special state - active, or narrowly straightened. The brain focuses on what the therapist is saying and doing, and processes are launched in the body directly to the mind. So we can say that hypnosis is not a dream, but rather an awakening. Awakening, at the hour of every day, the rights of the figurative “boil up”, squeezing the brain, which helps to find people’s necessary resources for this or that other problem. Towards the hour of sleep, we sleep in an unpleasant state. During the hour of hypnosis, the body is asleep, and the consciousness is open and pleasant until the sensation. People cannot sleep under hypnosis, but you can know about those who are about to wake up, especially in an emergency situation, so that everyone seems to get confused. But there is one simple phrase - as time goes on, a person is in control of everything, and he forgets to commit brutalities out of respect, which he knows is necessary. Despite the fact that hypnosis is not sleep, some people can fall asleep during hypnosis, especially if they are tired. This is not of any importance, since there are parts of the understanding of how to continue to hear the therapist’s voice. While sleeping, people can follow the instructions, for example, stick their finger in lightly, start breathing more deeply, or flatten their eyes if they ask for something.

Is hypnosis just illusion?

Hypnosis and obsession are two different things. Navigation is attempted under hypnosis, but hypnosis is not strictly speaking. The words of hypnosis appeared in the late 19th century. Particular respect for words is attached to Eriksonian hypnosis. The power of the word has incredible potential; with the help of the word you can create powerful speeches.

How does hypnosis differ from trance?

Trance is equivalent to hypnosis. Hypnosis begins in trance with the appearance of frequent and frequent forgetting of what happened during the hypnotic session.

Can hypnosis be dangerous?

Medical hypnosis is safe. We spend the entire hour responding to these other influences from the side of people who want to make us feel their power. This natural mechanism is exploited in hypnosis in order to change negative attitudes. This possibility is due to the fact that under hypnosis a person is in a state of hyperactivity and a whole natural state.

How does hypnosis feel?

Hypnosis is the best way to relieve stress. You feel relaxed and calm. The skin nerves and body muscles experience a deep relaxation that is associated with a sense of bliss. There is nothing surprising in the fact that you don’t notice the moment “I’m under hypnosis.” During the hour of hypnosis, a person becomes aware of everything that is happening beforehand. Possible tingling in the hands and fingers, you can feel the scent of the ends, you can feel the warmth or cold, the three-tone turn, you can feel the lightness, the flow, or you can feel the heaviness, the increase or change in the density , there is a rush of energy through the body, a change in the rhythm of breathing and beating of the heart, carnage. You will feel the harmony of the rich inner light and experience the harmony of the extra light. Some people say that the hypnotic state has brought them a new sense of space, a sense of discomfort and a sense of timelessness.

What does it take to get into a hypnotic state?

There are hundreds of ways to become hypnotic. Profound relaxation of the whole body, intense emotional experiences, listening to history and presenting in the most detailed detail what is being experienced - just to name a few. Motivation, concentration, concentration and relaxation, audibility - five warehouses for the manifestation of hypnotic induction. All that is necessary to enter a hypnotic state is to enter hypnosis. The stronger the motivation, the more open to awareness, hypnosis often becomes more direct. It is enough to adopt a positive body position for rapid relaxation, concentrate your attention on the therapist’s voice and follow his words.

How does hypnosis help relieve stress?

Hypnosis itself produces a calming and refreshing effect. Calm and deep breathing during the hour of trance relieves the muscle tension and triggers a relaxation reaction in the body. Even after the first session, patients report a feeling of deep relaxation of the muscles, which has a calming effect on the nervous system. This seems to be preserved for three to five days, keeping it in the depths of the trans.

What do people feel after a hypnosis session?

After a hypnosis session, a person experiences a state of inner peace and lightness, feels an influx of strength and strength, feels an inner peace from unconscious anxiety and heaviness. Over the course of several days, the severity of the depressive state changes, fear becomes controllable, intrusive thoughts and worries that were previously formed in the ugly teeth begin to appear. However, to completely eliminate the problem for active people, one hypnosis session may not be enough.

