Chudova and Suvora Chukotka (77 photos). Chukotka land (80 photos) The most beautiful place on the Chukchi trellis

Significant municipality of the Chukotka Autonomous Okrug. Naygolovnіshi and naytsіkavіshi reminders of the Chukotka Autonomous Okrug - photo and video, descriptions and reviews, roztashuvannya, sites.

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Усі Всі Archeology Space for walks Nature


    Bay of Providence

    Chukotka Autonomous Okrug, Providennya Bay

    One of the most beautiful places in Chukotsk, with one of the most beautiful local museums in the region, maybe it’s a good time to see the Providence Bay for the hour of your romantic journey, we’ll make it more expensive than a beautiful beer garden. That name at the bay - to become, to beckon with ancient secrets and riddles.

    Visit Wrangel Island - the most unique island in the Russian Arctic

    Neumovirna kіlkіst bіlih vedmedіv i walruses, the legendary Bering duct and Mis Dezhnev, the culture of the local inhabitants and bird bazaars.

Mysterious, cold, roztashovana devil-te de i borrowing unrealistically large territories Chukotka is one of the most important regions in Russia. Vrakhovuchi, that practically all of it is located beyond the Polar Kol, winter here is three up to 10 months on the river, and during the hour of the Polar night, the sun does not show above the horizon, it seems that there is nothing to work on Chukotka - well, with such natural weather and weather . And for nothing: good epithets, like they could convey all the beauty of this land, її completely rich creaturely light, willpower, that steadfastness to the spirit of the inhabitants of the city is simply not possible. And let me remind you here that they are not so glamorous, like in Moscow, they are not so highly cultured, like in St. Petersburg, then all the stinks are winey unique, self-made, “rich”.

In order to destroy the road in Chukotka, it is necessary not only a lot of masculinity, but also a lot of pennies, and it is necessary to plan the route so self-reliantly, like a military plan from the hoarding of a small power. The territory is near the cordon, it’s bad with infrastructure, air helicopter flights often fail through the weather, and it will be important to get to some old reminders. You can make your life easier (and hamanets) by violating before the sea cruise.

Why marvel at the most mysterious and farthest edge of Russia? Firstly, the capital Anadir is a place of marvelous, unimaginable. Yogo in any case it will be important to miss, to the one who herself will fly to Anadir for everything your flight from any other corner of our country. In a different way, one of the national parks or lakes of Chukotka. For example, the natural reserve "Wrangel Island". The climate here is suvorian, arctic, but the diversity of flora and fauna is striking in the nature of what you see: 40 species of savants, 169 species of birds, 635 species of mosses and lichens. In the park, there are exciting extreme excursions on all terrains, quad bikes or snowmobiles.

Mysterious, cold, roztashovana devil-te de i borrowing unrealistically large territories Chukotka is one of the most important regions in Russia.

Varto visit Naukan - the old capital of the eskimos, which is on the mission of Dezhnev. To this settlement, for a little bit, there are over three thousand years. If there were over 400 eskimos living here, today about their lives they will tell more than the ribs of whales to wash out of the earth, that faceless stone artifacts.

In the waters of the river you can drink the majestic underwater leviathans - the most beautiful and most intelligent savts, that are whales. As if to believe the legends of the big bagmen Naukan, then the whales are brought here for the sake of turning your name.

Tied from the family of whales is another significant monument of Chukotka - the enigmatic Whale Alley on the island of Itigran. Right up to the 16th century, people came here to the banquet, holy and sacramental rituals and prayers and residents of the community from the ussy districts, today on Whale Alley - silence, serenity and majesty of the brushes of great creatures, to wash in two rows.

In front of the head is a reminder of this region - tse, obviously, creatures, moreover, you can literally see them in order from the living people. For example, at the bottom of the Chaunskoy Guba, where there is the great port and town of Chukotka Pevek, there is a national park where you can see a tundra swan, an erysipelas gull, a vibachte, a white-fronted goose.

