How quickly clean the cable from the insulation. How to clean the cable from insulation without vipalu Mechanical attachments for removing insulation from industrial wires.

Hardly chi varto talk about those that color metal can be high varty and today. The most expensive metal jacket for a building with a method of removing the tax and power cables.

In fact, they have the highest purity of metal. And in another way, the cable is connected with an electric cable, so as not to allow it to be twisted with a high level of efficiency. It is impossible to fool with the reception of colored metals. Pennies will be seen on the stand not only for vag, but for the purity of proponated syrovin.

Different ways of remote isolation

It’s not surprising, but if you want to build a power cable on a colored beam (and more power cables can be made in your warehouse of copper, aluminum, lead, etc.) you need to try. Crazy, there are a few methods of removing insulation coatings:

  • vipaluvannya;
  • manually removed;
  • machine removed.

Vipalyuvannya іzolyatsіynogo pokrittya may іє mіsce іn аrе rіdkіsnyh vipadkakh. As a rule, it is not possible to vicoristize this method. More precisely, vikoristovuvati yogo nothing can be fenced.

Ale, when vipalyuvannya, the brightness of the syrovin can be summed up, which will lead to the actual reduction in price. The essence can be described as follows. Today, a lot of models of power cables can be made of aluminum or lead mesh, armored, etc.

Obviously, at high temperatures, the mesh is easily melted. As a result, you will get confused. Before the speech, mid, yak is clouded with lead, practically nothing is wart.

Also, it is possible to beat a similar technique of remote isolation, even if it is a hundred times lacquer.

Manual vs machine

If you are talking about a private person, if you are planning to build n-well, a lot of power cable for coloring, then it is unlikely that you can have a special possession, as you can allow the insulation to be seen clearly.

Zvichayno, children in this way can happen on their own. The bottom line is that behind the help of the electrician of the knife, there is a manual removal of the insulating coating from the skin dart.

Tse occupies a great amount of time, then I don’t suffer the same amount of syrovin. You can work it out otherwise. The receiving station is guaranteed to have the necessary equipment for remote insulation from power cables.

For a penny sum, let them speed up. Otherwise, take the unbroken sirovina for the virahuvannyam tsієї sumi.

See also:

The video demonstrates a verstat, which ensures that the insulation cover of power cables and wires is secure:

How to clean wire

At the process of installation of wires, one of the most important steps is to remove the insulation. It doesn’t matter aluminum drіt, medny, enamel coating or plastic insulation, in a skin-smooth way, it is necessary to trim the technology when cleaning it. If you ignore the recommendations and think about how to clean the wire, the technical characteristics of the prepared electrical system will be low. Let's take a look at a few techniques for solving insulation from various wires and coverings.

Features of the wiring

Single-core and multi-core darts

Conduct two types:

  1. Single-core.
  2. Bagatozhilnі.

Under a single-core one, it runs on a wire, in which a peretin is settled with one wire or a wire. As soon as there are rich people, then the cut of such a dart is settled with thin wires, like in such vipads they are intertwined among themselves. So that the rich-bodied thread is springy and elastic, to add a thread to the structure, as if guessing kapron. With the improvement of these features, the technology of removing isolation from the skin can be improved.

Cleaning with a knife

Correctly straightening the blade

When the insulation is removed with a knife, it is not possible to pierce the stake with a dart with a tree at a perpendicular position - it can make the notch of the middle lived. As a result, with a small wire wound, it is easy and fast to break on its own in the same area, especially as you undertook to clean up wires of 0.6-0.8 mm. After a few deaths, the wire will be broken again. When cleaning up the dart with a knife, the blade is guilty but practically in the same plane as the whole dart. In front of the isolation zrіzaєtsya vzdovzh lived. Rozryzana vzdovzh іzolyatsіya vіdvodіtsya killed and just zіzaєtsya.

With this option of znyattya іzolyatsії it is important to protect, shards easily injure hands.

Vikoristannya bokoriziv

Cleaned with bokorizami

Such an instrument, like a bokoriz, is often victoriously misplaced. The tool is taken into the hands as it happens, we do not betray respect for straight cutting edges. With the wrong vikoristannі bokorіzіv happen to report the great zusil. In addition, in such a state of mind, there is a great risk, which will lead to isolation at once.

It is important that the cutting edges were straightened at the edge of the protilezhny ruhu tool. With this option, it is useful to try to insulate in case of insignificant sussilli. As a result, the insulation with a tube can be seen from the surface of the living, without injuring you.

reflow method

Cleaned for the help of a soldering iron

For the presence of the soldering iron, it is possible to quickly remove the insulation using a thermal method. For this, heat the tip of the soldering iron and lightly pass it over the plastic insulation. When the plastic is heated, it melts and rises. This method does not damage the conductor. If you need to strip a large number of wires with such a winding, it is recommended to use a special attachment. For example, it will be necessary to specially vip on wood, which earlier was known as a “vizorunok”.

The reflow method is the most efficient, as your wiring is old. After a trivial term of exploitation, the plastic winding on the darts becomes thick and thin. Tim is bigger, as if from under the box, he looked at two or three centimeters and the wire cutters could not fit him. And if you use a igniter or use a soldering iron, then clean the wire.

And what about enameling?

Enamelled darts

As a conductor of a thickness of 0.2 mm, the best option would be a mechanical method of removing the insulation. For whom victorious, it is necessary to use under or emery papyrus, with which insulation is obtained.

  • To cut the cable, which may be thinly insulated, you can beat the emery paper with a fine cut. Zignit її navpіl emery middle. Let's wind up the cable at the folded sheet of emery, lightly pressing your fingers, pull the wire. The following procedure should be followed by doti, the enamel docks cannot be cleaned.
  • As a twist of a knife, it is necessary to lay part of the cable on a solid foundation. Then it is necessary to turn yoga on the stake until quiet feasts, until the enamel is sealed from the surface of the conductor.

