Fallout new vegas added dead money. Walkthrough DLC Dead Money for Fallout: New Vegas. Fire in the sky

Kur'єr vibіg z lifta, metal box vivela yogo directly on head square Willy. From the bottom of the earth to the valleys in the gurkit vibukhiv, that the treasures were despised, de the dead body of the godly old was left. On the right, yoga madness required bulo zupiniti. Opening the head gates, they creaked softly in the light breeze. Behind my back I felt the knowing wheezing, I saw that they came to the crenellation of the elevator. Їx even richer, no way, you need to fight. І Courier escaped. Zatrimavshi podikh, vіn rushing across the gate, krіz otruynu red haze. My eyes stinged, and my lips caught a certain relish of midi, so smelled the haze of deadly gas that the Sierra Madre felt. Yak dovgo vin utik, Kur'єr did not remember. Opritomnіv vin at the abandoned bunker, where you came earlier, conducting a secret radio signal. At that very bunker, de yoga was stuck, and the stars began to come in handy. In the middle of the room, a small table with a radio receiver stood alone, but now it transmitted only a creaky white noise. Isn't it a dream? Isn’t everything that was trapilos, just a hallucination of a viklikan with a noxious gas? No, not a dream. I kur'єr once in tsomu perekonavshi, vіdchuvshi on shiї the importance of the metal collar with vibukhіvkoyu, like Elijah shackling us, whom he enticed from the Sierra Madri. The detonator was deactivated, the collar might be deactivated if the control panel was deactivated. Wanting to remember clearly, like a squeaking detonator, if the old one fell with a death rattle, and like Kristin shouted the transmission: "Bee!" Throwing up the castle, taking a metal hoop from the shii and throwing out the yogo ubik.

Ale de well todi reshta? The gates of the Sierra Madre were vіdchinenі, singsongly, the stench vibralis earlier for the new one. Skoda. The lad would be more than happy to spend a couple of hours with them, obviously, in a different situation. Vіn hotіv bi dіznatisya better than the new Dog. Recognize whose voice is now alive in the head of a super mutant. I was pleased to hear Dean Domino's bi-songs from a living viconan, and it doesn't matter that the throat of the two-hundred showman was tormented by cigarettes and radiation. With no less satisfaction, I shot Dina in the backside, but I didn’t pierce you with “zhart” from replacing the armchair. And best of all, I want to re-pray Kristin. The one that won the yoga heart, I didn’t want to inspire it. It took more than one night for the courier to return his heart to a clerk from the Brotherhood of Steel. I didn’t see the bula in a single bed, and it wasn’t a romantic evening under the stars on the edge of the urvish. The whole bula was filled with skirmishes, beats and jokes of clues. However, it was enough to get him to the end, and without too much. De stink all now? I de vain now?

Unhurriedly moving to his feet and shaking his head, the Courier remembered the utterances of the metal box. The new boule had a lack of fluency in his speech. Maybe, having left the Dog here, if you don’t see an unfamiliar young man. Dobre want not to break anything. Already getting ready to move out of the bunker, Kur'єr zupinivsya. The radio receiver stopped seeing the white noise. And Yogo Pip-boy again took the signal of the Sierra Madre.

Shoot, persh nizh ti pidesh, I would like to tell you ...” – sounding the same voice that enticed here the trusting mandriving people. Ale now vin sounding different. Wine is lower and warm, sounding so familiar that Courier's heart beat faster. Now the voice was out, Christine Royce. She, nibi nizh, built herself into the heart of a young man and settled there forever. Vіn crouched to the primach and began to listen respectfully.

... I am glad that we all got to know you, and we ... I thank you for all those that you brought to our lives. Separate forever importantly, trust me, but don’t get embarrassed. Turn to your friends, to your family, to the quiet ones about whom you are talking and to the quiet ones who are talking about you. One person said that the life of the day can be squandered anew, and the share is no less wealth in our hands. Now I’m more likely to be, if I understand, about what I’m talking about. You have given us a chance to start life together. I spodіvayus, scho sche turn around. I would like to know you better. And you will forever be left in my heart.

Recording buv cycling, and after a few seconds pochavsya spochatku. The courier did not take a moment to take a breath, vin buv zbentezheny. Yogo's heart was torn open like a ghost, and everything in the middle was so ill, nibi yogo was cut with a circular file. The stinks are still there. It's still at the Sierra Madri! Vіn mav turn after her, the stench was small at once. Ale natomist vіn utіk get out like the rest of the boyaguz. Huddling to his feet, the lad became convulsively looking around, starting to go through all the documents, rummaging through the entire database of data found in the bunker terminal. Vіn shukav hoch yakyis natyak on the secrets of the secret casino. Ale, everything is fine. Happy riddles. Recording at the radio receiver, having continued to scroll the voice of Kristin. Like a mit, not having seen the pain, I saw it, I shrugged it off against the wall. Attachment, scho broke down, calmed down. After realizing that it was loaded, Courier looked at the details with a glare, and did not recognize the apparatus. Having guessed the Pip-boy, having adjusted the yoga to the required frequency. The walls of the bunker were filled with Christine's voice again. Viyshovshi on the surface, Courier pochati shukati follow the drainage hatch. Vіn shukav vіdbitki majestic nіg Dog. Aje tse super mutant brought yoga to the Sierra Madri, and so it is easy to separate and distinguish. Ale and ce bulo marno, zhorstokі winds of Mojave rose for the rest of the days.

І scho now robiti? Where to go? Thousands of roads open before him, but the Courier does not know how to reach her. To tієї, scho zavolodila yogi heart from the very moment of zustrіchi. From that moment, if Christine was tormented from Auto-Doc, I swore to myself that I would entrust, that we would protect you. She gave herself up like a bezakhisnoy, if she slylyakano learned that її voices of the link could be seen. How nicely she spoke with additional gestures, and how important it is to understand the mind. How cutely she raised her eyebrow, showing Courier that she was ready to hear. How tenderly she behaved like a bravo. How strongly you wanted to protect Kristin, if the stench was in the boiler station, even if the place told you about the zhahittya, experience it in Auto-Docs. And as it were, she squeezed Yogo's hand, spodіvayuchis, scho again to shake Yogo after penetrating to the casino itself. And if she spoke in a new voice, given by her Auto-Doc in one of the suites of the hotel, the Courier was simply obimliv. So, the voice of the pre-war sleepover, Viri Kiz. Ale yak retail, even now I seem to be the most beautiful girl in the world. At the same number of vins I know the cloth that lay the same sleeper, Courier wanted to be in the new Christine. Won big nizh varta yoga wear. In front of the young man, still standing with that dreary look, with which she saw off Yogo to the meeting, de vin zustrіv old Elijah, who z'їhav on technologies and zbroї. Vaughn was afraid that Kur'er would not survive the storm.

Spogadi squeezed the flooring hard, which is important to go wild. Vіn is guilty of drinking to the Sierra Madri and meeting with her again. I know sir eyes, її a chuckle, and once again the order will be reversed. I don't care, what a shaven-headed lesbian, what a scarred head that appearance is. To wind it up again, not to see the pain after the operation on the voice, it’s all the same to me. Youmu don't give a damn about everything. Vin want to be with her and speck. You will know the way to the Sierra Madri and do not sound anything. Yunak, virushav shukati be-yaku information about yogo roztashuvannya, relatively twisted mustache cards of the NKR and the Brotherhood of Steel, navіt penetrating the Legion at the camp, sob vchiti їkhnі maps, but everything is marno. In the sight of one old ghoul Courier, it was not clear to those that the casino was here on the way, but it did not help much. Desolation of the vtratoy veins, having continued their path from nowhere.

