Scheme of the frequency dilnik on k561іє8. Chips K561IE8, K176IE8 and CD4017A. Technical parameters of the lamp K561ІЕ8

In order to take the result of the account in the tenth system at the output of the lichnik, it was necessary to select a circuit from two microcircuits - the lichnik and the decoder. But there is one more type of microcircuits - lichilnik-decoders, which can be placed in one case and a lichnik and a decoder, connecting to the output of a lichnik. One of these, the widest microcircuits, is K561IE8 (or K176IE8). A microcircuit to replace a two-way lichnik, a rachunok of such an environment of up to 10 (if there is a tenth pulse on the lichilny input, the lichnik will automatically go to the zero camp), and a two-tenth decoder, such inclusions at the output of that lichnik (Figure 1).

Chip K561ІЕ8 (К176ІЕ8) can be the same case as K561ІЕ10, but the recognition of visnovkіv, of course, is more (only visnovk zhivlennya are zbіgayutsya).

To test the functioning of the K561ІE8 (K176ІE8) microcircuit, select the circuit shown in figure 2. On the D1 microcircuit, the impulse shaping is done, it is the same as in the experiments in lessons No. 7 and No. 8.

Pulses go to one of the inputs of the D2 microcircuit, to this particular type on the input CP (input of positive impulses), and on the other input CN (input of negative impulses) it is necessary to apply a logical one. You can apply impulses and input negative impulses - CN, but you need to apply a logical zero to the input CP.

The input R is used for setting the primus lighter to the zero camp (on the input R, one is sent by the button S2), with which the output "0" of the D2 microcircuit (visnovok 3) will be one, and on the line - zero. Now pressing the S1 button, for the help of the P1 multimeter (or voltmeter, tester), just change the equalities on the outputs of the microcircuit.

One will come out, the number of which corresponds to the number of impulses that came to the entrance of the lichnik (number push on S1). Tobto, as if starting from scratch, then after the skin onslaught on S1, one will move to the next exit. І yak just dіyde up to 9th (vysnovok 11), with an offensive onslaught on S1 again moving to zero.

Chip K561ІЕ8 vvazhaє up to 10 (from zero to nine, and at the ninth pulse go to zero), or you may need rahunok up to a third number, for example up to 6. It is easy to surround the rahunoks of the microcircuit, it is necessary to connect the rotom її inlet R (visnovok 15), with this її exit, for which the rahunka cycle is to be completed.

At times vyhid 6 (visnovok 5). As soon as the D2 microcircuit reaches 6, one from the th її output nadіyde on її input R і once again set the number to zero. Microchip rahuvatime from zero to 5, and when the sixth pulse is needed, we go to zero, and we gave it anew by the call.

In this way, the coefficient of change (coefficient of change) of the K561ІE8 microcircuit can be installed with extreme simplicity - just one output with the input R.

Choose a diagram, shown in small 3. A multivibrator on elements D1.1 and D1.2 vibrates pulses with a frequency of 0.5-1 Hz, and pulses are at the input of the D2 microcircuit, and її outputs are single. Qi singles ignite light diodes VD1-VD10. To go out, to live the light point of the beast down (behind the scheme) - the light is lit up through the eyes. At some point, you can close the rahunok - for additional wiring, you need to connect R with an exit, for example, with a visnovka 5.

The microcircuit K561IE8 (K176IE8) has one more exit, meanings - "P" - ce exit transfer. Vіn is necessary in order to organize a bagator-discharge system of lіchilnіv, for example, if you need to rahuvat not ten, but one hundred impulses. Then one microcircuit is equal to one pulse, and the other is dozens. Work out like this: after setting zero, on which output it will be alone, and so it will be until the microcircuit fires five pulses, then we will set zero on that string, and if it is, the microcircuit will not reach 10 zero.

To go out in such a way that on every day for the entire period of the microcircuit’s work, one negative impulse is formed, which is the end of what to say about those that the microcircuit has grown to 10. This impulse can be applied to the CN input of the second microcircuit K561ІE8 (K176ІE8), and this other microcircuit can take dozens of impulses, which were sent to the input of the first. And the overhead coefficient for the change in stock is 100. You can turn on the third microcircuit after another (up to 1000), and the fourth after the third (up to 10000), just fine.

Converting the two-code code to the tenth is good, but how to remind the person in the hand form, then like the number on the output of the lichnik, - connect to the skin output of the tenth decoder with a light bulb, and write on the next number? Wait a minute, it’s not handy, wanting thirty years ago such a method of indicating extensions.

Look respectfully at the scoreboard of an electronic digital year. According to the skin number on the scoreboard ¾ field, on which roztashovani we will distinguish the order of this segment (not rahuyuchi comi), - or "dashes" that shine, - light (as the scoreboard is light), or fluorescent cathodes of luminescent indicators, or change the number rіdkokristalіchnogo scoreboard.