Hypnotherapy: types, principles and methods of hypnosis - How illness can be treated with hypnosis

Hypnotherapy is a daily technique for treating many people who are ill. Enjoy hypnosis in most seizures, as well as drug and nicotine addiction.

Positive results from treatment depend on people's ability to succumb to hypnosis.

At the hour of the hypnotic session, the patient falls into a trance, and it is easy to instill him with any information.

The positive effect of guilt in the treatment of those illnesses that have arisen through psychological and emotional officials.

The main officials are suffering from illness and there is a constant desire for work.

If illness is caused by fears and worries, in the state of hypnosis you can help people find ways to solve their problem, and after leaving the trance you will be healthy and happy with yourself.

Principles of hypnotherapy

The basis of hypnotherapy is the manipulation of people's thoughts during a trance.

At such an hour, the patient has no thoughts of his own, he only hears what is inspiring him, and directs all his efforts in the direction of the activity that he is recommended to do.

This technique is often used to resolve special problems. Hypnosis can also be used for a variety of phobias.

This type of activity is popular not only in the treatment of mental illnesses, but also in traditional medicine. Clinical hypnotherapy helps people with central nervous system disorders. (Central nervous system).

Basic methods of hypnotherapy

Many people believe that hypnosis has appeared recently and cannot bring any meaningful results. What a thought, Pomilkova.

About hypnosis and its clinging authorities have been known for a long time.

Through the treatment of various illnesses, various methods of hypnotherapy were developed.

The most popular of them:

  1. Levitation method;
  2. Hypnosis for the assistance of visual contact.

Verbal hypnosis

Verbal hypnosis is also called auditory hypnosis. The hypnotherapy session begins with the additional influx of sounds and sounds onto the patient’s receptors.

This method is used only if the patient cannot independently concentrate his attention on the subject.

Such people will not benefit from normal hypnosis, because they will not be able to go into a trance. Moreover, this technique is used to treat people who suffer from hysteria.

Levitation method

“Levitation hypnosis” is often called the light-hand method. Wines are particularly popular in the regions.

This technique is less specific, which makes it easier for people to slip into a hypnotic state.

Efficiency comes from the fact that the patient can independently control his body and emotions.

Erikson's hypnosis, having rejected this name, will invariably be the nickname of its winemaker.

During the hypnotic session, the patient takes an active part, rather than being allowed access to personal data.

Erikson's hypnotherapy never fails to produce positive results. To consolidate the effect, a number of sessions are required. This type of therapy does not harm the health and psyche of people.

Zorohypnosis technique

This is the most popular method for introducing a person into a trance.

The essence of the method lies in concentrated attention to any rhythmically moving object. The object can be a coin or a pendulum.

In the hour of caution, people speak command songs in a monotonous voice, the stench helps people relax and soon go into a trance.

This method is most often used for nicotine administration. However, no one gives a guarantee for a positive result.

Sickness that can benefit from additional hypnosis

With the help of hypnotherapy, you can recover from many illnesses. This practice for the treatment of illness began to be introduced in the mid-18th century.

People who regularly undergo hypnosis courses feel richer and better. They have a great physical and mental frame.

Regular hypnotic sessions can relieve painful symptoms of vulgaris, gastritis, and also reduce the frequency of attacks. With the help of hypnosis, the pressure of the heart normalizes in people.

And people who don’t believe in the lasting effect of such sessions, but those who believe that they have tried it on themselves are completely satisfied with the result.

A hypnotherapist can help you get rid of tension, phobias, regular stress, and also help you lose weight.

Following hypnosis sessions, it is possible to treat more illnesses, as well as many others. A positive result is created through the induction of chanting information in the state of trance.

The trance itself has a therapeutic effect on the body. During the period of recuperation, the functioning of all internal organs and the respiratory system is normalized.

There are no clear indications for hypnotherapy. Only doctors can recommend medication or treatment in such a non-standard way. People who are suffering from illness may respond differently to hypnotherapy.