Another popular settlement in the Chukotka region is the settlement of Lavrentiya, where there are 1,500 individuals (Russians, Chukchi, Eskimos). Vіn primіtny vіdrazu kіlkom speeches. In the first place, most of the inhabitants of the lands with the help of the most ancient profession of the local lands - reindeer breeding. In a different way, here is the marvelous Regional Museum. It’s a good idea to hold a festival of sea myths “Beringia” near Lavrentia, the culmination of which is the ferrying on ice canoes.

Nareshti, varto guess and a man-made monument on the territory of Chukotka, unfortunately, it has not been practically saved up to our days, - the long-ago-Eskimo Fortress Unazik, more precisely, its ruins. Dated 1000 B.C. That is, the fort was between the settlements of Stare Chaplino, where in the 19th century 500 people lived. The last of the Meshkantsiv were transported to Novy Chaplіn, where they would bring the rest of the tourists - to get to know the national flavor of the Chaplintsiv, to have mercy on the forest landscapes and to see the thermal dzherel.

On the outskirts of distant Anadir, there is one rather hoarsely zanedbane place. At the top of the hill, which is blown by strong winds, there is a majestic, marvelous and crazy secret object.

“Troposphere” is known to the locality of the skin, the edge of the chuli, which is, like, a top-secret military connection between the regions of the country. If I robbed these photographs of this, I did not immediately reveal, the fields were widely spread out: throughout the Union there were close to five hundred such disputes! I was spared by the status of one of the most distant.

1 Beautiful suvori mіstsya. I’ll save a lot of money for Chukotka, I didn’t have much to drink there: from Anadir, until nine years ago, I can’t get anywhere else. There are no roads, navigation - for a long time and only three months on the river, a helicopter - incredibly expensive. If you haven't read my Chukchi posts, read them. Tsya rozpovid - final.

2 Do not go to the "troposphere" by railroad transport, from the place it is necessary to take a taxi, moreover, it will cost five hundred rubles in chimali.

3 Welcome to West side- start already in Alaska. It was a marvelous place for the mountain skiing complex, there were no such daily heroes and other sports infrastructure.

4 The taxi driver left, and I was left alone with a strong wind and a foolish design. I tundra quotations.

5 About those who are the object of a military recognition, they ambiguously pull on skeins of prickly dart and wind like mini-bunkers. Vzagali, the system of communication was victorious and as a whole in peacetime, but in Radiansk hours it was not easy to find civilized practices in such foldable cattle geographical minds: the Anadyr station is one of the most accessible, the stones are stashed close to the city. Deyakі promizhnі lanka roztashovuetsya for hundreds of kilometers from the nearest inhabited village.

6 Now we know it officially. Tropospheric radio relay line "Pivnich". A gigantic project, the length of the line is 14 thousand kilometers and 46 tropospheric stations per station. Zdebіlshoy all stations roztashovuvalis vzdovzh zberezhzhya Pivnіchnogo icy and the Pacific Oceanіv, the largest Siberian rivers - Ob, Yenisei and Deer.

7 Vitya Victorborisov three years ago, having stumbled on a visit to our “sister” troposphere, here near the Yamalo-Nenets region. Vіn having written the cіkavu, i have added the technical details of the post and painted the picture. I leaned on the hub station "Chaika", out on the map, in the left part. Well, I climbed onto the next exit, the Yukon station.

8 Everything has been rusted and zanedbane for a long time, and yet it has not been stolen. Find the details of the house. If the object is not protected.

9 Forty-six stations, some of them were stuffed into such a ... wilderness, where people got to, maybe, once in life. Ale, the party said "required", and the Red Army soldiers said "є".

10 Ale satellite svyazku this time, in the 50s, it didn’t sound good, but it was necessary to svyazat in a single line in the distant region of the majestic country. Never mind the permafrost, majestic stand for everyone in the world together.

11 Tundra on dotik duzhe m'yaka!

12 At once, through the air, I am writing this post at a warm apartment, sticking my scarves into a hot battery. Snig for a window - wine for a window. And there, in Chukotsk, I sip snow near the chervni, moreover, I’m not in the mountains.

