How to process stegencia into brushes. How to pull the trigger. How to trim the trigger correctly

Chicken meat is an excellent product for the preparation of various dishes, such as soups, snacks, cutlets, etc. It is also prepared for the treatment of illness, as a replacement for other types of meat. Most often, we buy parts of the whole chicken carcass that is going to be cooked: homilki, krill, fillet, etc., but if you buy the entire cleaned chicken, you can save a lot of money, Even after properly stretching them, you will extract the miracle ingredients for all kinds of herbs! If you don’t know how to cut the trigger, then our recipe will help you.


  • the carcass of the chicken is refrigerated

How to trim the trigger correctly

1. Before processing the cob, rinse the cob with water, both in the middle and back. Then pull out the skin and make a deep cut with a knife on the skin that has stretched. In this manner, add half of the steak to the carcass. Continue and thoroughly rub the leg by placing it on the plate. So just do it with another Stehenian.

2. Then proceed to filleting. To do this, insert a knife under the skin on the breast and cut it completely.

3. Lightly pull them on the wrong side, just like the fillet.

4. Pass the keel bone through the middle of the brisket - straight through it and make a deep cut. Pull out one fillet and, using a knife to cut the base, remove it from the ribs, being careful not to damage it. Just do it yourself with another piece of fillet.

5. As a result, you will have two equal and crisp chicken fillets and a completely cleaned chicken breast up to the ribs.

6. Next, raise the carcass of the carrion, bringing them behind the back, to find the meeting place. Do this yourself and make a deep incision, strengthening them.

7. Since the upper phalanx of the krill is not attached to the skin (there is no meat on it, no skin and it always burns when baked), it is better to cut it off immediately.

8. Then cut the frame from the sides, dividing it into the front part and the back back. The front part can be removed from the upper phalanges at once - neither fat nor meat will be lost on them. The chicken back is ideally cooked for broths, soups and borscht - almost all the skin with sub-fat, pulp and innards can be used on it.

9. The entire carcass processing will take a maximum of 20-25 hours! Wash the strengthened parts again and place them in bags, frozen until ready to cook.

10. Now you know exactly how to process the trigger correctly and without spending any money!

Please note gentlemen

1. The ability to read and write, it turns out, is needed not only at work, but also in everyday life. It’s easier to just take out a package with some kind of fragment of a chicken carcass and read what’s in it - a ridge for broth or a grinder for roast, tear the melt or pat it with your fingers, until you add the meat. Tip: you need to take stationery stickers, a pen and secure all portions with the same labels. Gentlemen, if you are planning your family’s menu for the future, add a date and name to the dish before the date, on which day you are preparing to cook.

2. The skin is alive and affects delicate, intimate areas. Before them, the cooks bring a chicken tail. Theoretically, it’s possible, but what’s next? The spicy tricute, which is located under the tail of your bird, includes an active vine that actively functions to ensure the removal of excrement. It’s important to call it part of the lass. Gostriy nizh will help you remove this unappetizing plot. It’s important to make the cut not behind it. Otherwise, the organ may appear to be visible, and the lower edge of the back will become obstructed.

3. The brush of a large trigger can have hard, thick brushes. It is easier to chop them with a kitchen cleaver rather than sawing them with a knife. Before boiling or stewing, it is necessary to soak the pulp and, if any sharp edges of the tissue have appeared, remove them.

We all often prepare our own chicken. Moreover, the meat of this bird is suitable for peppers, and for other herbs, and for salads, and for baked goods, and for kebabs. Just give free rein to your imagination, vikorist and razzmatochki. And few people suffer from a whole carcass. I darma. Having learned to process them correctly, the skin can easily extract the ingredients for preparing various herbs. About those how to process a carcass, we understand below.

Yak vibrati smoke the carcass

It is best to choose refrigerated carcasses. In this case, you will only pay for the meat itself: the slow delivery people will pump the bird with water before freezing to increase the moisture. Moreover, it is easier to establish the taste of chilled meat.

Do you know? Chicken is the main type of meat found in Israel (67.9 kg per person), Antigua (58 kg per person) and St. Lucia (56.9 kg per person).