Contraindications for hypnotherapy

Hypnosis is the best research method for treating illness. It is only necessary to seek treatment after the doctor’s recommendation.

As with any other type of treatment, there is a low contraindication for:

  • You cannot come to a session after an unexpected illness;
  • People with a clearly expressed lack of heart are also susceptible to defenses;
  • Hypnotic sessions of protection during the hour of colds and infections.

During the hypnotic session there may be some complications. During the hour of trance, the doctor can spend a connection with his patient.

This will lead to the point where the patient will not be able to get out of hypnosis.

This is especially true for people with hysteria. In addition, the stay may be canceled after completing the treatment course.

If you are suddenly ill, you can become active in an hour with new strength. Seizures occur when patients suffer from hypnosis. This state is called hypnomania. Vaughn has 3 stages.

At 1, there is severe drowsiness after sessions. At the 2nd stage, after the bath, the person becomes galvanized and drastic. At stage 3, a person cannot leave the state of hypnosis for a long time, such a state can last for several months.


The first time you attend a hypnotherapy session, you must note all your successes and shortcomings and always consult with your doctor.

Video: Hypnotherapy

How do you recognize yourself as a hypnotist? Perhaps your information represents a gloomy desperation that aims to reveal confidential information to someone? This people waves a gut punch in front of the victim’s guise and puts them in a trance. And, perhaps, you will think about non-standard methods of investigators who want to achieve a meeting. In reality, hypnosis is not only associated with crime. With this mystique, professional doctors have thoroughly expressed their desire to help patients live in harmony with a healthy mind. Are you ready for a hypnotic rush? First of all, you need to find out what will happen to your body during the session.

Don't lose control of the situation

If the patient comes to the session before the hypnotherapist first, he will not be surprised by the non-standard methods of the doctor’s work. Much of the chomu tse is similar to a normal appointment with a psychotherapist. First of all, you will sit down with the doctor and clearly describe your problem, reaching the desired result. The most common concerns of patients include pain, phobias, stress and anxiety. After the final outcome has been announced, the faciliar selects the best solutions for the current problem. This is what Colin Chapman, a certified clinical hypnotherapist, reveals: Clients who come to the appointment are in complete control of the process. I am only a guide, but people themselves decide where to go.”

We have formulated incorrectly the statement about the hypnosis session.

We actually know very little about hypnosis. We think that we want to invade our minds and further control our knowledge. The reality is that the patient does not lose control of his actions during the hour of the session, surprisingly, those who need to say. It does not tolerate spillage and does not allow other people to wander through the labyrinths of its knowledge. You can “show off” as much as you want. Following the words of Dr. Chapman, the hypnotist does not intend to make you aware of the secrets buried deep in the depths of your memory. It’s best to allow your mind to completely relax and clear away from all your thoughts. Your search will reveal the hidden rooms, the key to which you have spent for any reason. Only you can see the problem from a different perspective, only can you understand the reasons for it. Before the session itself, the hypnotist will give you a demonstration to give you an idea of ​​how awareness works. This way you will know what to look for during hypnosis.

You won't fall asleep

The state of trance, before the patient enters the hour of hypnotherapy, can be treated with low factors. There is only one thing that you are guilty of knowing in a sing-song manner, those that you will not sympathize with. Just move your mind to a state of relaxation and calm, and all your actions will be under your control. In this way, you can change the perception of power, behavior and self-esteem. This peace does not bring anything sleepy from staying in a warm bed.

Relaxation of the mind and body

Most people think of hypnosis as a positive experience. Adherents of the practice of meditation draw parallels with the relaxation of the mind and pure respect, freed from extraneous thoughts. Both meditation and hypnosis sessions provide relaxation to both the brain and the body. As practice shows, a deep trance does not mean that you are denying the best results. Still, some lasting connection with reality can be preserved. It is more likely that different patients may have different levels of compliance before sessions.

