Multivibrator 12 volts for relay control. VR generator. Symmetric multivibrator and ignition of the coil. Ways to connect to a symmetrical multivibrator

A multivibrator on transistors is a direct-wave signal generator. Below in the photo is one of the oscillograms of a symmetrical multivibrator.

A symmetrical multivibrator generates a recto-current pulse with two sparings. A report about the spar can be read in the frequency generator article. We will use the principle of divination of a symmetrical multivibrator for the introduction of light-emitting diodes.

The scheme is composed of:

- two KT315B (you can use some other letter)

- two capacitors with a capacity of 10 microfarads

- Chotiroh, two of 300 Ohm and two of 27 KiloOhm

- two Chinese light diodes for 3 Volts

The axis looks like this on the breadboard:

And the axis works like this:

To change the blinking rate of light diodes, you can change the value of capacitors C1 and C2, or resistors R2 and R3.

Іsnuyt also іnshі raznovidi multivibratorіv. You can read a report about them. It also describes the principle of a robotic symmetrical multivibrator.

Whoever wants to choose such attachments, you can come ready ;-) In Alicia, I know I know ready attachments. Yogo you can look at tsієyu sent.

The axis of the video is described in detail, how the multivibrator works:


Multivibrator. Z tsієї schemes, vpevneniy, richly hto rozpochinav his radio amateur activity.This is also my first scheme - pieces of plywood, pierced by flowers with dirka, visnovki parts twisted with a dart through the soldering iron.And everything miraculously worked!

Like a vicarious vicorist, light-dodied ones are born. If the multivibrator is in operation, the light will flicker.

For folding, a minimum of parts is required. Axis list:

  1. - 500 Ohm resistors - 2 pieces
  2. - resistors 10 kOhm - 2 pieces
  3. - Electric capacitor 1 microfarad at 16 volts - 2 pieces
  4. - transistor KT972A - 2 pieces (also KT815 or KT817), you can use KT315, so the stream is no more than 25mA.
  5. - Svitlodiod - 2 pieces be-like
  6. - Zhivlennya vіd 4.5 to 15 volts.

It is shown on the little one at the skin canal for one light source, but it can be turned on in parallel by a few pieces. Abo sequentially (5 pieces in a lancet), and then eating no less than 15 volts.

KT972A transistors are stock transistors, so there are two transistors in their cases, and they have a high sensitivity and a visible stream without heat.

To carry out the final work, it is not necessary to work paid fee, you can pick up everything with the help of installation. Solder as shown in the little ones.

The little ones are specially made from different angles and report to look at all the details of the installation.

An hour ago, I had a chance to start Tesley's cat, but there was no high-voltage cat on fire at my hand (we'd see how to beat it for tsієї meti chi nі, I ask you to clarify the specials from the comments). Should the food be run? From what I found in the measure, there was only a circuit on an asymmetric multivibrator, but I didn’t see any other details, and 70 km to the nearest radio indicator. I had a chance to make a scheme of what God sent. The whole design is selected on the details of the old B / W TV and CLT monitor. The multivibrator circuit has two KT961V victors, two 3.3kΩ and two 33kΩ resistors, and 220nF capacitors. Having built a mustache into the board, I found it on television, without etching it too thin. complex problems. Grinding off the old paths, stitching and soldering the details with the middle bells.

The multivibrator is powered by a TIP122 transistor, we get it from the monitor, which, working in the key mode, sends a jet to the coil. The transistor will heat up strongly when it is alive at 5 volts, which requires a large radiator and primus cooling.

To protect the self-induction to the contacts of the coil, put a diode 5TUZ47. Since the diode connections have become powered, how should I put it correctly? On the Internet, I know the circuit for connecting a diode to a relay, behind that circuit, the diode stood on the sidelines, but I didn’t have anything to work on, having built it all at once on the circuit, everything worked with a bang.

The circuit was covered with imported analogues BD135, for the robot, for 12 volts for the battery. Zam_st kotushki for її vіdsutnіstyu vіdsutnіstyu in prozі vikoristovuvav light bulb with similar characteristics.

