What does the word sur mean. Marvel at what is "sur" in other dictionaries. Ideological basis and main topics

Let's talk about the fashionable word, like a rich know-it-all, but there is no clear understanding, but what does it mean. Respect is given to the “surrealist” illustrator. Tse bude tsіkavo, like a minimum.

Surrealism is the…

Tsіkaviy ta smilivy ruh on the cob of the 20s of the 20th century. The manager is respected (1896–1966). The very first manifesto of surrealism in 1924. The main understanding of the whole thing is “surreality”, which, as if translating literally from French, “over-and over-reality”. The spirits wanted to rejuvenate the old-fashioned spirit, saturating it with new meanings. The head principle is directly - tse zmіshannya diysnosti realї that dreaming. The two protracted days tumbled together in chimerical collages, as if it were ringing in the sky, as the moving of non-artistic, splendid objects in the artist's medium, in such a way the mysticism was created. Tsya technology is called ready-made.

It is not surprising that the representatives of the Rukh wanted freedom and revolution, but for us, they would renew their faith, rightly respecting the very beginning of the changes. What a sense to put a person in a new mind buttya, because she’s not mentally ready to what? That's right, honey! In order to be more conscious of what surreal means, it is necessary to take a closer look at the idea itself. Let's take a look at the rest, if only it wasn't rich.

Ideological basis and main topics

Surrealists, do not hesitate, experimented: they created under hypnosis, alcoholic and drug dope, starved themselves - and everything was more than just to rozіgnat in the light of the unknown. Freud's term is not viable here, the shards of the same ideas were inhaled by surrealism, but not all. For example, Rene Magritte calmly posed to the vchennya about the unknown. Before speech, yoga picture - in the first photo. Reader її, sing-song, you know.

The surrealists were swayed by magic, eroticism, and pseudonym. Seeing this change, the spirit is already choking. It is not surprising that surrealism has been lost from the culture of that movie. The reader already, maybe, thinking, what have we done forgot, now we got here. But, we remember: we see the explanation of the “surrealistic” applicator. It’s not a problem, even if we already know the main cost of the case, it’s like something went wrong. Everything is simple. Surrealistic - what can not be brought to reality, take it to tієї, which is what everyone called. Tse diysnist, іnsha, іnsha, rich.


Here, the words-replace are especially needed. Sometimes, it’s obvious that this guy is going to formality, but not now, if you look at it in such a way you can understand it better. Synonyms of true necessary. Otzhe, stink axis:

  • absurd;
  • charming;
  • magical;
  • unrealistic;
  • dreamer.

It’s a pity, to give an unambiguous tlumachennya “surrealist” to the applicator - at the cost of another important task. Ale, sing people vikoristovuyut yogo have the meaning of "absurd." It is unlikely that anyone in the vocabulary reads about the history of the rush, like Andre Breton falling asleep. I don't want to exclude that such people can be. Todі stnі vikoristovuyut terms іz povnim razumіnnyam.

Trasa 60 (2002)

The film has been seen for a long time, already 15 years have passed since that hour. Ale, in the expanse of culture, the hour no longer has such a meaning. Naytsіkavishe is lost, but the passerby disappears and disappears from the human habit and knows from the memory. Ale "Route 60" continues to marvel. And not in the last line of that, before the film, you can zastosuvat prikmetnik "surrealist". If you become obvious, I will turn back to the material again, otherwise you will enjoy the motion picture first.

І navit head hero, Neil Oliver, use the word "sur" if you are aware of the need for a "robot". And tse is clearly sent to our current day by those. And here you need to turn around to the point that “surrealism”, as it is understood that it’s not obvious from the butt, in fact, there are no analogues. So, people seem “surprise”, if the absurdity of the reasoning becomes obvious to them, but all the same philosophical absurdism (A. Camus, L. Shestov) or literary (D. Harms) may have little to do with right surrealism.

What varto add? The phrase “surrealistically affected” is closer, faster, to the point of magical perception. But there are no everyday canons here. Now the reader knows the history of the revolution and its main ideas and can miraculously understand what surrealism is. It is not so easy to master the right knowledge, because the stench is folded by powerful forces.

"Alice in the Land of Wonders"

Before the speech, speaking about dreaming reality, it is impossible to forget the miraculous twirl of Lewis Carroll. "Alice in the Land of Wonders" is surrealism to the point of official recognition. What? Usi draw in reality. There is no such thing as eroticism in creation. Ale, you need to understand, what, first, is the Victorian era, but in a different way, it’s still a fairy tale for children. If you want a postal addressee, then a child, he has little understanding. More precisely, all the depths of the author's stupidity are inaccessible to you. Surrealistic prose emotions are easy to get caught up in. Without a doubt, Lewis Carroll was the forerunner of surrealism, so be it. Ale, let's wait and see, to put this story into a dream - it's a good trick. If there is criticism, you can always say: "This is a dream, only a dream." How can such a time have claims to the author? Truth is, don’t wait for the Radyansk Union to accept it.

