Anton's squad rozpovit nose, like a win pishov іz life. Anton's spout is buried, but the cause of death is established after re-verification

Childhood of Anton Nosik

Anton was born in Moscow in an intelligent family. Yogo father was a writer, and his mother was a philologist-polonist. The fathers parted, if it was sim for youmu. Having become the father of a boy, Illya Kabakov is a contemporary artist. Until the eighth class of wines, I studied at the fortieth English specialized school, and the nineth and tenth class I studied at the first two schools. Yogo's classmates guess, like a wiser and a talented one, prote "self in thought." The grown-ups respected Anton as a blue child prodigy.

At the vіsіm rokіv vіn vіlno volodіv english ta French language, and not just Volodya, but writing novels in the same language, writing on other machines. But the flooring was a richly roiled child, which could be practical, if it were grown-up roses, pricking them with their “authoritative” thought.

Anton has risen in price a lot, having traveled from father at once. Looking back at those who used to be a writer, vines at different places, shards for a new trip were a way of accumulating material for further creativity.

Having learned the profession of a doctor, Anton became a student at the Medical and Dental University. In 1989, Nosik took off his diploma and went through the river to live to Israel.

Anton Nosik's career on the Internet, LiveJournal

While alive in Israel, Anton is seriously addicted to the Internet and the possibilities of informational entanglement of a majestic number of people. At the newspaper "Visti", as if it looked like a Russian language, having worked as a journalist, in a column about the news of the Internet, having robbed the economy of looking around. The sight of the rock was gaining a lot of popularity among Russian emigrants.

Since 1996, I have started to write about the economy and switched to the heading “Our Merazhі” again and again. In the meantime, the deputy of the Neї appeared a stompchik "Vechirnіy Internet". Itself tsya stovpchik and gave the ear to the epidemic of web-browsing.

"Narodzhenі in the SRSR". Guest at the studio - Anton Nosik

In 1997, Nosik flew from Israel back to Russia, having started working on Citiline and Netskate, as well as on the Fund for Effective Politics. Zavdyaki yogo to the sweet ceramics vinicked Vesti.Ru and Gazeta.Ru. Vіn taking part in the creation of NEWSru and Lenta.Ru. After that, as the resources were created, I became the editor-in-chief.

“Vechirnіy іnternet” has chosen an audience of more than 1,000 people to read this column every day.

In the Internet medium about Nosik, as if about a journalist, they talk about it. On the one hand, we are always standing on the fact that the Internet is the most promising direct investment. From the other side, they decided to take a radical look, mat and others attached to the Internet underground. Нік dolboeb, which is Anton's victorious, dosi guess about those hours. Working at Lenta.Ru, Nosіk became the president of the Rambler holding company, taking care of all the company's Internet projects. In both companies, he worked until 2004, and the next six months he became the head editor of the newspaper "Gazeta.KG/AM".

The rest of the interview with Russian blogger Anton Nosik

In 2006-2008, Anton worked at the SUP company. Yogo ob'yazkom bulo - abbreviated LJ. Todi Zh Nosik became the editor-in-chief of the portal BFM.Ru. In the autumn of 2011, Anton turned to the company "SUP" and became a media director there. In early 2016, the fate of Anton Nosik was found guilty of extremism for his record on LiveJournal, with the headings “Erase Syria from the face of the earth.” The court fined the blogger 0.5 million rubles.

Specialist of the life of Anton Nosik

Nose of friendship. Yogo will change the name of Gunn. At this height, there is little Lyova. The homeland will rise in price, Leo, being a three-month-old baby, destroying his first trival trip with his fathers.

The appearance of Anton's son in life sharply and significantly changed his priorities. Before that, a child appeared in the world, a robot stood in the first place at Nosik. Now all plans are in order of family plans. So, yoga is more expensive, like an invisible part of the robot, now they plan and look at it in order to see if you can take a little son there.

Nose vvazhay, scho child shkіdly perebuvat in a booth, de pratsyuє TV, to that svodti "pre" richly negative, aggression and falseness. And the axis of the video game for yoga son is not under the fence. Internet baby chirp tim, what can you do there, be it a cartoon.

Anton from the retinue are trying to defend their son in the form of religious propaganda, respecting that you need to be sensitive to such a habit, like tolerance and pluralism. We can explain in an accessible way to Lviv that different people believe in different things not that there are filth, but some are kind, some are sensible, and some are bad. With God, the skin of a person will vibudovu their own vlasnі stosunki, regardless of that, a Jew, an Orthodox Muslim.