Zastosuvannya tight field transistors allows you to simply ask the circuit and move the KKD rework.
On the elements DD1.1, DD1.2, the generator is selected, which is set, with a frequency of 500 Hz. The dilnik on DD2 forms two pulse sequences with a frequency of 50 Hz with 180 ° phases for turning by power keys VT1 and VT2 of a push-pull reversing machine. To get rid of the cross streams between the opening of one key and the inclusion of the other "dead zone" - 10% of the period.
When a high level (logic "1") is applied to the "Blocked" input, the output keys will flicker.
The output voltage of the switch is surrounded by the voltage of the power transformer T1 and the maximum allowable stream of output transistors. Transformation coefficient of the power transformer Kt=20. As output transistors go IRFZ34 (15 A), IRFZ44 and KP723A (30A), IRFZ46 (50 A). For reliability, a mother needs an undercurrent supply for a stream and a loss for a voltage. Powerful lancers are guilty of buti yakomoga with short and wicked wires of a double cut.
I have propagated the reworking scheme, but supplemented it with schemes for the protection of the service, which include:
- protection from the generator teeth, what is asked, there is blocking;
- protection of the output of transistors in the event of a voltage shift on the battery over 15 V;
- Battery protector of a deep discharge. Qia well scheme є іndicator of the battery voltage. At 10 light VD9 is extinguished, at 15 it shines at full strength;
- Defender of the wrong connection, that is. battery reversal;
- automatic transfer to the reserve food storage when there is a voltage in the yard, and then turn to the bait in the yard when there is a voltage in the yard.

The switcher operates in idle mode by more than 7 mA.
Lіchil-rozpodіlnik K561ІE8 may enter the skid (visnovok 13), high rіven on which to direct the microcircuit at the exit camp. At the same time, the rahunok is pinned and all the exits, the cream of zero (visnovok 3), are thrown off to zero. Offending the output transistors VT1 and VT2 at its closed, tobto. changeover is blocked.
The emergency blocking diagram is shown. Capacitor C4 is charged through R13 to the voltage of life for the number of pulses from the output of DD1.2 and it gives a logical "1" to the blocking input (visnovok 13 DD2) through VD13. Under normal operation, the transition, at the output of "Skidannya blocking" (visnovok 1 DD2) skin 20 ms, is a logical "1", so through R11 the transistor VT5 is driven and discharged C4, without blocking itself.
Deflecting the voltage on the battery. When Ua>15 is moved, the zener diode VD10 is turned on, VT4 is turned off by a strum through R9 and a logical "1" is applied through VD12 to the blocking input. This blocking is needed to prevent the output of the fret of power transistors. To protect the circuit, in parallel with C5, it is necessary to turn on the stabilitron KS515. Such a situation is not a winkne, so charger attachment not to be connected to the switch without a battery. More quickly, the charger is connected to the battery with different wires.
Zahist DB in a deep category. The value of R7 is chosen in such a rank that at Ua<10,5 В транзистор VT3 уже закрылся, светодиод VD9 погас, и через R8 и VD11 подалась логическая "1" на вход блокировки. С2 предотвращает блокировку в случае кратковременного понижения Ua.
Protection against incorrect switching on (polarity reversal) of AB. In case of emergency blocking on the output of 9 DD1.4, it is logical "1", on the output of DD1.4 - "O". Transistor VT6 is closed, relay K1 is letting in and turning on the battery in the power part of the conversion. In times of polarity reversal, when AB is connected, relay K1 does not work.
Automatic perekannya on backup livelihood. At the presence of voltage in the cell, relay K2 is turned on, and with its contacts it connects the voltage directly to the cell. The optocoupler transistor VU1 is switched on and through R14 it sends a logical "1" to the blocking input. Peretvoryuvach when tsiomu is blocked.
When the voltage is detected, the relay K2 is let in, switching off the switch. The optocoupler transistor closes and the logical "Pro" appears on the output 5 DD1.3. Art on exit DD1.3-"1", a positive pulse drives the transistor VT5, C5 is charged, "1" disappears from the blocking input, and the switch starts.
Vimikach S1 "On" allows you to change the vimikat in that case, if the voltage in the reserve is not needed due to the voltage; "+" life comes through vimicach S1 and R14 to the blocking input. When the contacts of the vimikach S1 are disconnected, the start of the reversal is started - as and after the loss of the voltage in the measure.

Pratsyyuyuchi z pіdvischyuchimi reworking dotrimuyu rules of safety to the fact that the robot is conducted z unsafe for the body naprugoy!! The secondary winding was removed during the process of folding, but insulated with cambric from humic tubes, in order to avoid the vertical contact.

Schematic diagram

In pulse encoders, information about the command number is stored in the number of transmitted pulses. The amateur radio literature has different variants of circuit implementation of such encoders. The most compact option should be hovered below, positions from .