The cerebrum swells at the limit concentration

If hypnosis, as before, is perceived by you as a trick of a charlatan, which can empty your gut, know that this phenomenon is widely believed by centuries. Numerous experiments were carried out to prove its effectiveness. According to one of his predecessors, professor of psychiatry and behavioral sciences at Stanford University, David Speigel, hypnosis is the oldest form of advanced psychotherapy. And although studies had previously been conducted on the influx of hypnosis on people, Dr. Spiegel was the first to come up with the idea of ​​\u200b\u200b“looking” into the brain during the session.

People are notoriously susceptible to hypnosis

A study by an American scientist showed how susceptible people are to hypnosis. I would like to go into a trance with the click of the hypnotherapist’s finger, but I would not be able to hypnotize through the high brain. Soon there is a chance that you will fall into the category of those people who are either poorly or not at all susceptible to hypnosis. It's not normal. If it turns out that you have a high tolerance to hypnosis, then your brain will recognize some changes during the session.

According to Stanford scientists, patients who entered a trance state showed decreased activity in the dorsal anterior cingulate cortex, which is responsible for the processing of stimuli. From a neuroscience perspective, this means that your brain can focus on the act of hypnosis itself and stop worrying about other problems. This is a big change. In other words, your cerebrum loses its extra power of connection with the body, which means it loses even greater control over the actions that take place. And thirdly, there will be a decrease in functional connectivity. This means that during the hypnosis session you become aware of the gap between your actions and their understandings.

The gap between activities and their understandings

This may be easy to notice if you notice any lapses in memory. For example, if you get drunk in a car, but you inexplicably remember the events that brought you to the salon. During the hour of the hypnosis session, you will feel more horrified. Why do patients always remember what happened to them under hypnosis? This is because they realize their lives with less peace. However, this very connection allows the mind to maintain its limiting concentration.

We talked about the ubiquity of functional connectivity and used concepts such as the “dorsal cingulate cortex,” but we did not find out what a person feels when they are under hypnosis. All we know is that this is not at all like a dream. Help us paint a clearer picture from Vera Peiffer, a psychotherapist and hypnotherapist, who described similar life experiences in her book “Principles of Hypnotherapy.” The expert equates the state of trance with reading a great book. Chantly, many times in your life you have caught yourself thinking that you forget where you are when you have a good-looking novel in your hands. Having read, you spend an hour, and it’s already early morning.

This is part of our life

This can also be compared with the saw-like wonders of the dawning sky. Your thoughts, when focused on other objects, will not inform you how vast the vast expanse will distract you.

You can also compare with the performances of a symphony concert, after which you are tired of feeling a new nervousness, but in which you have not listened to the usual psychotropic speeches. This is with us immediately, when we are extremely amazed at the world and death about what is now unprofitable, but we all know what we are in this room. This information has no meaning as long as you are lost in thought. Hypnosis is a thing that we all understand, we just don’t think about such significant terms.

It is recommended to conduct hypnosis sessions in a quiet, darkened area, without turning off various factors that may cause disturbance (noise, disturbance of the object, etc.). The most important factor for a successful entry is the level of trust. Therefore, before the first sessions, it is necessary to reconfigure everything that the hypnotist wishes for good.

Similar to the theory of I.P. Pavlova, whatever the procedure, which is repeated, strengthens the reflex, which in the future can manifest itself in any mind. For example, if in a laboratory people are accustomed to falling asleep when the whistle blows, then in the future, having felt the whistle, they may simply fall asleep on the street. This example explains the nature of the idea, formed in ideal minds, and can be implemented in a different, less favorable environment. For whom all hypnotic reflexes become partly special, the will of which lies under the commands of the hypnotist. In this way, you can cure illnesses, get rid of bad habits, awaken your talents, and form positive and negative qualities.

