Mass effect station is the top of the passage. Guide for snacks. Addendum "Station Vershina"

New mini addon to download to mass effect titles Pinnacle Station, wiyshov already dosit for a long time, prote nіyakoї іnformatsії schodo in Merezhі, yak not marvelous, no. Find the game player "iksbit", which is famous for its efficiency and looking at the first mini-addon, bring Down the Sky, little not on the day of yoga appear, save the riddle of moving. As a result, I found out about the release of the new update, we were told "more drive" and "fights in the arena against the gladiatorial quarters", practically vipadkovo. With a miracle, having revealed, scho, on the vіdmіnu already guessed Bring Down the Sky, the newcomer is already not without cost - at the European distribution EA Store for a new one I want 4.99 euros. Well, what work is left - a call to legal products in the rest of the month, it was left in me, and, after a torrent, I opened a credit card. The exchange of two hundred with a small hard-earned ruble for two hundred with a small amount of traffic passed successfully, and I started to get to know each other Pinnacle Station.

Yak i Bring Down the Sky, the new location is available at any moment of the passage, while Shepard can have freedom of action (after removing the stripes of the spectrum, but before landing on the Virmair). Zoryana system, in the same way the check station "Vershina" is on us, it was clearly marked on the galactic map by the senior ensign - again, like asteroid X57 in Bring Down the Sky. The axis is only motivation, which we need to fly there, to make it sound wonderful.

mass effect And so enough they barked for those who told the plot that they didn’t match the real gameplay. Well, that’s why we’ve been wailing for a long time on the topic that Saren, having moved, vipered us on rich rokiv, that we can’t spend our good fortune and that the share of the Galaxy lies in the comfort of our children, and then we let it out on free bread, different planets and invariably vomit on other side quests (moreover, most of the time, you yourself see quests and see - moving, ty, Shepard, all one thing here is more probing, give us affection, figure it out). At the result, the script writers have the strength to go, that the timer is ticking, but in case of that, they do not motivate gravity to hurry up. I'm still ready to test this asteroid X57 from the first mini-addon - the situation is really critical there, under the threat of the planet, so you can forget about the pursuit of Saren and Shepard for some time. Ale is here! "Hey, Shepard, there's a station over there, where the magic of cool battles is held in virtual reality! Don't you want to zlitat, misrepresent your skills?" Yeah, the axis is straight, so it seems. Those who had characters less than three times earlier sang about the timer, what is ticking, and holacteco is unsafe - not so, bullshit. Check, move, your Saren.

Garazd, fuck them. Climbing to the captain's station of the "Normandy" and yelling at the Joker to the fireman where it's said. The station "Zagostrena vezha" appeared to reach small apprentices from two rooms, which hang out with three characters with normal dialogues, two with one-way replicas, and five or five of them statisticians. Viterpiv right on the pores of the hairpin against the human-phobe Vidinos of the Turian nationality. Proyshov seredinu, having talked with the human admiral Ahern, who is the commander of the computer and gaming club, about the share of virtual reality in the world is not easy for all of us. Delivered, nareshti, to the majestic sysadmin - salariance to the lailing im'yam Alud Ohren. For pіdbags rozmov z usіma tryoma z'yasuvav, there's nothing to work here, crіm yak go through your own missions on a virtual simulator. Pishov pass.

Mіsіy chotiri vidi - poluvannya (knock in more enemies for the minimum hour), suffocation (take all the control points for the minimum hour), race against the clock (defeat all the enemies for the minimum hour) ) . Kart, at some price, dissimilarity is seen, tezh chotiri - burn, jungle, cave and warehouse. Moreover, there are no new objects and details for the landscape - all those that are in other locations are grey. Burn and the caves are the treasures of the planet, on the yakіy mi ryatuєmo Liara, the jungle is the outskirts of the base of Saren on Vіrmayri, and the warehouse is typical, which is recorded in grі repeatedly. Who wants new feelings - shed. The skin mission is to pass on three maps (near the oven, mountains and jungles, only a yearly race - in warehouses, near the mountains and jungles), at the same time we can have twelve gloomy one-man trials, yak it is necessary to podolat. On the back, vtim, є less vіsіm (two cards per skin z mіsіy).

Podolat, to the point of speech, is not easy - you need to take the first place in the table of records in skin care, and the faces of the visitors are simply fantastic. On high levels of folding, you need to be a sharp Quaker, and for people of a non-arcade orientation, on a smaller scale, the addon appears to be basically impenetrable. I had a chance to step on the throat of vlasnoi pride and reduce the folding of the gris from shalen to lightness. Dobre hoch kіlkіst pіdkhodіv іn't obmezhena - masa nerves and time to save on save-load.

Dali, nachebto, p_shlo ts_kav_she - after the victory in the first world, the hater Vidinos zat_yav with one of the statisticians-people scripted dialogue and voiced yogo by a cheater. Shepard, it is clear, stood up for the honor of the race and declared that without any cheating, in the eyes of all stations, I would become the first in all magicians. It smelled of a quest, intrigue and all sorts of others. Ale nadії buli marnі - everything became hoary, because after I took the first rows of eight tables, Vіdіnos shrugged his head and took the call, and the real people propagated me to the city be-yaku zі their harmats. After someone was recognized as a mighty father and they saw access to more chotirioh missions, they added one card to the skin mode. Overwhelmed by asking "I tse everything?! And de іntriga ?!" Passed and їх, honored with one more dialogue of scripts - this time with the admiral. That strimano praising me and urging me to go through a custom mission, like this elderly modder at the right time working on the engine of a state-owned virtual simulator. Von doing the operation, in the same admiral, taking the fate of the fate of his turbulent youth - to penetrate into the camp of the enemy, to win important tributes and, in the face of adversaries who are accumulating, to evacuate. So, like a river of folding, I am amusingly so, having left at a minimum, the everyday difficulties of the passage did not fold. Zdolav khvilin for ten, for five or five five years, the recovery of the ship-evacuator was completed.

