The story of the tragedy: "Likar Liza lied to me." Memories perished in a plane crash in Sochi

Today, the 26th day of the complaint. Usya krajna sumuє for those who perished in a plane crash, which became in the sky over the Black Sea near Sochi. At the aircraft Tu-154 of the Ministry of Defense, military servicemen, artists of the famous Alexandrov choir, journalists from many TV channels, and Persh’s zocrema perished. Elizaveta Glinka died - Dr. Liza ... Let's wonder Let it seem - Tu-154. Disaster near the Black Sea 26.12.2016

12/25/2016…Dmitro Runkov, Oleg Korzanov, Lyubov Khorosheva, Oleksandr Rivnenskiy, Roman Volkov, Mikhailo Vasyn, Ralina Gilmanova, Ivan Kryuchkov, Lilia Pir'eva, Oleksandr Petukhov, Anastasia Achurkova, Dariya Trofimova, Lyudmila Gurar, Gan'ko Tsvilyakovr , Oleksandr Shtuko, Oleksiy Trofimov, Viktoria Satarova, Maksim Ivanov, Andriy Mamonov, Valeriy Rzhevsky, Valeriy Perukariv, Oleksandr Sєrov, Andriy Savelyev, Mikhailo Luzhetskiy, Vadim Denisov, V'yacheslav Yermolin, Andriy Krivtsov, Kateryna Oleksova, Oleksikov Pestov, Oleksandr Shtuko, Evgen Tolstov, Oleksandr Suranov, Oleksandr Tregubov, Grigory Osipov, Olga Shagun, Andriy Bazdiryev, Kirilo Davidenko, Maria Klokotova, Dmitro Litvyakov, Volodymyr Khalimon, Oleksiy Morgunov, Zhaf'yar Nasibulin, Artem Taras

Let it seem - Tu-154. Disaster near the Black Sea

At the studio, the programs Let it seem - Tu-154. Disaster in the Black Sea Vadim Ananiev, one of the soloists of the famous choir Russian army, which could not be taken on board the Tu-154 aircraft

- That's bullshit. My team went with the phone in their hands to me and said that it was a sign from the radar. I realized that it was more tragic... I could fly again, but for a few days Valeriy Khalilov called me to himself, having listened to my family situation and allowing me to be left at home. I have little kid, and win over my situation. I fly in a moment, yakby is not my son Yurko.

Churchill called this choir "the secret army of Russia". In early 1928, the first concert of the ensemble was held by the professor of the Moscow Conservatory Oleksandr Vasilyovich Aleksandrov. Vistup just passed through great success. The first song for Alexandrov's choir was called "Holy War". Regardless of the great repertoire of the ensemble, this composition can be heard at all yoga concerts. In 1944, the choir became the victor of the anthem of the USSR, a kind of praise by Josip Stalin himself.

They wanted to sleep with them richly in the light stars of the stage. The middle is quiet, who was spared by the viconati of the song: Toto Cutugno, Demis Roussos, Mireille Mathieu, Karel Gott, Thomas Anders and others. Artists of Oleksandrov's choir were always near all the hot spots of the planet. They were accepted by the most numerous individuals from different lands. Usі kraїni svіtu svіtu today sumuyut for vtratoy talented musicians.

Evgen Oleksandrov, onuk of the great composer:

— My grandfather served at the Cathedral of Christ the Savior and worked as a professor at the Moscow Conservatory. Then the temple was bulo visageno in turn and youmu was asked to form an ensemble of s of the military. I haven't slept all night. It's a nightmare...

Tu-154 crash. Sumuёmo

At the studio Let me tell you - Tu-154. The catastrophe in the Black Sea (Memory of those who perished in a plane crash in Sochi) Nina Shtuko, mother of the 30-year-old perished Oleksandr Shtuko, who was planning an offensive rock to win the fun with his kohanoy maiden:

- For 3 years, I spent the eldest son, the eldest donka and Sasha is dumb at once. Three children ... Sasha was my main assistant and a wonderful partner. I myself was a sleeper and chanted songs at once from Muslim Magomayev. Later moved to Tver. Sashkov, for some reason, the aria “People die for metal” was more appropriate. I took yoga to academic operatic singing. It was a great joy to become a member of the ensemble named after Oleksandrov. There you know your friends and you should have slept at the choir.