Express diagnostics of refrigerated product:

  1. Take a look at the carcass. If you can see wounds or blue marks on it, there is discoloration or dark yellow spots on the skin, such a chicken should not be bathed.
  2. Emphasize respect on the face. The age of a bird determines the color of its skin. Young chickens have a delicate rozheva look, with clear veins. When the chickens grow up, they lose their fat and their skin.
  3. Give the trigger a rub. After pressing the flesh onto the breast with your finger, turn it into a cob shape. If the result of torcanning loses its pit, this is an indication of an unclear product.
  4. Take a sniff. Fresh chicken smells like the best raw meat. Those carcasses that resemble the aroma of medicines or other side odors are not good to choose.
Video: how to choose a smoking carcass

How to pull the trigger

To quickly and easily cut the carcass into pieces, follow this plan:

  1. The kidney is cut off by the fry. The carcass is placed breast-side up and matted where the krill lies. Here you are afraid to cut the cut with a knife and find the cartilage that binds the brushes. If you know this secret, it will be much easier to pull the trigger. Otherwise, the porch is strengthened the same way. When this part of the chicken is going to be lubricated, the tips of the chicken are cut and twisted for broth. And the wings themselves move along their feathers.
  2. Once the wings are strengthened, you can proceed to the bottom. For this purpose, easily, without pressing, the skin is cut through this area, where the leg connects to the brisket.
  3. Having pressed the bottom, twist and break the bottom with your hands. Keep working until the end of the stitch is gone. Once the brush has been secured to the breast, use a knife to trim the meat until the end.
  4. Try the same manipulation with another gentlewoman. Now we can use the dough to prepare savory herbs.

    Do you know? About three thousand years ago, chicken was domesticated in the territory of present-day Ethiopia.

  5. If it is a eggplant, the tenderloin can be divided into a bowl and stitched together. To ensure that the visconate is correct, place the leg in such a way that its front side (there is more skin on it) is flared to the bottom. On the inside of the leg there is a shallow depression, dividing the two leg meats - the leg and the steg. Make a cut along this line itself - the brushes will join there.
  6. Next, trim the breast. Along the chest ridge, pressing the knife to the frame, make a cut. Using your fingers, carefully cut the meat from the brushes. I'll shoot from one side, and then from the other.
  7. The frame can be broken into pieces to make it easier to handle.
  8. Important! Once you get your hands on it, the process of trimming the carcass will take 5-10 minutes.

    As a result, warehouses for various herbs are eliminated:

  • fillet, quilt, gomilki, crust - for boiling, frying, baking, stewing;
  • ribs, back, tips of krill - for soups;
  • fat - can be removed for lubrication.

How to prepare chicken fillet

Fillet is the finest part of the chicken. The process of this separation would seem complicated. Who really thinks it’s important to get rid of that little piece of clothing? However, the instructions for separating the fillet will help with this difficult task. And once you get your hands on something, the process itself takes about an hour.

So, let’s take the breast and do the following:

If the fillet is needed for stuffing, cut the meat into pieces, removing the remaining pulp.

How to hydrate the trigger from the brushes

Chicken roll is rightfully respected for its color on the Christmas table. By adding branded ingredients to this dish, you can impress your guests and loved ones with your culinary talents. About the many unsatisfactory gifts from the government, there is a separate section of the chicken from the brushes. Even in order to deprive the carcass whole, it is necessary for the mother to make a report and demonstrate legality.

It is important to be smart enough to get the desired result - gostriy nizh. When processing, you will have to make numerous cuts, and with an insufficiently sharpened tool, a lot of strength and nerves will be wasted.

So, the process of separating the brushes goes like this:

The frame can be used for broth, and the cut chicken can be stuffed or used for rolls.

Video: Assembling chicken rolls

So, we often have to cook the chickens from the meat ourselves. Moreover, it’s not less than the first and other poisons. There are also a lot of salad recipes and fillet recipes. What about kebabs z krillets chi stegenets? Just get the recipes, figure out and cut the meat according to the sizes and ideas of the stuff.

What, do you smell of carnage and unrest? No problem. Once you learn how to trim a chicken carcass correctly, the problem will come. There are no special secrets. But these are the rules - both universally accepted (the classic procedure for all fragments), and those that, in practice, the process of preparing various herbs is already in stock for everyone who loves to cook.

Why is it so important to learn how to trim the trigger correctly?

Once you learn how to properly cut a chicken carcass, you will save a lot of time and nerves (and you won’t worry about scratching at home for a long time). Well, let’s get rid of the lack of certainties.