On tsomu tsey addon i completed. For pіdbags zvorusheny admiral gave me his dacha at the back of the World and slyly said goodbye. The dacha is a zhalugidnoy likeness of budinochkiv z igor virobnitstv. Bethesda and revenge like this:
1. A gloomy empty interior for a quarter of other hosts, one piece.
2. The radio that will play the melodies of the soundtrack gri, one thing.
3. Distributor with unlimited free grenades, one piece.
4. Distributor with unlimited free honey-gel, one piece.
5. Terminal for communication with the merchant, one piece.

Terminal - tse naytsіkavіshe s overhauled. Chimos guessing at the one-legged lad Virta z vіdomoї gri. The bottom line is this: if you pay a penny, you will take away a random item. Available deposits in the amount of 5.000, 75.000 and 220.000 credits, the coolness of the clothes is proportional. The attraction is bagatorazovy, so you can, with patience and a tight gamanets, stock up at least with the latest set of the coolest game speeches.

Podbag, unfortunately, sumny. Additional take away, obviously, do not repeat the year, like Bring Down the Sky, and more, but only through the neskіchenne overdrawn by the stake of the silence of the missions themselves, reaching out to the prize money. There are no characters like these, there are no quests, there are no such, there is no plot, it is inhabited by robots. To add to the screaming inconsistency of the global plot and the barless final prize, then we take a simple visnovok - an addon of anger. The station "Apotheosis" does not have its own five euro stations at any time, before the arrival, it is recommended to choose a place for the collection. Prikro, scho such a miracle group yak mass effect provided with such an empty and worthless dovazhkoy, like everything else Bring Down the Sky— and at the same time, on the vіdmіnu vіd ny, it’s already not without cost.

P.   S Fallout 3? So on the face Pinnacle Station stinks look like true masterpieces of urban design!

P.P.S. The only thing that is good in the addon is

First addendum - Death from heaven (Bring Down The Sky). Vono is only one additional game mission. The plot of the additional story tells about a group of extremist aliens - batarians, who are preparing a terrorist act in the Asgard system for their scale. The terrorists are planning to bring down the asteroid X57 on the human colony "Terra Nova", which is planted in the system. Only the crew of the "Normandie" under Shepard's building vryatuvativat innocent people in mortal insecurity and save the rest of the world on a well-taken planet. The Mission becomes accessible once Commander Shepard takes off Specter's stripes.

Key features:

  • A new race has been added to the game world: batarians;
  • New available for follow up Exodus sector, in which i know Asgard system;
  • It is possible to increase your game profile and character development on 50 points.

Other additions - Station "Vershina" / "Pik" (Pinnacle Station). You take away the ability to see the conspiracy of the Alliance station, on which you can go through 12 combat scenarios to become the best. The station will become available after becoming Shepard Spectrum. After passing all 12 cards (three in a skin scenario) with the maximum rating, you can add an additional card (like simulating one of the battles of the War of the First Contact), for which you need to see roses and survive five spells under the unpinned attacks of tourists. Having broken all the records, you can get a new armor. The space station "Vershina" (Pinnacle) was created for the training of the best soldiers. Vikoristovuyuchi virtual simulation, fighters train for chotirma different schemes:

  • Survival - a team of three osib samagaєtsya vіdbity bezperervnі vorozhі attacks;
  • time trial - you need to drive in the number of enemies for the entry hour;
  • Capture mode - zahoplennya and utrimannya dot on the map;
  • Hunt Mod - similar to the Time trial, less than an hour of skin killing.

After the passage of all the cards near the city, it is possible to place an order, as if it were placed on the extreme - in the center of the center of the system - the planet. There you can add ammunition for grenades and panacelin, an audio system for background music and a port for entering the extranet. Through the port it is possible to buy different goods - in the case of redevelopment to armor.

Installed: We send for the archive folder DLC at the directory gri C:\Program Files (x86)\Mass Effect or C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Mass Effect.

Respect: Offending me, I don’t say Russian, but only subtitles! 100% working on the Steam version of Gri!

Death from the sky

"Death from Heaven"(English) "Bring Down the Sky") - the first addition for "Mass Effect", which expands the universe of gris, and adds one more episode to Captain Shepard's help and the Normandy crew. An update was announced on February 6, 2008. Outside the cordon, the Xbox 360 version was released on March 10, and the PC version was released on September 29, 2008. The Russian version of the update, which includes the update 1.01a, was released on December 30, 2008.

The add-on is only one additional game mission, covered for a maximum of 90 hours of gameplay. The plot of the additional story tells about a group of extremist aliens - batarians, who are preparing a terrorist act in the Asgard system for their scale. The terrorists are planning to bring down the X57 asteroid on the human colony of Terra Nova, which is planted in the system. Only the crew of the "Normandie" under Shepard's building vryatuvativat innocent people in mortal insecurity and save the rest of the world on a well-taken planet. The Mission becomes accessible once Commander Shepard takes off Specter's stripes.