To walk a little, that sometimes you can remember to stand, that you yourself go in jokes, and sometimes you can feel a radio broadcast with a woman’s voice on empty. However, the stars out of the valley are by no means bachelor. Likewise, no one else could succumb to Kur'er, the hero who lied in the Mojave. Win is just a sign, pishov on his way.

There are a lot of legends about the Sierra Madra, and they all say one thing: it’s not so easy to eat there, it’s more foldable to vibrate. Ale stinks don’t know one thing, it’s impossible to turn back, the girls can’t enter the Sierra Madri.

The Sierra Madre is America's most beautiful, most luxurious and largest casino. The life of yoga has taken old fates - and everything was already ready for the ceremony of revealing that it is against the eye, ale ... Ale on the day, if the doors of the casino were small, the fireworks lit up the sky with the spalachs of nuclear vibes.

The casino was upset by the marvel - nibi irzhava hmara. Invisible gas rises from the ground, transforming quietly, having consumed it to the last, on wondrous primaries, but still flooding with unearthly arguments and mechanisms.

From that hour, hundreds of fates passed. The Sierra Madre itself stands in the middle of the desert in the clubs of the rusty fog, taking care of its secrets and belongings, — the narcissistic, odious and mortally unsafe pasture of America...

Start back

The cob of the first addition to Fallout: New Vegas does not oppose the originality: after the zavantazhennya zavlyaєєєєєєєє єєєєєєєєєє єміт іміт івнів вівівіні на pyat, and 'pip-bіy' catches the radio signal that you will ask for the pearl to be empty. Signals from nіzvіdki - how do you know, right? Ninishniy to leave the radio receiver in the previously closed tightly "zanedbany bunker of the Brotherhood of Steel". Varto go over it close - gas, blurred in the eyes, uneasy, fading ... And where am I? Where did all the speeches from the backpack come out, what is the “roaring head” over the fountain and what do you want?

We kindly ask you to the Sierra Madri!

Batko Elijah is the elder of the Brotherhood of Steel, who, on the vtіk, was known to an unknown person directly after the defeat of the Brotherhood of the Helios-1 power plant. The axis, it seems, where the old one has drifted... I would like to give him a couple of affectionate words from my old acquaintances, but then I happen to get a little bit: with the holograms of the swag are smooth, that one rubs it so unkindly...

A collar with a charge of vibrating, which our courier has inadvertently acquired, will test your life even more long ago (and even more strongly, if necessary). The collar is vibuhay, as if to try yoga, or to try to practice with Elijah. And the most terrible thing: you don’t love the collar, if the right-handed radio receiver opposes nearby - squeak for a few seconds, ahead of the problem, and then - boom!

If you want to get rid of a vibro-unsafe object, if you happen to punish yourself, then you can’t see anything. And the stench, in principle, is simple: to know the line of ours, to pick up all the fountains, the checks of distant remarks. Well scho OK, shukatimemo. And we wonder at once, where did we get carried away.

Primary people

Surrounding the casino - a maze of streets, small streets and provulkiv. After the primal terenіv of Mojave, it is very clear here. It’s not enough to orientate yourself in a navpomatic way: the gloom of rusty gas rottenly passes through the sleepy light, and in the little place everywhere it’s warm. The map in the pip-battle helps weakly - to understand what is depicted on it, you can only do it with great luck. And the markers are not placed exactly.

Gas can have one more power for a smart yogo who is squeamish and healthy. If you don't turn on the hardcore mode... but if you notice, the life bar will drop postyno— and it is absolutely necessary to think about those who are inspired. The simplest method - a year of sleep - is not practiced by the Sierra Madri. On the beds and mattresses of the midst Khmary the hero will not sleep, so all the hope for the vidobotok water, zhі, stimulant and anti-radiation, to fight off the consequences of living with infected products.

The situation can be easily solved by vending machines, which stand in every place, as if vibrating їzhu, it seems, spoіtrya. Ale not for nothing, but for the chips of the Sierra Madre casino. Hanging out at the glib city, you can find new "kodi vidachi" for vending machines, which will expand the assortment, and allow the machines to be old-fashioned (old-fashioned robes, packs of cigarettes) in exchange for chips.

Ale, everything would be too simple, as if the locals were not safe, they were surrounded by Khmaroy that possible death in the face of hunger. A lot of alarm clocks are blukayut along the streets, like they have changed into marvelous stature, made a fortune teller to all living things. Primary people - hunched up in the costumes of a chemical zahist - can be even more unsafe opponents through their manner of moving around with unstoppable high and swept haircuts, so as not to give a trace of aim, as well as a nameless vitality. To hopefully calm the ghost, it is necessary to spare some part of the body. Hands, legs or heads - it doesn't matter. Only then can you be inspired that the enemy will not rise any more.

Under Hmaroy

Mustache in the Sierra Madre at the gathering.

It seems that Dead Money retailers drew from the Silent Hill series - Khmara is already similar to the fog there, and the primary inhabitants of the Sierra Madre - to cultists from the fifth part. And the skin of your mimic companions (you yourself are three collars, like you want to know Elijah) has its own reason, through the yak of wines leaning in an abandoned place. The company to go out, softly seemingly, is unimaginable: a super mutant from a split specialty, nima and created by scars the girl that Din Domino - when the scene is starring, "King of the Swing", and now - a smart and unstriking ghoul.

The share of the tsієї triyka can be folded in a different way, fallow in diy gravel. Would you like to get involved in what brought them to the Sierra Madri? Can you please be patient with that skill to help all three of you? Abo just beat them up, how to make Elijah's head out of the holographic gloom, and solve these problems in the old wild way: there are no people - there are no problems.

Options for the development of podіy dosit rich, and after completion storyline you check the traditional set of slides, which tell you about those that turned out to be the result, - and, perhaps, it’s more probable to pull on the bottom, as it may still be. Vtim, є i variant, after the end of the history of Dead Money, the history of the courier will end.

It took more than an hour to unravel the mysteries of the abandoned casino, but it took a lot of time to unravel them. Unequally polished, frowning, leave the place, where unsafeness lurks behind the skin kut, unimaginable companions, unimaginable history... Such is the game in grі, vіdpochinok vіd fidgety bіganini zі strіlyanina tarozmovy and zvichnyh rasbіrok between NKR and the Legion.


V'yazni Hmari

Three characters, which you see in the Sierra Madri and with whom you happen to spivpratsyuvat, so that you can vibrate, can help you in battle, so teach the courier to new vistas.

Dog / God

A super mutant who suffers from a split specialty. In the middle of one body, two similarly different minds are trying to get along. And even though it’s soft and big, it’s more and more tight there, so you can deal with them according to your will, independently stealing who you need more.

Dog- a faithful soldier of the Lord of the first Fallout, forewarn the vikonati to be ready, be the order of the ruler. If the King of the boons of misery, the Dog has spent a sense of life. To be more precise, it was possible to understand youmu until the word “zha”.

Changes in the "dog" life came at once from the people to the name of Elijah. The great elder of the Brotherhood, having replaced the Hound of the Lord, now the voice of the old leader calls out on the surface of the “dog” ball of witness.

God- In opposition to the Dog, he is hisstical, sensible and respectful. There, de Yogo friend, half rush forward, not picking the way, and the future will be cunning plans. And the first of them: as if I were to fill up a damp body, and as if I would wake up the old one, whose voice will inevitably wake up the Dog.