  1. Prepared from the triggers for obvious knowledge to be very timid.
  2. You can immediately prepare urchin with them, and you can stock up later. Let's say, take a bunch of carcasses right away. Then process them accordingly (you can put them aside for the day) and put them in the freezer.
  3. In the freezer, by labeling the skin and manually unpacking it, it will be easy to know the required type of product. For example, fold the left-handed soup sets, in the middle - the workpieces, the right-handed one - for pastries, salads, etc.

Well, we have orders:

  • Chicken carcass (gutted)
  • Sharp knives and knives
  • Cutting board
  • Health plan

The carcass is still different. No plan? Let's put it together. From one trigger (preferably from several pieces!) you can produce a variety of pieces.

And the skin will be treated differently:

  • - You can cook cutlets, dumplings, zrazy, meatballs from this without any stroganoff - ground meat, delicious porridge, puree-like soup, and a lot more.
  • – and a rich soup comes out, and greased, and steamed, and boiled, and deliciously crispy skewers.
  • Stegentsya (purposes and divisions into meat and gomilka) – you can also drink it for soup, for various other herbs.
  • Soup set - whole necks (and they can also be cured like cured meat), part of the dumplings, the skeleton itself with ribs and image.

Detailed instructions for disassembling a chicken carcass with photos

The instructions are like this, I think we’ll need more wealth, given the peace of mind. Especially to the Pochatk rulers. Even after two or three such procedures, you will get the hang of the stench, and then the process will be manual and efficient. Well, let’s make a cut between the stehenets and the tulub.

Krok 1. Make an incision between the stegenets and the tulub

Then you can do it like this - turning the lower part upside down, firming it up, and holding it in place to break. Or so - having grabbed the leg, we pull it lightly. Make a very careful incision at this place, reaching the corners.

Procedure 2. Pull out the leg

After making a neat circular cut to the very narrow end, we remove these two sections.

Krok 3. Two steps

Because the prefabricated varto is not entirely sterile, it is necessary to make an incision along the line of the corner. Carefully trim and remove two parts of the leg – the stitching and the back.

Krok 4. Stegna

Then you can select the chicken. There are also a number of ways. Breed the wing, burying a little meat and fillet. Or, once you know the shoulder joint that connects the butt to the carcass, cut here at the end. Otherwise, turn the wing in the place of the corner and cut along the line of the corner, revealing the tip of the wing.

Krok 5. Kriltsa

Fillet is a good part of the carcass. How can I creminate? The process is complicated, especially if you need to remove the valuable items. You can fill your hand! And there are also a lot of tricks here. The first one is to cut the flesh from the cartilage, carefully press it onto the meat with your fingers and carefully squeeze it from the bones and ribs.

Croque 6. Incision of the breast

Or, having removed the skin, make an incision in front (as in the photo) along the cartilaginous part of the breast. Then push through the lower bridle of the ribs and the entire skeleton. And cut in half. You can always give it the desired shape that the recipe calls for (steak, let’s say).

Croc 7. Filet

You can earn money another way. Having placed the breast upside down, cut the side of the thigh (the side of the ribs) from both sides with scissors. Having cut from the back, continue to separate the fillet itself using a knife - going through the cartilaginous part, along the sides of the ribs. In addition, we have a wonderful soup mix made from bones and cartilage, parts of dumplings and rump.

Krok 8. Soup set

That's all. We got 2 fillets (they can be cut halfway or further divided into bowls, sauces, etc.), 2 steaks each, homilki and krill), as well as a soup set. And I’ll try a few more ways.

2 simple and quick ways to trim a chicken carcass

Method No. 1 . Suitable to immediately prepare this, let’s say, without stegenze. We put the carcass washed and thoroughly dried with a towel, and then put it on the burnt sap (here it’s easier to cut, there will be fragments of cartilage). We break the husk completely, cutting it across the middle (if you do this, then you will see two pieces of curly cotton). The upper part is cut with a knife from the breast, extending to the back. The axle has two more parts. The lower one, having collected the fat, was then divided in bulk - to the beast down to the bottom. Viide 2 steps. Everything can be prepared.

Good thing, now it takes less time to process, the pieces have become neater, the breast comes out in one piece, there is much less physical effort during processing.