Key Features

  • A new race has been added to the game world: batarians
  • There is a new Exodus sector available for further exploration, in which the Asgard system is located
  • It is possible to increase your game profile and character development by 50 points
  • 30-90 hvilin gameplay
Station "Vershina"

"Station Vershina"(English) Pinnacle Station) - another addition for "Mass Effect", which adds a training space station to the game. Addendum for Xbox Live and PC on 26 April 2009. I didn’t transfer my official Russian supplement.

The Pinnacle space station, under the command of Admiral Ahern, was created to train the best soldiers of the Alliance. Shepard cancels the request for a secret primary base, no longer becoming a Specter. Being at the station, you can learn your skills on the holographic simulator, there are 12 training scenarios. Having broken all the records, you can win a new armor and a powerful house on a new planet. For the words of the retailers, it takes about 2-3 years to complete an additional pass.

For training, there are several different schemes available:

  • Survival- a team of three osib samagaєtsya vіdbity bezperervnі vorozhі attacks;
  • time trial- you need to drive in the number of enemies for the entry hour;
  • Capture mode- zahoplennya and utrimannya dot on the map;
  • Hunt mode- The mode is tested as a “time trial” only, if the time is given significantly less and it will only get worse with skin driving.
After passing all 12 cards (three each in the skin scenario) with the maximum rating, an additional card is shown (as if it simulates one of the battles of the War of the First Contact), for which you need to see roses and survive five minutes of turian attacks.

Mass Effect is a game in the genre of action / RPG, and, therefore, it takes more than an hour, no matter how action-packed, with an emphasis on history. The reach is not more foldable, but you are smart with your mind, but all the same vimagatime for you for a rich hour. Yakshcho pіd hour of Persholi Passennit of the Consum of Residence of the deprivation of iz, then you can go through the year old for 17. On the lattice of the cow of the Male Menchi, the yakscho vyalogi, the Knopokoi X. Tilki, do not overdo it. .


I've taken deakі vіdguki z drive the hour of passage. I had 32 years to go to get 1050 points from my gr, so I thought it was normal. Calling on everything, no. As I said, I went through the group for the first time in 17 years, but I also solved the fact that I just wanted to leave it more, and that I didn’t take care of the achievements of other planets, without defeating the mission of the collection of minerals. As soon as you work out of it, you can boldly, at least, win the hour of passage. Like you, just go through the game, like me, then everything can end quickly.

Krok 1: Character Creation

Krok 2: Normal folding

We need to go to the Citadel to take the attainment of the Teachings. You can skip only one entry - about Proteaniv. You can find out about them from Captain Anderson, what is the cost of your ship. Talk to him about all the sleep, the docks do not take the record. Before the hour of the first passage, I would like to reach the “Ally of Azara” (Liar), and the brothers of the Soldier (Eshlі) in the team to balance the zagіn, the shards of Liar are a pure biotic. To marvel at the helper, to find out, as much as possible you can take Liar to the team. Try not to win over, be-like a task, until you know it, then try to get further hints about reaching. If you do everything correctly, then you take away the reach for Yeshl approximately the same, if it’s the “Prokhіdnik”, and the reach for Liara - after the completion of Feros and Noverії, ale to Virmire. For an hour of passage, accumulate eyepieces for Paragon. If you finish the group of normal folding, you will see Hardcorn.

Krok 3: Folding Hardcore

you can start new group and twist the character's transfer from the first passage to the next. The enemies will be balanced according to your riven, so that they can destroy a lot of things more folded. Also, to become available equals 51-60, you can continue growing. How many times have I taken Kaiden and Garrus from the team. Seek help from the reach of the allies, if everything will be easier once in a while. On this passage, accumulate the eyepieces of the Viewer. If you finish your passage, you will see a shalena folding.

Krok 4: Shalena folding

Continue to play with this character and choose the remaining two allies (for example, you followed the ker_vnitstvu, now it's Tali and Rex). Barefoot once more richly folded, so be drunk.

Lesson 5: Finishing strokes

You, like a soldier, will not have any special abilities, so you will have to create new characters, Adept and Engineer. Warm until quiet feast, until you see all the good things, then beat the skin 75 times on Express Citadel. Evil ІІ - the only reach, if you happen to hit the right enemies, but you can also work on the very cob, on the turrets, if you see Fist. Save yourself before this moment, then take care of your savings, like only evil of their insults. Even though you didn’t take away the necessary more reach for the battle, repair the new game at a lower than normal level with your “great” character (from 2-5 milestones) and finish them off to the end.

Medal of Honor - 100

Complete the passage of Mass Effect once on any difficulty.

Go through the main story. I recommend bi-mostly simple folding. Hi, normal - not hardcore, and veteran - not divine. Just play with the salt, figure out what's what. Accumulate pennies on the advance of the passage. Obov'yazkovo take from yourself, for the sake of the allies themselves. Follow with them all side tasks. Do not boast, the stench will come out later on the march, at different stages.

Medal of Heroism / Medal for Heroism - 25

Complete Feros.

Feros is a planet with colonists and there is no snow there. You need to talk to the leader, kill the gethiv, and then - it's important - talk to him again and turn to people, as if they were charging for food, water and electricity. You need a vikonati їhnі pobіchі zavdannya! If so, rush far along the aeros, see the Exo-Genius, find Elizabeth, turn to the colony. Now either charge the grenades with anti-Thorian gas, or drive them in. To restore respect, scho, even if you didn’t work them up to this task, you can’t even work them up.

Distinguished Service Medal - 25

Complete Iden Prime.

This is the first mission. important: if you want to take away the access for the shalen or the hardcore folding, then put it in the pause menu, but BEFORE you land on Eden Prime! This has been confirmed on the Bioware forums. Just kill all the Getivs, then deactivate the bombs by reaching them and touching A. Then go to the lighthouse and the mission will end.

