Top best compliments for girls. The best compliments for a girl - like a stink

Dotik of your great and fluffy widows, like a kiss of a blizzard!

My thoughts vibrate from my head, just like I'm kicking you, clattering your heels!

You look over the top! The mustaches of the people are about to give you eyes and choke on sleans!

Yakby took part in beauty contests, then all the first months would be yours!

I never cease to enjoy the melody of your divine voice!

Stars at your trendy style of boiling energy?!

You are a very talented actress! Just a mastrina transformation!

Your beaming smile is mute, mother-of-pearl, a glimpse of a miraculous pearl in the exchange of the sun!

Positive compliments girls

Your smile shine like a little star in the night sky!

You are doing better, a little bit of humor!

You are the joy itself, that positive! Such a hollow, funny, cheerful smiley!

Kind positive compliments of girls

I'm in the grip of your incredible spring image!

This day is my sun, at night - moon, and at the hour of the hour - whole world!

The skin of your ruh is even more striking and the impressions seem to be unreasonable to the senses!

Vie Nemov string doe with scorching eyes!

You are so mysterious sometimes! How do you go about creating an atmosphere of intrigue?

Without you, there is nothing for me to dihati!

Your twinkling smile infects with the positive of your good luck!

I would like to be harsh, so that your bottom coat is worthy!

Marvel at you, I will understand that Adam's rib was stained for good reason!

You are very garna!

Richness of the soul to rob you with an expensive diamond in my life!

You are the dearest in the world for me! Navit dearer than the all-world web and Vkontakte!

You have krishtaleva honesty!

Your eyes are two bottomless lakes that pierce the blue sky!

Your zasmagla shkira to rob you of a delicious chocolate bar!

Heartfelt positive compliments for girls

You are dumb for me!

What are your miracle shoes? Stink on your originality!

You have a miracle, a unique move!

I marvel at your eyes and I cannot marvel - they have all of you!

You are the best in me and the living room of the master!

Marvel at you, rozumiesh, that sport is power!

I stars, and the sun, and the month of darkness, the order is with you!

You have a touch of humor!

You vodkrite, good heart!

Even richer someone cares that there are no miracles in the world. Tse not so. You are a wonderful miracle!

With you, it’s richly chatting with you, below with my same-year-olds!

You vmіesh buti vіdkritoy, simple and wide. That's why people are up to you and compete!

You miraculously volodyesh mysticism opine at the right time at the right place!

You are the only one for me! You are my life, my promise of light in this world!

You are the best student!

You have such a good shape! Figure - you'll be amazed!

I'm guessing that your heart is in the throes of a biased kohanna!

Your volume is hot, hot, like pure nothing!

Road, your gaze is enchanting, you can hypnotize anyone!

It’s so light in the night for a blizzard - it’s impossible to repair your opir privablivosti!

You are a fireproof little thing! You can not only be obektisya, but burn in the fire!

You become all string and string!

You are my cold weather at the equator and warm at the pivnichny pole!

You are the most wonderful person, with whom I had the honor of talking!

Decal me, that you are not a human being, but an angel, that you are from heaven, to protect me!

Funny positive compliments girls

You look miraculous at this cloth! It will make your figure look better than your lower pantsuits!

My soul is drowning in your deep garni eyes!

At this cloth of the lower color you have a flower of an orchid that has blossomed!

On your fluffy look, it dawned on you that everything is wonderful in you!

You just remind me of my life with such unique emotions!

You have a voice that has a twisted voice!

How do you dare to create luxury for yourself, making do with the simplest and most necessary speeches?!

Marvel at you, I will understand who they see and sing a serenade of a man!

You are a big joy to the skin of life! How do you know?

I sometimes think that your building glance will burn the candle - such wine is hot and bright!

Splicing with you wins my heart and soul!

For me, the person is special, one and unique!

You - my stole, the best yagidka!

No one in my life has not robbed for me of everything that you can and rob you now. Like you for the price!