If the conductor is thinner and if the diameter is less than 0.2 mm, then the mechanical method will be ineffective. Because of this, the enamel of the result will not fall asleep, but the conductor itself may be damaged. In this way, you can master the thermochemical method with a soldering iron and chlorvinyl insulation. Heat the soldering iron on the back, then put chlorvinyl on the steel, and lead the beast through the new one with a soldering iron. Under the infusion of high temperature, chlorine is vibrated, which cleans the wire from the enamel.

In most vipads, such darts are zastosovuyutsya during radio communication, and the veins themselves are wound on inductive coils. Another wine can be called - litzendrat. Behind your eyes, you see a great number of thin wires, which are wound into one conductor and covered with enamel.

Not less than tsikavy is another option for removing enameled insulation from drota. You need to get some aspirin tablets. Wires are laid on them and they can be passed through in a similar way with the tip of a soldering iron. As a result, it will be exposed and plus it will be misleading.

Visible fluoroplastic insulation

Fluoroplastic insulation

Under the fluoroplast, the polymer is exposed to UVA, which is viroblyated by the chemical method. Vin may have a number of positive characteristics, for example, it does not get wet in water and may be highly resistant to organic speech. Yogo technical characteristics allow to maintain temperatures up to 300 ° C! As insulation is an ideal option, but the head nedolіk is a high price. At vyazku z tsim yogo vicorist in special vipadkas. At the expense of the wines, there are a lot of radioamators, so that after the soldering of the wines, it looks aesthetically pleasing, takes up three months and is not repaid.

The material itself has the shape of a thin thin stitch. Vaughn, at her waist, is tightly wound on a bundle of rich-bodied drіt. You can only clean such insulation with a knife. Fluoroplast is cured to the required life. As soon as it was exposed, the insulation was brought to the need for a long time, and the fluoroplastic, which was left, was taken in.

Isolation from fabrics, gums are cleaned, be it from resurfacing more methods. Golovnya, don't let the cracks in the main one live!

Automatic stripper

All refurbishment is more than manual methods. The stench will spend more than an hour that respect, not seeming already about the dosvіd, if there is about rich-bodied darts with a small peretin. As you work in this area, and you regularly need to clean the darts from the insulation, then more often automate the process. For this purpose, the ticks are specially developed, or else they are called a stripper.


For the help of the stripper, the insulation can be seen in one onslaught of the valley. Let's look at how to clean darts, vicorist striper model WS-04.

Technical characteristics of striper WS-04:

  • It is possible to insulate and cut darts Ø0.5–2.7 mm from a crossbar of 0.2 to 6.0 mm2 without front lashing.
  • When the microscopic screw is fixed, insulation can be removed from a thin needle with a diameter of 0.25 to 0.5 mm.
  • The stripper allows you to crimp on the wires of the connector without insulation, insulation or car darts under the hanging clamp of 0.8-2.7 mm.

Understanding the isolation

Behind his sight, the striper guesses the ticks, at the end of the day, his fists are important. The upper cams are rotten, and the lower cams are stationary. For the dart, serve the lion's steam, and the rights for the znyattya are the insulation. At the first crank of the handle, the left fist closes the wire, and the right fist cuts into insulation with its sharp edge. In the case of constant zvezhel, isolation is progressively removed from the door. The process of stripping a dart with a stripper takes a few seconds.

3 multi-core cable

The process of subsequent operation with a stripper model WS-04 with a single-core, rich-core and two-core wire:

  1. Prov_d start between cutting knives, yak_ roztashovyatsya on the inside of the handle. Let's send them a message. As a result, the dart comes out without deformation. For por_vnyannya in the air with wire cutters, they are constantly flattened and the trochs are zagostryuєtsya.
  2. At the approaching stage, one end of the dart will wind up between a rumomy and an unruly sponge. After squeezing the handles, the insulation is removed. With such a robot, there are no daily marks on the conductor.
  3. In order to adjust the exact length of the insulation, as you know, you can speed up with a blue, rumpled edger.
  4. On the double dart, the insulation is removed by the stripper in two passes.
  5. From the first call, a chlorine-vinyl tube is used.
  6. At another stage, the isolation of two darts is removed at the same time.

An hour of work can be no more than 5 seconds!

In addition, the stripper can be twisted to remove the insulation of the telephone cable before pressing it into the RJ-11 connector. As soon as the twine is won, then with one hand the isolation of the darts is lifted.

Also, a stripper can be used to remove screened darts. We must first of all respect what it is necessary to carry out in a folded way, especially if it is folded, as a thin conductor. Otzhe, we are going to take insulation from screen braiding. In order to expose the central wire, braiding is spread behind the additional head or spike. You will be left with one ruh with a stripper and conducting calls in the insulation. Clean the screenings manually by the worker of the robot, especially if you have only lower hands. It is easy to damage the knife with a knife!

Otzhe, the stripper is a universal tool, which cleans various darts from insulation.

coaxial cable

coax cable

You can strip the insulation on the coaxial cable with your own hands. If you want to have something cheap and affordable for you, we will tell you about those, how to work with wire cutters and a knife. As a rule, such a cable is used for connecting satellite TV and for standard F.

See coax cable

Pokrokov's instruction how to strip coaxial wire:

  1. Take the cable directly from your body.
  2. Take a clerical bottom and press on the cable with a straight cut into the end of the cable on a 2.5 cm opening.
  3. At this stage, it is necessary to cut through the outer casing, braiding, foil ball and dielectric pin. Most of the vipadkiv won't be able to white color. She herself has been honed by such versions. At the process of zanurennya climb into the cable you can see the singing opera. Like only, the climb went halfway through the dart to put less pressure on the new one. It's important not to harm the central vein!
  4. Dali sled to walk through the stake cable. In case of this, be careful, so as not to leave a notch on the vein.
  5. Now for the cutting of the edge of the insulation, pull that twist. With such actions you can remove the end of the insulation.
  6. If you want to wash the wires with the cable sheath, then cut them with wire cutters so that the stench does not go beyond the edge of the sheath. It is important to follow up on the checks. As such, then, the above described procedure must be repeated.
  7. The dielectric pin may often be lost on the main conductor. You can see it simply with nothing.
  8. To connect the cable with connector F, remove a small part of the upper sheath in front.
  9. For which view of the front hand, in the air, take the height of the millimeters. Make incisions on the upper shell. Yak і in the front slope, nadr_z fight perpendicularly to the wire. Be careful not to chain the weave. In some modifications of the F connector, the remote braiding does not require much, and in others, on the other hand, it can be seen.
  10. If you don’t sing, which is necessary for your type of braiding, then fill it with timchasovo. Dane braiding is known as a dielectric pin. Її postings to make a community less for a human hair, then the whole robot should be neatly wound. Now it’s necessary to tear yourself up with a kіchik climbing all over the dart.
  11. Know the weight of the cable sheath, so that the conductor is left without a dielectric pin, turned into a winding.
  12. The weave zagortaetsya over the outer shell. So, the electrician is getting naked. At this stage, pay attention to the power of the F-connector: which one can throw a dart at your own pace.
  13. Between the braid and the central residential line, but also all possible wiring. On the white dielectric it will be remembered.
  14. An F-connector is placed on the end of the cable.
  15. The electrician is guilty of buti on the day of the connector after landing on the new one. It is unacceptable, schob vin looking chi not reaching the bottom of the connector.