You can reach God's information by playing a recording of your voice in front of a mutant.

Like a skin of companions, a super mutant, like taking yoga to the group, gives the hero a special building. And if there are two specialties in one mutant, then there are two specialities. Yakshto for you mandruє God, the hero blush i on new stop reacting pastes. The dog is eating your enemies, not letting them get back on their feet. If you want to have one primar, squawk, as if you deal with them yourself, and in the process of robbing you take away the building, which allows you to drive in the primaries without tearing your arms and legs.

Dean Domino

The old dead remembers more and more richly about what you can tell to those who want to hear it. Zreshtoy, I was present at the everyday life of the Sierra Madre casino and I could perform at a concert in honor of Yogo Vіdkritt, but everything went wrong, like I was rozrakhovuvav.

For the long haul of life in the middle of Hmari Din, having learned to fight with gas, I will transfer part of their knowledge of wines to the courier, as if instructed by him. If Domino is in a group, spend it in Khmari, it will change to a quarter. In addition, Dean can teach you to smile Martini "Sierra Madre"- Drink, which temporally increases strength, vitality and maximum health of the hero. If the dead man shares the recipe, it is necessary to talk to him about his secret stockpiles, roaming all over the place.


No maiden, if she was the face of the Brotherhood of Steel, and it was small to beat Elijah, and now she is outraged by you to swear. In order to communicate normally with her, the courier needs a high intellect and intelligence (having offended the parameters of at least six individuals). Ale tim, who can be bred in її gestures and mіmіtsi, Kristin rozpovіst is rich about the month, why should we still be pobuvatim, and people who happen to be zustrіti in future additions.

As long as your team has it, Nashchik responsive to radio receivers and guchnomovtsі from zatrymkoy and shake the trochs a year. Besides, you can teach the courier update casino chips "Sierra Madre". One nuclear battery and two metal pieces will give you five dozen chips. Unfortunately, on the outskirts of the casino nuclear batteries are rare (which cannot be said about the Mojave empty spaces). And how to guess that in the abandoned bunker of Elijah, a vending machine was installed, which accepts chips, the building of the virobley themselves happens to be the same.

Zbroya Sierra Madre

All the orders, until which we called in Mojave, are left in the zanedbany bunker of the Brotherhood of Steel and in the middle of Hmari and, unfortunately, will not help the courier. To be able to shukati and greet them, so that they can eat their hands.

Police Pistol- Standard zbroya security service Sierra Madre. Vikoristov's cartridges of caliber .357 are readily available on the Wasteland. In view of its relative from Mojave (revolver.357) it is reloaded by one shot in one shot and with a second reloading, the drum is reloaded not by one cartridge, but by a clip. For everything, you will be the true companion of the hero, who specializes in firearms, - to fight for him to finish the bagat, that and the guns themselves, too, it’s not to blame for the problems with the repair.

Behind the borders of a zanedbany place, there is a purely collectible rarity, and even fanatical shanuvalniki of revolvers will give it more weight and large-caliber srazkam.

Automatic Rifle- more automatic wintivka, like vicorist cartridges. That and the enemy, on which vartos were bulo b їх stained glass windows, zagaly mute ... And if you turn around in the expanse of Mojave, the ability to shoot with large-caliber blacks can be in good fortune. This twine is more accurate than the automatic strike of the grit at medium distances vividly against the opponent lethal doses lead. Ale, in a first way, it’s already becoming an unacceptable build-up from the installed replenishment of the stock of mentality, but in another way, it’s possible to benefit only with such a screw, a repair kit, or at repairmen for a penny. The first option is small - nowhere, in the Sierra Madre, you will not know such a trunk.

Cosmic Knife- High technologies in the service of the people's state, lower, crushing of the material, which was assigned to the first line for victories in spaceships. Less wine is weak - better for a great knife, ale harder, lower army badges. The Sierra Madri has no special choice, so lovers of stabbing will have to deal with them, what to give. Prote characters with the ability to repair 25 units can be taken lower and two packs of Abraxo cleaner- to clean up the lezo in the air, in order to reduce the damage and the chance of inflicting critical damage.

Unique scheme Cosmic knife super-heated you can look around, breaking one of the terminals at the casino (for example, at the room with a verst - you don’t have to go far). Roasted up to 451 degrees, it’s not only for the sake of more poshkodzhen, but also periodically podpalyuє vorogiv. Vtіm, it's all the same weaker for the cleansing option, then the chance for critical beats is richly greater.

Knife spear- zvichayna zbroya primary people, write-off, vistrya of some - you yourself "cosmic" knives. For shkoda, mayzhe vіdpovіdaє great sword, which is used in Mojave. Ale with a list of the hero dіє shvidshe. To choose a more difficult option, you need a beginner repair of at least fifty, a skein of sticky stitch, a standard list, three cleaned space knives, three packs of Abraxo cleaner and a free workbench.

Throwing knife spear- the cicavii is deprived of it, which is the most powerful armor of this class in grі. The second in 42 units out of the top ten furnishes the greatest metal list. Ale, yak and zavzhd, okrіm yak on the outskirts of the Sierra Madre, write off get somewhere, that stink there stinks only in the clutches of ghosts. Can you try picking them up from stock, if you need them? One is enough for the collection.

gas bomb- one of the different types of the primary people loves to throw such things. Vibrating hard and podpalyuє vorogіv at the radius of the wound. With the ability to vibukhova, you can make 40 singles of bombs on the typing table independently. For which you need a sensor module, input electronics, adhesive line and igniter. It is not clear how the fire extinguisher should come out of the last one, screwed up to the new S-4 bolt - it’s not clear, but it’s still possible to come out.

Bomb Missing - її impossible to beat in V.A.T.S. For the unobvious tricks of the retailers, they are vvazhaetsya with mine, with a grenade, and for the right victoria, you have to get the hang of throwing an important balloon correctly.

bear trap fist- Miraculous armor for amateurs hand-to-hand combat. The fastening on the mittens of the vedmezh trap, when struck, is squeezed and literally the ditch of the enemy is on the shmatki. Particularly corisna yogo zbіlshena shkoda in kіntsіvkakh v sutochki іz representatives of the primary people, adzhe varto seriously mischief primari hand and foot, like that mittevo fall dead.

Holorifle- Tsyu wintivku you take away from Elijah in the same time as you spend in the Sierra Madri. Divine gibrids of a pompom shotgun, an enertitic hut that is the head technology for quiet, who has an eenergusbro, the basic navchka is a reference: Pislya Halfshin Golovintiga is to be applied, tilki, vicorista gaysovi, and aim , at the sight of the gauss, as a way to bring the batteries down after a skin volley, in the wake of the sight. In addition, the optical sight of the head rifle can have the same power that the optics on the "Chrysobe" automatically adjust to lighting conditions, allowing you to shoot successfully both in the day and in the dark.

Just remember that a gift is given once and you won’t find such a gift anywhere else, treat it well and try to save it in the best camp.

Zdіbnosti, yakі zavzhd with you

Dead Money allows the character to grow five times more and add a few new features that are available regardless of whether the character has a Sierra Madri chi or more.

First extra quest. Nothing in particular needs to be done by the new one. Just grab the game with the additions and in one hour you will get a new radio signal from Pip-Boy, which will ask you to go to the Sierra Madre casino.

Go to the Zanedbany bunker of the BS (trochs for a day in the Forlon-Hope camp). Carefully, you will not be able to turn to the empty Mojave without completing all the quests.