If you are shy, your cheeks are brightly redshayut with red color!

Your eyes want to swim all day, and then drown without asking for help!

You look enchantingly with some kind of zachіskoy, but today you are just super!

Selected positive compliments girls

Your appearance will remind you of the room with a deafening aroma, what a good mood!

You maєsh great creative potential! You are free to create masterpieces in any sphere of life!

Whose rose on your cloth to call all people to reason!

You garnish on the eyes! Just like a charming transformation!

And you know, your crazy is not the same as crazy at another glance

How do you know how to get out of safe situations?!

Your beauty overwhelms my calm!

And you are already a cicava!

You didn’t say anything, what is the best smile in you?!

There is nothing soft in the world, your hair is shovky!

Like nobody else, you mark the beauty of such subjects and speeches!

You are smart and beautiful in me, and your wisdom is full of congratulations!

At this white cloth you are dumb snow maiden, who came from the side of the fairy tale!

And you are great! Girl without complexes! Give the lads a head start!

Human skin needs speech: proteins, carbohydrates, fats, vitamins. But the girls, for the maintenance of normal life, need one more material - thin and elusive. Її it is not possible to pack it in small boxes or boxes and sell it in stores. You can’t buy anywhere you can cook on your own, you can only give as a gift. Tse compliment.

Wikipedia says that a compliment is a special kind of praise, laudation or hoarding, that it is necessary to avenge an insignificant overabundance of the obvious traits of these advantages. That is why it is necessary for us to dredge up the woodlands, to de-pass the allowed norms.

It’s easy to remember what to analyze logically, but the girls even more subtly take it as if we’ve got it, we’ll feel it for ten. Saying compliments to him may not be as easy as it seems at first glance. What science needs to be studied, how gallant faces, wise and cunning diplomacy robbed.

To that, if you want to earn the best compliments of a girl, do not risk redemption in nature. It’s better to see an hour for the advancement of that opratsyuvannya of your masters.

How can I get a compliment?

It’s more difficult to finish the food, looking at those girls who are not computers, they don’t have standardized roses, it’s necessary to pick up your key to the skin. І a compliment, which zmusiv one cry like happiness, in another viklich, it’s more than a surprise, rozdratuvannya chi image. So, a couple of simple rules:

  1. Praise is necessary for those qualities, as true in reality. Speak to the girls with 48-50 rozmir, as if she was thinned and nevagoma, as if stupidly and stupidly. She has є eyes, she miraculously knows about her figure, and such a rude flattering її only to anger or to portray. You can say that the deputy of whom you can say that she is inspired by life and energy, she has a numbly attached body, similar to the statues of Roman goddesses (and the stench was not thin), that she is similar to Venus the Miloska, that she came to life, with delicate hands and so far.
  2. The compliment may be thinner, the trochs outweighed those that were true. If you bend your club, they will write you down for a while at the nursery and don’t believe your word any more. Obviously, these are people who deserve to be, but they are not so rich already.
  3. Compliment can be generous. If you want to pay a compliment - swear, but don’t see the standard “Your eyes are like turquoise”, “For one look of yours I’m ready to sell my soul”, “There is no one in the world for you wonderful” and other banal fools. The best compliment of a girl - the one who comes from the depths of the soul.
  4. Neutral complements shortest choice you don't know what to say. “You’ve already gone to the cloth, they’ve got the eyes of the shkir and the depth of the eyes”, “You’ve already looked today”, “You’ve got unimaginable, but you’ve got better eyes / lips / hands /”.
  5. See what the girls would like to feel and say. Yakscho won zrobila a new comb, I bought a bed or a cloth, then I need confirmation that I choose to appear in the distance. It’s not foldable, it’s enough to say, like a new thing. So you show that you give respect to her and you will change it right away, as you are especially pleased.