F connector

At the same time, it is not permissible to plug the sting with the F-connector.

The F-connector is now ready for operation.

Knives for stripping cable insulation

Special lower

Okremo varto say about special knives, as they are without intermediary vikoristovuyutsya for removing insulation from the cable. For example, the most popular one is the lower one. The process of exploitation of wines is richly successful for clerical work. More than that, the hell out of a thick forest, you can make them feel better and smarter. It will be easy to cut the insulation of the wire, and cut the cable to the air: whatever is necessary. Such a hook is good to stick into the sheath of the cable, so it won’t jump out of it. However, such a tool cannot overcome everything, because it cannot provide a good stripping of the cable.

Introduction to the second special

Insulation removal tool

Robotic wines are simpler. For the spadix, use a special brace with your thumb. The very same pіd neї vy prosuvatimete provіd. At this place, a small bottom looks out from the handle, which wraps around the axis. After laying the cable, the clamp is pressed down to the first knife. Rob two or three turns around the dart until the cut is completed. Now, without viymayuchi drіt, pull the tool from the susilla at the bіk kіntsya. Lower turn and rіzatim vzdovzh shell. In the country, it is enough to simply take a part of the work and continue the work.

The only shortfall of such a pritosuvannya lies in the fact that it is necessary to set the amount of money without any middle ground for the depth of that chi of a different type of dart. For nailing, you can vicorate a wreathed dart.

Also, such a lower does not cope successfully with the adopted isolation. Therefore, the attachment can flatten a thin cable in case of careless actions.

Otzhe, we looked at the widest methods, how to remove insulation from the door. Possibly, one of the methods described above will be intimidating to your taste. Successful work!

How to clean the darts from the insulation on the color

Mіdniy drіt - rіch dosit widened. Yogo vikoristovuyut for carrying out, and znosheniya іz satisfied priymayut like a colorful metal brucht.

As a rule, such a coating is covered with a thick shell, and enamel or plastic is used as insulation. If you vy vyrishili build midi near St. Petersburg, then before tsim є sens clear the wire, shards of tse in the raze yogo vartist.

Rating options for insulation

Іsnuє sprat cleaning methods:

  1. Vikoristanny stationery knife. This option is the simplest and most accessible. Everything happens in two stages: the husk of the back is cut on the stake, and then - on the old one, only after that you can take the insulation. However, such children are unsafe - you can get hurt with a forest, like it’s out of the blue.
  2. Take a rіzak for paper, kindly close one tip of the dart and lower it close to the dart - the insulation will rise.
  3. Heating the honey dart to melt the insulation. Such an operation should be carried out on small plots, but it’s also necessary to carry out such an operation.
  4. Hammer - they just hit the dart, the insulation docks will not break. This option is laborious and takes a lot of time.

Another option is to use a special installer's knife equipped with a hook. Vіn zruchnіshiy for clerical work, to that sho vyklyuє zіskovzuvannya lez: tuck good vpivaetsya in іzolyatsіyu and vyskochiti zvіdti can't. To that, an incision can be taken off even more quickly without any annual cuts.

Special tool

Everything is richer, smarter and simpler, so we can quickly add it, which you can come to the store at once. Go about the stripper.

The cost of wine is not too expensive, but the quality of the work demonstrates wisdom. The principle of yoga dії is this.

The stripper's handle has a small knife that wraps around the axle. It is necessary to pull the bracket on the tool with your finger and put it under it - you can squeeze it to the knife.

Now the sprat tool is once again wrapped around the dart and the cuts come out on the shell. They gave the stripper to pull at the end of the dart, to get hot and to break the tears of the uzdovzh.

Then the insulation is easily removed. Like bachite, manipulations are similar to those, like vibrating with a knife, but safer and safer.

The tool may be one small one: it should be adjusted to adjust the tone of the singing cable. To fight for the help of a special colony, to control the depth of the undercut.

How to quickly remove the insulation from the darts. Stripper at the diї marvel at the video:

How to remove the insulation from the dart - how to remove the insulation from the mid dart with your own hands

How to remove the insulation from the dart

How to remove the insulation from the dart? Tse nutrition, if only once, would praise the skin of a person. And first, proceed to the development of the methods of the procedure, it is necessary to sort out the recognized ball for the cable.

Insulation may be needed in the windows, if it is necessary to install a socket or vimikach. І such applications can be impersonal.

Appointment of isolation in darts

This ball allows you to avoid the zamikannya, as you can become among the conductors.

Isolation is subdivided into:

  • single plastic
  • Bagatosharov

For the rest of the variant, fabrics are used, non-combustible dielectrics or resins.

Traditional pobutovy provіd є cable of small pererіzіv. Taking the insulation off a standard cord, as a rule, does not cause any particular problems. The simplest way to use such a tool is like pliers. For whom they prihopleyut one core of the cable and carefully, so as not to get hurt, circle around the stake with a knife.

As a result of the use of tools, the wrapping ruffles remove part of the insulation - the cable is stripped. This variant is videminno pidide, as when installing vimikaciv and sockets it is not connected, because the rods are so short. It will be easy for anyone to take isolation for the help of handy tools.

