Skyrim id raincoats. Modi in "Skyrim" on a raincoat. Special fashion on cloaks with hoods

Cloaks of Skyrim- e that mod add raincoats. You can know them all over Skyrim, no matter what.Zhіnocha and cholovіcha versions vіdіznyayutsya.Moreover, you can create them yourself (category "shkiryane").Deyakі versions, scho mayut chari, you can know on the corpses of the singing NPS-"bosіv".

Update to 1.2

  • Added a version with capes from DLC Dawnguard.
  • Add new cloaks and capes.
  • A new way to craft raincoats and capes.
  • P_dtrimka vaga for raincoats


  • Skyrim, version 1.8 and higher
  • DLC Dawnguard (optional)

De sho shukati ta brother:

Craft: Starting from version 1.2, the way to craft capes and cloaks has changed. Now, for crafting any kind of cloaks and capes, you need the book "The tailor on the right Frissy the Great". Qiu book can be created *, and also known on the road **. Only for the presence of the book in inventory you can craft custom cloaks and capes on the tanning bed. For the creation of linen cloaks, you need special, so to speak, tool, like - Spinning bench. You can know yoga in Kollegіy, Draconian Mezhі and shop "Syayuchi odeagu".

Cloaks Volodin: they have clothed guards of the Possessions/Holds. You can’t create your own raincoats, but you can know, or you can ask the guard (drive in evilness). For skin care, your raincoat.

Faction Cloaks: the factions, like the guards, have their own cloaks. You can know it, or you can know it. The cloaks of Izgoiv, the Empire, Companions, the Storm Brothers, the Silver Hand and the Dvomer were brought here.

Features and unique raincoats: cloaks, which are found in a single copy and protected in different cloaks of Skyrim, check, if you know them. So are the cloaks of the Dragon of the priests, like the name (from the name of the priest), so are the cloaks (from the name of the priest). If the priest is already driven in, then turn to the ashes. There may lie yoga cloak.

Tips for looking for some unique raincoats:

  • In the middle of the halls of the dark temple, de warrior orc breathed in the rise.
  • After the Great Collapse at Winterhold, those who died mercifully, but those who survivedsunk in the oven not far from the coast of the Primar Sea.
  • Navit volodar zdibnosti Krik was not taunted against the warm cloak on his shoulders.
  • Nevidomy, bezimenny mandrivnik, buried in the Pass.
  • Maybe, vanishing from the paws of likhvarіv chi committing suicide, ale the poor farmer singsongly volodіv chimos vartim.
  • Bіzhit strumok and lіs navkolo. Irresponsible place for the camp, it seems.
  • Zhahlivey place, with vampires, that they will fall for neo-mandrivniki, that they violated the day in Skyrim.
  • On a pіvdny vіd make і on the vіd vіd mlina, the Nord tomb has long been abandoned.


* - at the tanning bench

** - at any place, whether it be a house of chi underground. Respectfully looking around the police with books.

More than 100 cloaks for Skyrim will appear in the game, so you can know how to create, as well as get other characters in the game. Cloaks of vicorousness have frostbite in the cold (Frostfall and Hypothermia), cloaks vicorist slot 46

How to make a cloak in Skyrim

You need to go to the tanning bench and choose the necessary cloak or work on special yarn.

Father, do you want to make a cloak or cape?

Version 1.2 has a few changes, so Craft is more collapsible. All you need is windings, as well as deaks and other parts.

The most important thing is the book - Fryss - Expansion sewing - a boring historical text that allows you to create cloaks of tanning stitches and strands.

Without a book in your inventory you will not be able to remake cloaks and capes
Follow this book at your travels

You can create raincoats from sackcloth and shkiri on tanning racks.
For the creation of raincoats and capes, you need a lock of hair, in such places as the College of Winterhold and in Svitly Odyagy.

Faction Cloaks:

Various groupings may have different options for cloaks, which you can know from the world, which is better for everything in different places, or rob NPCs

Unique and rare raincoats:

In this hour, there are anonymous, unique and rare cloaks in the world. Deyakі already enchanted, deyakі nі
Follow them when the price goes up and get to know new characters! For the sake of some kind of roztashuvannya you can know in different places, read books

Cloaks of the Dragon Priests:

As you have already driven in їх, їх cloaks can be known some day in the outskirts, de stinks appeared.
Cloaks can be found at Geirmund's Hall

Tips for looking for unique raincoats:

- In the middle of the halls of the dark temple, de warrior orc breathed in the rise. (Invisibly)
- After the Great Collapse at Winterhold, they died mercilessly, and those who survived, sank into the furnace not far from the coast of the Primar Sea. (Cloak of the fall Winterhold, Cold Coast cave)
- Navit volodar zdibnosti Krik did not quarrel against the warm cloak on their shoulders. (Mantle of the Greybeard, High Hrothgar)
- Nevidomy, bezimenny mandrivnik, buried in the Pass. (Raven's Cloak, Mandrivnik's Pass)
- Perhaps, having vanished from the paws of evil-minded people, or having committed suicide, the poor farmer sang volodiv chimos vartim.
- Bіzhit strumok that lіs navkolo. Irresponsible place for the camp, it seems. (Nora Zeleny Strumok, on the day from Morphal and on the way from Whiterun, on the birch tree).
- Zhahlivey place, with vampires, that they will fall for neo-mandrivniki, that they violated the day in Skyrim.
- On a pіvd vіd make і on the vіd vіd mlina, the Nord tomb prihovuє in sobі schos long ago left. (Angarvund)

How to install raincoats in Sairim

1. Get the file
2. Unpack the archives in the folder with the grey / Skyrim / Data
3. Done

Cloaks for "Skyrim" - a popular and demanding set of mods, which fans actively seek. The addition of this plan did not call for special interest, but now the stench has reached an absolutely new level of development and reveals more than the other features of that innovation. There was no more choice of collections of available mods and refurbishing all available features. But the most important, we will apply the most relevant and current modifications, so that we can install that especially protest the reduction.

The role of raincoats in grі

But first, let's take a closer look at the main points, let's take a closer look at the main role of raincoats in "Skyrim". But don’t varto do anything, so that the main choice of this element is dressed up in order to give the hero that other NPC a new look. Zavdyaki that now the characters can wear capes, ce ensure thoroughly new rіven visualization and just make everything closer to realism.

To go to us about those who are honed by nature, the winter is constantly rampant there, apparently, for the comfort of the inhabitants of the city, they can beat the complementary elements of clothing. "Skyrim" didn't have a bunch of cloaks, but modorobs were able to fix that little bit. Zavdyaki tsіy zmіnі, space The Elder Scrolls have become more atmospheric, accommodating and catchy. If you love the game, then it’s not uncommon to speed up similar modifications. And how to varto vikoristovuvat modi, we’ll talk about it further.

Popular raincoat fashion

Now, let's talk about those who are the most fashionable on the raincoats of "Skyrim". As before, similar options were not so rich, now it’s the main addition, which adds a great number of elements to clothes, so it’s “namely” modi, so that it’s better to pronounce a few options of high quality. Ale, let's not torment - we will immediately look at the insulting options and touching their features:

  1. Cloaks of Skyrim is a modification that adds to the vastness of the world a large number of cloaks. Zagalna kіlkіst Elements of clothes are stored over 40 pieces. Now the skin of Skyrim's skin is taken away from the original variants, which make it not only the greatness of the city itself, but also the traditional features of the city's bags. For example, small villages will have simple standard raincoats without symbols. If you take a look at the place, then you will see the same variant of the singing color and painted details. What is more, in the fallow in the month, the stench will be original in the visual plan.
  2. Named mods - special okremі dopovnennya, like cloaks for "Skyrim" in a quantity of 2-3 pieces. Por_vnyano with the first option, the result cannot be sung. Ale varto understand that similar fashions provide high-quality and detailed raincoats. If in the first variant of the stench to finish the standard, then it will be luxurious, unique and enchanting. In the inventory, one hour, one hopes for information about the schodo of the sergeant, having healthy one, one can take the opportunity to write in the special commission. At the present time, such modifications are not so rich, but their number continues to grow. And if you wanted to add to this plan, then it’s enough to turn around until you’re full of fanatics.

Like a bachite, the options are not so rich, but the stinks themselves are unique in their own right. Make sure to use new possibilities correctly in order to significantly improve the atmosphere of the gaming environment.

Add physics to raincoats

Hurry up to see that these modifications did not start in one place and continue to develop. It is not surprising that cloaks with physics have now become available from Skyrim. Don’t be surprised, now it’s possible to implement like this, just to speed up with the relevant propositions of modders:

  • Illustrious HDT Cloaks of Skyrim - a special add-on that props to introduce a physical engine for cloaks into the game. Install this mod strictly at the same time with other additions, if you add the element itself to the clothes, otherwise you just can’t appreciate the whole thing. This is the standard variant, which promotes a simple, ale cikavu physical model of raincoats.
  • Capes with HDT physics - the version of the add-on has been improved, as it significantly reworks the main engine. Now the imitation of the wind will appear, I will walk and walk, I will be able to bring the dot to the transition.
  • HDT Physics Extensions - the best option for modifying after the installation of a cloak that is now interchangeable with magic spells.