Council Legion of Merit - 25

Complete Wyrmire.

Virmair is the whole planet, the coordinates of which You take away from Radi. On the back, if you land, you will need to destroy the guards of the PPO, and then destroy the base of the Salarians. You can reconcile with Rex, whoever you want to hide the faces of the "genophage". Don't boast, because you don't have enough Paragon's point or the Adviser, You'll have the opportunity to increase your life in the world. Now you choose who is among the Salarians, Kaiden or Yeshl. Let's wait until the hour of the battle You will need to choose who to vryatuvat. As soon as the character dies, for which you will be romantic, then the stink will end.

Honorarium of Corporate Service - 25

Complete Noveriya.

Noveriya is the whole planet covered with snow. And there you will see Lady Benezia. To go to the garage, you need to help Lorik. Drive into the garage, drive in the gates and into the road. The complex itself will need to activate the core VI. Or go through the riddle in the style of Bashti Hanoi, or spend 100 omni-gel on the price. Then we need to activate the reactor and the ground lines. At the tram, drive in the rails, and then lower the head on the elevator down to the quiet, who is alive, and take off the transfer to the hot laboratory. Activate the purification system and bіzhіt zvіdti. Turn to be quiet, who is alive, ( spoiler) drive in їх. Go to the end in the tunnel. Find Benezia. To kill її, you are guilty, kill the getivs and the special forces of Azari. DO NOT FIGHT HER. After the cob of battle, drive in Azari’s special forces, who attack you, then we’ll be right-handed and drive in the hetivs and special forces. After a break with Benezia, I will attack you again. Kill ALL the enemies, then kill them.

Long Service Medal - 25

Complete the walkthrough of Mass Effect dvіchі on any sort of folding.

After the passage of the game on a simple folding, otherwise, be it another, start a new game with the transferred character. Reconsider that you have changed the folding in the main menu on Hardcore.

UVAGA: If you finish the game, go to Normandy once again, what do you have hardcore folding, so you can kill two birds with one stone! If you land on Iden Prime and the fold is not Hardcore, you do not take away your rightful reach.

Distinguished Combat Medal - 25

Complete Mass Effect once on Hardcore difficulty without changing the difficulty level.

ALL organic enemies have opirnosti. The stench will surely shoot and tear you to pieces. Often winkrittya, but beware of rockets. Win the equipment of Maistra Spektriv and a rich variety of biotic comforts. All enemies have the same raven, just like you.

Medal of Valor / Medal for Vivaga - 50

Complete Mass Effect once on the Chaleno Fold without changing the Fold level.

div " Service Medal» ta « Medal for prominent battles».

Note: At ALL organic enemies, the opirnosti of the stink will be able to shoot and tear you to pieces. Often winkrittya, but beware of rockets. Win the equipment of Maistra Spektriv and a rich variety of biotic comforts. Well, even though life was not given up with raspberries, all the enemies will have riven for yours.

Pistol Expert / Expert with pistols - 10

Charge 150 shots from the Pistol.

The pistol is accessible to us classes, and if you take it easy, you will soon begin to greet yourself with a pistol. Regardless of the class, pump the Pistol so that it fires in the air. If you take it back, use it as often as possible, so the pistol is more effective. Navіt yakscho You do not graєte soldier chi class zі spetsіalіzovanim navchannyam zbroї, tse reach all one can take. It’s more of a headache to think about improving the accuracy on the target, which you can’t fight, and all the stabilizers into a sniper rifle. Tse, obviously, is not so comfortable, like a special class, but rather less than anything. Also, the driving in of partners will not be protected.

Note: Warts are not trained to fight with pistols, but stinks take bonuses for a pistol according to their class deficiencies

The statistics of how skin protection is transferred between passages and kar'єrs. Navit that you will not be able to make 150 cardings in one passage, you can already be transferred to another passage.

Shotgun Expert / Shotgun Expert - 15

Charge 150 shotgun shots.

div " Expert with pistols» for details.

Shotgun training is no longer available to Soldiers and Guards, but you can still reach it. Try to get as close as possible to the gates. The best fight is with the Husks and the Torian's followers, the stink shards themselves rush into the back.

Assault Rifle Expert - 15

Make 150 shots from the Assault Quilt.

div " Expert with pistols» for details.

Only the Soldiers can learn the victoria of the Assault Quilts, but the best ones can be in principle vikoristan be some kind of class. But if it were some other class, it would be possible to concentrate on increased accuracy and also not forget about overheating. Assault gussets are already overheated, so you don’t lash out for cym.

Sniper Expert / Expert with sniper rifles - 15

Make 150 shots with the Sniper rifle.

div " Expert with pistols» for details.

Soldiers and infiltrators are the only class, so they can learn to win sniper rifles, and with a sufficient amount of improvement in other classes, they can also win. Regardless of the class, focus on improving stability so that you don't hit too hard. Є ymovіrnіst, scho navit z polypshennyami vіn all the same to be hit, so, it is possible, to learn how to be so. Tse folding, ale zdіysnenno.

Lift Mastery - 15

Victory building biotics 75 times.

Create an Adept class character, stink shards can win all biotic possibilities. Attack the Citadel and take the Citadel Express for the meta. Vykoristovyte Pidyom, Kidok, Deformation, Singularity, Stasis and Bar'er (if you want yoga You can turn it on simply, if it's more). Then, check until the balance is restored, and repeat the procedure until the reach is reached. To alleviate the situation A rush of adrenaline, the shards of the wines in the wake of all the goodness.