Dekilka butts in the distance compliments

Gosh, remember, you can't type in Google "the most beautiful compliments" and list sites from the first two sides. Pikapersky little things are rotten on today's girls, the stench may be such access to information that is especially sticky with pickup artists. And as soon as you see the girl, she feels that she recognizes the standard preparation - you can see the number from the note.

To that it is necessary to independently vigaduvati and say compliments. Ale schob trohi pіdshtovhnut phantasіy, zaproponuєmo kіlka variantіv:

  • Earlier I thought that all the girls are the same, but, having got to know you, I realized that it was not so. You are unique, there are none like you and there will not be. That is why I need only you, and who cannot replace you. A strong option, but say it is necessary only once, if you are convinced that you want to be deprived of it for a long time.
  • I didn’t feel so easy with Kim like it was with you. If we are together, I can take off all the masks and just be like that, like I am for real, without nonsense, falsehood, that vdavannya. Analogous to the first.
  • You have style of life, energy and joy, that all the other girls in the order are born with you as ornate, apathetic and unimaginative bears. More soft option, which is suitable for not laying serious acquaintances, but for the first stages.
  • Tobі already go tsya bed / cloth / blouse / eyepieces / jacket. Vaughn underpins your skin / eyes / ruins / tan / hair color. It is necessary for the mother to have a warm relish, so that they pick up clothes. Far from original compliments, but they work miraculously on any girls.
  • The more I converse with you, the more I marvel: the stars in such a harmonious style are the style of reason / kindness / cheerfulness / life of radioactivity / privacy.

Have a vipadka, don’t get hung up on standard phrases and blanks. As a practice, the best compliments for girls are seen spontaneously, easily and widely. And here the stench reaches its own goal more often.

Be-yak_y osobi zhіnochoї statі priєmno chuti compliments to your address. Compliments can call out a storm of emotions and an inconspicuous flood. But it's not all that simple. Women do not fall on the flow of gracious phrases and do not fall at the feet of anyone.

The compliment is due to the neighbors, and also to the correctness, so that the wine is more similar to the truth, lower by the black-hearted test of the woods in order to reach the sweetness of the lady.

If you don’t know how to garner compliments, don’t get embarrassed. Tsyom can learn. Golovne, try to assess the situation and that particular situation, assuming that your compliment will be additional. It is also necessary to evaluate the burning camp of a woman and її moods. Just so you can competently pick up a compliment.

In our days, rolyachi compliment, it is possible to run into rudeness. The problem is that today's individuals have simply learned to trust compliments and take them as a compliment, and not as a slander. Varto indicates that part of the girls are in our day, and I react only to the straight phrases to the kshtalt “You have breast garni”, lower to the temple phrase. Reach out for help garnogo compliment to such osіb is not easy.

However, if you still know a woman, caress for beautiful words, don’t bother throwing її pishnomovnymi phrases. How to give compliments without interruption, stinks just waste their weight and beauty. Going overboard, a person automatically consumes up to the number of incompetent people, who are usually called pidlabuzniks or pidlabuzniks. Your compliments quickly rise, and the woman will react to all the phrases at the address, like a rough forest with a flirtatious name.

Chi є vyhіd іz such a situation? Well, well, є. Warto memory, which, in fact, is a compliment, perhaps, found a method of generating sympathy in a girl before you. Pereshkodi are erased not by a few compliments, but by a similar characteristic. Remember that you are responsible for the quality of your words, and not their number. keruyuchis tsim simple rule, You can step by step achieve the respect of the girl, until you have sympathy.

What do women need compliments? The answer is simple - "Consume". Ale yaki cause caresses for women for compliments? There are 2 main reasons:

1. Skin girl to succumb to her potential competitor, and then, she can watch over her. Constant monitoring of the situation zanuryu maiden into a trouble-free camp of anxiety and stress. If you give me compliments, then automatically raise the level of your self-esteem, partly relaxing your stresses of the camps;

2. The skin of the girl wants to be a kohana and to look after herself. As soon as they are hooting with vagueness, then in the middle of the stink they feel harmony. And a compliment is a last grace.