So, we figured out what surreal means. It is not possible to say that the applicator of requests in broad masses, but some of the wines are victorious. There is one more white flame in the problems: what can be a surreal nightmare? However, the food supply is no longer available without support, so that reading was about what to think about in the cold summer of 2017.

Sur-a; m. Rozg.

1. = Surrealism.

2. It's more fantastic, unreal. S. of our life. Zviknuti to povyakdennoy syur.

Syurovsky, th, th. C-e directly at the mystekstvі. S-a life.

Encyclopedic dictionary. 2009 .


Marvel at what is "sur" in other dictionaries:

    sur- Sur, a, m. 1. What l. wondrous, painful, unimaginable, cunning, absurd. sur communal (about life near a communal apartment). sur, not life. Kudi not vtechesh, one sur. Fast kind of zagalnoupot. "surrealism", "surrealism"; could firsthand... ... Glossary of Russian Argo

    - [Russian. speed Dictionary of foreign words of Russian language

    Ahineya, surrealism, zaum, absurdity Dictionary of Russian synonyms. sur n., kіl y synonyms: 5 absurdity (48) nonsense ... Glossary of synonyms

    sur- 1 viguk is an unchangeable dictionary unit sur 2 name of a person's family surrealism; phantasmagoria rose…

    Sur- Studio of a young reporter Vocabulary: S. Fadeev. Glossary of soon modern Russian. Z. Pb.: Politehnika, 1997. 527 s. SPR Union of Lawyers of Russia from 2000 to 2005 after: APR Association of Lawyers of Russia Central Russian Public Organization… Glossary of short and short abbreviations

    M. rozg. those who surrealism T. F. Efremova. 2000... Modern gloomy glossary of Efremova

    sur- sur, a (surrealism) ... Russian spelling dictionary

    chi sur- * Wines that are shown on a wet siege (sur lie). This technology was adopted in the western part of the Loire Valley and allows the production of fresh, weakly carbonated white wines. Kuptsiv 2001 19 …

    sur se-* sur ce. Sound like a leaf: for cym. Now I am fit for the one who has written too much in the place, but there is no power to correct or add. Sur ce I embrace you with hope that vdyachnistyu. 14. 10. 1823. Pushk. P. A. Vyazemsky. Sur ce… … Historical Dictionary of Russian Galicisms

    sur "ektion- The name of the female family ... Spelling Dictionary of Ukrainian Movies


  • Sur, Volodymyr Makanin. Prior to the book, the novels "Sur at the Proletarian District" and "Voice" were published, in which Volodymyr Makanin develops his favorite topic: private life people, as if trying not to waste themselves in changing sharply ...
  • Blakitny shore. Marseille, Cassis, Toulon, Yr, Saint-Tropez, Canny, Antibes, Biot, Cagnes-sur-Mer, Grasse, Vence, Nice, Ez, Monaco, Menton, Arles. Travel guide + map, Olena Kassel. Blakitny shore. Marseille, Cassis, Toulon, Yr, Saint-Tropez, Canny, Antibes, Biot, Cagnes-sur-Mer, Grasse, Vence, Nice, Eze, Monaco, Menton, Arles…

Sur, a, m. 1. What l. wondrous, painful, unimaginable, cunning, absurd. sur communal (about life near a communal apartment). sur, not life. Kudi not vtechesh, one sur. Fast kind of zagalnoupot. "surrealism", "surrealism"; could firsthand... ... Glossary of Russian Argo

- [Russian. speed Dictionary of foreign words of Russian language

Ahineya, surrealism, zaum, absurdity Dictionary of Russian synonyms. sur n., kіl y synonyms: 5 absurdity (48) nonsense ... Glossary of synonyms

sur- 1 viguk is an unchangeable dictionary unit sur 2 name of a person's family surrealism; phantasmagoria rose…