13 Neymovirnoi beauty of the month in any weather. But it’s impossible to live there, because it’s against the nature of people.

14 To that, if the Union fell apart, and the companion's link became available, people flowed in the stars, leaving more than a mountain to smitt that zalizki that rusted.

15 I can understand them, but majestic is the work of those shkoda. Haven't they just been sitting here for decades? Zorya?


17 Officially, the remainder, the operation of the system ended in 2003, the Chukotka station “died” like the nineties. Wanting to me the whole hour it was given that there was something in the middle, and the system was under tension.

18 All in the middle in a yellow bud. Before the new Vede, a wooden pidlog, a vuzka stitch. If everything is taken care of, it’s not easy for me to know the stitch.

19 The path leading to the toilet with a beautiful sight. Ale yavlyaєte, how do you go to such a toilet minus fifty?

20 But I really wanted to go into the hut. Vіn sche sheathed chimos m'yakim, like plush.

21 I haven’t read the sign for a long time, the doors are closed with a dart .... come in? Chi did not come? Break in the middle? Tikati zvіdsi? Chomus I pressed the call button. Nothing went wrong. The station is dead.

From the descriptions of independent mandrіvniki, such a record was found in 2010 by a Pole from Krakow, Mikhail Milcharek. For allowing Chukotka to raise the price of that transfer to the cordon zone, with the help of “tourism”, he had a chance to spend 11 thousand rubles from the travel agency from Anadir. Ale, tse іnozemets, it’s possible for a Russian, who doesn’t need to be allowed on the road to Chukotka and posture between the borders of the cordon zone, such a service will be much cheaper. The same Mihailo Milcharek knows that the travel agency can ask you for a satellite phone number, the number of which it is necessary for him to indicate when the permit is issued. And when you are born, you can see the most important district of Chukotka, with a perfect cordon regime, and accompanying travel agencies.
And yet at the new one, after arriving from Anadir with a flight to Egvekinot, they had to issue a registration. So, for the life of my friends, I also cost you my nerves and pennies - a lot of money paid for no more than the cost of your road to the hotel.
I don’t know what the Russians are like there, that they will rise in price on their own, but I think it’s better to tell the skin of them smartly, that the wines were following through the place when they arrived in transit, and they don’t get stuck in a new one. So, for example, after a single rafting of Anadir from the first turn, if I arrived to the capital of Chukotka from Markov by a special helicopter flight, which I pulled out, in order to allow an ominous incident with violations of the rules of transfer to the cordon zone.
How can I run around, the frontiers there and themselves will understand all the stupidity of the camp with the cordon zone, in which there are two main places of Chukotka and their airports, and go here the letters of the law only there, when there is no possibility to try to turn around and “do not interfere”. violator."
If it costs me, then it’s especially less promising for the most promising legitimate trip to Chukotka and the cost is more expensive there, to look for a connection about renewal, for example, with a method - “pick fairy tales, legends, toast ...”. How do they zapevnyayut mіstsevі іnformovanі dzherel, sposіb tsey pratsyuє.
And so, tse anіtrohi did not cry out to fly to Chukotka with fake recompenses.
In this way, Chukotka can be reached not only through Anadir chi Pevek, but also through Bilibino, where you can fly up to two flights per day An-24 from Magadan, or Markovo, where you can call the board once every two days.
The cost of a ticket from Magadan to Bilibino was about 12.5 thousand rubles, from Magadan to Markov, about 16 thousand rubles themselves. In addition, due to its periodicity, from Magadan right up to the “Kupol” ancestral home, where Canadians can plant a smog, fly lightly, to carry there and take a good watch. I have no doubt that among independent mandriving people, there are those who are smart enough to take advantage of Kinrosa Gold company and fly to Chukotka on a special flight.