In practice, the battery did not appear, vikoristovuvav BP in the computer at 200W. When live at 12 volts, the discharge is weaker, lower when live at 5 volts (and key and multivibrator at 5V). So the design itself works in the form of two finger batteries, the discharge becomes three short and in color a blue color is added. Now about the frequency of robots. When connected to the key 5V, and to M / V 12 volts, the frequency significantly increases and the discharge starts to feed. In the multivibrator circuit, there is a 47 kΩ resistor for frequency control (just for experiment). According to the results of modeling in multisim, the frequency of the multivibrator was from 40 to 120 Hz. In practice, I think, it was approximately like that, at the minimum frequency there was a commotion of light, with an increase in frequency, the merecht was passing into a constant light, if I took hold of the laces, there was a noticeable pulsation on the fingers and fingers of the troch. After the removal of the substring resistor, the frequency (when modeling) became close to 500 Hz with small cuts in the offending sides. In practice, judging by the equal sound, haircuts do not even appear on robots. From the appearance of the cat, there is a discharge of a 5-6mm white dove with a blackish color.

List of radio elements

Appointment Type of Denomination Kіlkіst NoteScoreMy notepad
Q1, Q2 bipolar transistor


2 Up to the notepad
Q3 bipolar transistor


1 Up to the notepad
D1 diode5TUZ471 Up to the notepad
R1, R4 resistors

3.3 com

2 Up to the notepad
R2, R3 resistors

33 room

2 Up to the notepad
C1,C2 Capacitors220 nF2

Today, we will choose a simple design of a switch on the basis of an electromagnetic relay. Tsya design may have a wide scope of zastosuvannya. The main purpose of the relay is to be installed in automotive technology (turn indicator). As a matter of fact, this scheme is inspired by the maximum simplicity of folding, repeat if you can be a newcomer.

The basis of the robot is similar to the robot of a low-frequency multivibrator. A circuit is being made for an electromagnetic relay and an electro-magnetic capacitor.

Vіd єmnostі capacitor deposit the frequency of the robotic circuit. When voltage is applied to the relay, the capacitor is charged, then the capacity is charged to the relay winding, in the case of the capacity of the capacitor, let the capacitor charge for an hour, the more capacity, the more time to go for charging, then, the attachment will be practiced as a low-frequency switch.

For such a simple scheme, it is possible to implement low ceilings and lighting structures. If you connect a light bulb to the relay switches, then it will remain periodically blimaty, the frequency of these blinks should lie in the capacity of the selected capacitor, about which it was more guessed. For an idea, we need a simple turn indicator indicator - a blinker, which can be stuck at transport barriers, cars.

The choice of an electrical capacitor is not critical, it is possible to vicorate capacitors with a voltage of 16 to 100 Volts, a capacitance of 100 to 4700 uF (surprisingly, the frequency of operation is required).

In my opinion, the electromagnetic relay was vibrated as a voltage stabilizer with a voltage of 10-15 A, but the tightness of the relay should lie due to the tightness of the connected voltage.

This scheme is treated with special accuracy of work, the hour of change in the open station is equal to the hour of change in the closed station.

Attachments can be victorious for cherubing with great interests and no less low-voltage ones. The optimal voltage of life is 12 Volts, if the relay winding is set to a higher voltage.

As a matter of fact, all electronics are put together great number Okremy zeglinok. All transistors, diodes, resistors, capacitors, inductive elements. And yet with tsikh tseglin you can put together everything that is worth it.

From a small childish toy, which you can see, for example, the sound “meow”, to the guidance system of a ballistic missile with a warhead, which is divided, on a large megaton charge.

One of the other circuits, which often get stuck in electronics, is a symmetrical multivibrator, which is an electronic attachment, which vibrates (generates) coli after the form, which approaches a straight-line one.

The multivibrator is assembled on two transistors and logical circuits with additional elements. As a matter of fact, it is a two-cascade pidsiluvach with a lance of a positive serum link (PIC). Tse means that the output of another cascade is connected through a capacitor from the input of the first cascade. As a result, podsilyuvach for a positive turn signal turns into a generator.

In order for the multivibrator to generate impulses, it is sufficient to connect the voltage of life. Multivibrators can be symmetricalі asymmetrical.

The diagram of a symmetrical multivibrator is shown on the little one.

In a symmetrical multivibrator, the nominal values ​​of the elements of the skin of the two arms are absolutely the same: R1=R4, R2=R3, C1=C2. To marvel at the oscillogram of the output signal of a symmetrical multivibrator, it is easy to note that the rectilinear pulses and pauses between them are the same for an hour. t impulse ( t i) = t pause ( t p). Resistors in the collector lances of transistors do not depend on the parameters of the pulses, and their rating is selected depending on the type of transistor that is being fixed.