Sur- Studio of a young reporter Vocabulary: S. Fadeev. Glossary of soon modern Russian. Z. Pb.: Politehnika, 1997. 527 s. SPR Union of Lawyers of Russia from 2000 to 2005 after: APR Association of Lawyers of Russia Central Russian Public Organization… Glossary of short and short abbreviations

sur- sur, a (surrealism) ... Russian spelling dictionary

chi sur- * Wines that are shown on a wet siege (sur lie). This technology was adopted in the western part of the Loire Valley and allows the production of fresh, weakly carbonated white wines. Kuptsiv 2001 19 …

sur se-* sur ce. Sound like a leaf: for cym. Now I am fit for the one who has written too much in the place, but there is no power to correct or add. Sur ce I embrace you with hope that vdyachnistyu. 14. 10. 1823. Pushk. P. A. Vyazemsky. Sur ce… … Historical Dictionary of Russian Galicisms

BUT; m. Rozg. 1. = Surrealism. 2. It's more fantastic, unreal. S. of our life. Zviknuti to povyakdennoy syur. ◁ Syurovsky, oh, oh. Svіy directly at the mystekstvі. Say life... Encyclopedic dictionary

sur "ektion- The name of the female family ... Spelling Dictionary of Ukrainian Movies


  • Sur, Volodymyr Makanin. Before the book, the novels "Syur near the Proletarsky District" and "Voice" were published, in which Volodymyr Makanin develops his favorite topic: the private life of a person, as you try not to spend yourself in a sharp change ...
  • Blakitny shore. Marseille, Cassis, Toulon, Yr, Saint-Tropez, Canny, Antibes, Biot, Cagnes-sur-Mer, Grasse, Vence, Nice, Ez, Monaco, Menton, Arles. Travel guide + map, Olena Kassel. Blakitny shore. Marseille, Cassis, Toulon, Yr, Saint-Tropez, Canny, Antibes, Biot, Cagnes-sur-Mer, Grasse, Vence, Nice, Eze, Monaco, Menton, Arles…

0 An hour of life gives us such situations that " hotch stiy, hotch fall", as it seems, you don’t think of it. At the rich, similar, they call out zbentezhennya and zbentezhennya, and the stench means those who only think in one word, as if it came to them at the moment on the language - Sur. What does sur mean?
However, first of all, I want to give you more articles on the topic of youth jargon, for example, who is Koresh, who is called Klusha, what does Kalich mean? Add our website to your bookmarks, so that you can look at our logbook for an hour.
Later, today we will talk about such a difficult term, yak Sur. Tse word є abbreviated as understood surrealism", which signifies the day of the dream of that reality, grotesque, super friendly. At the same time, in the image-creating art, some absurd things are used, which are more naturalistic and neimovirne. Similar creations have lost their memory in today's culture.

Sur- tse abbreviated form of the word " surrealism", and signifies the name of the name, otherwise it indicates that it is a wondrous podia, which happened in life.


Russia of the 90s, tepovny sur.

You marveled, the city was coming after the window, but now the middle of the summer, just sur, like.

Having left this film behind an unacceptable siege, I don’t like pictures in the surreal genre.

Surrealism- Tse more, lower artistic style, Tse artistic movement.

Surrealist art, from the abstract and barvy forms of Miro's etchings to the fantasy, enigmatic paintings of Dali, hoot at the sight of lovers of art and collectors from all over the world. In view of other creative developments, they can be characterized by the themes of images, colorful solutions and techniques, and signify the surrealistic mysticism a little more folded.

"Kolis's Uncle Magritte" (2016), Michael Cheval, Surrealism, Surrealist Art. Surrealist artists, such as Juan Miro, Salvador Dali, Pablo Picasso, Michael Cheval, and many others, practiced surrealism as a way of creating a mysticism, as a result of which kazkovy, sometimes marvelous images are created in innumerable mediums. The core of surrealism is the emphasis on automatic illustrations of the deepest thoughts of the mind, if the stench wheezes to the surface. Tsei rozumovy process of creation of art is known as "automatism".

Over the years, surrealism has called up to the creation of a marvelous collection of works of art, beginning in mythical landscapes, ending with frowning sculptural compositions and images of people, which intrigue, and creatures.

What is surrealism and how has it risen?

Gilliam Apollinaire sings in the first place, foreseeing the term " surreal"Like the idea of ​​an independent reality, as if it were "under" our own reality.

Ale surrealistic ruh on the back of the head in 1924, if the French poet Andre Breton published his "Manifesto of Surrealism", under the influx of theories and robots of the unseen mind of the psychologist Sigmund Freud, the innovative achievements of Carl Jung and Dada ruhu.

At that hour, as surrealism began, as a literary movement in the prose and poetry of Breton and others, visual artists, such as Giorgio de Chiriko, Pablo Picasso, Francis Picabia and Marcel Duchamp, adopted surrealism and published Breton in public. La Revolution Surrealiste».
The early surrealists threw a cry to the exchanges for evidence and rationality, so that they would say pdsvіdomist - “I'm looking for reality”, as if calling Breton.