Posted Nd, 09/11/2014 - 08:51 by Kep

walrus rookery in Chukotka

Є in the world of mіstsya, nache specially created for the testing of people “for mіtsnіst”. Chukotka is one of them. The edge of permafrost, winds and curls, skeletonized by a wedge that cuts two oceans, Chukotka reveals its unique beauty to those who are boldly ready to go nasustrich hardships. The extreme nature of the climate formed a special life philosophy of the indigenous peoples, whose way of life buttya podkoryavsya vishchiy meti - survival.
That is why in Chukotsk it was already important to respect the strength of the spirit of that body’s splendor, physical vibrancy and serenity. Today, the development of sports in the surrounding area plays a significant role. Moreover, it is popular as an olympic, as well as a national sport. Drive on dog sleds and reindeer sleds, ride on canoes - hoarsely and barista look, have mercy on someone who comes far away. Vtіm, vіdvazhnogo mandrіvnika checks in Chukotsk chimalo nazravih vrazheniy and nepovtornyh vіdchuttіv.
qia old land, let's go, let go of eternity. The whole look of Chukotka piercing is clear, straightforward and naked. And in the third millennium, here you can see the very same edge that appeared to the eyes of Russian pershoprokhidniks: the contours of the shores and the mountain were changed, the contours of the lakes and clean rivers flowed into the sea.
Не залишить туриста байдужими і гостинність споконвічних господарів цієї землі — чукчів, ескімосів, евенів, чуванців, їхні танці та пісні, їхнє самобутнє мистецтво, яке дбайливо зберігається століттями… Чукотка — дивовижна земля, яка зуміла зберегти життя і здатність до розквіту в суворих полярних умовах . For a short pіvnіchne summer, in the minds of permafrost, here a miracle is seen - the riot of the rebirth of nature, like a person, with its unique beauty. The home of the bird markets, the penetrating blue of the firths, which are angry with the sky, the yaskra farbi of the tundra, which are guessing the kilim.
Tue, and wrapped in snow, Chukotka is no less attractive for tourists who are ready to try their goodness and stamina. Adzhe was calmness only at first glance seems to be single-mandatory - life in the midst of snow does not fade away! And you know how warm it is to make a cold one feel cold in Yaranza? Have you ever traveled on dog and reindeer sleds? And what do you see, how to spit on a walrus and how tasty a smelt is forged with its own hands? If you want to live like civilization in the primordial world of nature, if you like the unknown and good luck, then the more expensive Chukotka will be for you to be happy!

(Chukotka), an archaeological complex that represents two rows of majestic Greenland whales dug in the ground.
Complex v_dkryto 1976 r. a group of scholars from the Institute of Ethnography of the Academy of Sciences of the Soviet Socialist Republic of M. A. Chlenov.
Vvazhaetsya one of the wonders of Russia!

However, until recently, I didn’t know anything about her. There is a unique archaeological complex on the pivnіchniy skhid in the Bay of Providence, near the Bering protoci, on the island of Tigran. In the opinion of the scholars, Kitova Alei is considered a diva not only from a scientific, but from an archeological point of view.

The bay, on the birch, like a standing monument, is sharpened from the pivnіchny immediately and the pіvdenny sunset with streams of skeletal ledges, and between them the hills are slightly lowered and set up a flat sloping slope, vkritiy variegated tundra growth. On this green aphid, groups of crushed bright-white stomps from whale crevices are clearly visible, and when approaching the shore, over the grassy edge of the beach, one can see chimeric outlines of whale skulls dug into the pebbles with a narrow nasal part.


Team Kochivniki
S. Bolashenko. Vuzkokolіyny zaliznitsi Chukotka Autonomous Okrug (23 Chernya 2007).
Golubchikov Yu.M. Geography of the Autonomous Okrug of Chukotsky. - Moscow: ISC "Design. Information. Cartography”, 2003. - 320 p. - ISBN 5-287-00080-4.
Belikovich A.V., Galanin A.V. Chukotka: natural and economic drawing. - Moscow: Art-Liteks, 1995. - S. 98-99.
Committee for Sports and Tourism of the Chukotka Autonomous District
An increase in the number of tourists was recorded in Chukotka in 2010 // Portal of the Chukotka Autonomous Okrug
photo by: O. Kutsky, V. Silantyev, S. Shulga, S. Anisimov,
Tourism in Chukotka is no longer a myth, but a reality / /
Chukotka Autonomous Okrug - article from the Great Encyclopedia
Official website of the Chukotka Autonomous Okrug
Legislation of the Chukotka Autonomous Okrug
S. A. Arutyunov, I. I. Krupnik, M. A. Chleniv. "Whale Alley". The ancient islands of the Senyavin channel. 1982.
Leontiev St St, Novikova K. A. Toponymic dictionary of the puberty at the same time of the SRSR. - Magadan: Magadan Book Review, 1989, page 161.
A. A. Korobkov. Chervona Book of Russia (1981).