Actions that allow you to securely remove the insulation from the cable

Dosit often blame the situation, if the right professional is transferred. For example, a visual glance showing what charger outbuilding Poshkodzheno droti, scho to go to the fork.

The main problem lies in:

  • thin cut cable
  • yoga richness
  • pouring wires at the sucilne braiding

In this way, insulation is not just a closed ball, but a channel that is made up of two or three chambers.

From one side, the method of carrying out the repair is obvious. And for the rest - do not understand the power, as you can quickly remove the insulation from the cable.

Dosvіdchenі fahivtsі gladden like a special tool to put the cassette out of the razor. You will need only one її element - thinner. It is good for this type of person to fasten the cable near the breams. For їх vіdsutnostі pіdіyde і clamp vіd floor lamp.

To remove the insulation, it is necessary to install the cable on the lived. It is necessary to work carefully, so as not to harm the structure of the veins. Hurry at your right hand not varto. Otherwise, you can make a deep cut. After the completion of this stage of work, it is necessary to add a part of the insulating ball and do not hurry to see it alive. Dbaylive set to the dart, allow not to tear yoga and not to harm. It is even more important, likvіduyuchi іzolyatsiyu, do not hurt the reshta lived.

Another situation, if it is necessary to remove a cold ball from the cable, is the entanglement of electric lines.

The most powerful butts can be:

  • internal filling insulating ball
  • Zhorstka and schіlna zovnishnya іzolyatsіya
  • fabric insulation, as if tarred with a warehouse
  • individual insulation of all cores

In order to take out the zahist, it is necessary for an additional tool to remove the outer shell. With this method, a shallow cut is made on the cable. Zastosuvannya pliers to allow viynyati lived. It is necessary to work one piece at a time, so that, in another case, you will have to see the inner fabric or fill. Reshtu ovn_shny іzolyatsiynogo ball just needs to be seen.

Tools for cleaning darts

To remove the insulation from the cable, some people are satisfied with the great kitchen knife.

But it’s better to speed up with such tools:

  • rіzakom, we will equip with state-of-the-art new forests
  • be a kind of pliers
  • with scissors, what to zastosovuyutsya for the cutting of other darts and metal
  • with a clamp or with small breams outside the world

For the creation of a superficial and safe connection, it is better to use special terminals.

It is also necessary to see the ball behind the cable, which is made up of thin wires, these tools can damage them. Therefore, as far as possible, it is better to do without remote isolation.

Without knowing the suffocating ball, they lived apart and made contact from the “crocodile” stuck in their teeth. In this way, the arrogance of the day is not so safe for the isolation, like a puncture. Most of the whole is sufficient.

It is not possible to do too much with a simple robot with an electric squirt. Navit as you know for sure, it is necessary to victorize as tools, to remove the zahisny ball from the wires, it is necessary to remember that the poshkodzhennya lived with an hour until the breakdown and, as a result, out of tune.

Yakshcho knew іsоlyatsiї troch more, nіzh nіzh nіzh, vіdіzhte nіdіzhte nіzhte vіdpomogou іdpovidnogo іnstrument surplus. It’s not safe to leave bare darts over.

Not varto come with special tools for removing the shackle ball from the wires. As a rule, stink marni. I people koristuyutsya zdebіlhogo simple handicrafts.

When working with tools, it is necessary to be careful, all operations are not hasty. It is better to push through the insulation for an hour of removal from the cable. Tse allow not zashkoditi lived.

We will respect the process of work and varto buti. As practice shows, the problems of the electrical part are most often repaired there, when the ball was seen, it’s easy to remember the microscopic faults of the veins for the first time. It’s better to spend more than an hour, but to do everything carefully, then we’ll correct the pardon with great penny vitras.

The best option is a call from an electrician on the website The booking is made easily and quickly, and promptly arrive at the specified address and pick up the insulating ball professionally and inexpensively.

- Vidpovidalny moment, and there is no difference, from some material prepared darts, with which the stench is covered as an insulating material. It is often necessary to close the gaps before the installation robots, and in case of similar work, it is necessary to know how to properly remove the insulation from the door. Importantly, those are important, that the insulating material made of plastic is removed mechanically, or for additional reflow. Enamel coating is necessary to be done by mechanical or chemical method. Cleaning the darts, it is necessary to finish the rules of vikonnannya similar robots. Even if it’s possible, the banishment of the bare delyankas will be victorious with a low level of acidity, which can be brought to a distance before the system goes out of tune.

Znіmaєmo іzolyatsiyu for help knife

The method of cutting the insulating material along a circular straight line with a knife blade is not correct. With such a situation, the applied inscriptions on the medium material lived and in the same place the wines could break at the most inopportune moment. It is especially often tangled, if the thread of the dart is over thin. The stench is torn to shreds. How to clean the wire correctly, vikoristovuyuchi lower?

Get respect! It is necessary to cut the lower part practically in the same plane with the entire cable.

Insulating material in such a way is formed as a streak-conducting material. Shmatki covered, scho lost, moved to the side and also seen.

Vikoristovuemo bokorizi

In this way, many people often receive the same pardon. Take the tool without straightening the cutting edges and repair it. If the instrumental side is sharpened at the bik, which breaks with the collapse of the sidewalls, then when the shell of the insulating material is taken out, the noise is reported to close the edges of the tool. At to this particular type we risk to bite the whole wire, and not just the insulating surface.

Get respect! Sliding the tool in such a way that the side of the sharpening was straightened into the straight line of your tool.

It will be necessary to create a light air, which will strengthen, and the isolation will sound like a characteristic tube. Guaranteed not to take away the least poshkodzheny.

Reflow method for insulating material

Vіn vіdmіnno podhodit, yakscho you need to prepare a thin wire before installation, which may be plastic material. For these purposes, a miracle-working electric soldering iron. The tool must be heated and lightly carried out with a fingertip along the insulation in the required area. Under the influx of temperature, it will rise up, wait for it to melt. The next thing you can see with your hand without any problems. The middle core of the dart does not take away mechanical defects. When working with a large number of wires to wash the casing from plastic material, it is recommended to use a special attachment. Ring out a soldering iron on wood. Such a way of remote isolation is perfectly suitable for an hour of work with old electrical wiring. Even if the operation of the plastic coating of such darts is getting tougher. At the time of consumption, you can vikoristovuvat igniter or zvichaynі sirniki.