Note: The good fortune of the allies is not secured in anyone's reach

Throw Mastery - 15

Vykorist the building of the biotic "Kidok" 75 times.

div " Maysternist to pidyom» for details.

Warp Mastery / Warp Mastery - 15

Victory the building of biotic "Deformation" 75 times.

div " Maysternist to pidyom» for details.

Singularity Mastery - 15

Vykorist the biotic building "Singularity" 75 times.

div " Maysternist to pidyom» for details.

Barrier Mastery - 15

Victory the building of the biotic "Bar'er" 75 times.

div " Maysternist to pidyom» for details.

Stasis Mastery - 15

Conquer the building of biotic "Stazis" 75 times.

div " Maysternist to pidyom» for details.

Damping Specialist - 15

Win over the most important field 75 times.

In order to gain access, it is necessary to become an Engineer. To win, to press and to choose a bazhan building, to press. You can assign a button to a preference by pressing , but to activate the preference, you need to press it more. Alas, there are only a few in that mood, as if you were working at the same time for the price of building.

Win a rush of adrenaline, so that you can see more vibrancy.

The good fortune of the allies will not be protected.

AI Hacking Specialist / Specialist for Evil II - 15

Swallow Evil II 75 times.

You are guilty of being an engineer.

The only access to the grі, yak Vi POVINNI obov'yazkovo robit on the enemies. Pump up the back to level 10 and use all the eyepieces on the building of the evil II. Then you can slander whether there are enemies, you will shut up with them. You will understand that evil is coming, if the enemy attacks his own people more often, and on the husband’s energy it will be ordered that he is guilty of evil.

Just know your own turret. Stop the building, save yourself, get inspiration and repeat it. People recommend the essence of Fist as an especially good moment, to the one who has two turrets in the office. Save yourself before this battle, break the insults of the turrets and take care of the savings. Evils will be protected, you won’t save yourself after skin surgery.

Overload Specialist / Fahivets z revantazhennya - 15

Win overshift shields 75 times.

div " Fahivets strangled».

Sabotage Specialist / Specialist for sabotage - 15

Victory Sabotage 75 times.

div " Fahivets strangled».

First Aid Specialist / First Aid Specialist - 15

Whisk honey-gel 150 times.

For some access, just press the button. Change your mind, what is wrong with you, otherwise the game will not let you beat the media-gel. Reach out to be transferred to other passages. Nayimovіrnіshe, You deny access after passing on Hardcore.

Neural Shock Specialist / Neural Shock Specialist - 15

Whisk Neuron Shock 75 times.

div " Fahivets strangled»

(Do not work on the Citadel Express. Land on a planet that victorious building on Mako).

Scholar / Uchen - 25

Know all the important races of aliens: races of Consuls, Wimerly races, Non-consular races in the description of the "Code".

You can reach this point, but you can also work at the early stages of the fire, so that you can turn around until the next day. To take away the access, you need to know the entry to the Code for the skin race in gr. In order to know all the records, you will also need to collect “Recognize” from the walk and move with the characters, for the option of dialogue to know the language of the language. Actual records can be taken away with a few ways, if only one single one, the very same access can be taken. To take a look at the skin record, look at the points below:

Aliens: Rasi Radi

Azari: Automatically turns off after the first hit from Radoy Citadel from Saren's drive; Talk to Safiriya. You can find the number of embassies at the reception.

Salarians: Automatically picks up after the first hit from the Rado Citadel from Saren's drive.
Turian: Automatically answered after the first conversation with Captain Andersen and Nihlus.

Aliens: Wimerly Race

Protheani (Record can be skipped): First hour of the first time with Captain Andersen and Nihlus, “please”, if you can, Protheani may be one of the food options; After becoming a Spectrum, you will be embarrassed to talk to Ambassador Udina and Captain Andersen. After that, like Udina pide, ask Anderson more about Noveriya.

Rakhni: At the Presidium of the Citadel, go to the terminal Avini entrusted with the majestic statue of Krogan. Talk to her, "investigate" and ask about Rachni; On Noveriya, this entry can be viewed as two characters: Khan Olar, volus-scientist and Yaroslav Tartakovsky - the rest of the people, with yakim you are guilty to speak in Noverії.

Aliens: Rasi, yaki do not enter before Radi

Batarians: After you officially become a Specter, ask Captain Andersen at Normandy about the past day. You can ask yoga about it at any other hour, if you turn to the Citadel. You will be in the office of Udine at the embassies at the Presidency; As soon as the hour of the creation of the character You will get the Cosmonaut or the Colonist, then you will take away the special special quests. For any of these quests, you also take a note.

Elkori: At the embassies near the Presidium of the Citadel, talk to Kalin and ask yoga about Elklors; Talk to Noveria from Petoz. Vіn is one of the poorest Elkor in Noverії, so it's not important to know.

Geti: "Know" from Ashley Williams, if you'll know beforehand on Eden Prime; After the completion of the task for Iden Prime, after the return to Normandy, ask Captain Anderson about it.

Hanari: In shopping center Citadel in the Presidency to talk to the hanar merchant named Delan. Ask yogo about the manner of speaking. From the other side of the Presidium, talk to Khanar, who preaches Rozpalyuvachiv.

Okhorontsі: Elevator in Prezidії, which leads to Radi, may terminal Avіna and Okhoronets nearby. Ask Avina about the Keepers; Speak to the Salarians in the name of Shorban and accept this task. Vіn skanuє Zberigach, just on your way to Radi, it's not important to mention it.