We recommend that you win all three mods on the raincoat with physics in Skyrim. Stink miraculously complement one another, ensure normal practice and just create an ideal option physical models clothes.

Special fashion on cloaks with hoods

Another variant of adding to the gris is modi with the possibility of victorious cloaks with hoods. The stench does not think about adding additional functions and simply sees the possibility of arranging a new element of clothes. Visually, it looks like it’s worth it, especially if it’s time to fix the weather. Modi on cloaks and hoods in "Skyrim" can be beaten right away, it's true, the options are still not so rich:

  • Cloaks of Skyrim - so, we are once again torkaєmosya tsієї modifikatsії, so that in її the content will include a sprinkling of tsіkavih directly. Zdebіl tse enchanted cloaks and robes of high-ranking nobles. The stench of the garni, from the symbolism, and just enough to buy them, you can’t see them.
  • Winter Is Coming is a complete mod that adds raincoats with hoods to the vastness of the game. After installation, you can come up with different options for clothing, which are assigned exclusively to the brewery people. For this type of cloak, you can make a cunning base and finish it massively on the characters.

Zavdyaki cloak with captur at "Skyrim" dovgі come in handy on the snowy peaks of the mountains, under the hour of the wind in the clear snow, to become dosit tsіkavim and atmospheric. Irrespective of those that fashion is exclusively visual in nature, I will improve the sharpening virtual world.

Other possibilities of raincoats

I would like to have a little zupinity on "special" raincoats, so that you can learn from the indicated modifications. The cream of the simplest options, you can know the original magic speech. So, it’s easy enough, but if you succeed in smiling at you, then you take away a possible object. If there are special features, then similar cloaks can be made like this on the sides:

  • The stinks of the building give the opportunity to win the spell, yak in a simple way don't winch.
  • Deyakі options to improve the primary characteristics of the main character.
  • Є cloaks with improvements to the main features too thin.

As a rule, bonuses, which are seen for wearing one's clothes, signifi- cantly overturn the points, that is motivated to know them. And yet, the problem is that it is generated by the appearance of a vipadkovy rank and, more precisely, the place can be designated smoothly:

  • Obov'yazkovo peep in and stay in the deep, unsafe oven, ring out there to melt valuable treasures.
  • You can try stealing a cloak from the king or a high-ranking character, sound the stink of such a valuable speech.
  • Do not forget to look into the camps until the veletins, many heroes laid down their heads in battle with them, obviously in the screenshots of these monsters you can know the value of the order.

Prospects for a distant development of fashion

Chi pokraschuvatimutsya modi on raincoats in "Skyrim"? We vvazhaemo, scho stink matimu chimalo more. Fans of the game are encouraged to grow more and more in whatever weather and until the light of a new part of the goodies of The Elder Scrolls, a collection of mods is only growing. Therefore, it’s not good to boast about the marriage of content, just to finish the part of the great gaming experience of the "Writings of Tamriel", and you will see a lot of new things for yourself.

The impact of mods on PC productivity

You can save a little, that the choice of similar modifications of shoes will be indicated on equal productivity. But don’t forget that the mods are created exclusively on the engine grill, there won’t be any splashes of additional technical ones. You can not be turbulent from the first drive and just daringly speed up the modifications. Navit for mind the obviousness of physics, detailed models and other improvements, nothing affects the productivity of the game.

The process of installing modifications

The final stage of our review will be the installation instructions, which will help you to remove content from mods without any problems. Vaughn looks like this:

  1. Open the archives by clicking on the WinRar program.
  2. Now it is necessary to copy all the material from the root folder in the folder. If so, back up what to replace: Data, Meshes, Textures.
  3. If there is an ESP file in the archive, then just copy it to the main folder with the partition.
  4. Now you need to run SkyrimLauncher.exe.
  5. It seems to be new, it is necessary to go to the "File" item.
  6. Review the available list and tick the box next to your mod.
  7. Now you can start the game and enjoy the content.

Like a bachite, an addition to "Skyrim" plays an important role in the plan to improve the atmosphere. Obov'yazkovo koristayutsya similar fashions, and gra become in different ways.

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