Chovniki with meat from leaves. Chovniki from sheet dough

Tsі chovniki - a real dish with meat, a side dish of potatoes, an appetizer from salted ogirkіv and navit bread, like a miracle pіdіyde for the evening!

-Tіsto leaf without yeast - 500 g (2 layers of 250 g each)
- Pork fillet - 300 g
- Tsibulya is great - 1 pc.
-Potatoes - 3-4 pcs.
- Vershkov oil - 100 g
- Salted ogirok - 1 great abo 3-4 gherkins
- Chicken egg - 1 pc.
- Hard Sir - 50 g
-Sil pepper

1. Layers of thawed dough cut into 12 straight cuts.
2. Leather rozkotity, zrobity from the protilegny side of the cut.
3. Clean the potatoes, remember. Boil in salted water until ready. Zrobiti puree with additions 30 g inches of butter. Cut the sturgeon into small cubes. M'yaso roughly cut, brushed in oil, which was left on a strong fire, salt, pepper. Add a cibulus to the pivkiltsy and quench 10 quills under the lid on the middle fire. Let's take the cover off and put it out on a strong fire until the full evaporation of the water.
4. Viklasti on a tito 1 tbsp. a spoonful of potatoes and spread on the surface. On the potatoes we put m'yaso, on the m'yaso - chicks.
5. Tighten your throat tightly along the cheeks of two sides, so that the roses are stubbed in the middle of the pie and like one over one. Pinch the edges by pressing the viroba into the shape of a lid.
6. Decorate deco, cover with paper for vaping.
7. Viklasti officials, sip with grated cheese (you can do without it), brush with a beaten egg. Zapikat at 200 ° until the reception zarum'yanyuvannya (sound at the end of the vіd 15 to 25 strands).

My savory portions are coming for the holy day and for the family evening ... my motto is fast, simple, delicious!

potatoes - 1 kg.
m'yaso (be-yake!!!) - 400 gr.
cibulina - 1 large
salted cucumbers -3-4 pieces (small)
thick sheet - 500 gr.
egg - 1 pc.
solid sir-50 gr

1. mash potatoes and make mashed potatoes, so, as you sound, rob for sim'ї
2. meat is pored with small pieces (I have pork, scapular h ast, not a song.) the cibula is washed with pivkiltsy and smeared everything with such a rank ... m'yaso on a strong fire, stirring 3 quills, then we lay the cibula, we mix, change the gas and extinguish the krishko more 10 quills ... write to the crook on a medium fire lightly steamed sik 4 min. wink!

3. ogіrochki rіzhemo pіvkіltsami or straws (which are big). fried fritters are only salty or cask (like pickled, store-bought ones smell strongly of otstom ..), so you have more more ogirkiv, give more, do not hesitate!

4. defrosting was divided into 4 parts (skin layer, I had 2, we had 8 pieces) rozkachuєmo, straight cut, scho wiyshov, more than ours 1/4 times three. the edge of the rolled dough is thinner than the lower middle.

5. put in the center two, three tablespoons (with warm) mashed potatoes ... in the center smeared with meat and cut fritters. from the sides, robably later, cut.

7. we give the shape of the lid to our robe, we pinch the sides.

8. I put it on a sheet, I have a little space on the form, and I laid the leather jacket with a paper for the wine. we'll beat the officials chicken egg, trochs can be watered in the middle, and the center is lightly curved with grated syrup.

9. put in the oven up to 180 degrees ... let's get browned, so that all the ingredients are already ready, 25 fines will be enough ...

Hello, new readers of the site! I continue my love for the theme of spicy from leafy dough, it’s so original and different, the swede is beautiful! Today I will show you how to make appetizing officials from a leaflet yeast test with juice flavored filling of meat, cibuli, potatoes, pickled ogirki and sira. How do you always try to fight for this vipіchka, it’s easy and fast, to go out invisible, shaky, that already tasty!

Ingredients for chovniki from leaf test:

  • Listkov drіzhdzhovoe tisto- 500 gr.
  • Pork - 200 UAH.
  • Cibulya - 1 pc.
  • Potato - 3 pcs. (Medium)
  • Pickled cucumbers - 1-2 pcs.
  • Sil, seasoning
  • Roslinna Oliya
  • Egg for zmaschuvannya officials

Preparation from leafy yeast dough:

For the filling, cut the meat with coarse cubes and brush with yogo growing olive, add|add| I’ll cut the cibula and smear it until it’s ready.

I washed the potatoes and cooked them in their uniforms at the micro-furnace oven (I put them on 8 quills for the most tightness), cooled them, peeled them and cut them into small cubes.

Marinated fritters are cut into small cubes. Mix the meat, potatoes and marinated stumps, salt to taste, season.

Defrost the sheet dry dryly, loosen the layer of the wedge approximately 2 mm. I had 2 layers, I cut it and cut the leather layer into 4 squares, 8 pieces in total. On the skin square, make two vertical cuts (not reaching the end) along the edges.

Place the filling in the middle of the skin square. Throw on the back of the head tightly from one edge, with which the slabs are so that the vertical cut is leaning in the center. Then close the other side of the dough, also rozashovuyuchi rosrіz in the center. Form the tufts of the jar.

Fill in the virobi for vistoyuvannya for about 15-20 quills. Let's grease with a beaten egg, rub the middle with cheese.

Whisk at the roses up to 180 gr. duvets approximately 20-25 quills.

Chovniki from leafy yeast dough are ready!


For a review, I will share a video recipe for preparing similar chovniki from a sheet of dough in the Kulinar24 channel

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