The elder scrolls online glіf zdorov'ya. Yak fast to level up the ESO Enchantment. TES glyph creation process

I can enchant skin, armor, or jewelry embellishment. For whom they win GLIPH (Glyphi) . There are 3 categories of stench: Weapon (armor) - Armor (armor) - Jewelry (ring, amulet). You can find them from mobiles, screen, buy from merchants at the guild of magicians. But the strongest are created with gravel. You can get yaks in the Guild Store.

We select the subject and press CHARGE. Vіknі z'yavlyayutsya glіfi, yakі can vikoristovuvat.
White - Green - Blue - Violet - Golden, like the mustache of speech in the grit, is due to strength.
And to create the glyphs yourself, it is necessary to open the Enchanting (Craft) icon.
The stinks are created at a special station from three kinds of runes.

Rooney Aspect (Round - color). Ta (Bila) - Jejota (Green) - Denata (Blue) - Rekuta (Violet) - Kuta (Gold) - glyphs will be the color.
Rooney Essence (Trikutnі) - determine the characteristics of the matime glyph. Increase stamina, magic, life, fire, ice, increase waste.
Rooney Potency (Square) - determines the glyph can be applied to the item's edge. From 1 to 10 lvl, from 5 to 15 lvl, from chp10 to chp150 and so on.


  1. Aspect Improvement- Allows you to create color glyphs (vicorist stone Aspect - Blue, Violet, Gold). It’s necessary to pump, as if you want to create harder glyphs yourself.
  2. Potency Improvement- Allows you to create glyphs for the greatest equals. (Vicorist stone Potency of different strength). It’s necessary to pump, as if you want to create harder glyphs yourself.
  3. Keen eye: Rune stone– Add a light for a rune stone for the best light on the territory. Do not pump up, shards of rune stones and so shine good, especially at night. In my opinion, just a waste of skill points.
  4. Hirelling— Pomіchnik schoraz about the 24/12 year of nadsilatim random speech for Enchantment. Brown pomіchnik, yakscho є vіlnі SP eyepieces, then invest.
  5. Aspect Extraction- Increases the chance that the frequency of the strongest runes will be cast. It is necessary to invest, as you often choose or choose glyphs.

    Shvidke pumping

    Upgrade to the maximum The creation of glyphs does not give a lot of points to complete. And the axis is sorted out, so that the glyphs rarely fall off and the GS (Guild Store) stands decently. As if buying from the famous merchants, the glyphs give even a little more information when sorting. Ale є 2 ways cherry.
    1. Schoden quests for crafting glyphs. Give a good word, as well as a penny that box with random speeches for enchantment.
    2. Choose the runes created by another character (reversed, you can not only add runes in other graves, but also create runes with your other character. We take away the same information.) No value for armor or armor.

    Butt first: Beremo (kupuyemo) inexpensive fleece green (round), on the edge for ice (trikutny), and square. We know a partner from enchantment, we see you runi, we know how to rob the glyphi, we see you. You know, from what was taken away during the analysis, I will renew it. It’s better to do it all at once, not going out one in the same way, so you don’t shy away from it and plus additional money to spend on gold.

    The butt is different: If you already have a character with enchanting ranks, then you can pump two times. Create glyphi, put it to the jar, choose another character, create it, put it to the jar. Move on, pick, create, put in the bank, re-enter and so on...


    Highest and most current addon at the moment CraftStore- Vіn korisny not only for enchanting, but also for crafting. Recommended.

Video guide to the channel K&I Adventures

» zovsіm is not similar to those before which we called before other MMOs. At ESO, gravity can create any kind of objects with minimal fouling. You choose, be it in the mind, what was worthy, pump yoga and create objects that can be exchanged for equal. The only thing you need for the preparation of objects in the required quality and level is the eyepieces to reduce that hour.

Eyepieces decrease and take away the higher level of the character, the passage of dungeons, the completion of story quests and the promotion of rank in PvP. Qi eyepieces can be put into the development of crafting just like pumping any combat skills. Skin gіlka kill crafting revenge building, pumping that will allow you to create yakіnіshі and high-rise objects.

On the 1st level of gravel, they can pick up whether they are materials without the usual borders. This allows you to practically craft items, if you want to become a merchant who specializes in the sale of crafting syrovina.