The frequency of the pulses of such a multivibrator can be easily changed by the clumsy formula:

De f is the frequency in hertz (Hz), C is the capacitance in microfarads (μF) and R is the opir in kiloohms (kOhm). For example: C \u003d 0.02 microfarads, R \u003d 39 kOhm. Submitting the formula, vikonuemo di and otrimuemo frequency in the sound range is approximately equal to 1000 Hz, and to be exact 897.4 Hz.

By itself, such a multivibrator is non-cavitary, to that it sees one non-modulating “peep”, but even with the elements select the frequency of 440 Hz, and the price of the note is La first octave, we take a miniature tuning fork, for the help of which you can, for example, play a guitar on a hike. The only thing that needs to be worked out is to add a cascade of power supply on one transistor and a miniature speaker.

The main characteristics of the pulse signal are taken into account as follows:

    Frequency. Unity vimiru (Hz) Hertz. 1 Hz is one beat per second. The frequencies that are perceived by the human ear are changed in the range of 20 Hz - 20 kHz.

    Trivality to the impulse. Live in fractions of a second: miles, micro, nano, pico and so on.

    Amplitude. The examined multivibrator has no amplitude regulation. In professional fixtures, vicorist and step frequency and smoother regulation of amplitude.

    Dobre. Extending the period (T) to the trivality of the impulse ( t). As long as the impulse is longer than 0.5 period, then the sparing is longer for two.

Vykhodyachi z vishchenavedennoї formulas, it is easy to expand the multivibrator practically on whether the frequency for the wink of high and supratemporal frequencies. There are some other physical principles there.

In order for the multivibrator to see a sample of discrete frequencies, it is enough to put a two-section jumper and five six capacitors in different capacities, naturally the same in the skin shoulder, and for the additional jumper, select the required frequency. Resistors R2, R3 are also added to the frequency and sparing and can be changed. The axis is one circuit of a multivibrator with a substructure of the switching frequency.

The change in the support of resistors R2 and R4 is less than the initial value, depending on the type of stagnant transistors, it is possible to vibrate the generation and the multivibrator will not work, therefore, in series with the resistors R2 and R4, you can connect the change resistor R3, which you can change the frequency of the switch.

Practically, the stoppage of a symmetrical multivibrator is even wider. Impulse counting technique, radio imaging equipment for an hour of vibration by-button technology. Even a lot of unique medical technology was inspired by the schemes, which are based on this multivibrator.

Zavdyaki vinyatkovіy simplicity and low varnosti multivibrator know a wide zastosuvannya in children's toys. The axis of the butt of a flashing light on light-emitting diodes.

When the values ​​​​of the electrical capacitors C1, C2 and resistors R2, R3 are assigned to the circuit, the pulse frequency will be 2.5 Hz, and then, the light will be lit for about two seconds. You can tweak the circuit, proponated more, and turn on the replacement resistor together with resistors R2, R3. Zavdyaki komu can be surprised, how to change the frequency of spalling of light diodes when changing the support of the changing resistor. You can put capacitors of different ratings and check the result.

Being a schoolboy, I chose a jumper of yalink garlands on a multivibrator. Everything went well, but if I connected the garlands, then my adjuster became a switch between them with a higher frequency. Through tse near the dry room, the TV set began to show with wild shifts, and the electromagnetic relay near the circuit crackled like a machine gun. Bulo and radіsno (working!) and troch scary. The fathers were alarmed nenazhart.

Such an oversight miss with even more frequent twitches without giving me peace of mind. I revised the circuit, and the capacitors over the nominal value were tі, as required. Not vrahuvav less than one.

The electrolytic capacitors were too old and withered. The size of their bula is small and, of course, did not match the one that was indicated on their building. Through a low capacity, a multivibrator and work on a larger high frequency and over it often peremikav garlands.

Having adjusted, with which it would be possible to reduce the capacity of the capacitors, at that hour I did not have it. That tester was used as an arrow, and not a modern digital multimeter.

Since your multivibrator sees a frequency shift, then check the electrical capacitors. Fortunately, it is possible to buy a universal tester of radio components for a small penny, by which you can measure the capacitance of a capacitor.

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