I decided to write an article with reporting instructions for the cobs, so that they start off correctly and don’t have to relearn them later, and not just the cobs. There was a melodious tone from the gospodarok to release the trigger as they rang, do not worry about those who have done this process manually and have seen it.

What is needed

  • the trigger is still fresh
  • Nizh Gostry
  • the board is complete


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How to properly trim the trigger pokrokov photo

1. By dividing the trigger in this manner, we remove 8 pieces. First of all, we need to wash it well and dry it lightly with a towel.

2. We'll get some chicken legs. We place the carcass on the board, back down, grab it by the leg and pull it into the back of the carcass, against the skin.

3 We touch the leg of the quilt with one hand - the other hand - for the carcass. We begin to strengthen it, for which we gently lift it out of the carcass, lightly turning it on top. The culprit joints will disengage - the stegnova will come out of the joint.

4. The corners no longer come together, so now you can easily cut the leg from the quilt, make an incision, turn the quilt and turn the carcass on its back with the breast up. Finish by strengthening the leg, perhaps up to the lump.

5. The other step is done in a similar way. At the same time, the cry was very strong. On the dot, there is apparently a shoulder joint, which connects the wing to the carcass, or along the corner.

6. It was impossible to strengthen the breast from the back. It is important to look at the photograph, it says directly what to follow.

You can directly notice the white color behind the fat line, the smell of ribs and cartilage, cutting them is easy. Please be careful with what is indicated directly to ensure that it is divided correctly.

7. We cut the breast only from one side, or sometimes from the other.

8. This is the most important moment for me. It’s already behind us, we’re glad, since everything turned out good for us and we won’t get embarrassed, because it’s no longer possible. ;-). Everyone knows that anyone in the right needs to exercise their hand, otherwise it will be difficult!

In the middle of the breast, throughout its entire length, the cartilage on the bone is growing apart, requiring it to be removed. Lightly cut the upper part of the breast, where there are two brushes, or just between these brushes until we rub it on the brush from the cartilage, which has a dark color.

9. To stretch the brush from the cartilage, you need to press the whole brush with your big fingers, for which we begin to break the breast into two parts, applying a little force, pushing the brush up and placing a finger under it. i.

11. The cartilage was removed from the chicken meat almost all the way around, and it just rubs onto the bones and the bits in the middle. We take hold of the cartilaginous cyst and carefully, but if it becomes too heavy, there will be cartilage behind it.

12. The cartilage cyst and the cartilage itself were removed.

Every bird farmer has to deal with food: how to harvest a chicken carcass. What is important is the ability to quickly overcome an unpleasant process. Few people think about the correctness of their actions. Tim hourly literate obrobka maє masu perevag.

Before reaching store shelves, the chicken carcass goes through several stages of preparation. The following vibrates sequentially:

Why is it so important to learn how to trim the trigger correctly?

The juiciness of the carcass trimmings infuses the taste of the meat. If, when gutted, the intestines or spleen are sealed, the organ will leak and be absorbed into the pulp. Such a trigger has an unpleasant smell, a bitter taste.

In addition, beginners in professional processing can process parts of the carcass as economically as possible. Knowing the nuances, it is easy to prepare a soup set, meat for greasing, baking, salads, creaming fillets for minced meat and scraps for a year of animals. For farmers, this is also an undeniable plus: the waste from the factory is sold more quickly, not for the purpose of chicken.

Proper storage is rational and from the point of view of the place in the refrigerator with freezer. The carcass takes up a lot of space, so even pieces of meat can be easily laid out using the Tetris principle.

You will find that the process of organizing the ordering takes less than an hour and nerves. The precise washes are quickly removed, with a minimum of exits, eliminating the need for messy clean-up.

Preparation before cutting

Before starting work, you need to prepare tools and space. Gutting - to complete the laborious process, it is important to cover the top of the table, unnecessary equipment and furniture with glue. You should cover your clothes with an apron, and put cellophane or gum mittens on your hands.