Choice of profession

  • Alchemy- Allows you to cook and create other colorful stained glass objects. The stench can increase the characteristics, increase the triviality of positive effects and give the character a sense of well-being, which he cannot (for example, invisibility).
  • Kovalska on the right (Blacksmithing)- Allows you to forge a metal armor, such as swords, maces, daggers and falcons. Tsya gіlka is also responsible for the creation of important possessions.
  • Sewing machine on the right (Clothing)- Preparation of magical robes, as well as light and medium armor.
  • Enchanting- Gravtsі, like they are engaged in enchantment, they create armor and possessions with special powers for additional runes.
  • Provisioning— Characters, who have taken away the bells and whistles, become the cooks of Elder Scrolls Online. The stench is preparing to use it without any special powers to improve the characteristics of the characters for the singing hour.
  • Robot from a tree (Woodworking)- Vikoristovuetsya for the preparation of clubs, cibules and shields.

Selection of materials and ingredients

Graveets can choose materials and ingredients from any dzherel, without the need to pump for any beginner. Tse give the gravel chimal freedom, allowing once to go to the creation of the objects they need. The place for the collection of materials and ingredients spread throughout Tamriel, Crimea, syrovina can be bought from merchants, and also known in screenshots or on the corpses of fallen opponents.

  • Roslin fibers (Sewing machine on the right): From fibrous roslin, you can take rolls of fabric, yakі є є vihіdnoy syrovina for folding light armor.
  • Roslini reagent (Alchemy): Detailed parts of these roslins melt as reagents for the preparation of various sills.
  • Dzherela vodi (Alchemy): You can find water in lakes and rivers throughout Tamriel, Crimea, and you can find water in different camps and settlements. Water is vikorated for the preparation of sill.
  • Shkіri ta skins (Sewing machine on the right): Shkіri and skins, taken from dead animals and monsters, zastosovyvaetsya for the creation of the middle armor.
  • Minerals (Kowalska on the right): Roztashovanі zdebіlhogo order zі skelyami аbo goryami, as well as in the mines and ovens, the minerals are vicorous to remove the syrovina for the forging of metal objects.
  • Food products (Food supply): Ingredients for cooking zhzhi can be found throughout Tamriel in various containers, on the market and in booths. Scrap barrels, boxes, shafi and everything else!
  • Wood (Woodworking): Wood can be found near forest locations, caves and beaches.
  • Rooney (Enchanted): Rooney is a small stone that shines. Most of them are known at the zanedbanih ruins, temples and on the narrow roads. Glyphs are created with help.

Stations for crafting

Search station for crafting

Stations for crafting can most often be found at settlements and places. On the map, stinks are marked with special symbols. The stinks allow the graves to create and improve the order, to sort out inappropriate objects and to reach their power.


The main zastosuvannya beginner crafting. You can create, be it objects, on which you have materials, reduce the hour. By changing the number of sirovins, which are victorious for the creation of speech, you can change the number of those characteristics.


Vicorist special items (their own for leather crafting), you can improve the quality of the order from superb (white) to non-magnificent (green), rare (blue), epic (violet) and legendary (gold). Improvement of zbroї will bring to zbіlshennya її characteristics. With some new characteristics, you can add more to the new one for additional enchantment (glіfіv).

You can tweet up to 5 materials to increase the chance of a successful reduction (20%, 40%, 60%, 80% and 100% OK). If the attempt of polypshennia fails, you will use like objects, so materials, like victorious for yogo polypshenya. Pevnі novichki allow to reduce the number of materials, the necessary increase in the quality of the order.

Vityag allows you to sort out the subject, whether it be on the basis of external materials, so that you can win for the creation of something else. Fallow in the light of the quality of the object, you take into account the difference in the quantity of materials. Obviously, the greater the quality of the subject, the more beautiful the materials will be, as they appear from the new one. On top of that, you can pump it up, so that you can increase the amount of that amount of syrovin, which is taken for an hour of learning.

Items can be picked up only at special crafting stations. So do not sell marijuana motloh, which you know at a higher price, it’s better to sort out yogo.


The power of objects can be recognized with additional help. For whom you need an object that you may need power. When combined, both possessors, you can give them more than one power.


Vivchennya allows the crafter to take back the armor that his inventory has, so that he can increase his power, like there is power. To get started, find the item you need (wine can be in your tool, or in a jar) and go straight to the crafting station. Open the Research tab and choose the power you want to follow.

The follow-up is carried out at the real hour, which increases the skin for offensive severity of one category. For example, you begin to win the honor of swords, on the way 6 years of the real hour. After the completion of the follow-up, you begin to win the power of the swords, for now it is not necessary for 6, but say 12 years. You can change the hour of the wedding by pumping through the higher ranks.