Go to the radio, which is standing in the middle of the rock. You will fall into the sub-log and the starter video will be added to the program more often. We'll let you talk to the big elder of the BS Elijah (Father Elijah). Under the hour of remembrance, it is clear that a collar is on you, and if you do not subdue your wines, be it possible to swell. After roaming with the elder, three quests will automatically open up - Find Collar 8: "Dog", Find Collar 14: Dean Dominoі Find Collar 12: Christine. You can go through them in any order.

Find Collar 8: "Dog"

  • Kim is given: Batko Elijah
  • Nagorod: 560 XP (eyepieces), the ability to take Dog (Dog) from a partner.

After moving on with Elijah, this quest will automatically become active.

Go to the police station ( Villa Police Station). If you come before budіvlі, your collar will be available sooner (there is a timer of vibrating). Sob don't vibrate, turn on the radio, everything is shown on the screenshots. You can їх i not vimikati. =>Miscenahodzhennya radio receivers<=, =>Medical research of radio receivers, part 2<=.

At this room, we have nothing to do. Zliva at the entrance, go down to lead to the basement Villa Police Station Basement. Let's get down there. The collar is squealing again. Boldly go ahead, opening all the doors.

Little secret: at the very first room, the determinal, put a small dagger on the boxes and roll two magazines and a detox.

Father, you reached the rest of the kіmnati. The new one should have a radio (turn on yoga, I myself will make a change for the collar) and a holotape Dog Command Tape. We went here ourselves after her. We take a holo-record and rise to the top, to the cell with a super mutant. Let's order from the client and turn on the holo-recording via Pip-Boy. Talk to the super mutant, talk to him and let him out of the cell (Evil 35, required for the rosemary). When the quest is completed, you will take 560 points to see that super mutant from your partner.

Find Collar 14: Dean Domino

  • Kim is given: Batko Elijah
  • Nagorod: 560 XP (eyepieces to be sure), the ability to take Dean Domino from a partner.
Father, we recruited Dog. We automatically start the quest Find Collar 14: Dean Domino. Idemo marker to the door Residential Discrete. Let's go to her. Now we need to know Dean Domino. The flow diagram is shown on the map. =>Map<=. Красная точка - тайник с чемоданом, в котором полезные вещи, в том числе и оружие. Фиолетовый цвет - место прохода не по земле, а по деревянному навесу сверху. Осторожно, на пути очень много ловушек, а также враги. Итак, доходим до конца желтой линии и поднимаемся на третий этаж. Садимся в кресло рядом с гулем в очках. Говорим с ним и уговариваем пойти к фонтану. Все, квест завершен, мы получаем 560 очков опыта.

Find Collar 12: Christine

  • Kim is given: Batko Elijah
  • Nagorod: 660 XP (eyepiece if you know), the ability to take Christine from your partner

Leaving the rest of the partner - Christina (Christine). Idemo until Medical District Tsezovsіm not far from the fountain. Let's go on the map =><=

Respect: now the vibrating timer cannot be turned on. Go and don't hesitate, you will risk yourselves, but you will be fooled. We go to the liquor (there was another bag with brown loot right at the entrance). Lutaemo everything is possible, including the Assassin's suit on the first version. On another version, a hologram checks for us. As soon as we get close to her, she’ll shoot more often (you can’t kill yourself). Shvidko bіzhimo to the blue emіter on 2 versions, which hangs in the middle of the corridor, and yoga is included. Obshukuєmo stіl at the kіmnaі on the opposite side of the emіter and take the key. We go down to the basement, vіdkrivayuchi yogo we know the key. Walk to the terminal and emboss on the button Disengage Main Power. Rise and walk along the corridor to the rest of the room with the autodock. Vidkrivaєmo її that bachimo kalichenu maiden, as you can not say. We speak with her (a paradox, however) and change our drink to the fountain. That's it, the quest is completed, we need 660 points to complete. Before leaving, I recommend to go to the autodoc - check all the health and safety regulations. So we take away the reach for the selection of all partners.

Fires in the Sky

  • Kim is given: Batko Elijah
  • Nagorod: 800 XP (eyepieces)

We speak from Elijoy. After opening, three quests will automatically start: Fires in the Sky, Strike Up the Band and Mixed Signals. First on the list will be a quest Fires in the Sky. Idemo with a super mutant Salida del Sol South by map (=> Map<=). Заходим, проходим до комнаты с пятью выключателями по карте (=>Mapa<=). На карте показан самый короткий путь, но есть и обходные. Также на карте показана нычка с чемоданом (он находится внизу, по лестнице подниматься не надо!)

At the very kіmnati z vimikachs vіn to speak from us. We'll have to change our minds, but bad luck - the super mutant doesn't know anything! We turn on the same holotape with the pipboy, which we played in the police station ( Dog Command Tape). We have two options:

If you have Intellect = 7 and more, choose the appropriate number for the dialogue. All quest completed.

Well, we don’t get the intellect, we say Dogome and ask us to bring the remains of two ghost people. We have three markers, we need only two. Idemo to be some markers and drive in two enemies. We take meat from them and bring Dog. The quest ends, and we need 800 points to complete.

Strike Up the Band

  • Kim is given: Batko Elijah
  • Nagorod: 800 XP (eyepieces)

Whose quest we need to know Dean Domino in Puesta del Sol South. We speak with him to beat the fountain and take it from the partners (gіlka in the dialogue “I think we should varto mandruvati at once”). Idemo card to Puesta del Sol North(=>Map<=). Из Puesta del Sol North let's go to Puesta del Sol South, also on the map (=>Map<=). Проходим по карте до конца и поднимаемся по лестнице (=>Mapa<=).

Now we have two options:

  1. Get rid of yoga. For which one it is necessary to choose sprats in dialos in the following sequence: 1-4-1-1-1, or 1-4-2-2-2 (you can experiment with such sequences of sprats).
  2. You will lose your mind, not choosing the needles at the dialosis, showing more, for example, rob it like this: 1-1-1-2-3-2 (as you have a skill Science = 60, work in this sequence: 1-1-1-2 -3-1-1). Such options for dialogue are also few.

Din ask us to hit us with holograms to protect Yogo. Holograms turn on from the terminals. The first terminal is like this: there de Din having spoken to us, bachimo the door. Vіdkrivaєmo її i go down down the descents, and bachimo the terminal on the table. Activate yoga and turn on the spotlight.

The other terminal is a little more familiar. Let's go to wake up Ruined Cafe(it is indicated on the front map). Rise to another on top. We go into the room with the doors open and through the green doors we see the name. Carefully, so as not to fall, making your way through the eaves into the dirka in the wall of evil. Bachimo is such a terminal, we go into the new one and turn on the spotlight. After what we say Dinom and choose the first needle in dialos. Maybe the power of yogo will be redundant, if we can repair = 30, Barter = 20 or Krasnomovnіst = 80. You can also just choose to send the line "If you don't do this, I'll go shut off the Holograms now". The effect is in the case of successful replicas of the same, but rather choose 1, 2 or 3, no one can hurt the shards of the acknowledgment.

Mixed Signals

  • Kim is given: Batko Elijah
  • Nagorod: 700 XP (eyepieces)

We say for Christina that the fountain was taken from her partners (gіlka in the dialogue “I think we should varto mandruvati at once”). Idemo card to Puesta del Sol North, tudi w, kudi mi ishli s Dinom Domino(=>Map<=). Проходим по карте в Puesta del Sol Switching Station(=>Map<=). Теперь у нас есть два варианта:

If you have Navik Repair = 60, then just click on electric box and click on the "Jury-rig the circuit breaker" option.
Since you don’t have such skills, you need to know three Electric Box Fuse). The stench will be marked by markers, but it is important to know them

Again, select all three options and select the "Fix the circuit breaker using parts" option. Everything is fine, the doors are open.

