St. Petersburg street artist: “Usim baiduzhe. St. Petersburg street artist: "Usіm however Mikhailo painting marker

A person who wants to be a captur, to marvel at a banner near the center of St. Petersburg, for which the poster was supposed to be pulled up. great expansion. Tse is one of the images that can be used by owners. Tsya people in hoods, Mikhailo Marker, rozpovsyudzhuє їх in all places.

Street artist Mihailo Marker sounds to the point that yoga robots are insane. Call them out at once, like only stinks appear on the streets.

Robots roam like officials, so are the hulking hulks who stink.

“Such a reaction is given to me by a clique, it behooves me, even if it is a dialogue. I hang my thought, and the stench speaks on it, ”say Mikhailo Marker.


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Mishko Marker is a pseudonym. The Thirty-Fourth Artist does not tell the press about his reference. Vin also does not want to show his guise. For an hour of the interview, stand with your back to the camera.

"I speak to myself through my work," says Marker.

Besides, go for safety. Public art has become in Russia practically the only accessible way for expressing criticism, leaving freedom of speech in Rest of the Rocks became visibly obzhezhenoyu.

Bagats of street artists are revisited and used.

Marker, prote, do not be afraid, and walk around the place not only at night. I give an interview a day on one of the central streets of St. Petersburg.

"If my robots are threatened by a threat, then the stench, ymovіrno, is chained to the living," - mirkuє vin.

In his robots, the Marker depicts the blue of an individual with a power, a penny, a power that is wary. The theme of the rest of the work is the survival of a small person during the hour of economic hardships.

In his posters, Marker implicitly criticizes the policy of corruption in Russia, as if he had called the wealthy hulks to vigilance. Yogo robots are also tormented by those sexual violence against women, threaten terrorism and injecting war on children.

On the other hand, these problems are not only in Russia, but in the rest of the people.

Let's do it all

The marker knows that it represents the sphere of science, the meaning of which has grown at once, as freedom of speech in Russia has become signifi- cantly seized.

“On the streets panuy mova street. For the help of street art, you can hang your thought without borders, ”says Marker.

Truth be told, Marker's robots tried to start up. A dekilka of the inhabitants of the city was filed for a new scarga to the prosecutor's office. For now, the Marker is still at large.

Vіn kazhe, scho, for example, to the robot "Vіra, nadiya, kokhannya" gluing pіvgodini and nothing to you.

The robot "Power of pennies" depicts the hands and feet of a crucified person. Zamіst tsvyakhіv - badges of the ruble, dollar and euro.

Marker carefully choose the place for your work. Sound the vin gluing them on the billboard over the advertisement in the most memorable place in the center of the place.

© Misha Marker Robot by street artist Mikhail Marker in St. Petersburg

It is a marker to bring a little embarrassment to them, that the officials, who are the hulking hulks, still haven’t hoarded anything, if they have ripped up the tears at the huge places.

"Sound out to people all the same thing that seems to be near them," Marker reminds him embarrassedly.

However, wine is not chosen to be answered.

“I don’t believe that one tvir can change the world. But I’m wondering why people should start thinking with their own voices, if they want to sing at my place of crying, ”says Marker.

Street art has become salon

Street art has become a popular sphere of art in Russia for the last few years. Professional artists are engaged in it, they are exhibited at the receptions. Street artists build works for sales.

“The market of art has changed. Collectors joke around with street artists at auctions,” Andriy Zaytsev, director of the Museum of Street Art in St. Petersburg, said.

Misha Marker is not silenced by those who have made street art an accessory for salons. In the case of the occupants of the street, the mysticism can only cheer up the deacies, just like the Marker wants, so that the general public will cheer the robots.

"I want my robots to be put up and live on the streets," says Marker.

Mihailo Marker wants to continue doing street art. New robots are announced regularly. And don't pay the oskolki to you for their work, earning a living as a graphic artist.

“People on the streets are absolutely baiduzh, what are you robish. The reaction is less on the Internet "

I am close to thirty years. In the past, I'm looking forward to my work, as I can say, in the fall of 2014. This was a mini-exhibition of five paintings, which, unfortunately, did not last long. Ale, the cob was laid. It was better for me: people, vanity, but you rob it like that, it’s not against the law, ale cicava, which vibrates from the splendid life. Tse vіdchuttya dosit tsіkave, vono dosi viganyaє less overhead. Adrenaline, maybe, I don’t know, my biology is not good, let the adrenaline go. On the day of vivishuvannya [work] and the day before that, I have moods on pidyomi - it’s even more fun and miraculous. I like the whole camp.

Before that, how to move to St. Petersburg, I live in Russia, in a small city - not the capital, nothing like that. The idea [to engage in street art] appeared even there, but as if the hands did not reach. After the first trip to my country to St. Petersburg, I understood that I want to live here. From that hour, jumping to cross over. The axis was gone, and literally for the day after the move, I began to take up street art.