The main aspect of surrealistic movement is the way of expression, the titles of "automatism", which includes the act of automatic or not censored recording of thoughts and images that are blamed on the artist's evidence. The surrealistic performances of art, the midst of the miraculous rozum processes and the interpretation of dreams, are not separated by a specific artistic style or technique.

"Le Lezard aux Plumes d"Or II" (1971, M.800), Juan Miro, Surrealism, The Art of Surrealism. During the 1920s, the artists continued to continue the surrealistic conceptions of art, pragmatically creative freedom. The first exhibition of surrealism in the world under the name La Peinture Surrealiste was held in 1925 at the Galerie Pierre in Paris, having installed a visual warehouse floor.
Although the surrealist movement in Europe was practically a sign on the cob of Another world war, a lot of surrealist artists moved to the Successful States, dei cei rukh buv vіdrodzheniya, and spitting on the other artists in the long 20th century.

Artistic techniques for surrealistic art

"Filiae Herodiadis Saltatio" (Dance of the daughter of Irodiadi, 1964), Salvador Dali. Through an emphasis on creative freedom artistic priyomi surrealistic art is very different. Prote, zobrazhuyuchi kazkovі images, nastіlki widened in surrealism mystekstvі, surrealist artists have developed a low technique, to help catch the thoughts of pіdsvіdomostі.
"Frottage"(rubbing a soft olive over a textured surface, filling up the excess texture on the paper canvas), and" grattage There were methods, as if they were creating frequent, unfinished images, casually looking at the missing details.

Ale mitzi-surrealists were not separated by one thing. Sculpture, painting, lithography, etching, cinema, photography and other methods were part of the art of surrealism of the 1920s and continued to inspire contemporary artists inspired by surrealism.
A lot of surrealist artists also united different artistic styles in one work, maintaining the presence of different forms in each of them with smooth, unimportant images, in order to straighten the mind of their gazers without giving short explanations.

The head meta of the surrealist artists was arguing that they wanted to capture automatism and express those unseen thoughts, like the artist interpreting it in a different way.

Salvador Dali- one of the first names, as if falling into a thought when discussing surrealist artists. Like a rich surrealist, Dalі vikoristovuvav different works for the creation of their legendary, hallucinatory visual images, including engraving, lithography and painting.

Breton naming the mystic Dali retrograde craft with extreme winemaking modern culture ”, substantiating the symbolic artistic style of Dali, which, at a glance, surmised literature, religious concepts and a lot more.
otherwise in the house of im'ya, As described by Breton as "the most surrealist surrealist of all of us", - tse Juan Miro. Wanting Miro, without calling himself a surrealist, wine, without a hitch, having changed his hands with a splash of fluff from his rich robots.

Yakshto for diploma.ru, then:

Sur, -a; m. Rozg.


It's more fantastic, unreal. S. of our life. Zviknuti to povyakdennoy syur.

For Wikipedia:

Surrealism (French surréalisme - overrealism) - directly from art, which was formed before the beginning of the 1920s in France. Vіdrіznyaєtsya vikoristannym aluzіy and paradoxical forms.

The main understanding of surrealism, surrealism is the day of the dream of reality. For whom did the surrealism sound absurd, super-cheerful, the use of naturalistic images for the help of a collage and “ready-made” technology.

Ready-made (ready-made, in English ready “ready” and English made “breaking”) - technique different types mysticism (the leading rank - in figurative mysticism and in literature), when a certain author presents as his own creation, a real object or a text, creations not by himself and (for the sake of plagiarism) not for artistic purposes.

The authorship of the artist of the writer, which is ready-made, moves the object from the non-artistic space to the artistic one, which causes the object to curve from its unsupported side, to show authority in a new one, so that the pose was not rushed by the artistic context.

Surrealism is rooted in symbolism.

The surrealists beat their robots without looking back at rational aesthetics, vicarious phantasmagoric forms. The stench worked on such topics as eroticism, irony, magic and p_dsv_dom_st.

Quite often the surrealists beat their robots with an infusion of hypnosis, alcohol, drugs and hunger in order to reach the depths of their spirituality. The stench voted uncontrolled creation of texts - an automatic sheet.