For the operation you will need:

  • boards. It is better to choose the option made from flexible or hard plastic. The tree absorbs all the smells and juices, and the wood can resist pressure. If the wooden option is chosen, wrap the device in cellophane or take the board exclusively for processing the meat;

  • strava or else saucepan. The capacity will be stocked with printed cords or ready-made clothes. To make them feel better, you can immediately wrap them in cellophane;
  • knives. Find special knives for gutting and trimming with a curved end. If there is no such thing, you can get by with wide and narrow knives made of thick steel and with a fine handle;

  • detailed plug. Allows you to remove the heart, leg, liver, intestine, crop, and scholum from the carcass without damage. The action is carried out with a minimum of noise, turbulence and bruises;

  • kitchen knives. Good for cut tendons, krill, nig. Replace with a knife.

This set is ideal, but you can get by with a couple of knives of different sizes. Tools need to be well sharpened and washed before starting work.

Once the tools are collected, carry out the final stage of carcass preparation:


The previous operations are completed. You can proceed to gutless gutting. The process should be carried out as soon as possible after soaking. Thus, the rot and fermentation of excess life in the scolio-intestinal tract will be eliminated. The trigger cut looks like this:

Where will the shock end? The grub giblets are being processed. From the heart and leg, fat and arteries are cut. The liver is formed from the spleen. The scuttle is cut, turned, and the inner ball of rough skin is added. Remove the products and wash them with running water.

A simpler version of gutting can be done using a standard fork. After removing the anus, goiter and intestines, insert into the carcass. In this case, it is important not to harm the organs. All joints will be cut by the sharp edges of the device, the insides will be lost in it, and they will be easily removed. If everything is in good condition, all the melts and fastenings can be cut with a thin sharp knife. Then turn the trigger over the dish and shake lightly. The waste will fall out on its own.

There is a trick for escapes, if the birds are not intended for preparation or sale as a whole. In this option, the process is accelerated by the cutting of the legs and the growth of the abdomen immediately after amputation of the anus. The body will open up more thoroughly and it will be easier to remove the fillings.

Video - Gutting chickens or piping for 8 quilins at home

Selecting chickens in home washes

The term “processing” refers to the final processing of the carcass from cutting into scraps. This operation can be carried out in different ways, depending on the method.

How is it better than to marry a bird?

The method of sorting carcasses lies in advance of plans for meat. The whole chicken can be put on the grill, in the oven or boiled. For other cooking methods, special options are available. Different parts are suitable for different herbs, so choose the type of analysis - a typical procedure:

How to trim the trigger without exits

First of all, rinse the carcass under water and dry it so that it doesn’t feel rough in your hands. Then place it on the surface to burn with the breast. The following steps are followed step by step:

Krok 1. Make cuts in the joints of the stitching and the tuba. Holding the leg, pull the stencil to separate the corner, lightly turn it and remove any residual liquid from the body. This step can be completed with the hem of the quilt and back. Wrap the stick of suglob with your fingers and cut it with a knife.

Croc 2 See the krill. Pull and turn them in the same way as for short ones. If the humeral cartilage comes out, cut it off from the carcass. The terminal element can be cut along the cartilage or removed.

Croc 3 Cut through the breast. Remove the fillet from the brushes, salting it with a knife. You will see two pieces of flesh on the back, connected to the ribs.

Krok 4. Cut the ridge in the middle. The ribs extend from the back. The duration is optional, carried out if necessary to contain other parts.

Krok 5. Remove fat from the chicken parts. It is also subject to judicial review.

The result is:

  • breast fillet, fillet, gomilka and kryla - for greasing, boiling, stewing, baking;
  • back, ribs, ends of the krill - for boiling broth;
  • fat - for lubrication.

Video - How to process a trigger without exits

Yak cut the chicken carcass into 8 pieces

This piece includes 8 pieces. Vaughn respects the classics. You can cut the breasts into up to 10 pieces. Ideal tools are a sharp knife and kitchen knives.

Krok 1. With the carcass lying on its back, find the joint of the buttocks and carefully cut through the flesh. Then tie the cartilage together and cut it. Otherwise, if you pull it tightly with your hands, the brush will not jump out of the corner.

Croc 2 Turn the chicken over to live. Make a cut along the flesh of the back stitch. You must go around the entire perimeter of the stitch.

Croc 3 Divide the pastry and stitch it along the knee joint. An indication of the correct location for the cut is the fatty area at the border.

Krok 4. See the krill. Roll the carcass and kril under the breast. Direct the bottom out of the middle at the corner. The floor will pass without any zhusil.

Krok 5. Remove the breast. For this operation, it is better to use scissors quickly. This way we will be as careful as possible. Place the carcass on the side. Cut between the back and breast along the fatty part of the cob until the end. Repeat from the other side.