In principle, all my pictures, back to back, all creativity - if I used to be a "musician", writing texts for my group - social orientation. Where to carry yoga, like not to the street, not to the court? I visit my office about once a month, most importantly in the center. Yakshcho honestly, for me, St. Petersburg is the center. The sleeping areas are hardly visible in Russia. It’s less stuffy and more vague, if you have to go there on the right. And the center of St. Petersburg is a steep river.

I paint a lot of pictures and sell canvases, I work on photoshops and texts. For the rest of the hour, I work regularly, for the sound of sound is rising and rudely seeming I am resting at the free floor. Until now, I haven’t worked for a while, but all the robotic specialties didn’t strain my head and allowed my thoughts to be straightened out of my creativity. At the same time, the ideas that robit became more rich, it’s better to be quiet. Although everything is not so good with the financial plan.

On the back, painting robots with acrylic on fiberboard, decorating them with gilded frames and hanging them on the streets at once with signs, on which they indicated the name, composition, material. Such a museum theme. I was given to tse tsikavim that novim. If you don't go to the museum, the museum will go to you. The problem was that such pictures could be easily taken, taken or taken away. I wanted the stench to hang yakomoga longer. Glancing at the posters of St. Peter's stand, at that moment they were creaking, at the same time the stink of the trochs was rising. I pasted the glue pictures on them - so the stench also came out of their own kind of frames.

Ramy sens. Call before the arrival of such an official to chepur the place. Ale, there are no more central streets, and in the yards everything is left in the old way. The same with my robots: in the middle of the pictures there is a black one ... [nightmare], and the gold frame is finished - like everything is good, miraculous, we continue to live in our impenetrable great country. Wanting to tell the truth is not so.

The process of vivi- shuvannya roboti takes a long time. Some of the passers-by wrap around, some of them look up and look at the cicada. Ale zagalom people absolutely baiduzhe, what are you doing there robish. The reaction is less on the Internet. If I want to make one story, I'll tie it to the vivishuvannya. If I hung the work “Prohibit and rule”, before me, a man of fate forty and said: “Young man, zaboronyvay spelled through “e””. "Volodaryuy" yogo did not zbentezhilo. The image is like that. Such was the reaction itself on the Internet, word for word. More like a marginal-looking person to me, and urged to buy from a new lansy. They shot the cigarette. Alas, I continued to take care of what I was doing.

I sometimes get stories about those, like my robots linger after the vivishuvannya. I myself try not to get in trouble with them, so that I don’t shine. Some pictures live by the year, others can hang today. Moreover, it’s better to lie in warehouses. For example, I have a picture "Vira. Hope. Love", from the image of the distribution of coins. In my opinion, it’s provocative, but all the same she lived longer than tyzhnya.

I'm not the kind of artist who would like to work with steel, it's more for myself. Menі tsіkava reaction of people. How stinks understand and do not understand that other picture. I tried to arrange two pictures in the text, explaining what the stink is. Ale potim virishiv, that if people do not understand, it is unlikely that you will be able to convey to them with sense letters. Plus, zіtknuvsya іz duzhe tsіkavіmi _interpretations. The deyakі know that my robots have such cіkavі meanings, like I didn’t put in there. Menі tsіkavo tse read, so I left out the names of the pictures. The name is forty types of robots themselves. For me, it’s even more important, I rob it for a long time.

"Three billboards"

I dare to name the action for the robot behind the motives of the film "Three billboards at the cordon of Ebbing, Missouri" - in a voice. I just looked over the movie. I was honored with an idea, an action was carried out - if I didn’t want an action, but a cry, I would open up the heroine of the film, as she already lowered her hands, she didn’t know how to turn respect to her problems. I thought about what I would like to transfer the plot of "Bilbordіv" from Russian realities, and sensibly, that it was already rich ... [sweet speeches]. Do not react to the new one, do not go out. And as a matter of fact, to respond to food, not to stick billboards.

As a matter of fact, I subscribed to all the latest publics and others, so that everything didn’t fall to me. I wanted to live a songful period, let's say, with the world that goodness is with me. Alecey ... [zhah] reaching me, navit if I didn’t specifically chime in anything. All the same, people are healthy, all the same, everyone is wise. Why nothing changes, I don't know. Obviously, I want us to become good and kind. But it's impossible. Oh it's possible. I don't know why people are mad to behave like this. Ale ce є i vіd tsgogo nowhere to go.

I don’t know why I should hang the robot with a billboard on the pereline of Dmitrovsky lane and Dzvinichnaya ulitsa, and yet yesterday people forced me to take photographs of it. There's just one little bunch of rips. I can't go out there every day and check it out. The robot was smashed for the street, there it was left behind. And after that, as I “hung up” and took a photo, I feel empty. Not the ones that I forget about her - my friends force the photo, but I don’t particularly chirp in the distance. I want to have happy moments: 2015 I have shown the picture "Lolita" on Nevsky, and on the fate of 2017, they sent me information about those who are “alive” with a woman, as she knew at black gatherings at the parade.