For the success of experiments with stagnant hypnosis, it is necessary to acquire the following concepts:

Security during the hour of the session

1. SAFETY HYPNOSIS is doubtful. Although almost all hypnotists would like to convince us of the absolute harmlessness of their experiments, we still keep in mind that the simplest object in the gentle hands can be unsafe. It is not safe to create deadlock situations if the patient is deeply in a hypnotic state, which may even accept verbal commands. Therefore, before you carry out your simple research, you must read all the different sections of this book to the end.

Preparation before hypnosis

2. PREPARATIONS create the necessary foundations for the success of your next project. It is necessary to first motivate the patient to ensure success. For this purpose, a preliminary conversation is held in which all the elements of hypnosis, the patient’s behavior and possible results are explained. The atmosphere in the room should be calm, which means dim lighting, quiet music, and the sound of a wall calendar or metronome. An excellent element of preparation is a regular diet and fasting before the session. At the beginning of the session, you need to prepare the preparation in the presence of the patient, so that it increases your trust and is better prepared before the action.

Glibina zanurennya in hypnosis

3. THE DEPTH OF HYPNOSIS has three levels: light, medium and deep. In a mild form, the swelling retains its activity, but the patient can easily cope with it. In the average hypnotic patient, the nervous system is completely relaxed, and the patient can accept influences that indicate his peculiarity. Deep hypnosis completely turns on the sensation. Be sure to remember what is happening. After leaving this hospital, the patient will not be deprived of daily guesses. According to statistics, 30% of people can be hypnotized in a mild form, 50% in a moderate form, 15% can be severely depressed, and about 5% of people in adult life are not susceptible to hypnosis.

Six stages of hypnosis

4. SIX STAGES OF HYPNOSIS: at the first stage, drowsiness is avoided due to the severity of the sleep, and the inability to flatten the eyes. On the other, the raised hand is lost in this position, completely lowered. The eyes are flattened, the body is relaxed, and the sensation is still working. At the third stage, the patient follows all the commands of the hypnotist, and there is still awareness. If you find evidence at the third stage, the patient confirms that there is no hypnosis, and the commands are completely out of respect for the hypnotist. At the fourth stage of hypnotization, he accepts commands from his own hypnotist and does not accept commands from other people. On the fifth stage, blurred information (somnambulism) occurs, memory fails, possibly leading to some kind of hallucinations. At the sixth stage, the memory is turned off, and hypnosis reaches its maximum level.

Planning hypnosis sessions

5. PLAN A SESSION to be carried out without the participation of the patient. In the forward growth, it is necessary to identify the special characteristics (obviously) and further correct them. The author's laboratory conducts highly detailed hypnosis sessions, in which the magic and medicine are combined. Beginning from the phase of mild hypnosis, the necessary spells are read. In this case, there is a hypnotic effect, which allows the patient to intuitively perceive the text of the spell with an unknown mind. Sessions will take place in the following order:

1) The patient manually moves away from the chair and hears something similar to the following: “You are sitting rigidly with your eyes closed. Deeper and deeper the darkness pours into the reception area. With the passage of the skin, the soul expands and its value expands. Everything is bad, but good is lost.”

2) This is followed by a feeling of good self-esteem, happiness and happiness to overcome certain difficulties. At this stage, in the “Monthly Castle”, ancient spells are read, the magic of which will significantly enhance the corisna’s action: “About Emmanuel, ab hoste maligno, et omnibus imicis visibilibus et invisibilibus, et ab omni malo defende me. Christus rex venit in pace. Deus homo factus est, qui pro nobis clemenet passus est. Iesus Christus rex pacificus semper inter me et inimicos meos..."

3) After reciting the first spell, a path will be revealed that will need to be formed to successfully reach the end mark. At this stage, the strobe light is turned on and the following words are displayed: “Now think of a lucky day and reveal it as you would in real life. Think about your food. Think about what has been built and what needs to be built...” After 3 minutes, the strobe light flickers, the generator begins to produce the monotonous sound of the sea surf.