Come in at the door, which they open, and put respect on the wall. There will be an arrow on it, as if indicating the misuse of the intercom, a kind of squeaky squeaky headband. Shoot your intercom.

Go down the stairs, passing one more intercom (there will be an arrow on the wall on the new one).

Vіdchinyaєmo the door and turn it right-handed. Going down the descent into the toxic gloom, Bachimo shot an arrow and went down there ( carefully- behind her are chotiri vedmezhі traps, ale tse shortest path), and also є i detour path on the right. Nezabarom, you should go and go to go uphill. Rise up and turn left-handed (at the same time, do not turn right-handed, otherwise your partner will vibrate). Go to the door, it is written to the beast of them " Utility“. Come in and open one more door. Bіlya shaf lietime Automatic screwing (Automatic Rifle) - take її, and also lutaєmo all shafi.

The wardrobe with a foldable lock will have a password for the terminal (be careful - we don’t want to break the foldable terminal). Tisnemo on computer Ventilation Control System. Turn on ventilation and voila - toxic haze from below. You can go down there and wander around. So is the book “ Combat Statute of the Chinese Special Forces Walk around the gatherings and you will know. You can turn on the radio receiver only from the terminal, which can be found behind the door with a folding lock (naturally, there is no way around). Idemo to the terminal Remote Maintenance Terminal. With us to speak Christina, you can choose whether you want to have a dialogue, but I would be glad 1-2. Turn on the terminal and select one possible function ( Transfer Control To This Station). Let's talk about Christina. We choose to start the first dialogue. The quest ends, and we take back our city - 700 dosvidu.

Trigger the Gala Event

  • Kim is given: Batko Elijah
  • Nagorod: 100 + 1400 = 1500 xp

A simple quest (but you can get lost in the road). Vlasne we need to go to budіvlі Bell Tower, turn on the console and go to the casino, which already sounded.

At rosemaries you can choose whether you are like a gіlki. As soon as you open the console, you will be given 100 points to finish that "Having a ball", and then the music will start playing and the fireworks will begin to vibrate. Carefully: if you turn on the Ghost People console and wake up again, and you happen to shoot them again.
Idemo to the fountain, embossed on the gate nearby. Selectable “Proceed to the Sierra Madre Casino”. We appear in the casino and bachimo our partners, like to lie unobtrusive. We fall on a plea, we get up and take 1400 dosvidu. Quest completed.

Put the Beast Down

  • Kim is given: Batko Elijah
  • Nagorod: deposit according to your choice for a quest
For this quest, it is necessary to turn on the light and turn on the share Doga. Idemo until Sierra Madre Casino(The doors are not far from the doors of the casino). Here we are being bombarded with security holograms. Your mothers can stay in the nearest places.

After the holograms were fired, we went to the door, when they were shot at the intercom. Rise to the very top and watch the radio. Instructed from the radio to stop the autodoc, it would not bother you. Let's go down to the holograms. Emiter<= . Выключаем его и спокойненько подходим к комнате с терминалом. А здесь - Automatic screwing! Polished armor of the Sierra Madre! I decide on dribnitsa. Lutaёmo tse everything and go to the terminal. We press on Unlock Electrical Closet Door. Now let's go to the month, demi mimicked a hologram to a friend. Vіdchinyaєmo doors Electrical Closet. Tisnemo on flip switch(Permikach on the wall). Hurray, brightly enlightened! Now you can gamble at the casino (don't forget to remember the cashier's pennies with holograms, but you can change the pre-war pennies). So we get two quests: Curtain Call at the Tampicoі Last Luxuries. Let's sleep through lobby let's go to Cantina Madrid. Beremo key Sierra Madre Emergency Maintenance Key.

We shoot in the intercom in the upper left corner and we listen to the radio in one of the toilets. Can you play the holotape? Dog Command Tape, tse trohi change the further quest. Turn around at the casino, before the month of de є autodocs. Instructed to close the doors, vikoristovuemo on them the key. Tisnemo “Use Sierra Madre Emergency Mainenance Key to enter the Kitchen”.

Let's go in, as you played the holotape, Great Dane once again the dialogue.

You can fix it as you wish, there are many options. If you didn’t play the holo-record, then go ahead Dogu persh lower vіn pіdіrve yourself and speak with him. Grapevines to lay down according to your choice.

Curtain Call at the Tampico

  • Kim is given: Batko Elijah
  • Nagorod: 1100 XP (eyepieces with proof)
Apparently to the Lobby and, oh zhah!, Bachimo Ghost People there. Get out of here! Driven in їх, lifted by gatherings on top of another and we go in at the door The Tampico. Let's go ahead (carefully, more radio intercoms cannot be turned on). Just take it in front of the stage Vera's Partipures we know the key in them. Viide Din Domino. They didn’t call him like a bi vy, all the same they called okhorontsiv-holograms. Negidnik! Well, nothing. Idemo to the Backstage Door (there is a right-handed entry to the stage) and using the key found in the notes. Charge from the entrance є emіter - but you can turn on only with Repair = 100, that and turn on only one hologram.

We move forward, respectfully marveling at the wall at the radio intercoms and simple radio receivers, spreading on the tables (tip - go to the terminal on the wall Ambient Audio Control, vin also turn on the timer). I recommend to take care of the cym.

Idemo in Dean's Dresing Room, take the key on the table Vera's Backstage Key. Idemo gave a corridor near Vera's Dressing Room. We take the holotape "Dean Domino's "Saw Her Yesterday" Song" on the table, as well as the key under it. Carefully, bypassing the protective holograms, we lift it to the other over the top of the spotlight. Click on the spotlight Holotape Projector and choose the first option. I disappear as holograms of guardians, and they appear as holograms of gazers that Dina. Now we're at the door, opposite the door Vera's Dressing Room, it is now visible in the open. We speak from Dinom and beat yoga. Now we need to get out of the theater until our collar buckles. After that, as you lean on your forehead, you will take away your city and the quest will be completed.

Last Luxuries

  • Kim is given: Batko Elijah
  • Nagorod: 1000 xp (eyepieces)
Here we need to know that vryatuvati Christina. Idemo at the door Suites. Dali with a card: => Map<= Квест несложный, все показано на карте. Есть только один эмиттер на одну голограмму.

To know wine like this: let's go to the bathroom of the room and fix the doors with shoes. Vіn hang on the wall, you can turn it on only with Repair = 75.

In the warehouse of the police department, there are a lot of stocks and stocks, take a look there. Idemo until the quest and we say z Christina. Under an hour, move the quest to complete. So the raju should be taken to the autodoc and take the cloth Viri.

Heist of the Centuries

  • Kim is given: Batko Elijah
  • Nagorod: 2000 ХР (eyepieces with proof)

Idemo before leaving the casino. As soon as I got out of the terminal, three songs were taken. Turning uphill, we say Christina. Idemo follow her to the door at The back of the Sierra Madre out there open the door. We go down at the new one on the elevator. Vіdchinyaєmo the door and go to the terminal. For the help of a new one, we open the door, that demo far away. We marvel at all sides in the whispers of radio receivers, to reach them richly. Later, we reach the head doors at Prytulku, through the terminal. We go inside, the doors are naturally mended and we still can’t get out. Marvel at the lion-hander, and there - unspeakable riches! Dozens of golden coins! We can’t take everything away, we can’t bring it on vantazhimo їх usі and we’re going to change it (three people know why). We take stylka zlitkiv, so that there is no overwhelm. So look at the shafu order with a table with zі zlivki, there is a lot of armor.