Nose vvazha, scho rich installations, glancing, perekonan and values ​​of a person to be like from the very childishness, the stench is pawned in vihovannyam. Before weaving one's own child, wines are set with a majestic vіdpovіdnіstyu, rozumіyuchi, її scho vіdbuєєє vydbuєє vydbuєy vіdbuєє vіdbuєє vіdbuєy vіdbuєy vіdbuєy vіdbіvannya vіdpogіlії little people.

On yoga thought, sense of life - true to your confession. Ale, schob yogo is true, yogo requires a little bit of understanding. Bring your nose up to quiet people, who had the first thirty years of life for a special confession.

Anton has a great bulkiness, he is a bulky man of Russia and a bulky man of Israel. Їm founded welfare fund Help.Org.

Death of Anton Nosik

At night from 8 to 9 lime 2017 the fate of Anton Nosik pishov from life. The journalist's team told that death came through the rapt tooth of the heart. A close friend of the deceased told the press that he became the cause of death by becoming a "syndrome of slander": sprat rest days wine rich beer, and then sharply drunk alcohol. Youmu has been in a bad mood all day. And then we’ll just move out of the armchair and fall on the beak,” – rozpoviv vin.

The blessings of the journalist and blogger Anton Nosik died in Moscow at the age of 51. The cause of death of one of the Runet's fathers is called a heart attack. Nosik's death seemed unbearable, the shards had not gone to the rescue of doctors before, and had not seen problems with their health.

Death caught up with Anton Nosik last night. Blogger Illya Varlamov confirmed the statement. "4 limes to Nosik hitting 51 rivers. Death came in the region of two years of the night. For earlier tributes, a heart attack began at Nosik. Other details are still unknown (10:40 Moscow time)", - having written in.

Nezabar radio station "Echo of Moscow" voiced about those who before the її edition nadіyshli reports about the death of Nosik, which confirm.

I summed up the novelty by confirming the vlasnik of "Vidomosti" and that friend of Nosik Dem'yan Kudryavtsev.

"It's true. Anton Nosik died this night in Moscow. The biggest help at the moment is not to smack my homeland. About an hour and a half of the funeral, it will be announced later," he wrote on his side on Twitter.

Later, RT got in touch with the journalist's retinue, who told them that a man had died at noon about 9 pm.

“The new one has a rapt heartbeat, nothing more is known. It happened to friends in the country.

Anton Nosik is a startup manager, a Russian journalist, a community child and a popular blogger. Some people call it one of the "fathers of Runet". I was the editor of the most recent Internet-vidan of the Russian Federation,, and Until the month of 2011, he had taken over the post of the head editor of the website. In the middle of New Year 2009, the fate of the intercessor of the general director of the company "Ob'ednani media" and, for confusion, the landing of the editor-in-chief of From November 16, 2011 to December 29, 2012, Anton Nosik was the media director of SUP Media, who deserves the LiveJournal service.

Medvedev wrote on Facebook that he respects Nosik as “a good professional, a pioneer of the Russian Internet, a bright and talented person.”

“For this reason, the creation of various Internet resources and projects, which are popular among people of different generations and perekonan, is due. Vіn got a lot of it," naming Medvedev.

The official representative of the Ministry of Health of Russia, Maria Zakharova, also published a note on Facebook dedicated to Nosik. “When I read Anton Nosik, I thought to myself: “Well, how is the Earth to wear such?”. And today she stopped wearing yoga. And I will understand: now the miraculous rіznomanіttі of our world does not see anything.”

Zakharova encouraged Nosik to "eternal aperol spritz (an alcoholic cocktail - approx. LOOK)". "I think I'm wiser," she added.

The founder of VKontakte and Telegram, Pavlo Durov, rated on his side of the social media that Anton Nosik “before getting up on the Internet and a healthy mind.” "Vin was one of the quiet rare people, who is clearly thoughtful, clearly spoke, willingly shared his knowledge, but became optimistic," Durov wrote.

Law enforcement agencies have filed an additional reconciliation for the fact of the rapt death of a prominent media manager

Guessingly, the next committee was assigned an additional re-verification due to the fact of Nosik's rapt death. In fact, this procedure is a pure formality, no traces of a violent death were found on the body, that certificate, in the eyes of which the blogger died, giving the following reports an explanation of all the circumstances of death, and the stench was not given to the law enforcement officers.

As explained by "MK", ​​the court medical examiners took the necessary biomaterials, the results of the analyzes will be ready in 21 days. Then you can say for sure, in what way Anton Nosik will be on a fatal day.