TV presenter Leonid Yakubovich (Oleksandr Shtuko was a participant in the program "Field of Miracles") enters the hall:

- I don’t know what to say ... There were already many skils in our life, but I’ve already hit the head with a stone. Z'yasovuvat immediately cause a plane crash nemya racії, that scho needs to open the onboard recorders. It is established that the board is pishov with the nose down. Meaning, either the sound was pouring in, otherwise it became in the middle. Today, there is a version of a terrorist attack. At such a time, ornithological insecurity could be, or mechanization worked out of sync. In the rest of the fall, the pilot would definitely not have been able to react mittevo.

Oleksandr Khalilov, younger brother of the People's Artist of Russia Valery Khalilov:

— I work at the institute of military directors, where I started Valery Mikhailovich. By Friday, the 23rd, the rebels were after him. I then needed a gift and gave me a wise joy ... I knew that I broke my guilt on a trip. I am also near Syria two years ago.

Valeriy Khalilov was born to a Russian conductor. At 4 rocky wines, having written his first melody, and after a few years, he already learned at the Russian music school. All the life of Valeriy Mikhailovich was connected with Viysk music. Ensembles under yoga keruvannyam became laureates of various competitions.

Let's not talk. Memories perished in a plane crash near Sochi. Likar Liza

In the middle of the dead at the Tu-154 aircraft appeared and Elizaveta Glinka, who saw Dr. Liza, vikonavchiy director beneficial fund"Fair help." Two days earlier, she gave all her front-payers a good wound to the social services. Vaughn set her own unbearable tasks and beat them. For example, in the 90s, Glinka flew from the States, she lingered from the 80s, to take up palliative medicine. She herself opened the first hospice in Russia. Vaughn was carrying medicines, and most of all, near the hot spot, zokrem, Donetsk and Luhansk, and she was bringing the wounded children. On March 8, Volodymyr Putin presented the Sovereign Prize to Elizabeth.

Program guests: Igor Kirilov and Hanna Shatilova, Volodymyr Vinokur, Oleksandr Rutska, Igor Matvienko, Oleksandr Prokhanov, partner Zara and In.

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Rick to that - 25 breasts - over the Black Sea, pіd Sochi,. So, when I flew to Syria with humanitarian help, I broke down. 92 individuals perished. Among them, there are thousands of people like Dr. Liza.

A doctor with a diploma from Pirogivka, a mother of three children, and a happy team of a possible person helped the poor, we were ill at hospices, and spoke out to the children of Donbass.

Vaughn saw at the Moscow railway stations the rejoicing of the homeless, and if the battles broke out at the gatherings of Ukraine, she complained about the ailing children of the Donbass, as at that time there was no more help for them, that help for the children of Syria, who are at war.

Through the river after the tragedy, to the studio of "Direct Air" Andriy Malakhov came to those who survived and took care of the Doctor's Liz, and those who carried on the gentry on the right.

Mother of the Eight Lizi Shalaeva Oksana Shalaeva revealed that in 2015, the roci її donets were diagnosed with blood cancer. Liza was taken to Luhansk at the critical station. We are united, who came to the rescue, bula Likar Likar.

The same girl was delivered by air to Moscow from the war-scarred Donbas. At the table they gave me the necessary medical assistance, and then we were amazed.

Now Lisa is in remission. "She's more kind, beautiful, fight for the lives of people," - the namesake of the Likar.

About those, like a snail of 2014, fate came to Donetsk, guess Yulia Kurenkova. On the 27th, the linden won in the intensive care unit after the shelling of the place. "I was amazed at her strength. I wondered what a haircut was in her. That was a right person," - it seems Julia, now I want to become a doctor.

On the air before Andriy Malakhov came th tі, hto pratsyuvav together with Likar Liza.

Ksenia Sokolova is the head of the Fair Help Foundation, started by Elizaveta Glinka, guessing that she was even stronger, but she changed even more.

“Vona couldn’t understand, she’s needed now, if she’s long enough and so the styles of everything important come from the world,” Ksenia guesses.

Pratsyuvala with Dr. Liza and Tetyana Kozhevnikova. Vaughn guesses that Elizaveta Glinka didn’t row with a laborious work and took literally everything: she climbed on the leaves, watched over the trees, traveled to sick children.

When tsimu won vmіla rozmovlyat as with high plantings, so with bezpritulnymi. "A unique person. Great, but simple," - like Tetyana.

