What do the numbers on fruits mean. What do fruit labels mean? How to decipher the numbers on the sticker

A small sticker on oranges, bananas and tangerines can carry even more important information. And deakі people їх їх їніт лэкціноуют, at the statі it’s time about facts, tied with different stickers on vegetables and fruits.

In the Soviet Socialist Republic, children associated small stickers with tangerines, bananas and oranges. The stench with particular tastes cracked their types of fruit and glued the refrigerator on the table (as an alternative to modern magnets). You can stick it on the kahelnu tile in the kitchen, or just put it on yourself.

Today it's easy to cheer someone up with such stickers. The stinks practically spend the whole hour on bananas and citrus fruits, often on kiwi, apples and pears, and even more on vegetables.

Why do you need stickers on vegetables and fruits?

In such a way, the maker marks his goods. Aje when buying dairy products or pasta, you can save a lot, you can cook the stench, and just choose the next product.

For example, on bananas, you can put a small sticker on the fruit, shards of this fruit can not be packed in a bag or a box. Є virobnik, which is glued to the skin of a banana comics, by the same tokens of buyers. Aje of the attacking time, a person will take the vegetables and fruits of that trademark, which, having slumped it to the relish.

On the other stickers, there is a QR code or a barcode with encrypted information about vegetables or fruits. You can tell the seller or you can find out everything about the product in addition to the mobile add-on that deciphered the code.

It's wonderful, but the stickers on the vegetables and fruits are real!

Well, obviously, it doesn’t mean that such a sticker is invariably needed, but the pickers are hardened - all stickers are made from paper, which can be used. І glue on stickers for eating. A similar papyrus will also be used to decorate cakes.

Fruits, where a skin is removed before being implanted, and a sticker is taken away from it at the same time. Even if the little piece of the sticker is still stuck, for example, gluing on pears, otherwise I won’t put glue on the fruit, then nothing terrible will happen.

Remove the sticker from the product in addition to the scotch tape, which will change the size. It is necessary to stick it on top of the sticker, after which the wines are znimetsya at once with adhesive tape.

How to decipher the numbers on the sticker?

On some stickers there is a digital code. Yakshcho wine is composed of several digits, tse means that the fruit or vegetable is growing in natural minds. If this code is five-digit, then it is necessary to marvel at the first digit.

Like the number 8, this product has been grown with the use of genetic engineering technology or GMOs.

The first number 9 is a vegetable or fruit that has grown up to organic technological processes - the closest approach to natural minds.

Nothing else matters about this code. So, on bananas, you can use the number 4011 or 94011, it is not set if the fruit of the growth of the plant is used by organic technologies. Kiwi is coded as 4030, and apple is coded as 4130.

Laser engraving is like replacing stickers on vegetables and fruits.

Unexpectedly, stickers on vegetables and fruits can again be replaced by laser engraving, which is becoming popular in Europe and America these days.

Such a method of marking is simple - under the influx of a laser exchange, a small amount of soiling is established on the skin and the yogo pigment disappears.

The retailers of this technology seem that such a method of marking can avenge any necessary text. Qi "tattooing" is applied with oxides and hydroxides of the sun, so that they do not penetrate under the skin of the fruit.

So far, this method is most often used for bananas, dings, pomegranates and oranges. This coding gives you the opportunity to identify the goods upon delivery, be it as it were.

Have you ever had a chance to buy fruit with stickers at stores? Do you wonder if their information is encrypted? We will enclose the bright logo on the sticker and the digital code.

It appears that these figures are important for the support of the information.

How many digit codes are repaired in 3 hours 4 Later, during the cultivation of fruits, the maximum number of agricultural technologies was achieved: they were lightly watered with pesticides and fertilized with other chemicals.

Like in front of you five-digit code іz first digit 9, vvazhayte, scho spared you. Also, fruits were grown in the traditional way, without using pesticides. You can consider such a product organic.

The five-digit code from the number 8 on the cob is a sign that you have a GMO product in front of you.

According to studies, genetically modified most often are bananas, dines and papaya.