View of the enamel coating

In such a situation, it is recommended to stop the mechanical method. You can remove the insulating material behind the help of an emery paper, or you can just scratch it with a knife. It is necessary to wrap the sandpaper with a dowkol dart and twist the yogo doti, the docks do not see the insulation. When using a knife, it is necessary to spread it on a hard surface and turn it step by step along the axis, scraping the surface with a knife. Since the diameter of the dart is not too large, it is better to use the thermochemical method. We need a soldering iron and a piece of electrical tape made of PVC. Under the infusion of heated chlorine, as you can see, the building cleans the wire applied on the new enamel. This method is miraculously suitable for radioamators, which are used with winding high-frequency coils. One more little secret - a simple aspirin drink. It is necessary to lay a cable on it, press it with a soldering iron and stretch it along the needle. Isolation is vіdmіnno vіdіyde, and prіd otrimає dodatkové ludіnnya.

Visible insulation with PTFE

This is the type of polymer coating that can influence the power. Pokrittya for isolation is ideal, but if you want to finish the road. Yogo is accepted to win only for the decisions of design projects. It looks like a thin thread, wrapped tightly around the copper wire. For vidalennya pіdіyde it's less physical diy. The best way to see a viconate for the help of a sharp knife is to use the method of scraping the surface ball onto the necessary working dozhina. Having exposed one edge, carefully cut through and cut through the insulating shmatok, which has become redundant.

Get respect! If you come across a cable that can have a gum or a fabric insulating surface, you can zasosuvat for її remoteness, be it in a mechanical way. Golovna umova - clean the darts correctly, without hitting them.

Zastosuvannya automatic striper

Manually cleaning wires from a great number of people can take enough money for an hour. And even more darts from the great kіlkіst are alive - on the right, you will be long. Here you can win a special type of ticks, as they are called a stripper.

Їm pratsyuvati dosit manually. In the presence of a small susilly of the hand on the squeezing of the isolation, it may be mittevo. Call for such robots to use a vicorist model of a stripper WS-04 from a German vibrator.

Such a tool can cut and remove the insulation from the wires, so that the value of the diameter of the wire can be 0.5 to 2.7 mm. Tse without front adjustment.

When vikonannі nastroyuvalnyh zakhodіv can pratsyuvati z wires nagagato smaller perezu, not ushkodzhuyuchi tsіlіsnіst provіdnikovіh veins.

Vidminny life hack for radioamateurs and not less. Tim, who happened to solder oxidized honey darts. This method of cleaning may well be in favor of motorists. The main pluses: the method is dry, non-vitrate, accessible to absolutely skin.
Sound, in order to clean the wire, either in a mechanical way with a scraping knife, or in a thermal way - by heating on a hot half-light. These methods are not efficient and, moreover, efficient, for example, they are not normally suitable for luggage wires.
Here, a good chemical method is used to purify midi and її alloys from natural oxide with a trivial saving.


Well, show the exact proportions to nothing, everything will go to the eye:
  • Ocet.
  • Kharchev's soda.
  • Water.
  • Sil kitchen, kharchova.
All components are easy to know in any kitchen, you can find it in the largest cooker.
Also, you need dishes for mixing. I took two test tubes, you can be some dishes, curses or ceramics. Zreshtoy pass plastic disposable cups.
Put half a teaspoon of soda into one test tube, salt into another.

We clean honey darts from oxide in a chemical way

The whole process goes through two stages: the first one is etching in acid, and the other one is neutralization.
At the test tube, pour an assessment from the cell. And in a test tube of soda - water. Mix everything well. Well, if it’s possible, it’s possible, because no soda is worth it, no one can change it.

Now we omit the exposure of wires in the assessment from the illustration and check.

Mix the bazhano with a dart with a sampler.

The reaction time is 30 seconds up to 2 minutes approx. All lie down in the form of zabrudnenosti. You may need 10 hours to get 20 quills.
After that, having been cleansed, neutralizing acid, dropping it lived in a test tube with a variety of soda for a few seconds.

Further wire can be dried. The result is vіdminny. Mіd shine with bright erysipelas color.

After choosing a wire cutter, folding the electrical wiring diagram and purchasing the installation kits, you can proceed to the installation of the electrical wiring in the booth. Bezvіdmovnіst elektroprovodіvnіst lay not only due to the reliability of the z'єdnаnі z'єdnаnі іz vrobami. Not less important is the correct understanding of the insulation from the ends of the darts.

How to properly remove insulation from wires
universal tool

Sound the plastic insulation by mechanical means (with a knife or side cuts) or by melting. The insulation of the enamel is mechanically removed (scraped with a knife or an emery paper) or chemically.

How to properly remove the insulation from the dart behind the help of a knife

Wrong, if for the sake of isolation, the insulation is cut along the stump with a knife, oriented perpendicularly to the dart, adding to the value of the susilla.

As a result, we will see our midwives lived, and we can easily break in each place. It is especially important when cleaning thin darts with a diameter of 0.6-0.8 mm. The stench after such a cleansing will break off after a few insignificant deaths.

Nebhіdno, schob bulo mayzhe in the same plane from the whole dart. Isolation rises from the explorer, who has lost money on darts to be killed and also rises.

How to correctly remove the insulation from the dart for additional sideboards

Another pardon is often allowed when the insulation is removed with sidewalls. Call to take a tool from your hand, as you happen to, not calling on the orientation of the cutting edges.

As if the side of sharpening is straightened at the bіk ruhu bokorіzіv, a significant zusilla zmikannya should be reported. Conduction can be easily carried out at the same time from isolation.

And it’s necessary that the sides of the sharpened edges of the sidewalls marveled at the beak, the prolezhny hand of the tool, as shown in the photograph. As a result, the cutting edges are wound with an insignificant dot until the insulation is cut into it, and the insulation with a tube without a notch is easily removed.