Honestly, it seems that the reaction to the billboard was the most exciting for me, it’s already rich, and I still don’t know what to do with it. Fit - good. Why this happened, I can't say. Perhaps, having spent a kudish, zachepiv like strings of the souls of people. I don't want to mess around. I'm just shying those who are good, who suit me. It's wonderful to know how to know. Yakshcho nі - I've already been doing this for a long time and I don't need to pay for it. Prodovzhennya tsієї work will not be, I'm already hanging out behind the topic. What else can you add? Set special power supply? Well, I know, it's too much.

“From the look of a grown up healthy people, I’m doing ... [foolish]”

I don't know how Vlad Peter is put before street art. Different histories are trapping. That same one is smeared, who is unreasonable. Nothing terrible is depicted there, portraits bringing people. And so I cook in the wet juice, I don’t contact anyone in particular, so I can’t say anything specific about the trends in St. Petersburg street art. We have the first street art museum in Russia, but you can't help but be quiet.

In our country, the government especially does not win street art for its own purposes. It was like a patriotic mural on the Obvіdny canal, but lived a short time. I didn’t need to understand the senses and sent these robots. Vaughn is clearly zroblena on zamovlennya, and chi not z іnіtsiativi people. I’m supposed to be important, so that we’ll be generous. Against it, rule, or for - on the right, second. Creativity is not to blame for anyone, except for the fact that we are expanding.

Behind the fact, I don’t shy away from anything illegal - come, put the picture on the poster stand, pishov. But I’m afraid that I’m not afraid [possible criminal re-investigation through the robit’s request], there’s not enough to accept. Would you like to take a look at this situation? No, I wouldn't want to. What am I shying about, so that she doesn’t opine? I don’t svіchu guise, for example. I don't believe in anonymity. It is unlikely that you can be completely anonymous, being left with someone on the Internet. So let's look. For the time being, I'm talking about you, but you'll see in the distance. Without a doubt, a fatalistic look, but it will be, what will it be. I still don’t want to be inspired by creativity. Meni tse tsikavo, bring a lot of satisfaction.

At the exits of the nadvir, I know that same buzz, which I have at once, like a drug. Now I’m talking about it at once and I’m thinking [emotional admonishment]. I don't know why. Really, the activity is not obvious. From the look of a grown up healthy people, I will deal with ... [fools]. Alemeni tse bring stilki of satisfaction, so I can’t not do it. But in fact, whoever doesn’t do anything, everything ... [nіsenіtnitsa], we’ll all die, why not have some fun?

Like the most street artists, Mihailo Marker adopted the guise and works under a pseudonym. Having started painting children, graduating from an art school and university, for enlightenment - a teacher of image-making art. I got busy with street art only if I moved to St. Petersburg from a small place.

Michael Marker:

“I saw tsikavim exhibiting paintings, decorated according to museum canons, not in galleries, but simply on the streets. Before that, the theme of my work is socially important, so I also understand what is there for me. Stink about people and people.

Poklik street

On the first exhibition of 2014, the fate was five times a day, I will become a human being. Moreover, the paintings themselves were painted in acrylic on hardboard, inserted into frames and with signatures. Axis only lived the stench for a short time: already after ten years, the art objects succumbed, and de stink is known, until it’s impossible. For one version, they decorate the walls of the corridor of one of the police departments.

Before the speech, Misha never had conflicts with the security forces, nor with the public services, although the street art in us is still a pose of law. Purely theoretically, leather can be used, like an artist, to glue his tears over the main posters. Tse vіdbuvaєtsya in the center of the city, a day about once a month - like a bachite, no conspiracy.

Michael Marker:

“Zvichayni passers chirp, power up to me in no way vinikalo. And then I try not to get stuck there. Periodically, I turn around every other hour: I want to be photographed, I want to pass the poz. It’s too much to motivate people, like to see these pictures, but I didn’t find such a thing. ”

Unseen mysticism

True, like a little Mikhayla can call out a fool. The stench is unruly, the stench is chirping and irritating and feeling discomfort. Describe yogo cry marno - stink from quiet speeches, yakі better once sing, nizh a hundred times feel. A special place in the work of the artist has been introduced to war, and the theme of yoga is particularly touched.

Michael Marker:

“I’m sure I’ll understand this scheme. Two (at least) divine z'yasovat, who is the coolest, the most hundreds, thousands, millions of people. Tsomu can be vigadati even more richly true, veil with words that depend on ensigns, but the essence does not change.

Mishko to rob not only gostrosotsialni posters, but also painted on canvases. Street robots about people, suspense, about those who leave us; pictures w - more features and emotions. Having tasted the first time of 2018 rock in the genre of sculpture, the first time - not in St. Petersburg.

ale Pivnichnu capital Mishko Marker is still alive. Yak rozpovіv artist KudaGo, conceived kіlka robіt, pov'yazanih іz text, but go beyond the zvihni frame of the poster. But you yourself will be, as long as you don’t know.

You can praise Mikhail's creativity on the yoga side

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