Krogany: Get the plot right. The record will be shown if you take Rex away from the team.

Quarries: Get to the plot. The record is visible if you take Tali from the team.

Volusi: At the Embassies at the Presidium of the Citadel, there is also an ambassador-Elcor. Talk to Volus in the name of Din Korlak and ask about the yoga race; Talk from the Avina terminal at the exit of the Embassies, ask about Volus.

Completionist / Passer - 25

Go through more of the gris.

Under the greater part of the grit, it seems that the amount of what has been reached is unknown. I recommend taking two allies and following them to the end. Try not to start the quest without the characters you need. The Greek has approximately 70 secondary tasks, including the main ones. So it's about 60 to Ila. Even though you did not take away the access to find that, then you need to follow the galaxy and win the quest. Don't forget to talk to your allies so that you can take the quests out of them.

Note! If you pass the upgrade, then you will significantly improve your chances of gaining the achievement. І Vee, better for everything, take away all the benefits, tie up with allies, before you break on Іl, you will go through an additional one.

Below is a list of missions for grі:


  • Prologue: Know the Lighthouse
  • Citadel: Vikrittya Sarena
  • Citadel: Garrus
  • Citadel: Rex
  • Feros: Destroy the colony
  • Noveria: Matriarch Benezia
  • Noveriya: Lorik Kin
  • Noveriya: Summit 15
  • Noveriya: Repair of the reactor
  • Noveriya: Making a line call
  • Noveria: Infected
  • Noveriya: Hot Laboratories
  • Noveriya: Station "Rasselina"
  • Know Liara T'Soni
  • Іl: Know the Channel
  • Race for an hour

Side quests:

  • Citadel: Scan Guardians
  • Citadel: Prophet of the Presidency
  • The Citadel
  • Citadel: Fan
  • Citadel: Sister Reeti
  • Citadel: Marvelous Signal
  • Citadel: Jalid ta Shorban
  • Citadel: Way to Dodomu
  • Citadel: Hromadska Press
  • Citadel: Simeina on the right
  • Citadel: Azari Companion
  • Citadel: Old Friends
  • Citadel: Zoltan of Preemption
  • Citadel: Put a bug
  • Citadel: Shells and Yoga Information
  • Citadel: Conversation Hole
  • Galactic missions: Known staff
  • Galactic missions: VI, scho devout,
  • Galactic missions: Handguard
  • Galactic Mission: Major Kyle
  • Galactic Mission: Lich's Signal
  • Galactic Missions: Known Pikhotintsy
  • Galactic missions: Caperi
  • Galactic Mission: Warlocks
  • Galactic Mission: Records of the Matriarchs
  • Galactic missions: Dead ages
  • Galactic Mission: Turian Emblems
  • Galactic Minerals: Minerals [Reasonable earth: 20, I select 23. Gas: 6, I select 10. Heavy metals: 20, I select 25. Light metals: 20, I select 22]
  • Galactic missions: Follow the war [Identification tokens: 3, I chose 4]
  • Galactic missions: Negotiate
  • Galactic missions: Cerberus [NOTE: One more side quest, engagement with Cerberus, at the purveyor Stix Theta, vin not appearing in the journal, please leave the ship].
  • Galactic Mission: Prothean Disks
  • Galactic missions: A known freighter
  • Galactic Mission: Spy Probe
  • Galactic missions: Psi Aida
  • Galactic missions: Interventions module
  • Galactic Mission: Geth Invasion
  • Galactic Mission: Exo-Gen Complex
  • Galactic Missions: Colonies
  • Galactic Mission: Abandoned Ship
  • Galactic Missions: Post Alpha
  • Galactic Mission: Post Theta
  • Galactic missions: Sigma-23
  • Virmire: Rex
  • Virmair: Team Kirakhi

NOTE: Complete all tasks on Feros before you break on aerokosh!

  • Feros: Take the Dani
  • Feros: Elementi Eating
  • Feros: Meat boiled
  • Feros: Geti in the tunnels
  • Feros: Water Supply
  • Noveriya: Spying
  • Diplomacy Azari


  • Garrus: Likar Saleon
  • Rex
  • Pilgrimage Tali

Tactician / Tactician - 25

Complete the passage of Mass Effect with higher shields, lower health.

Just go through the group and take more money on shields more, lower on health. Use ukritts often. It’s easier to become a soldier, shards of wine can wear important armor. Yakomoga earlier Know good armor with 4 female shields, and take your reach without any problems. Also, it’s better to take away the access to the first hour of the first passage, even on Hardcore and Bogeville You will take significantly more expenses.

Medal of Exploration - 50

Land on an unreachable planet.

It’s even easier to reach, especially as you are choosing to work, whether it’s reaching, necessary to complete the greater part of the Gri. Most of the side quests from the grі are rebuying on the unfinished planets, for this you are to blame for the achievement of the achievement even more quickly. As soon as you land on an unreachable planet, reach it. You don't need anything to work, just land before Mako.

Note: Terum, planet, de Wee you will know Liara, not secured for any access Planet, you will land on Yaku Vi, may be optional for passage and in no way related to the plot.

Rich / Bagach - 25

Accumulate over 1,000,000 credits.

Only the reach of the truth can sound so graceful, and the grit has a sufficient amount of pennies. Smear everything, pick up everything you can and skilki you can, and sell everything that you don’t win. Also give pennies for the quest for side quests, and work more for them.

If you take away the access, you will be given access to the Spektrіv in the CBC store. For the best money in the country, then buy everything there that is.