In order to increase the head terminal, we will imitate the protection of the lintel from the wall terminal by ordering from the wardrobe. Start the head terminal and read the records. Apparently from the terminal and from us to speak Elijah. We say to him, if you have є Evil = 75 or Prikhovan = 75, you can beat the roses with roses.

If the Rozmov ends, we open the doors, we wet the turrets Elijah.

If we do yoga, the timer starts. To take away the money, so that it was better to be big, and they were able to live until the exit! (From why it’s impossible to get overwhelmed, we simply can’t achieve it).

If we click on the elevator door, we rely on the fountain. Quest completed, completed.
You can go to any location, or you can turn around to the empty Mojav.
Take a look at the shares of all the characters in addition, and lean back again in the BS bunker.

Passage is folded with a brush collapse, Majestic post-nuclear “dark” youmu for the price.

Below you can see a list of quests and their passage

Sierra Madre Grand Opening!

Kim is given: Starts automatically after the start-up of the grid from the additions.

First extra quest. Nothing in particular needs to be done by the new one. Just grab the game with the additions and in one hour you will get a new radio signal from Pip-Boy, which will ask you to go to the Sierra Madre casino.

Go to the Zanedbany bunker of the BS (trochs for a day in the Forlon-Hope camp). Carefully, you will not be able to turn to the empty Mojave without completing all the quests.

Go to the radio, which is standing in the middle of the rock. You will fall into the sub-log and the starter video will be added to the program more often. We'll let you talk to the big elder of the BS Elijah (Father Elijah). Under the hour of remembrance, it is clear that a collar is on you, and if you do not subdue your wines, be it possible to swell. After rozmove zі the elder, three quests will automatically pop up - Find Collar 8: "Dog", Find Collar 14: Dean Dominoі Find Collar 12: Christine. You can go through them in any order.

Find Collar 8: "Dog"

Kim is given: Batko Elijah
Nagorod: 560 XP (eyepieces), the ability to take Dog (Dog) from a partner.
After moving on with Elijah, this quest will automatically become active.

Go to the police station ( Villa Police Station). If you come before budіvlі, your collar will be available sooner (there is a timer of vibrating). Sob don't vibrate, turn on the radio, everything is shown on the screenshots. You can їх i not vimikati. =>Miscenahodzhennya radio receivers<=, =>Medical research of radio receivers, part 2<=.

At this room, we have nothing to do. Zliva at the entrance, go down to lead to the basement Villa Police Station Basement. Let's get down there. The collar is squealing again. Boldly go ahead, opening all the doors.

Little secret: at the very first room, the determinal, put a small dagger on the boxes and roll two magazines and a detox.

Father, you reached the rest of the kіmnati. The new one should have a radio (turn on yoga, I myself will make a change for the collar) and a holotape Dog Command Tape. We went here ourselves after her. We take a holo-record and rise to the top, to the cell with a super mutant. Let's order from the client and turn on the holo-recording via Pip-Boy. Talk to the super mutant, talk to him and let him out of the cell (Evil 35, required for the rosemary). When the quest is completed, you will take 560 points to see that super mutant from your partner.

Find Collar 14: Dean Domino

Kim is given: Batko Elijah
Nagorod: 560 XP (eyepieces to be sure), the ability to take Dean Domino from a partner.
Father, we recruited Dog. We automatically start the quest Find Collar 14: Dean Domino. Idemo marker to the door Residential Discrete. Let's go to her. Now we need to know Dean Domino. The flow diagram is shown on the map. =>Map<=. Красная точка – тайник с чемоданом, в котором полезные вещи, в том числе и оружие. Фиолетовый цвет – место прохода не по земле, а по деревянному навесу сверху. Осторожно, на пути очень много ловушек, а также враги. Итак, доходим до конца желтой линии и поднимаемся на третий этаж. Садимся в кресло рядом с гулем в очках. Говорим с ним и уговариваем пойти к фонтану. Все, квест завершен, мы получаем 560 очков опыта.

Find Collar 12: Christine

Kim is given: Batko Elijah
Nagorod: 660 XP (eyepiece if you know), the ability to take Christine from your partner
Leaving the rest of the partner - Christina (Christine). Idemo until Medical District Tsezovsіm not far from the fountain. Let's go on the map =><=

Respect: now the vibrating timer cannot be turned on. Go and don't hesitate, you will risk yourselves, but you will be fooled. We go to the liquor (there was another bag with brown loot right at the entrance). Lutaemo everything is possible, including the Assassin's suit on the first version. On another version, a hologram checks for us. As soon as we get close to her, she’ll shoot more often (you can’t kill yourself). Shvidko bіzhimo to the blue emіter on 2 versions, which hangs in the middle of the corridor, and yoga is included. Obshukuєmo stіl at the kіmnaі on the opposite side of the emіter and take the key. We go down to the basement, vіdkrivayuchi yogo we know the key. Walk to the terminal and emboss on the button Disengage Main Power. Rise and walk along the corridor to the rest of the room with the autodock. Vidkrivaєmo її that bachimo kalichenu maiden, as you can not say. We speak with her (a paradox, however) and change our drink to the fountain. That's it, the quest is completed, we need 660 points to complete. Before leaving, I recommend to go to the autodoc - check all the health and safety regulations. So we take away the reach for the selection of all partners.

Fires in the Sky

Kim is given: Batko Elijah
Nagorod: 800 XP (eyepieces)
We speak from Elijoy. After opening, three quests will automatically start: Fires in the Sky, Strike Up the Band and Mixed Signals. First on the list will be a quest Fires in the Sky. Idemo with a super mutant Salida del Sol South by map (=> Map<=). Заходим, проходим до комнаты с пятью выключателями по карте (=>Mapa<=). На карте показан самый короткий путь, но есть и обходные. Также на карте показана нычка с чемоданом (он находится внизу, по лестнице подниматься не надо!)

At the very kіmnati z vimikachs vіn to speak from us. We'll have to change our minds, but bad luck - the super mutant doesn't know anything! We turn on the same holotape with the pipboy, which we played in the police station ( Dog Command Tape). We have two options:

If you have Intellect = 7 and more, choose the appropriate number for the dialogue. All quest completed.

Sierra Madre Grand Opening!

Kim is given: Starts automatically after the acquisition of the gris with an addendum.

First extra quest. Nothing in particular needs to be done by the new one. Just grab the game with the additions and in one hour you will get a new radio signal from Pip-Boy, which will ask you to go to the Sierra Madre casino.

Go to the Zanedbany bunker of the BS (trochs for a day in the Forlon-Hope camp). Carefully, you will not be able to turn to the empty Mojave without completing all the quests.

Go to the radio, which is standing in the middle of the rock. You will fall into the sub-log and the starter video will be added to the program more often. Let's talk to the big old BS Elijah (Father Elijah). Under the hour of remembrance, it is clear that a collar is on you, and if you do not subdue your wines, be it possible to swell. After the search for the elder, three quests will automatically pop up - Find Collar 8: "Dog", Find Collar 14: Dean Domino and Find Collar 12: Christine. You can go through them in any order.
Find Collar 8: "Dog"

Kim is given: Father Elijah
Cities: 560 XP (eyepieces), the ability to take the Dog from a partner.
After moving on with Elijah, this quest will automatically become active.