How to give a compliment?

The success of the said compliment lies in a thick, clear voice. Give a compliment in a well-placed voice, but, at any time, do not mumble yourself. Sob not to opine at an unacceptable situation, a person can repeatedly train at the vim text. It’s not good to b and write the text of the compliment, sob vin buv without pardons.

Can't you make compliments yourself? It's not a problem in our days. Activate the Internet, collect enough data and all the possible compliments are in your hands, more precisely in the dictionary stock. Get down to their learning and looking at the options of vikoristannya. Remember, there is definitely no one who can give you a compliment and speak in such situations. Follow your heart and feelings. The words, as you say, are not guilty of looking like a devilish phrase about beautiful eyes, but the guilt comes out of the heart, from the soul.

Before the speech, do not forget that the compliment is not guilty of sounding like a set of words. These words may be as close as possible to reality. So, be in the middle of the girls and її worries. Let there be a sprinkling of important moments, but don’t sleep all. Then it will be easier for you to give a compliment. And don't overdo it. There are not enough empty words in stosunkas. Thoughtless rozmovische few people were helped by the help of women.

The main criteria for a compliment

What are the main compliments, what do they say? In order to understand and remember them, to finish the trochs, to get lost at the same meaning of the very word “compliment”. This is a French term, which means a small amount of apparent goodness, like a person would like to bachiti in himself. A compliment is not said in the forehead, so that a person said “You are the best”, but you can’t save up for compliments. Tse spravzhnіsіnka lestoshchi, yak can easily be offended. See that such praise is important to be taken seriously.

There is no universal compliment for all kinds of life for all women in nature. In fact, a compliment can be given as an exclusive gift.

However, it’s important to help all compliments, so it’s better not to be unkind. Compliment will be garni, so you will:

Do not speak in double digits;

Praise the girls in those moments, as they write themselves;

Inadvertently indulge the woman's insipid relish;

If you will be as generous as possible, if not, then if you want to try to be like that;

You will accentuate your respect not on the woman's outer appearance, but on her inner world;

Concretize the time and personifikuvatimete the phrase;

Do not win the hour for the roaming, be it like an occasional moment;

You express simple thoughts, not tight-fitting with foldable meaningful constructions;

Do not overwhelm the woman's pride, turning your phrases into a slur;

You can base your promo on the basis of facts, as you know you and your spokesperson.

Find your compliments, get ready to win

Findings will be presented below, and at the same time, original compliments for girls.

You pavements are pleasant and charming, that I’ve forgotten about my route, I’m right, like I’ve shaken you ...

Your profile is aristocratic. You must not be created in order to be a mistress of a sculptor.

Your suit fits perfectly. Dear garni kriy!

Nature has done its best to give you ideal forms!

Well, obviously, you are a girl, inspired by her. There is nothing to marvel at here, if there is beauty, strangeness, energy, intelligence, and kindness - everything is with you ...

Really, you are special. You make your own thoughts, but the value of our days. It suits me better.

Antonino Mikhailivno, vi - best drug, Which I, if anything, have learned. And all to the fact that you don’t have to give respect to a skin patient. You don't cheat anyone. How are you coping?

Possibly, not the ones you would like to feel. Ale, if you take a look at your car, then you are the last model of Porsche!

You taka garna master. I have no doubt that you will become a miraculous squad and the keeper of the family pit!

I hate you for those that I love to madness!

You always said that jealous people are not the best human beings. But how can I be, how beautiful are your floors, why can’t I not be jealous of you?

It is impossible to be charged by you. You just dazzle everyone with your beauty, but especially me! More trohi, and I'll fall asleep!

This year seems special. You obviously have changed to better… Zrozumiv! You without make-up!

With your sleepy gusset, that promenist laughter is impossible not to sigh! I'm hostile!