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The seals hunted individually, and the polling of the walrus and, especially, the whale was carried out collectively. The walrus was hunted as the head rank of the hinged windrow (from an ear of grass to a reamer). On promisel they saw canoes. On the nose of the canoes there were one or two harpooners, in the middle - 5 or 6 paddlers, on the stern - “baydarny gospodar” (baidary’s sack). Seeing the walruses, which poured among the ice, the mischief-makers chased them, and the harpooners threw harpoons at them. A floater from the skin of a seal, taken by a “panchohoy” and an inflated wind (buoy), tying to a harpoon belt, flattening the wound of a wounded walrus, as if jumping into a stream, and also not allowing the beaten animal to sink, and showing yoga mystic. The powerful walrus was finished off with a list, towed to the nearest prone krizhin and there it was fresh.

At the sight of a whale, the fate of a sprat canoe took the fate. Carefully on the oars, having approached the whale, they threw in the new harpoon, dove, lower walrus, and safety with 2-3 pairs of floats. They finished off the strong whale with a special long list and towed it to the shore.

In the other half of the nineteenth century. the fire pit (narrative stores and special whale towels) widened widely; stosuvanya yogo led to the discovery of some of the descriptions of the methods of polyuvannya and forgiveness of others. Vzimka and the curtains began to drive in the seal, blowing the air from the guinea. At the hour of the spring watering, the need fell close to the dormant seal, and at the zv'yazku z znik і masquerading with all її accessories (special robe and scrapers). Some people fell in love just from the sled. Feeling the beast, the team of dogs rushed so swiftly that the seal did not catch the bird of ice, and thoughtfully, jumping from the sled, shooting at the new one. Vyzhdzhayuchi on dogs to the edge of the kriga, myslivtsі took a small canoe on the sled. A seal killed with a twine was won with a wykidka - special attachments with gachkas on a long belt.

Tsya old land, zdaetsya, go wild to eternity. The whole look of Chukotka piercing is clear, straightforward and naked. And in the third millennium, here you can see the very same edge that appeared to the eyes of Russian pershoprokhidniks: the contours of the shores and the mountain were changed, the contours of the lakes and clean rivers flowed into the sea.

24. And do you know how warm it is to make the coldest in Yaranz? Have you ever traveled on dog and reindeer sleds? And what do you see, how to spit on a walrus and how tasty a smelt is forged with its own hands?

26. Photo: Oleksandr Pilyav'є.32. Photo: Amguema.

Chukotka is a marvelous land, which was able to save the life of that building until the discovery of the suvori polar minds. For a short pіvnіchne summer, in the minds of permafrost, here a miracle is seen - the riot of the rebirth of nature, like a person, with its unique beauty. The home of the bird markets, the penetrating blue of the firths, which are angry with the sky, the yaskra farbi of the tundra, which are guessing the kilim.

The products of the marine animal industry for the coastal Chukchi are of little significance. The meat of the beaten creatures became the basis of their eating. It went to feed the traveling dogs. Skins of seals were vicorated for sewing summer robe that vzutya; the shkiri of the walruses were used when the yaranga was lashed (a summer tire, a padding on the paddle), for a close-fitting canoes; zі skins of bearded seal were robbed of soles and belts of various widths and comrades for the state and industrial needs. The dog harness was made entirely from the skins of sea creatures. The walrus fish on the pellets, the whale's brushes on the bed for the sled, etc. In this way, the well-being of the seaside population lay mostly in the distant watering of the sea creatures.

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