The body was given to relatives for burial. Spout to heal the earth 11 limes. About 11.00 at the Central booth of writers, a mourning ceremony of farewell will be celebrated. The funeral will take place at 14.00 at the Vostryakivsky Tsvintary. This rich-confessional necropolis of obreniy is not vipadkovo - here is the birthplace of Nosik. Vostryakivsky tsvintar is divided into Central, Pivnichny and Pivdenny (Jewish). On this necropolis there are graves of rich vchenih, the designer of the water bomb Andriy Sakharov. The actor Viktor Avilov, publicist Lev Ginzburg, relatives of the oligarch Boris Berezovsky rest here.

Anton Nosik looked at the graves of his ancestors for an hour. Before the speech, my father (died on the 83rd anniversary of his life) was buried not here, but in the tsvintary in Nice (France).

Anton Nosik died - cause of death, funeral

The death of Anton Nosik, a popular blogger and an Internet gamer, was supposedly "hidden" by the one-hour death of the artist-meter Illi Glazunov and was left unmarked for rich Internet dwellers. I see more often than not the glade.

At night for a week, 9 lime, blogger Anton Nosik died. A close friend told about it to

The blogger's team told RT that Nosik had a heartache. Tse became with friends at the dacha. Narazі Vіn znahoditsya at Mitishchi Morzі”, - rozpovіla won.

Anton Nosik is one of the most prominent media managers in Runet. Vin was the editor of the largest new Internet publications, and was the first editor-in-chief of Entering the warehouse of the manager of the Rambler holding.

4 lime tree Nosіkovі vipovnivsya 51 rivers. Anton Nosik was born in 1966 in the birthplace of the writer Boris Nosik and the philologist Viktor Mochalovo. From 1990 to 1997 he was alive in Israel, where he began to take up journalism. In the Russian Federation, he worked as an editor for a number of great Internet news media, such as Vesti.Ru, Lenta.Ru and Gazeta.Ru. Yogo blog for the version of "Yandex" having occupied the 10th place in the top of Runet.

Anton Nosik took part in the launch of such media projects as,,, and Nosik having fallen asleep in 1998 roci, in 1999 roci -, de hugging the posture of an editor until 2004.

Funeral of Anton Nosik

Farewell to Anton Nosik was held at the vvtorok, 11 lime about 11 years in the Central Budinka Writers, Velyka Nikitskaya, 53. The ceremony of farewell to Nosik was held for the great avarice of the people. More than a thousand people came to say goodbye to the blogger. The stench of Mayzhe blocked the rukh of Velikaya Nikitskaya Street.

Anton Nosik was buried near Moscow at the Vostryakivsky Tsvintary near Moscow, TARS reminds. For the agency's tribute, venerable commemorations from the Jewish part of the tsvintar. About 250 people came to take part in the funeral ceremony.

Prime Minister Dmitro Medvedev voiced his speech in response to Nosik's death. Vin, calling the blogger "the pershopid of the Russian Internet", having assigned him a contribution to the development of the Russian segment of Merezhya.

The tragedy that befell Anton Yelchinim, as if having perished under the wheels of a wet car, directly stole his life, seems unreal and calls out a lot of food, it seems to be a consequence. A year ago, the results of the ship's medical examination became known, zgіdno with visnovki fahіvtsіv 27-year-old actor died of asphyxia with a blunt object.

Terrible knowledge

Colleagues showed the breathless body of the actor of the Russian adventure, who did not come to an important rehearsal, squeezed between the fence, staring at the car at the front of Los Angeles.

Hіd podіy

Obviously, Yelchin sіv in a car that, for unknown reasons, viїhavshi z vorіt, flooding the interior of the Jeep Grand Cherokee. If the wine was changed back, the car went off the rails and the young man leaned against the deadly shepherd, dying from his injuries.

Read also
  • Anton Yelchin
  • The fathers of Anton Yelchin are sued through the stupid death of sin

Versions that are allowed

At the same time, Anton's death is qualified, like an unfortunate fall, but the right-wing guards may think of a splinter of versions of the subdivision. Forget about putting the transport zasib on the handle of the halmo and the two-ton hulk on the neutral or on the first windshield, and stole back.

How far away z'yasuvati, the jeep of the actor was among the quietest cars, like the Fiat Chrysler car dealer maw namir vodklikati through a serious defect. Іsnuyu pіdozri, scho box inaccuracies in іy series has already become the cause of many accidents. Imovirno, electronically important, a kind of shifting transmission, jumping back, if the water has changed yoga. With whom people, it’s important to remember.

The results of the investigation will be published for a few months. Fiat Chrysler conducted a parallel inquiry.

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