Dog of War / Dog of war - 25

Repair 150 organic enemies.

Put more ammo on your armor and on your allies. Drive in all the surroundings of Getiv and metal vorogiv. Zreshtoy, You take away your reach. So, reach to be carried at the foot of the passage. Check out side quests. The chief of Cerberus has a particularly rich number of recruits.

Geth Hunter / Myslyvets na getiv - 25

Repair 250 synthetic enemies.

Put on the zbroya the improvement of Tungsten cartridges. Under the synthetic foes, geti rise, or turrets, or be-like other mechanical foes. Even though we did not take away the reach of Virmair, do not boast. In the rest of the day there will be plenty of such enemies. Watch side quests, at the lighthouses you will always find Getiv’s ambush.

Soldier Ally - 20

Complete more of the gris with an Alliance Soldier as a party partner.

div " Walker”, to know more. Tse access is given for Yeshli.

Work a lot of side quests. Do not boast, because you are taking away the reach of one, and then another ally. For one passage, you can take off only two. You can take your reach to Ilu, so that you know all the possible side tasks of that main mission. Add-on "Death from Heaven" to help you gain access.

Preparing to reach:

  • Complete Iden Prime
  • Virushat the Citadel, talk from Rada
  • Find Kharkyn (Kory's Lair), Garrus (Med-Vidsik) and Rex (CBC)
  • Find out with Fist (Ale, don’t pick up your yoga tablet!)
  • Vryatyte Tali
  • Speak from Rada, take away the name Spectra
  • Blame on Terum and lie to Liar

Now you have all allies. At this moment, wrap two and wink and in the SKIN MISSION. If you don’t have an ally, one who can slander, but you need wine to take the task, switch to the new one, take the task, and immediately switch back.

Like children with two allies:

  • Complete the task at the Citadel
  • Complete the task as soon as possible
  • Complete "Death from Heaven" DLC (variety - 400MSP)
  • Pass Noveriya
  • Pass Feros
  • Turn back to the Citadel and complete the task, rozpochat on Noverії/Ferosі
  • Pass Wyrmire (Don't hit Rex!)
  • Turn again to the Citadel

Until this moment, you already have the responsibility to reach, but still, lie on Il and finish the game. A lot of people were taken away from their reach (with the head rank for Liara) in the rest of the mission.

YOU DO NOT NEED TO WORK FOR THE REPRESENTATION OF SOMETHING FOR THIS RESPONSIBILITY! - This is a nameless day, and even if the stink and zarahuyutsya so, the stench is 100% not needed for their reach, navit for Liari.

Sentinel Ally / Varti Ally - 20

Go through more of the gris with the Guard of the Alliance as a partner in the group.

div " Soldier's Ally». All access is given for Kaidan.

Krogan Ally - 20

Get through more of the gris with Krogan as a group partner.

div " Soldier's Ally». Tse access is given for Rex.

Turian Ally - 20

Go through more of the gris with the Turian as a partner in the group.

div " Soldier's Ally». All access is given for Garrus.

Quarian Ally - 20

Go through more of the gris with Kvoriankoy as a partner in the group.

div " Soldier's Ally». Tse access is given for Tali.

Asari Ally - 20

Pass more part of the gris with Azari as a partner in the group.

div " Soldier's Ally». This access is given for Liara.

Power Gamer / Strong gravel - 20

Reach level 50 with one character.

Vicone a lot of side jobs. If you know everything, then until the end of the first passage, better for everything, you will be in the region of the 40th river. This is also a glitch, for which you will be given 300 points to prove: Find Liara, if she is still caught in a black field! Drive in the enemies, save yourself, take advantage of the savings. Hello, you take 300 proof! It is recommended to work less on the early levels. So, as you know in the battle on Mako, it’s better to fight from the new one and fight like a fiend. So give more proof.

Extreme Power Gamer / Strong Grave - 50

Reach level 60 with one character.

You must complete the group once, if only to gain access to level 51-60. Zagalom you need 862,100 points to reach 60 points. So, as you know in the battle on Mako, it’s better to fight from the new one and fight like a fiend. So give more proof.

Renegade / Visitor - 15

Earn 75% referral points.

div " Paragon».

Paragon / Paragon - 15

Earn 75% points for Paragon.

On Noveria, wait for the viscount of the head of Lorik Quinn, in which you will need to spy Salariantsya (Anoleys, administrator of his own special office). Vіn vіdkrіє closed elevator, go there and find proof. At the exit you will meet Gianna (the lady from the reception), talk to her and wait a minute at the bar/hotel. Vaughn ask you to reconcile Lorik with Anoleis, wait and talk to Lorik. In rosemary, you need to do this:

Krok 1:

  • Replica vhori right-handed
  • Replica vgorі zlіva (Paragon)
  • Replica from the bottom of the evil (Vidstupnik)

Krok 2:

  • Talk to him again
  • (Evil) Matriarch Benezia
  • (Bottom right hand)
  • *Repeat Krok 1*

Repeat qi two steps for being straight, docks do not take away your reach, then move on to another straight line. Just remember that it’s necessary to pump that straightening up the back, like you don’t need for your hero, so if you pump straightening up to a friend, you have lost yourself s tієї, as you want.

Note: In order for you to have available replicas to Paragon or the Speaker, you can have enough Charm points or Charm points to the key characters on the screen of the character.

Paramour / Kokhanets - 10

Complete the romantic line.