Krok 6 Remove the sternum cyst. Turn the breast skin side down. Make later incisions from both sides of the cartilage. The meat will come out new. Using your fingers to cut off the incisions, insert the brush of the cartilage behind the stick with the cartilage. Stretch with zusillyam. Pour the solid elements into the fillet meat.

Krok 7. Cut the breast vertically into two parts. The best way to do this is to work on the side of the skin.

The result is 8 pieces:

  • 2 breasts;
  • 2 stitches;
  • 2 gomilki;
  • 2 krill.

In this version, the back is important, but it can also be frozen for boiling broth.

How to make a trigger on equal portioned pieces

For such acquisition it is necessary to get good at it. You may not be able to enter the first time. Only a little practice will allow you to achieve even, beautiful pieces.

Krok 1. Place the carcass on its back. Cut the legs at the cartilage joints. The process will become easier if you press the dough onto the work surface, make a cut in the flesh and lightly turn it over. The cartilage will open up and the place of articulation will become simpler.

Croc 2 The gomilka will be cut from the stitch after the place of death.

Croc 3 Divide the carcass that was lost into 2 halves. You will need a pair of vertical cuts at the spine and sternum (on both sides of them).

Krok 4. At the third stage, remove the stitching and cut it horizontally with the center into 2 pieces of leather.

The result is 8 items, including the following sizes:

  • 2 gomilki;
  • 2 stitches;
  • 2 lower breast halves;
  • 2 upper breast halves with wings.

This preparation looks especially effective when cooked on the grill or greased in a frying pan. Bones and scraps of meat that were lost at the exit go to the broth.

Separating meat from brushes is necessary when preparing minced meat, meat rolls, and prepared products made from pulp (breast fillet and sirloin). It is important not just to cut the meat, but to preserve the presentable appearance of the meat. The main goal is to remove the brushes from the carcass without damaging the skin. Farmers who supply chicken to restaurants may find themselves faced with such unexpected arrangements. Such mastery is well appreciated and is a significant plus for the seller.

For such processing, the following may be received as much as possible. It is important to sharpen it specifically for this purpose. The tip needs to be thin. You will also need knives.

Open method

Cut the skin vertically along the entire back. You can start in the same way from the breast, but if the risk of tearing the carcass grows. The brushes in the back part are extended close to the skin and, when pressed, are easy to care for.
With careful hands of the knife, begin to peel the meat from the skeleton. Straight to the rump from the bottom to the top. Break the sciatic bone, stencus and wing joints. Expose the ribs. Help yourself crush the pulp with your hands.
Pull the quilt all the way through. For this reason, they lived on a stake and stuck the meat with their fingers.
While sparing the joints of the body, peel the flesh with a “panchochoy” to the outermost cartilage. Upon reaching the lower point, cut the upper corner.
Vikrutiti panchohu, scho viishla. Repeat all the cuts on the other side.
Cut the ribs with scissors. Remove the fork-like brush and skewer to remove any excess.
The krill are lost on the carcass right from the brushes or cut from the skin with a dark tan. The process is completed.

Closed method

Through the lower opening of the carcass (through this, evisceration occurs), cut the tail, expose the butt bone.
Make a strong incision to the upper lateral cartilage. Turn the skin with the pulp during the process to make it easier to handle. Rose the sun at the place of connection.
The Pidryzaty lived according to every stake of Stegenets. Break a maple loaf onto a dotik from Gomilki. Repeat the above description on the other side of the carcass.
Trim the meat on the ribs up to the neck, continuing to fold the skin with the already softened meat.
As it is, wrest your hands with a sharp hand. Cut the breast fillet from the bone and smooth out the corners. Remove the fork-like brush.
Peel the flesh of the homilka according to the stake, the connecting ligaments. Cut off the brush in front of the cartilage.
Win the skeleton. Twist the skin and meat.

The closed version is ideal for stuffing carcasses. Following the established pattern, you can clean the meat from the chopped pieces. One thing - you won’t have to worry about the integrity of the skin.

Video - Vityag brushes with triggers

Video - How to remove the brush from chicken steak

Secrets of successful chefs

All chefs work their tricks in the poultry sample. On the thought of the masters with light names, it is worth paying attention to the following details:

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