4) Under the monotonous noise of the generator, the fastening of the tanks formed at Svidomosti fails. On the step, the spell forms the will: “Grant me, About Lord a steady hand a watchful eye. That no one shall be hurt as! pass by. Thu gayest life, 1 pray no act of nine. May viide or berezen, scho gift of Thane. Shelter those, dear Lord, who bear me company, From the evils of fire and all calamity..."

5) From time to time, words are inserted into the text of the spell to reinforce a better sense of self, relief from difficulties and optimism: “Now you have renewed strength and decisions. Everything is rotten behind. All is well ahead. It seems easy to renew you. Your intentions are to come true. Everything will be as you want..."

6) Awakening and emerging from a hypnotic state can be accomplished in a variety of ways. Say the following words: “Take three deep breaths and calmly open your eyes.<пауза>Get up!<пауза>Now you can go. I’ve known you for two weeks now. Today's day will pass more beautifully, never before! In important situations, if the patient does not collapse, it is necessary to go to the other person and, squeezing his hand, sharply command: Get up! Every time you can’t be a coward over your shoulder, try to wake up in an emergency way. In critical situations, when the patient is deeply entrenched in the bed and cannot be awakened by emergency methods, the session must be concluded in a reverse order (point by point).

The trail ends with the words: “Now we have turned to the exit camp! Your awakening does not stream anything else. I will call you like this (like this), yakim (yak) from the very beginning. Renewed strength. You feel my words. Now, open your eyes sharply and stand up!”

It should be noted that the recitation of magical spells is no longer an obligatory part of the primary hypnosis sessions. Atheist hypnotists always reminisce about the old mystical warehouse, replacing them with mindless phrases along the lines of: “...The doors of your front door are wide open for my words. Everything I say penetrates there and is stored there for the future. Your body is filled with miraculous relaxation, and joy permeates you from head to head...”

1) In the classic way, close the eyes with some kind of shiny object. The patient is tempted to marvel at the dreary object, suddenly inspiring: “It’s growing. The eyes become important, and the eyes blur. You are tired and want to sleep. Step by step you fall asleep. You're welcome. You are sleeping."

2) Abbot Faria in 1913. having come up with such an impressive method: having dressed himself in the clothes of a priest, he came close to the trusting patient, respectfully marveled in his eyes for a few seconds, and then shouted raptly: “Spai!” The patient's babbles are unpleasant and he's asleep.

3) American doctors give preference to this method: with two fingers of the right hand, make a “goat” or the letter “V”, which is gradually approached to the patient’s open eyes. The proximity of the fingers to the eyes is accompanied by the following words: “Your eyelids will become more important. You really want to sleep...” When you stand between your fingers and your eyes become minimal, the following command follows: “And now you can’t help but flatten your eyes. Shut up and sleep!” Under hypnosis and a dry reflex, the patient closes his eyes. Having fallen asleep, the hypnotist places his hand on his forehead and eyes.

4) In European clinics, the “rifat trick” is often used, which is offensive: patients think that they will immediately lose anesthesia. Then, in his presence, they drop chloroform onto the mask and ask him to flatten his eyes. After that, another object (another mask or just a hand) is brought to the face, instilling that “the smell will grow stronger, they will switch off, and sleep will set in.” The patient falls asleep without anesthesia.

5) The simplest is the rakhunku method, which begins with the words: “I’ll start rakhunku to five. You can feel how sleepy you are. As soon as I say “three,” your eyes will close. As soon as I say “five,” you will be thrown into a deep sleep.” Next comes an even longer run to five. After the completion of the war, the hypnotic state will be extinguished with the following words: “You are sleeping, while your intelligence is working. You can feel me, but don’t give up. You are concluding all my additions, otherwise you are not understanding their place and change.”

6) The most advanced method is the vise method. Who knows how to put important people to sleep? For this, the hypnotist must sit behind the patient, place his hands on his shoulder so that the thumbs are touching the face and the toes are sticking out. In a calm tone, the hypnotist uses every phrase that encourages, for example, to breathe smoothly and deeply. In this case, it is necessary to carefully increase the pressure of the fingers. If everything is put together correctly, a deep sleep will follow.

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