Conversion of plastic insulation to melting

Isolation of current wires for electrical wiring should be made from PVC or polyethylene, the melting point of which lies at the boundaries of 105-140 ° C. Therefore, for the help of a soldering iron or another heating attachment, you can easily and safely remove this insulation. For whom to finish with the tip, she squeezed a soldering iron to hold, pushing on the stake of insulation at the required area. Isolation rises, melts and is easily grasped by the hand.

Like a bachete, the insulation worked perfectly, without hurting the middle conductor.

It is also necessary to clean up the plastic insulation with a lot of wires, as well as to titrate the special attachments. Even for these purposes, it’s good to walk on a tree. Previously, such were issued under the name "Vizerunok".

An indispensable method for removing insulation from melting in different works with old electrical wiring. The year of plastic is old and becomes hard, like a brush. In a rose-shaped box near the wall of the shmats, the dart is only 3 cm long. In this situation, there is less melting to help the task. It is possible to expand the insulation with a hot sirnik or a gas igniter, then we already know її.

When the diameter of the conductor is more than 0.2 mm, the best mechanical way is to remove the insulation for an additional emery paper or to scratch the enamel with a knife.

In order to take it with an emery paper, it is necessary to bend a small arch of a fine emery paper, to put a dart between the bent halves of the arch and to stretch the wire without squeezing your fingers. And so repeat this operation, checking the wire, all the enamel will not be removed from the docks.

To remove the enamel with a knife, it is necessary to lay the dart on a hard surface and turn it over the stake, scrape the enamel until the dart is completely cleared of varnish.

At the time of removing the insulation from a dart with a diameter of less than 0.2 mm, mechanically without any fuss or shaving the conductor, it is easy to remove the enamel.

But it is easy to remove the enamel in a thermochemical way, for the help of a soldering iron, that piece of chlorvinyl insulation. For whom it is necessary to continue the dart between the tip of the soldering iron, press it to chlorovinyl. Chlorine, which is seen from heating, clean the wire from the enamel.

This method is indispensable in the case of removing enamel from a licendrate type, which is widely used in radio communication for winding high-frequency inductance coils. The licensor is a rich set of thin calls covered with enamel and coiled into one conductor.

With success, the enamel is taken for additional aspirin, put the wire on the tablet and press it with a soldering iron, and then stretch the wire. At the same time, it’s irritating and zaludzhuetsya.

Znyattya fluoroplastic insulation

Fluoroplast is a polymer that can be used in a chemical way, resistant to many organic retailers and does not get wet with water. It is characterized by a high electric power, resistance up to a temperature of 300°С. Ideal insulating material, but expensive. To this end, only stop in technically grounded vipadkas. We use fluoroplastic drіt vicorist radioamatori, shards of wine are not melted when soldered with a soldering iron, it takes a little time and may look aesthetically pleasing.

Fluoroplastic insulation is a thin narrow line, wound on a thick thin copper wire. It is only physically possible to make such a provision in the form of insulation.

Best for tsієї meti vikoristovuvat nіzh. Having squeezed the wire to the Maidanchik, with a knife they scrape the fluoroplastic to the necessary length.

After that, as soon as it is bare, it is necessary to kill and destroy the fluoroplastic, which is not needed. As a result, carefully clean the fluoroplastic insulation and prepare the conductor before soldering.

Insulation with rubber, fabrics and other insulation materials are considered one of the descriptions of more mechanical methods. The main rule is not to allow nadsіchok on the cores of the wires.

Tool for removing insulation from darts
Automatic stripper model WS-04

Manual processing of wires takes a lot of time, due to sufficient access and accuracy, especially when taking insulation from the wires of a small cut. For private automation of operations for insulation insulation, a special hand tool, which is called a stripper.

Among my set of tools is a stripper model WS-04 of the German KBT picker. I bought a stripper a long time ago, and I am already satisfied with the purchase. For professional electricians, I strongly recommend that you get a snipper, do not hesitate.

Main technical characteristics and principle of work
stripper model WS-04

The stripper allows you to have a snack without adjusting the insulation of wires with a diameter of 0.5 to 2.7 mm (rebar 0.2–6.0 mm 2). With the help of a micrometric screw, it is possible to install insulation from wires with a diameter of 0.25 to 0.5 mm. Also, for the help of a stripper, it is possible to press on the wires simple connectors without insulation, insulation and car underwire obtisk with a diameter of 0.8 to 2.7 mm.

Striper with pliers, with important fists installed on the tips. One of the pairs of cams is fixed stationary, and the other, the upper one, is rickety. The left couple serve to tie the dart, and the right to pidrіzannya іzolyatsії, that її znyattya. At the first moment of cranking, the stripper's handle has a left, ruhomy cam tucking the wire, and the right ruhomy is cut with a sharp edge into the end of the insulation. In the event of a promotion, the insulation is important. The whole process of removing the insulation takes three seconds more.

For pressing wires at round terminals on the inner sides of the handles there are combs of a given profile. It is sufficient to insert the connector in the middle of the space and close the handles. Provid nadіyno will be jammed at the tip.

Apply the robot with the stripper WS-04

Describe the work with a stripper in words fluently, in a richer way, demonstrate its ability on the butts of insulation from darts of a different type.

For example, є vіdrіzok podvіyny mounting rod for laying apartment electrical wiring, and it's necessary to shorten it, and then remove the insulation for a given dovzhina.

For whom, it is enough to bring a wire between cutting knives, ruffled on the inner sides of the handle of those knives. What a click, zrіz go out without deformation of the dart rods. If you cut with wire cutters, then the kіntsі will sound flattening, the trochs will start to flicker.

They let the dart wind up between rough and unruly sponges and clenched hands, insulation is being lifted. The dart of the day did not worry about the future, which guarantees the supremacy of the next day. The blue ruhomy lining allows you to accurately install the insulation, which is known.

Easily znіmaєtsya іzoljatsіya z bagatozhilny drotu, which is often zastosovuyut to supply voltage in low-voltage lances. For example, darts, how to go to the virobіv vіd adapterіv that blocіv zhivlennya.