At the same time, you can win 1 power for the skin profession (until you level up the skills you need).

Axis of what you need to remember when raising the authority of objects:

  • The subject, which you victorious for the continuation of the quality, will be known. So change your mind, you don’t need wine.
  • As soon as you have won the power, it becomes more accessible to the category, the subject of which was victorious during the ceremony. For example, you will get an increase in the chance of a critical strike on a dagger. After the completion of the follow-up, you can suffocate your power only to the point of daggers. Those same power for swords, maces and juice required to winch okremo.
  • Follow up at the real time. As if it takes 6 years for a new one, you will happen to have a check of the same style (it doesn’t matter, you will change at the same time at the Greek). Therefore, follow the stations, so that you know when the war of cherd's power is completed.

Special stations for crafting

Raising the price of Tamriel in The Elder Scrolls Online you know you have special crafting stations. The stench allows you to create sets (networks) of order. Items from these sets can be created to make your character gain the power they need.

It's really important. I wonder what the best profession is at ESO. However, if you give lower hints, if you are crusty, you will be able to pump more richly, lower loudly.

ESO's crafting system is a bit like a cicava. Leather gravel may be able to open all professions. Zvichayno, it’s more foldable, but it’s still possible. If you pump a few professions at once, then soon you will realize those that it is easier to pump them out equal to others.

For example, I immediately try to denigrate Koval's profession, Alchemy, Kuhari ta Enchantera. Like on me, then the easiest profession in terms of pumping is Alchemy, and the best - Enchantment. At this article, I will give you deeds about those yak pump Enchant SWIDSHE.

How do you want to be free charm if you don’t know anything about your profession, then I recommend that you read I will step on the article: Enchanting - Full Guide. (Enchant - Hyde). There you will find basic information about your profession. There is no sense in writing that very information here.

What are you doing NOT right?

Іsnuє to inform the obvious way of otrimannya greater amount of information in Enchantі: gravitation is necessary to choose runes and create different glyphs. After that, as the glyph will be created, you can win from the new rune and take away the additional evidence. Most of the graves think that this is the best way for pumping the enchant. The stench vvazhayut, that everything that is necessary for him is to repeat this process anew and anew.

Before speech, this scheme is correct. And only until quiet fir, until you "decipher" all the runes, you know. The trick lies in the fact that if you vicorist for crafting a rune, then you will take a lot more knowledge, if you vicorist earlier “deciphering”. You will understand that all the runes in your inventory have already been deciphered, and you will take an even small amount of crafting.

What is work?

You need to know another Enchanter. Graveets otrimuє significantly more amount of knowledge in the "parsing" of the runes created by other graves, lower in the crafting of the knowledge of the runes.

Like that Enchanter you knew best skills, then they started miraculously! Everything that you need for otrimannya dosvіdu - tse pigs yogo create glyphi. You can give him the materials he needs, and you can give him the glyphi natomist. If so, you need to take away the runes from these glyphs and take the evidence for the price. Qia circuit will give you Get more XP, Chim scheme "create-vityagti".

Pridbannya glіfіv

I use one more trick, as I can help you to improve your charm better. Buying glyphs from other graves. Tse give you dodatkovy dosvid. It's cheaper to buy a glyph, a lower rune for the sake of a glyph, ask your friends to create a glyph and buy yoga.

For example, price for Potency Rune(Jora, Jode and others.) 1-2 rubles to become approximately 200-300 gold. It's hard to know the cheapest option. Have the same hour you can know VR 4-5 armored or armored glyphs, how to stand 200-300 gold(Normal quality). Obviously, it’s better to buy a similar glyph and win yoga. Dosvid guaranteed.


Do not forget to read books during the hour of the game light. If you want to beat the book police, beat it up її. Possibly, bring you some additional rank (rank) of Enchant, but save your pennies at your own expense.

Glyph as NPC

Somehow you know the glyphs after the NPC's been driven in. If your meta is to pump up charm, then you need to obov'yazkovo take away such glyphs and then win them.


  • If you don't have a rune decryption, you can use it to craft it. Tse best dzherelo for zdobuttya dosvіdu.
  • As if all the runes have been deciphered - ask your friends to create glyphs for you and extract the runes from them.
  • Buy glyphs from other graves, as you have pennies.
  • Don't forget to read books. The book can give you an additional Enchant rank.

For any kind of vipad you happen to spend a lot of time / pennies. - the profession is even more foldable at a glance. Navіt yakscho vy dotrimuєtes all vishchevkazanih podad.

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