Go to the police station (Villa Police Station). If you come before budіvlі, your collar will be available sooner (there is a timer of vibrating). Sob don't vibrate, turn on the radio, everything is shown on the screenshots. You can їх i not vimikati. =>Miscenahodzhennya radio receivers<=, =>Medical research of radio receivers, part 2<=.

At this room, we have nothing to do. Zliva at the entrance - go down to lead to the basement of the Villa Police Station Basement. Let's get down there. The collar is squealing again. Boldly go ahead, opening all the doors.

A small secret: at the very first room, de terminal, put a small flake on the boxes and shake two magazines and a detox.

Father, you reached the rest of the kіmnati. The new one has a radio (turn on yoga, it's up to you to make a change for the collar) and a Dog Command Tape holotape. We went here ourselves after her. We take a holo-record and rise to the top, to the cell with a super mutant. Let's order from the client and turn on the holo-recording via Pip-Boy. Talk to the super mutant, talk to him and let him out of the cell (Evil 35, required for the rosemary). When the quest is completed, you will take 560 points to see that super mutant from your partner.

Find Collar 14: Dean Domino

Kim is given: Father Elijah
Cities: 560 xp (eyepieces dosvіdu), the ability to take Dean Domino from a partner.

Later, we recruited Dog "a. We automatically start the quest Find Collar 14: Dean Domino. Follow the marker to the doors of Residental Discrict. We go into it. Now we need to know Dean Domino. The scheme of the move is shown on the map. = >Map<=. Красная точка - тайник с чемоданом, в котором полезные вещи, в том числе и оружие. Фиолетовый цвет - место прохода не по земле, а по деревянному навесу сверху. Осторожно, на пути очень много ловушек, а также враги. Итак, доходим до конца желтой линии и поднимаемся на третий этаж. Садимся в кресло рядом с гулем в очках. Говорим с ним и уговариваем пойти к фонтану. Все, квест завершен, мы получаем 560 очков опыта.

Find Collar 12: Christine

Kim is given: Father Elijah
Cities: 660 xp (eyepieces), the ability to take Christine from a partner
The remaining partner was left behind - Christina (Christine). We go to the Medical District, we are close to the fountain. Let's go on the map =><=

Uvaga: now the timer for vimicaty is not possible. Go and don't hesitate, you will risk yourselves, but you will be fooled. We go to the liquor (there was another bag with brown loot right at the entrance). Lutaemo everything is possible, including the Assassin's suit on the first version. On another version, a hologram checks for us. As soon as we get close to her, she’ll shoot more often (you can’t kill yourself). Shvidko bіzhimo to the blue emіter on 2 versions, which hangs in the middle of the corridor, and yoga is included. Obshukuєmo stіl at the kіmnaі on the opposite side of the emіter and take the key. We go down to the basement, vіdkrivayuchi yogo we know the key. We go to the terminal and click on the Disengage Main Power button. Rise and walk along the corridor to the rest of the room with the autodock. Vidkrivaєmo її that bachimo kalichenu maiden, as you can not say. We speak with her (a paradox, however) and change our drink to the fountain. That's it, the quest is completed, we need 660 points to complete. Before leaving, I recommend to go to the autodoc - check all the health and safety regulations. So we take away the reach for the selection of all partners.

Fires in the Sky

Kim is given: Father Elijah

We're talking to Elijah. After opening, three quests will automatically start: Fires in the Sky, Strike Up the Band and Mixed Signals. First on the list is the Fires in the Sky quest. I demo with a super mutant at Salida del Sol South with a map (=> Map<=). Заходим, проходим до комнаты с пятью выключателями по карте (=>Mapa<=). На карте показан самый короткий путь, но есть и обходные. Также на карте показана нычка с чемоданом (он находится внизу, по лестнице подниматься не надо!)

At the very kіmnati z vimikachs vіn to speak from us. We'll have to change our minds, but bad luck - the super mutant doesn't know anything! We turn on the same holotape with pipboy, which we played in the police station (Dog Command Tape). We have two options:

If you have Intellect = 7 and more, choose the appropriate number for the dialogue. All quest completed.

Since we don’t get the intellect, we say from the Dog and wine to ask us to bring the remains of two Ghost People. We have three markers, we need only two. Idemo to be some markers and drive in two enemies. We take meat from them and bring it to the Dog. The quest ends, and we need 800 points to complete.

Strike Up the Band

Kim is given: Father Elijah
Cities: 800 XP (eyepieces are clear)

For this quest, we need to bring Dean Domino to Puesta del Sol South. We speak with him to beat the fountain and take it from his partners (gіlka in the dialogue "I think we should varto mandruvati at once"). Take the demo card to Puesta del Sol North (=>Map<=). Из Puesta del Sol North идем в Puesta del Sol South, также по карте (=>Mapa<=). Проходим по карте до конца и поднимаемся по лестнице (=>Mapa<=).

Now we have two options:

Get rid of yoga. For which one it is necessary to choose sprats in dialos in the following sequence: 1-4-1-1-1, or 1-4-2-2-2 (you can experiment with such sequences of sprats).

You will lose your mind, not choosing the needles at the dialosis, showing more, for example, rob it like this: 1-1-1-2-3-2 (as you have a skill Science = 60, work in this sequence: 1-1-1-2 -3-1-1). Such options for dialogue are also few.

Dean ask us to cover us with holograms to protect Yogo. Holograms turn on from the terminals. The first terminal is known as follows: there, de Din, having spoken to us, we open the door. Vіdkrivaєmo її i go down down the descents, and bachimo the terminal on the table. Activate yoga and turn on the spotlight.

The other terminal is a little more familiar. We go to the Ruined Cafe (it is marked on the front map). Rise to another on top. We go into the room with the doors open and through the green doors we see the names. Carefully, so as not to fall, making your way through the eaves into the dirka in the wall of evil. Bachimo is such a terminal, we go into the new one and turn on the spotlight. After that, we speak with Dean and choose the first head of the dialos. Maybe the power of yogo will be redundant, if we can repair = 30, Barter = 20 or Krasnomovnіst = 80. You can also just choose to redo the line "If you don't do this, I"ll go shut off the Holograms now". The effect is in the case of successful replicas of the same, but rather choose 1, 2 or 3, no one can hurt the shards of the acknowledgment.

Mixed Signals

Kim is given: Father Elijah
Cities: 700 xp (eyepieces)

We speak of Christina, bilya the fountain, and take it from her partners (gіlka in the dialogue "I think we varto mandruvati at once"). Go with a demo card to Puesta del Sol North, go there, where we went with Dean Domino (=>Map<=). Проходим по карте в Puesta del Sol Switching Station (=>Mapa<=). Теперь у нас есть два варианта:

If you have Navik Repair = 60, then just click on the Electric Box and click on the Jury-rig the circuit breaker option.
Since you don't have any of these skills, you need to know three hacks (Electric Box Fuse). The stench will be marked with markers, but it is important to know that, for details on this video:

Again, select all three options and select the "Fix the circuit breaker using parts" option. Everything is fine, the doors are open.

Come in at the door, which they open, and put respect on the wall. There will be an arrow on it, as if indicating the misuse of the intercom, a kind of squeaky squeaky headband. Shoot your intercom.

Go down the stairs, passing one more intercom (there will be an arrow on the wall on the new one).