Numbers of markings have been made for marking fruit in the whole world since 1990. I didn’t have a meaning, fruits were grown: in Poland, and in the USA, a banana matima code “4011”, as if yoga was grown behind an accelerated scheme.

What is the daily code next to be wary. Marked products are safe - tse means that the stench has been certified. Although there are no stickers, there is a great sense of the fact that the fruits were cleaned from them.

Sellers can change labels on products, so that genetics can be seen as organic and sold at a higher price. Be respectful if you buy such fruits!

Ser 17, 2018 Oksana

Stickers for vegetables and fruits: what you didn't know about
Evgena BeresnevaSeptember 23, 2015
Stickers for vegetables and fruits: what you didn't know about
Photo: moskva.fruitinfo.ru
Small sticker on banana or tangerine or buti dzherelom important information. And deakі people create whole collections. Well, let us tell you deyaki tsikavі facts.

Who doesn't know the photo sticker? For rich people, whose childhood passed in the SRSR, it was associated with rare joy - oranges and tangerines, and sometimes bananas.

The children carefully and with a sense of trepidation peeled off the sticker, pasting themselves on the writing table, on the refrigerator (there weren’t any more expensive magnets), on the stove in the kitchen or just on the forehead.

At once, with stickers on fruits and vegetables, do not greet anyone. Most of the flavors have stench on bananas, oranges, often traplyayutsya on apples, pears, kiwi and other fruits, and sometimes on vegetables - cucumbers, tomatoes, peppers.
Now you need stink


So the virobnik marks a good product. Aje, buying milk and macaroni, you see who has grown that other product, and choose, walk out of it.

Bananas are not packed at the box and bags, the only way to tell the picker about yourself is a small sticker. One banana maker is glued to the skin with a small comic book, in order to turn the respect of the gentleman.

For the next time you choose bananas, apples or tomatoes of that trade mark, as you deserved.

On some stickers, there is also a barcode or a QR code, where information about the product is encrypted, so you can use a cashier at a supermarket, or you yourself can learn more about the product by using a special mobile add-on for reading codes.
Really stinks are real

Obviously, you don’t know why the sticker needs to be put on. Ale virobniki sing that all stickers roar from a special natural paper. Such, for example, is often used to decorate cakes. Їstіvny navіt glue, drawings on the sticker.

From a banana and a tangerine, you will remove the sticker at once from the skin. Ale, yakscho ve vipadkovo z'їste little piece of stickers from an apple, or you don't see the sticky trace until the end, nothing terrible will happen to you.

If you still want to take away the sticker without a trace, the best and most convenient way is to beat the piece with scotch tape larger size lower sticker. Glue it to the animal and know - you will take the sticker with you.
The numbers on the sticker can be deciphered

Deyakі stickers mіstat digital code. What does it mean?

Sound the numbers on the sticker to say that the fruit was grown in the traditional way.

Like five digits, it is necessary to marvel, like the first number. As the number begins with the number 8, in front of you is a product, with the development of such a victory, the technologies of genetic engineering were developed - the same GMOs, which called super-cool styles.

The number 9 stands first, fruit or vegetable grown behind the so-called organic technologies, as close as possible to natural minds.

In a different code, ring out the same one. For example, on bananas you can see the number 4011 or 94011, as the product is declared organic. On the apples are the numbers 4130, and on the kiwi - 4030.
Laser engraving replacement of stickers

Soon the stickers on fruits may be back for good, in the USA and Europe they are already step by step laser engraving.

Such "tattooing" is used for additional hydroxides and oxides of the sun, so that when applied, they do not fall under the skin of the fruit. The coding allows the products to be identified by the drawer of the last delivery.

For the time being, this method is most often found on pomegranates, bell peppers, oranges, and bananas.

Who doesn't know the photo sticker? For rich people, whose childhood passed in the SRSR, it was associated with rare joy - oranges and tangerines, and sometimes bananas.

The children carefully and with a sense of trepidation peeled off the sticker, pasting themselves on the writing table, on the refrigerator (there weren’t any more expensive magnets), on the stove in the kitchen or just on the forehead.