Є y tі, who didn’t know about her especially, but having known about those that Likar robbed, but on the floor of enmity, that changed his life. So it happened to the 32-year-old Evgen Kosovsky from Chelyabinsk. After that, having played a TV report about the Doctor Lisa like a wine, the person himself has done it to help the homeless, the weak, the underprivileged, and then we understand that it’s a crying call.

To this day - 25 breasts - over the Black Sea, near Sochi, there was a tragedy that shook the whole country. So, when I flew to Syria with humanitarian help, I broke down. 92 individuals perished. Among them was Elizaveta Glinka, who was seen by thousands of people like Likar Liza.

A doctor with a diploma from Pirogivka, a mother of three children, and a happy team of a possible person helped the poor, we were ill at hospices, and spoke out to the children of Donbass.

Vaughn saw at the Moscow railway stations the rejoicing of the homeless, and if the battles broke out at the gatherings of Ukraine, she complained about the ailing children of the Donbass, as at that time there was no more help for them, that help for the children of Syria, who are at war.

Through the river after the tragedy, to the studio of "Direct Air" Andriy Malakhov came to those who survived and took their time to help Likar Liza, and those who carry on the noble right.

Mother of the Eight Lizi Shalaeva Oksana Shalaeva revealed that in 2015, the roci її donets were diagnosed with blood cancer. Liza was taken to Luhansk at the critical station. We are united, who came to the rescue, bula Likar Likar.

The same girl was delivered by air to Moscow from the war-scarred Donbas. At the table they gave me the necessary medical assistance, and then we were amazed.

Immediately Lizi is in remission. “She is more kind, beautiful, fight for the life of people,” - the namesake of the Likar.

About those, like a snail of 2014, fate came to Donetsk, guess Yulia Kurenkova. On the 27th, the linden won in the intensive care unit after the shelling of the place. “I was amazed by the strength. It was obvious that he had a haircut. Tse bula was a right person, ”say Julia, now I also want to become a doctor.

On the air before Andriy Malakhov came th tі, hto pratsyuvav together with Likar Liza.

Ksenia Sokolova is the head of the Fair Help Foundation, started by Elizaveta Glinka, guessing that she was even stronger, but the war changed even more.

“Vona couldn’t understand, she’s needed now, if she’s long enough and so the styles of everything important come from the world,” Ksenia guesses.

Pratsyuvala with Dr. Liza and Tetyana Kozhevnikova. Vaughn guesses that Elizaveta Glinka didn’t row with a laborious work and took literally everything: she climbed on the leaves, watched over the trees, traveled to sick children.

When tsimu won vmіla rozmovlyat as with high plantings, so with bezpritulnymi. “A unique person. Great, ale forgiveness, ”- it’s like Tetyana.

Є y tі, who didn’t know about her especially, but having known about those that Likar robbed, but on the floor of enmity, that changed his life. So it happened to the 32-year-old Evgen Kosovsky from Chelyabinsk. In addition, having played a TV report about Liza the Doctor, like a wine, a person has himself helped the homeless, the weak, the underprivileged, and then we understand that this is why - yogo call.

Tell me about the Doctor and quiet, who will follow his example, how to help the Foundation "Fair Assistance" celebrities and what can be for us? About tse - at the program “Andriy Malakhov. Live air” on TV channel “Russia 1” on 28 December.

Today ZMI literally hung in the air information about those who broke up Andriy Malakhov - a leading TV presenter. Tsgogo day vіn hastened to catch television programs. About those who used to be kerm at the time of the accident, and whose car drove the Russian television shows, you can find out from our article.

Yak became a disaster

Z Malakhovim at once, everything is garazd, like the showman himself is stverzhu. Prote vin does not block the fact that he was often at fault in an accident.

At that time, having rushed to the transfer of "Pyat vechoriv", then the wine was getting water, which is known for the Mercedes kerm, with which Malakhov constantly asked to add the security, the shards to the zyomok were left with less than a year. Zirka knows that one thought was spinning in her head: get to work.

It’s important to say why the water of the Mercedes passed on a red light. And yet, for a sprig of hvilin, the car on majestic speed hit Mazda, which was flying nazustrich.

The blow of the pavement was strong, which the Japanese car struck at the western smuga. The car was greatly shaken: the head of the water appeared squeezed between the fold and the metal. Ale, everything went well, she was left alive and without taking away serious injuries.