Nine-channel equipment allows you to turn on the same vikonavchi add-on model in any sequence, as well as turn on the day commands for three hours with the possibility of operating at that hour with other commands. The encoder has a button for the decoder's operational drop-off, which accepts the hibny command, which allows the decoder to be sent according to the changeover code.

The transmission of commands is controlled by the key transistor VT1, the basis of which is pulses from the output of the clock generator, selected on the elements DD1.2 and DD1.3. The generator oscillates more impulses for the presence of a 2 DD1.2 logical unit.

The scheme works in this way. When the supply voltage is switched on, SA1 is alive with a short positive impulse at the exit of the C4R3 lanyard, which differentiates, to go to the input of the "R" switch of the DD2, resetting it. At the “About” output of the lichnik, the equal of a logical one is set, and on other outputs - logical zeros (Fig. 2.11, d—g, hour interval 0—tj on the graphs).

As long as there is no pressure on any of the buttons, this single line (through the normally closed contacts of all buttons) is connected to the input of the DD1.1 inverter. At the output (visnovok 11) the rest is set to a logical zero, which hinders the operation of the clock generator (Fig. 2.11 a). Electronic key VT1 is open, commands are not transmitted.

When pressed, be it a button, for example SB3, the input of the inverter DD1.1, a logical zero equal to the output 3 DD2 is applied. At the output of the inverter, a single rail is installed, allowing the operation of the clock generator (the moment in Fig. 2.11, a). Positive impulses from this output begin to reach the base of the electronic key, leading to the transmission of commands (Fig. 2.11, b). Through the DD1.4 inverter, the impulses come and enter the lichnik (Fig. 2.11, c). The fluctuation is carried out after the positive drops of these impulses, so the positive drop on the output 3 DD2 is after the formation of the third impulse (Fig. 2.11 g).

The button SB3 is obliged to press the pressed position until the command is over by the model (moment t3 in Fig. 2.11). Therefore, at the moment t2, a positive difference with the output 3 DD2, inverted by the element DD1.1, to block the clock generator robot. The formation of the code message from three impulses will end. Until the moment the button t3 is released, the output of the lichnik is 0 present logical zero (Fig. 2.11, d). Later, at this moment on the appearance of 2 DDI.2, a logical unit will appear, allowing a new generation. Continue the pulse count on the DD2 outputs up to 10, after which the logical unit, which appeared on the output 0 DD2, will stop the generation.

The number of pulses that are generated after the release of the command button will always be updated to 10. Starting from the moment t4, the encoder is ready before the transfer of the draw command. The period of passage of the pulses of the clock generator is approximately 40 ms.

From the same time, the hour of transmission of the found command from nine impulses is not exceeded by 0.4 s. At the decoder, a 0.5 s display was transmitted, which allows the passage of information from the output of the decoder in the process of the work of the lichilnik. After the completion of one hour of the work of the lichilnik, it will be guaranteed to be completed, and not to blame the ambiguity of the receiving command.

The S10 button is used for the wild drop of all commands and the installation of the decoder's decoder at the exit station. For the correct spriynyattya іmpulsu skidannya yogo trivalіst maє perevischuvati 0.6 s.

Details and design

Microcircuits DDI and DD2 can be replaced by imported analogues CD4011 and CD4017, apparently. Transistor VT1 - whether it's a low-voltage reverse conductivity. The hourly capacitor C2 is guilty of buti plіvkovim, іnshі - be it type.

The encoder board has no special features.


Adjustment of the field in the setting period of the passage of the pulses of the generator, which is set. For this input of the DD1.1 element, turn on the input of the SB9 button and connect it to the case. The generator works at any time in a non-stop mode. Having connected the oscilloscope Visnovka 4 DD1.3, by selecting the support R1, set the period equal to 40 ms.

For bazhannya, you can significantly increase the rate of command transmission by changing the proportional value of the constant hour R1C2. It is necessary to change such a change in the language when the parameters of the decoder are adjusted.

Dnischenko V. O.

500 schemes for radioamators. Distance keruvannya models.

St. Petersburg: Science and technology, 2007. - 464 e.: il.

Dosit popular microcircuit K561IE8(Foreign analogue of CD4017) є tenth recorder with a decoder. The structure of the microcircuit has a Johnson's driver (five-cascade) and a decoder that allows you to translate the code of a two-way system into an electrical signal, which is sent to one of the ten outputs of the driver.

The K561ІЕ8 type is available in a 16-pin DIP package.