At once, with stickers on fruits and vegetables, do not greet anyone. Most of the flavors have stench on bananas, oranges, often traplyayutsya on apples, pears, kiwi and other fruits, and sometimes on vegetables - cucumbers, tomatoes, peppers.

Now you need stink


So the virobnik marks a good product. Aje, buying milk and macaroni, you see who has grown that other product, and choose, walk out of it.

Bananas are not packed at the box and bags, the only way to tell the picker about yourself is a small sticker. One bunch of bananas is glued to the skin with a small comic book, so that you gain the respect of a gentleman.

For the next time you choose bananas, apples or tomatoes of that trade mark, as you deserved.

On some stickers, there is also a barcode or a QR code, where information about the product is encrypted, so you can use a cashier at a supermarket, or you yourself can learn more about the product by using a special mobile add-on for reading codes.

Really stinks are real

Obviously, you don’t know why the sticker needs to be put on. Ale virobniki sing that all stickers roar from a special natural paper. Such, for example, is often used to decorate cakes. Їstіvny navіt glue, drawings on the sticker.

From a banana and a tangerine, you will remove the sticker at once from the skin. Ale, yakscho ve vipadkovo z'їste little piece of stickers from an apple, or you don't see the sticky trace until the end, nothing terrible will happen to you.

If you still want to take away the sticker without a trace, the best and most efficient way to tie up a piece of scotch tape with a little bit of a larger size, lower sticker. Glue it to the animal and know - you will take the sticker with you.

The numbers on the sticker can be deciphered

Deyakі stickers mіstat digital code. What does it mean?

Sound the numbers on the sticker to say that the fruit was grown in the traditional way.

Like five digits, it is necessary to marvel, like the first number. As the number begins with the number 8, you have a product in front of you, with the development of such a victory, the technologies of genetic engineering were developed - the GMOs, which called super-cool styles.

The number 9 stands first, fruit or vegetable grown behind the so-called organic technologies, as close as possible to natural minds.

In a different code, ring out the same one. For example, on bananas you can see the number 4011 or 94011, as the product is declared organic. On apples there are numbers 4130, and on kiwi - 4030.

Laser engraving replacement of stickers

Soon the stickers on fruits may be back for good, in the USA and Europe they are already step by step laser engraving.

Such "tattooing" is used for additional hydroxides and oxides of the sun, so that when applied, they do not fall under the skin of the fruit. The coding allows the products to be identified by the drawer of the last delivery.

For the time being, this method is most often found on pomegranates, bell peppers, oranges, and bananas.

Virushayuchi to the supermarket for groceries, it is necessary to trim the sound of goodness, but the eyes are flattened. And not just for the sake of not putting a bunny in the cat. Take, for example, stickers on vegetables and fruits. Everyone was cheering, but few were surprised closer. A gift. Aje stink can be rich about what is said. For that number of products, it’s definitely not varto to carry to the checkout.

Who else hasn't gotten stickers on bananas, apples or tangerines? Guessing, if they stink served as a way of creative self-expression and even the “designer” decor of the apartment. Ale stickers are placed on vegetables and fruits, not for beauty. The stench of valuable information. It’s better to know how to read.

No, it's not about the barcode. And about the other number, there is more than a troch's roztasovaniya. Sound the vin starts from the symbol "#" and is added up from 4-5 digits. Tse is an international identifier, which has an encrypted type of vegetables and fruits. And something else. Let's try to get to know each other.

For example, the axis is statistically average apple. The international classification number is 4131. If the code is composed of less than 4 characters, it means that the fruit was grown in the “traditional” minds, or because of the overcrowding of pesticides praised by international standards. A valid option for a purchase, a better way would be to look for more.

If the code consists of 5 characters and starts with the number "9", it means that the product is grown in an organic way without pesticides and genetic modifications. The organic apple code would look like this: 94131. Garniy vibir varto take and carry to the checkout. It’s a pity only, looking at the natural product, it’s more important, not too pleasant: not so great and glossy, as if we were brothers from the offensive point.

Chi bachite five-digit code, which is based on the number "8"? Keep your eyes peeled for such specimens! Aje in front of you is a genetically modified product. For example, the GMO apple code is 84131. You probably don't want to see your child before school.
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