Malakhov himself did not suffer any damage in a car accident: airbags were thrown in. After that, how it all happened, the leader, who was lightly zdivuvavsya in the situation, scho wiyshov, wiyshov from the car, having caught a ride and went on a hire. Today we see that I still got on the TV show.

Zirka was not stunned either by looking at the crooked water of Mazdi, or the camp of his girlfriend, as she drove out of him at the same time by the car. At that time, yogo was turbulent less than zyomki. To the point, the leader did not leave his car. Representatives of the press are hotly discussing who should get a car of a German brand, having become the culprit of the one that Andriy Malakhov didn’t break a little!

Malakhov himself, it seems, bachiv wrecked water, even though wine passed on a red light. I wanted to raise some respect for you, but I didn’t manage to say anything: already in a few seconds the car sang with Mazda.

Whose car їhav Malakhov

If Malakhov did arrive at a significant studio, then after the blow of wine he thought less about the work and about those who didn’t stop at the Maidan. Ale, about those who still need a Mercedes, in which a zirka went, vin virishiv did not expand.

Vіdomo less than those, scho tse yoga girlfriend's car. Vaughn is a blond woman, for the very reason, representatives of Malakhov's wife, to the point of being special, show special interest.

The host once said that I won’t call them names. In another turn, the situation with Tina Kandelaki may be repeated.

At a time, it’s less likely that after an accident and that, like Malakhov on a fellow traveler, having gone to a significant studio, his girlfriend violated the next passing car. The water of the Mercedes was actually left to "loose" the situation, which was developing in its own self.

The driver of the car was the head of the water of the girl Andriy Malakhov.

Trochs about the special life of the leader

You can rest easy, Andriy Malakhov crashed by a car, but without taking off serious injuries! The person of Andriy Malakhov this year is to chirp with representatives of the press and prominent viewers of the First Channel, on which television programs are broadcast. At the same time, I’m also familiar with the blogger, marvel at the news, experience the characters, praise them and sue them the same way, just like in the programs “Great Pranya” and “Let’s not talk.”

Malakhov is considered one of the most prominent presenters on Russian television. A photo of a star appears at the door of the Merezha, and on some of them they boldly demonstrate an athletic stature and a miraculous physical form.

It is not surprising that the news about those that Andriy Malakhov broke up shocked a lot of hot girls and fans. But the TV presenter himself does not want to detail his special life and that of his friends.

Malakhov's team Natalia Shkulova, who has seen popular magazines such as "Marie Claire", "Dodomu", "Inter'eri Plus Ideas" and "ELLE" group. The press calls Andriy and Natalya a creative couple with an original character. The stench of the trivaly hour chirped, pіdtremuyuchi romantic stosunki. Ale, after the fate of the Gromadyansky stench, the stench was gone. At the fences and the press, they were talking hotly about the wedding. The elegantly named woman looked simply above the head in a white dress. Andriy todi buv in a black classic suit.

I live as friends near a luxurious apartment on the Arbat. Prote the stink of an hour at a time to spend a trivaly hour of the day, so that you don’t become the guarantors of the fast days. In such a rank of stink vlashtovuyut pobachennya that romantic rendezvous, just like the hour of the cob of their stosunkiv.

There are no children at the bet. If in the press there are a few things about those that Natalya is pregnant, the stench will be immediately confused. Malakhov himself tries not to talk about the reason why people have to love one by one, while there are no sleeping children. Natomist Andriy є baptized by the father of five children. Among them is the son of Mikoli Baskov.

It’s impossible not to guess that fat, that I’m sensitive about the secret of my blonde girlfriend Malakhov, who was in an expensive car like a wine at the time of the accident, strongly roared yoga chanuvalnikov and representatives of the press. There is a lot of people to go to the Duma about those who are the wife of Andriy Malakhov's team - Nataliya Shkulova. Ale yakscho tse - not out, then about the yak kohanu, then, talking about the popular TV presenter? At the moment, it seems that the stench of the retinue with the retinue already lives in perfect harmony, and there was no chance of welding a little while.

In this way, after an unacceptable step on the road for the participation of Andriy Malakhov, a subversive intrigue is taken: by which I threaten an accident, and by whom I was a taemnicha girl, I knew the driver in the car at the time of the accident. Possibly, without a hitch, information about the camp will become widely known, but we are left with only checks.

About those that Andriy Malakhov broke up, clear up the tides of ZMI, but the accident is not serious, our lover is alive and healthy!

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