By stretching the grill, you can talk to the members of the team and get to know them better. With singing characters, as V often speaks to them, V can have a romantic sing. Characters with which you can draw a love line, lie down according to your status, and then such options:

Shepard-person: Yeshlі Williams, Liara T'Soni

Female Shepard: Kayden Alenko, Liara T'Soni

If you choose a character that you want to start a romance with, always speak with him after the skin task, and always choose heroic or neutral characters, so as not to break the love line. But if you show interest, nothing will happen until the end of the year. If you decide to go to Ailos, the character will come to you, continue to treat romance, and you will be able to ask for a night. If the video ends, You take away your reach.

Specter Inductee / Specter Summoner - 15

Become a Spectrum.

You can't miss this storyline and it's impossible to miss it. After Iden Prime, you will go to the Citadel, de may turn right to Saren. Follow the plot and as a result, they will tell you about the person who is, how I get information, how I conjure up a hospital. If you know an informer and contact Rada, You will officially become a Spectrum, and you will reach the reach.

Charismatic / Charismatic - 10

Vykoristovyte Sharm or Zalyakuvannya to adjust the unresolved situation.

In grіє є dvі "nervous" situations, for skin z yakої need more high rіven Sharma or Zalyakuvannya. Concentrate on pumping less than one time, there is no sense to stain the eyepieces on the eyelids. If you don't have enough high rіven, you won't be able to regulate the situation. Offenses from the situation are blamed on the other half of the grie, and in the distance spoilers for the quiet, who have not gone so far yet.

The first situation is to hang out on Virmair, it's worth Rex. If you find out that Saren's vicarious complex is on this planet, in order to know the faces of the genophage, and destroy the laboratory, Rex will show dissatisfaction with your decisions. You are guilty to talk to him and try to explain why it is necessary to find a laboratory. If you have more than 8 points, if you are a navichi, you can get to the new one, and you will be able to fight further, and you will take away your reach.

Another situation occurs at the finals of the Gri, on the Citadel. If you reach the top of the veil and eat to the chambers of the Radi, You will see Saren. After roaming with him, You are guilty of reconciliation of Yogo, that Yogo's will is rebuked under the control of the Reaper, and there is only one way to overcome it. You can still have a high level of novice, so that the replica becomes available. If you can change your mind, put your hands on yourself, you will take away your reach.

Search and Rescue / Poshuk and Poryatunok - 10

Find the Healer Liara T'Son in the Artemis Tau shop.

One of the three possible places, where you can get better after zustrichi from the Rada, already being a Spectrum. Here you are responsible to know Liara T'Son, one of the team members who are being recruited. On the vіdmіnu vіd іnshih zavdan you weren't told, on the very planet it's required shukati. Vіdomo less than what the skuchenniy Artemis Tau has. She is located on the planet Terum near the Knossos system. On the cob of mission you will be on Mako, but after a few checkpoints you will go on your own two, you will destroy the Crooking Geth Tank. If the battle is to be deprived of it, then Liar and vryatuvati vryatuvat її. For whom you happen to fight with the mini-boss - Krogan.

Supplement "Death from Heaven"

Varity: 400MSP Access: 1 Eyepieces: 50

Colonial Savior / Savior of the colony - 50

Complete the mission “Death from Heaven”.

You have an order to have Normandy and a Galactic map. Crash into the Asgrad system at the purchased Wihid and land on the Asteroid X57. There are three quests here to bring you closer to the reach of allies and that passerby.

  • Death from Heaven
  • Do not perish on the minefield
  • Known engineers.

Addendum "Station Vershina"

Varity: 400MSP Access: 3 Eyepieces: 150

Undisputed / Bezperechny - 50

Complete the mission for the survival of Achern.

If you break records in 12 combat scenarios, Admiral Ahern asks you to take part in the final scenario. Accept yoga proposition, for a while. Head back to the center of the location and get data from the great object. Let's turn back to the exits, de started, then activate the turret. Now you will need to wipe 5 quills. Win partners and biotic vibes - the stench will help you. If you pass 5 hvilin, you take away your reach.

New Sheriff in Town - 50

Take the first place in any combat scenario at Vershina Station.

div " The best of the best».

Best of the Best - 50

Take the first place in twelve combat scenarios at Vershina Station.

Usy є 12 combat scenarios, in which you can take a fate, skin can be different. As soon as you will take the first months in the pochatkovyh 8 missions, additional 4 are required.

Usogo 4 types of missions: For an hour, Zakhoplennya, Vizhivannya, Poluvannya. Leather type may have its own benefits for the first month. Wimogi for the first mist so:

  • For the next hour (Warehouse) - 01:24:67
  • Hour (At the tropics) - 01:20:94
  • By the hour (Near the volcano) - 01:54:61
  • Zakhoplennya (Near the volcano) - 02:00:53
  • Zakhoplennya (At the tropics) - 01:58:67
  • Zakhoplennya (Under the earth) - 01:29:47
  • Vizhivannya (Near the volcano) - 01:31:83
  • Vizhivannya (At the tropics) - 01:46:43
  • Vizhivannya (Under the earth) - 02:20:57
  • Poluvannya (Under the earth) - 35
  • Poluvannya (Near the volcano) - 43
  • Poluvannya (Near the tropics) - 50

In the mode of the Hour of You, it is your fault to drive in all the enemies for the singing hour. The intake is similar to the whole regime, but instead of slaughtering for the first hour, it is necessary to stand up for the skin point and drink it for the singing hour. Survival needs a singing hour, testing will end if you die. At the watering of You, drive in the number of enemies for the singing hour.

Usі zavdannya (not іndivіdualіnі vyprobuvannya) zahrahovuetsya for the reach of Prokhodichіk and Allies.

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