Vіdchinyaєmo the door and turn it right-handed. Going down the descent into the toxic gloom, bachimo bіlu arrow and let's go there (be careful - after her chotir vedmezhі traps, then the shortest path), also the detour on the right. Nezabarom, you should go and go to go uphill. Rise up and turn left-handed (at the same time, do not turn right-handed, otherwise your partner will vibrate). Go to the door, the beast of which says "Utility". Come in and open one more door. Bіlya shaf liemy Automatic rifle (Automatic Rifle) - take її, and also loot all shaffi.
The wardrobe with a foldable lock will have a password for the terminal (be careful - we don’t want to break the foldable terminal). Tisnemo on the computer Ventilation Control System. Turn on ventilation and voila - toxic haze from below. You can go down there and wander around. So is the book "Combat Statute of the Chinese Special Forces", go around and you will know. You can turn on the radio receiver only from the terminal, which can be found behind the door with a folding lock (naturally, there is no way around). Idemo to the Remote Maintenance Terminal. With us to speak Christina, you can choose whether you want to have a dialogue, but I would be glad 1-2. Turn on the terminal and select one possible function (Transfer Control To This Station). Let's talk about Christina. We choose to start the first dialogue. The quest ends, and we take back our city - 700 dosvidu.

Trigger the Gala Event

Kim is given: Father Elijah
Cities: 100 + 1400 = 1500 xp

A simple quest (but you can get lost in the road). Well, we need to go to the Bell Tower booth, turn on the console and go to the kahino, which already sounded. Idemo to the doors of Salida del Sol South, followed the path indicated on the video:

At rosemaries you can choose whether you are like a gіlki. As soon as you open the console, you will be given 100 points to finish that "Having a ball", and then the music will start playing and the fireworks will begin to vibrate. Carefully: when the Ghost People console is turned on, you will respawn, and you will happen to shoot them again.
Idemo to the fountain, embossed on the gate nearby. Select "Proceed to the Sierra Madre Casino". We appear in the casino and bachimo our partners, like to lie unobtrusive. We fall on a plea, we get up and take 1400 dosvidu. Quest completed.

Put the Beast Down

Kim is given: Father Elijah
Nagorod: deposit according to your choice for the quest

For this quest, it is necessary to turn on the light and turn on the share of Dog. Idemo at the Sierra Madre Casino (doors not far from the doors at the casino). Here we are being bombarded with security holograms. Your mothers can visit other places - you can also marvel at this mini-video-guide:

After the holograms were fired, we went to the door, when they were shot at the intercom. Rise to the very top and watch the radio. Instructed from the radio to stop the autodoc, it would not bother you. Let's go down to the holograms. Emiter<=. Выключаем его и спокойненько подходим к комнате с терминалом. А здесь - Автоматическая винтовка! Улучшенная броня Сьерра-Мадре! И всего остального по мелочи. Лутаем это все и заходим в терминал. Нажимаем на Unlock Electrical Closet Door. Теперь идем к месту, где мы выключали вторую голограмму. Открываем дверь Electrical Closet. Жмем на Flip Switch (переключатель на стене). Ура, свет включен! Теперь можно поиграть в казино (не забудьте только поменять деньги у кассира-голограммы, но он меняет только довоенные деньги). Также нам добавятся два квеста: Curtain Call at the Tampico и Last Luxuries. Затем через Lobby идем в Cantina Madrid. Берем ключ Sierra Madre Emergency Mainenance Key.
We shoot in the intercom in the upper left corner and we listen to the radio in one of the toilets. You can play the Dog Command Tape holotape to change the next quest. Turn around at the casino, before the month of de є autodocs. Instructed to close the doors, vikoristovuemo on them the key. Tisnemo "Use Sierra Madre Emergency Mainenance Key to enter the Kitchen".
We go in and as soon as you have played the holotape, then the Dog will immediately have a dialogue.
You can fix it as you wish, there are many options. If you didn’t play the holo-record, then go to Dog before that, as if you were guilty of yourself and speak with him. Grapevines to lay down according to your choice. But all the same to get out, you will need to block three gas pipes:

Curtain Call at the Tampico

Kim is given: Father Elijah
Cities: 1100 XP (eyepieces are clear)

Seems to be in the Lobby and, oh zhah !, Bachimo there Ghost People "s. Stinks and got here! We drive them in, we climb on top of the other one and we go in the door of The Tampico. We take Vera's Partipures on the stage, we know the key in them. Viide Din Domino. Like bi vy didn't call him, but all the same vykliche okhorontsіv-holograms. Bad guy! Well, nothing. I'm going to the Backstage Door (there is a right hand on the stage) Let us know at the notes. on the wall Ambient Audio Control, also turn on the timer).
key. I demo was given by the corridor at Vera's Dressing Room. We take the holotape "Dean Domino"s "Saw Her Yesterday" Song" on the table, as well as the key under it. Carefully, passing by the security holograms, we lift it to another on top of the spotlight. Click on the "Holotape Projector" spotlight and choose the first option. I disappear with the holograms ohorontsіv, and are holograms of peepers that Dean. Now let's go at the door opposite the doors of Vera's Dresing Room, the stench is now showing signs. We speak from Dean and drive in yoga. Now it's necessary to get out of the theater while our collar does not swell. .

Last Luxuries

Kim is given: Father Elijah
Cities: 1000 xp

Here we need to know and vryatuvat Christina. Idemo at the door Suites
. Dali with a card: => Map<= Квест несложный, все показано на карте. Есть только один эмиттер на одну голограмму.
To know wine like this: let's go to the bathroom of the room and fix the doors with shoes. Vіn hang on the wall, you can turn it on only with Repair = 75.
In the warehouse of the police department, there are a lot of stocks and stocks, take a look there. Let's go to the quest and we're talking about Christina. Under an hour, move the quest to complete. So the rajah should go to the autodoc and take Viri's cloth.

Heist of the Centuries

Kim is given: Father Elijah
Nagorod: 2000 XP (eyepiece with proof)

Idemo before leaving the casino. As soon as I got out of the terminal, three songs were taken. We turn on the mountain, we say for Christina. Idemo follow her to the door at the Sierra Madri Sheds, she will fix the doors. We go down at the new one on the elevator. Vіdchinyaєmo the door and go to the terminal. For the help of a new one, we open the door, that demo far away. We marvel at all sides in the whispers of radio receivers, to reach them richly. Axis of the video, to help you get through: Otzhe, we reach the head doors at the Prytulku, through the terminal. We go inside, the doors are naturally mended and we still can’t get out. Marvel at the lion-hander, and there - unspeakable riches! Dozens of golden coins! We can’t take everything away, we can’t bring it on vantazhimo їх usі and we’re going to change it (three people know why). We take stylka zlitkiv, so that there is no overwhelm. So look at the shafu order with a table with zі zlivki, there is a lot of armor.
In order to increase the head terminal, we will imitate the protection of the lintel from the wall terminal by ordering from the wardrobe. Start the head terminal and read the records. Apparently from the terminal and from us to speak Elijah. We say to him, if you have є Evil = 75 or Prikhovan = 75, you can beat the roses with roses.
If the roof ends, we open the door, we wet the turrets and Elijah.
If we do yoga, the timer starts. To take away the money, so that it was better to be big, and they were able to live until the exit! (From why it’s impossible to get overwhelmed, we simply can’t achieve it).
If we click on the elevator door, we rely on the fountain. Quest completed, completed.
You can go to any location, or you can turn around to the empty Mojav.
Take a look at the shares of all the characters in addition, and lean back again in the BS bunker.

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