Automatic sheet (in the form of wreck. automatos - mimic) - the process (or result) of the sheet, which is, ymovirno, є the result of the unseen activity of the writer. An individual with whom you can go through hypnosis, a mediumistic or meditative trance, or you can go through a state of control to control everything, let's close the hand of your hands. Vykoristovuetsya in some religious practices (such as spiritualism) for the possibility of interfacing with the spirits of the dead, as if vvazhayutsya by an automatic leaf. Also, some psychotherapists are victorious with the method of revealing that zvilnennya in the transfer of attachment experiences and motives that create conflicts in the psyche.

However, the chaotic nature of the images for an hour was sacrificed by the mind of their greater thoughtfulness, and surrealism became not just an end in itself, but a deliberation by the method of drawing ideas, in order to try to understand the zvichaynya manifestations.

At this hour, it’s straight forward commercially. Carrying on the tradition of Dali, Tanguy, Delvaux, Ernst, the artists placed in them the main rank of the sound bik directly - the phantasmagoric nature of the plot. The deep-psychological side of surrealism, expression, expression of one’s unseen fantasies, sexual fears and complexes, the transfer of my allegory of the elements of a powerful childishness, a special life - this internal aspect, which was introduced in the 1920s and 30s. titular, primordial likeness of surrealism, is mostly ignored.

Jim Warren is reminiscent of canvases with barvy, life-like plots, with a head method to raise the mood of the skin-smooth eye, to inspire him with an interest in life and reverence for nature. The pictures of Lyubov Zubova can be divided into "warm" and "cold": they are now accepted, lagid by the sunset of the golden sea, then by the cold farbs of the early morning night. Deyakі canvases will keep you warm and cold. The pictures of the mute sponkayut peeping just miluvatisya beauty, crystal clearness, bezturbatnistyu sea, not in the middle of all be-like sensations. In this manner, surrealism has evolved, and in this hour it is important to talk about the new as if it were clean straight: you recognized the strong infusion of fantasy art and classical art.

The surrealists were aware that the creative energy was coming out of the sphere of p_dv_domosti, how it manifested itself in the hour of sleep, hypnosis, sore madness, rapt osyayan, automatic diy (vipadkove blukannya olіvtsya paper and іn.).

Surrealism in painting developed for two straight ahead.

Some artists introduced an unseen cob into the folded pictorial canvases, in which they carried freely in-line images, rather forms,

move into abstraction (Max Ernst, A. Mason, Miro, Arp).

The second one is direct, a kind of ocholyuv Salvador Dali, based on the illusory accuracy of creating an unreal image, which is blamed on the visionary bridge. His paintings are inspired by the relativistic manner of writing, the exact transmission of light, perspective, which is typical for academic painting. Glyadach, succumbing to the inconsistencies of the illusory painting, is drawn into the labyrinth of deceit and unresolved mysteries: solid objects recede, gaps become transparent, inconstant objects twist and turn, massive promises become impossibility of creation, creating everything in reality.

Significant features of the art of surrealism: fantasy to absurdity, alogism, paradoxical subversion of forms, evil inconsistency, minusculeness of images.

Okremі tsіkavі znahіdki surrealіstіv vikoristovuvalis in komertsіynih areas of decorative art, for example, optical illusions, scho allow bachiti in one picture two different images or plots in the fallow in the direct look.

In fact, for an hour it hovered around the group of pathologically irritating images, eclecticism and kitsch.

They are accepted ... with absurd, super-phrasing due to naturalistic images, paradoxical twists in the plot, dreaming of that reality :)

Zhorstkogo vodbor accept no: tobto. bring everything that you yourself surmise in yourself, otherwise, in your opinion, it is similar to your style, otherwise it is written absurdly and illogically.

Tobto. I’m here to understand the surreptitiousness of the absurdity, but there they cheered that they were the same.

And the axis of thoughts:

Sur \u003d "incomprehensible", predilection, illogicality ... Т.Є. This is such a picture of what is happening, it has its own logic and sequence, it just doesn’t appear like rubbish and through it the picture is not perfect ... One can say that life is a real butt of surreal action ...

Sur from French - "on", "above". Surrealism, for example - arealistic directly from the art, that is. "transcend" realism, "greater than realism".

Feel the unreality of what you see, feel like you can’t but, but you see. The word victorious sounds like a prefix (surprise, surrealism).

The word "sur" of the French adventure is translated literally as a successor to "on", "above", and in the Russian youth slang "sur" - tse "absurd, absurd, marvelous", and also "original, unimaginative and in the same hour of pleasurable ". And all the same, really, I’m going to run up to our bajans, but they are avant-garde, not like anyone else, they are swaying over ... Zagal, surny!

Look at the paintings of Salvador Dali - tse sur.

And everything that opposes with a riot of fantasy and dissimilarity to the real world - it will be surreal.

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