With the help of a stripper, you can easily remove the insulation from a two-wire corded rod with a hanging insulation, really, for two. For the first dose, the first ball of insulation is taken - a chlorine-vinyl tube.

For another method, insulation is applied at the same time from two conductors. The hour of znyattya іzolyatsії z such a dart does not exceed 5 seconds.

The stripper miraculously helps to prepare before banning the RJ-11 connector and the telephone wire that connects the landline phone with the line connection. At the time of connection for the help of a screwed connection, with one hand you can remove and insulate the cores of the wires.

Taking the insulation off the screened wires is a tricky operation, especially if it is a thin wire. For the help of the stripper, the back of the head is insulated with screen braiding.

Then the weave is split for an additional neck or a sharp awl to expose the central wire. To be left with one more rubbish, and the wire is called in the form of insulation. I’ll take care of the insulation from the screened dart by hand for the help of a great knife, without messing up the dart, with a laborious robot and help a rich hour.

Having tried to remove the insulation from a thin bagatozhny drotu, covered with fluoroplastic insulation. The stripper easily ran into my nest and zim tasks.

To re-verify the possibilities of the stripper, I took into account the insulation of the wires of medium and aluminum, single-core and multi-core, the insulation of different dielectrics and the result of the wire was delightful. The stripper coped with the tasks without a hitch.

It became a stripper to pressurize that insulated car clamp under the underwire obtisk. Compressed tsіlkom normally without special zusil.

Briefing about the work of the striper model WS-04

If you happen to know the insulation once a month, or even sooner, replenish your arsenal of tools with a stripper at a price of about $ 20, sing-songly, not a lot. As well as knowing the insulation from the wires is carried out more often, then I need to put the stripper under my arm.

I will convey to your respect a small video showing the WS-04 striper robot.

The practice of working with the WS-04 stripper confirmed its compliance with the technical characteristics declared by the manufacturer, so, as a matter of fact, you can boldly pick the striper according to the model, don’t mess up.

Preparation of kints_v conductors
for connection with electric appliances

If the wires are connected to the insulation, it is necessary to prepare them for connecting to electrical appliances, so that the most important number of fluctuations is blocked by a mechanical method of fastening behind additional screws, squeezing in maple blocks, twisting them. To plugs, sockets, cartridges, automatic devices, and other similar attachments, they are usually connected with screws.

To connect conductors to electrical appliances, run jet streams with a force of less than 1 A, as a whole, a straight screw of a screwed insulator with a length of 5-10 mm, insert under the head of the screw and squeeze it. In such a way, I have fixed conductors in all vimics, so that there are light lamps in the chandeliers, and the power of the struma that flows through the contacts of vimics does not exceed 0.25 A.

Golovnya not to allow the conductor of the z-pid head of the gwent to hang. As can be seen on the pointing of the photo, the contact is with the vimikachi (increased for accuracy), before the arrival of the wire, curled up. When screwed up, the screw rests on the whole tuft, which turns off the hanging. Even if the encirclement is not transferred, then the obov'yazkovo is necessary to ring the dart into a ring. For the day, where the great streams flow, the day without calling the end of the conductor in the ring will be very undesirable.

It's easier to call a ring for a dart for the help of round-nose pliers. Obviously, you can form a ring by wrapping around the circumference, for example, the sting of the twist or the drill of a large diameter. For ease of molding a ring of the required diameter, put marks 3 mm, 3.5 mm, 4 mm and 4.5 mm on the sponges of the round-nose pliers. If you need to make a ring under the M3 screw with a single-stranded screw, then the shape of the ring on the mitz is 3.5 mm, so the screw can be easily inserted. In the case of a rich-veined conductor and with advancing moons - 4 mm.

Ludity darts are not obov'yazkovo, ale bazhano, especially as a rule, they will be exploited in the minds of a raised voice, for example, in bathrooms or shower rooms, or pits, a charge in a dacha house, so as not to be scorched.

The axis still looked like a ring, one under the screw M3, and the other under the M4. Kіltsya z bagatozhelnogo drotu shaped deshcho in a different way. The conductor wraps itself around the cone of the round-nose pliers, and then finishes itself in the middle of the exit from the insulation.

Formed kіltsya bazhany proludit and troch squash with light blows of a small hammer. Todi the area of ​​contact will increase and the hope of the future will be full of richness.

When installing a bagatozhnoy drotu, the ring can be worked and not closed. For which it is necessary to carry out the insulation with a soldering iron, and then we will form the rings for the technology of forming a single-core dart.

Unskillfully dotrimuyuchis simple technology of preparation of wires for connection, you will never happen to repair electrical wiring.

One of the main dzherel є cable brucht. Medium cable - cable with strum conductors, vikonanim electrotechnical midi.

This kind of metal resonates minimal house, Scho zbіshuє yogo elektro-і teploprovіdnіst, robbing soft and malleable.

The medium cable, which should be in harmony with or in accordance with its term of service, is willing to buy, but the prices for the wire can be strongly inflated in the fallow in the presence of a medium-sized cable in the middle, which is right.

We fold the cable base stremoprovidna vein h . Sound at the virobi є kіlka іzolovanih one vein of one vein, as if laying at the zagalnu shell.

It’s worth it, for some minds, exploitation is required, covered can be stronger with a shielded screen or armor.

See the following types of cables:

  • power;
  • butovі;
  • control;
  • special

Powerful copper cables are designated for electrical distribution, which is supplied by the power plant to:

  • substations,
  • objects of communal and transport state,
  • virobnichim undertakings and in.

The middle of such virobіv є up to five strum-conducting veins.

For insulation material stinks are subdivided into sprat types:

Pobutovі can be seen from one to a few lived. Zastosovyatsya for connecting fittings to portable generators in electricity and charging installations to electric lines.

Control cables serve for the connection of electrical appliances, rozpodіlnyh devices and other mechanisms in tunnels and channels for the water supply. Installation of this type of wires is possible, as in the open air, and in the premises.

Special cables are installed for transmission of high-frequency and low-frequency signals.