Zvichayno, I know what kind of happiness! Tse ti!

Well, what kind of miracle would I need to overcome, so that I could take away a little bit of your respect, princess?

If I was destined to be born a girl, then I, without a doubt, want to be like you.

I love you yourself the way I really am...

I'm wondering, why did I hit you earlier? Shvidshe for everything, tse bov garniy dream.

I'm hungry, I've sold my soul for your firm milk (otherwise, be a grass, your lady is ready for good)!

Do you remember the day of our wedding? You immediately look like that, like on that day - crazy enchanting!

You vikonuesh tsyu song in times better for tsogo vikonavtsya!

So long as you are dumb, taking your perfume and splattering your pillow with it. Smell of you, and guess what's in order ...

I guess, why did you really show yourself better for all the restless ones? That's right, stink really, they look at you in a rich way.

Possibly, zіrok milyoni, ale ti for me - one single expensive zіrochka ...

It’s not unimaginable, but your hedgehog is delicious, lower hedgehog, cooked by my mother! How are you robish?

Until the speech, your new earrings will definitely fit on your birthday!

What can you do? Which modeling agency do you work with?

If you marvel at you, then you can understand why your man will hurry home today.

Girl, your carpets are mysterious and mysterious, that it’s impossible to see you. So I want to know about all your secrets.

Qi papers in your hands make you look like a lady boss!

You are similar to the lower spring stream, which at night shimmers in a bright light. I am different at this beauty.

Your hair smells like especially. The smell makes me crazy, but it's not hot.

You don’t show your mind, your smile is so charming. Honestly, your smile is the most beautiful and promenist. The axis itself can laugh like that in a right way, happy and kind people!

Girl, you know, I watched you all the way. You charіvnі, just like I've patted you, then mittevo forgetting about my problems, like turbulent me. May I thank you for tse?

You know, be it Mіs light of darkness on your aphids!

Tell me about your secret - how do you manage to save youth on aphids of pensioners, what will make you feel like?!

Who said to you that Katya is long gone? The stench flailed, how are your legs?

The pelust of the grassy trojan is not so lower, like your coat!

Only a few effective compliments. If you want to get better with half of them and you can competently conquer them in life, then, singly, you won’t be successful with women.

How often do you need to give compliments?

Move them often, but don't overdo it. Likewise, you will sympathize with one and the same people of the skin of the year, this year, tse vikliche suspected that mistrust. If you need to speak mastery, then say beautiful phrases to different people. Be sure to note: do not live a day without compliments, and you will surely prove your craftsmanship. Shukayte those perevagi at your spymaster, if you would fall down to your soul, and what you would like to know about him (her). Say, don't be shy!

Most people are pleased to be given compliments. Feel good for the skin garni words to your address, to that you, without special zusil, like newcomers, vibachat like insignificant mistakes.

If you understand your mastery, you will benefit from the presence of evidence in dialogue. As soon as you learn to zastosovuvat compliments from diї, work tse tête-à-tête. Before speech, be a third-party person with whom you are benign.

Well, if you ask, it’s good to speak well at the lady’s address, there will be third-party people, then the woman herself will give up her wisdom to your compliment. Vaughn on an unfamiliar equal show to everyone, who doesn’t ring out a little bit like compliments.

And from what your compliment of notes to the equal of the master, then the greater effect of the wines will be celebrated the same, if you pay attention to the obviousness of the certificates. Women on a psychological level develop the phenomenon of self-direction and self-esteem promotion. For her, it is not important, and even in the fact that in her garna a laugh will be cut off at once by a handful of people, in order to promote your self-esteem. Regardless of those that your phrases can change the nature of, after their sound, girl, without a doubt, you want to repeat them. Come out with your warmth with words see the lady for self-perfection.

Come out, people don’t be stingy with compliments, and not straight forests! Try to praise the women of the yakomog more often, even if it's not a secret for anyone that women love with their wows.

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