Areas of congestion

Cables with a copper core are widely planted in various blinds of the government activity:

  • in power lines, service providers of transmission and distribution of electricity in stationary installations;
  • installation of wiring in the middle living quarters and offices;
  • on the in virobnicheskimi undertakings, de high ymovіrnіst vyniknennya pozhozh ta vibukhіv.

single core the middle cable to know its congestion in the minds, de after the installation it is safe to do it undamaged (electric motors, electrical wiring at the site).

At the same hour rich housing conducted vikoristovuєtsya for electroanimation with a larger range of motion.

To such a possession lie, for example, goat cranes.

Wash that obmezhennya to receive

A scrap of a copper cable is a valuable type of secondary syrovin that is practically accepted by anyone. Vartist, for which it is possible to build a medium wire at the receiving point, deposit in a number of factors:

  1. Yakist syrovin. Chim vishchiy vmіst midi in kabelі, tim vishcha yoga varіst.
  2. Tovshchina Pererazu lived.
  3. Purity. On the cable, it is not to blame for the brightly pronounced traces of oil, enamel, varnish, zvaryuvannya and oxides.
  4. The integrity of the shell that foldedness of the farther processing of the bruhtu.
  5. Party commitment. The bigger batch, the bigger the price for 1 kg of cable.

Give metal ware to other private receiving points not recommended. As a rule, the stench does not make documents that confirm the right to carry out similar activities and simple resellers, like voicing the minimum price for metal.

More high price for metal brooks is promoted by refining backwaters and metal bases, as they may have the necessary technological and material feasibility for yogo transportation, assessments and further processing.

Prices for receiving a copper cable

Varity of a mid-range cable varies in the fallout of a high-width cable instead of a mid-range one in syrovin, which is built, and also in a quality that is obligatory to metal.

The exact price of the burden can be determined after the analysis of the survey on a special setting.

At the price lists of enterprises, which zdiyasnyuyut priyom bruhtu, cost, as a rule, the price for pure metal, name:

  • insulation;
  • mastila;
  • farbi and in.

For the purpose of arranging the delivery of goods at the point of delivery, it is carried out seeing the last eye, which is cleaned in the form of braiding and is called. In such a way, the amount of metal taken away from the party is determined, not protecting the mass of insulation.

Average prices for see different The copper cable weight is presented in the tables:

Bruhtu view Description Price/price range (rubles per kg)
Medium cableWith exit midi-out 70%260 — 300
Medium cableIn isolation220 — 280
Mіd "oliya"bruht cable, cleansing from braiding in a mechanical way. Do not oxidize, darken, oily. Inadmissible is the appearance of varnish, cement, excesses of insulating material, farby, wood, paper thin.200-298
Mіd "mix"Strumoprovidniki, telephone mid-wire, drіt, cable, parts of aggregates, flexible tires "pussy". It is allowed to cover with varnish, farboy, as well as the presence of oxides.230 — 285
Burnt midThe scrap of copper lived on the cut whether it was a form that passed through thermal processing. Syrovina is not responsible for traces of oxidation, tips, oliya, particles of insulating material.280 — 300
Mіd "blisk"Cleaned insulated copper wires and cables. The skin was shiny, not oxidized, darkened, melted, traced to olії and lacquer, as well as excess insulation. The price of laying out the diameter of the cut was lived.240 — 318

How to zbіshiti vartіst bruhtu

Sob don’t have mercy and build a bruht midny drota for the best price, it’s necessary conduct an analysis of the syrovina on the market, it is appointed with a stake of potential buyers.

  1. Adjust the price of the reception on the bruht of the copper cable in various points. Close the previous assessment of the material in companies that show the best mind, and choose the best option for yourself.
  2. Learn about the reputation of the purchase; clarify what it is.
  3. Accumulate more syrovina for the task. A large batch of copper cable allows you to build yoga for a great price.
  4. Objectively assess the mind of the recipient. The cost-free dismantling of cargo and delivery to the point of arrival is most often compensated for by a lower grade of the receiving metal, so it is necessary to evaluate the complex of services with a haul.
  5. Clean the cable. Purifications from the braiding of wires at the reception points are taken much more expensive. If the insulation can be removed by hand, then it is not a good idea to beat the fire, so that the mid-burning is respected by the material of lower quality.

Self-cleaning through insulation

Even if there is no time, you can build a medium cable uncleaned. At the same time, the wine city will have a smaller one.

The process of cleaning the copper core from the weave is not safe and foldable to the technological plan. For whom it is necessary to possess that special knowledge.

A plus self-cleaning of wires in the form of insulation - the possibility of building a bruht at great cost.

Minusi self cleaning:

  1. Great Timchas and labor vitrati.
  2. Need special knowledge and possession.
  3. Vitracheni zusillya do not have to pay off for yourself, the shards of purification of greater obligations are much simpler, better and more vigilantly carried out at special enterprises.

Installation for stripping the cable can be attached, for example, from a Chinese postal worker on Aliexpress:

The main ways to clean the copper cable are:

  1. Thermoforming. Zastosovuєtsya tsey method infrequently, oskolki superechit environmental standards. Until then, the wine may be cold: it is not recommended to cut a thin-wire cable, shards of metal can be burned at once with insulation.
  2. Mechanical. Manual isolation (clearing). Long and laborious process. Do not start doing yoga for yourself, just by looking at your time and labor. To speed up the process, you can use a manual mechanical stripper.
  3. Modern cleaning methods from the selection of special technological possessions. For example, tight and productive automatic stripper. This method is the most efficient and safe from the point of view of ecology. And the knowledge of the insulation can be recycled.

To find out how to clean the copper cable at home for help assistance, marvel at this video:


For their high indicators of thermal conductivity and electrical conductivity, copper is widely victorious in rich galuzes of industry.

The reworking of the bruhtu midi at the wired cable is one of the main wires for metal today.

The reception of the mid-range cable is charged at reasonable prices, but stinks can be changed in the fallow:

  • percentage instead of midi at syrovin;
  • as a cut and cut dart;
  • obsyag party.

In this way, the residual rosacea of ​​the vartost can be passed into the skin fold individually.

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