Technical parameters of the lighter K561ІE8:

  • Live voltage: 3…15 volts
  • External strum (0): 0.6 mA
  • External strum (1): 0.25 mA
  • Output voltage (0): 0.01 volt
  • Output voltage (1): live voltage
  • Strum damping: 20 uA
  • Operating temperature: -45…+85 °C

Dimensions of K561IE8 microcircuit:

Appointment visnovkіv K561IE8:

  • Visnovok 15 (Skidannya) - the lichilnik is thrown into the zero camp for an hour, I will enter the tribute of the whiskers to the signal log.1. It is acceptable, if you want, that the lichnik rahuvave only up to the third category (4 vysnovok), for which you are guilty of 4 vysnovok vyvodom 15 (Skidannya). In this rank, when reaching the third rank, the lichnik K561ІE8 automatically wins over the cob.
  • Visnovok 14 (Rakhunok)- Visnovok appointments for filing a personal clock signal. Output flickering follows the positive edge of the signal on output 14. Set the maximum frequency to 2 MHz.
  • Visnovok 13 (Stop)- this visnovok, as close as possible to the signal, allows you to start the sound or start the lichnik's robot. It is necessary to send the work of a lichnik, for whom it is necessary to pay a tax on this visnovka.1. If you want to wind it on visnovok 14 (Rakhunok), like before, if there is a clock signal, then there will be no chime at the output of the lichnik. To allow the rahunka of visnovok 13, it is necessary to join with a minus drotom of life.
  • Visnovok 12 (Rescheduled)- Danes of visnovok (transferred visnovok) are vicorous when mixing a rich cascade lichnik with kіlkoh K561ІE8. When using the visnovok of the first 12 lichnik, connect with the clock input 14 of the other lichnik. The positive edge at the output transfer (12) is vinified through the skin 10 clock periods at the input (14).
  • Visnovki 1-7 and 9-11 (Q0…Q9)- Get out the lichilka. At the output station, on all outputs, there is a log.0 for the output of Q0 (on the new log.1). On the skin output of the lіchilnik, a high rіven is more than a period of the clock signal with the highest number.
  • Visnovok 16 (Kharchuvannya)- zadnuetsya іz plus dzherel zhivlennya.
  • Visnovok 8 (Earth)- Visnovok zadnuєtsya minus dzherel zhivlennya.

Timchasova diagram of the robotic lichnik K561ІЕ8

At the bottom, the mental designation of the K561ІE8 microcircuit is indicated:

Dekіlka buttov zastosuvannya lіchilnik К561ІЕ8

Fire, what to live on light diodes

The scheme allows you to organize the shvidka after the light of the skin light. The clock pulse generator was inspired by the NE555 timer, which is connected to the circuit as a rectilinear pulse generator. The frequency of the pulses at the output of the NE555, as well as the speed of the fires that run, are regulated by the changeable resistor R2.

It is also possible to increase the number of light sources with a cascade connection of light fixtures. You can look at such a K561IE8 robot in the Proteus program.

(13.5 Kb, vanquished: 2 270)

For the assistance of the tenth lichnik K561ІЕ8 you can pick up. When pressing the SA1 button, the capacitor C1 is discharged through the resistor R1. If the SA1 button is released, the capacitor C1 is charged through the resistor R2, causing a rising edge at the clock input (14) of the K561ІE8 lighter. This is what led up to the fact that at the output of Q1 there is a high logical level (practically the voltage of life), after which the light of HL1 shines.

At that very hour, the capacitor C2 is charged more through the supports R4 and R5. If the voltage on the new one is about half the voltage of life, I will bring the lichilnik to the drop. Exit Q1 goes to a low level, the light diode goes out and the capacitor C2 is discharged through the diode VD1 and the resistor R3. If the circuit is left in such a stable state, the SA1 button will not be pressed again.

By changing Opir R4, you can select the required timer interval in the range of 5 seconds and 7 minutes. The stream of adjustment of this circuit in the station is set to microamps, in the operating mode it is approximately 8 mA, mainly for the light source.

This scheme imitates the fire of a police flashing beacon. As a result, the robots will add a flash of red and blue light, moreover, the color of the skin will shine three times.

Clock pulse generator for the K561ІЕ8 wake-up caller on the NE555 timer. The width of the pulses can be changed by the choice of supports R1, R2 and capacity C2. Impulses from the output of the lichnik, through diodes, go to two transistor switches, as to control the instants of light diodes.

Microchips K176IE8і K561IE8- dozens of holidaymakers. The stench mayut 10 deciphered outputs QO...Q9. Scheme of the lichnik in revenge for the five-fold high-speed Johnson lichnik and the decoder, which converts the two-code signal on one of the ten outputs.

If at the entrance it is allowed to check the EC counters K561ІE8 and K176ІE8 is low, then the counter will perform its operation synchronously with the positive differential on the clock input C. If the input is high, the clock input will be blocked. With a high level at the entrance of the discount R, the lichnik is cleared to zero.

On the skin output of the decoder, a high rive is more than a period of the clock pulse with the highest number. Lіchilnik maє vihіd rescheduled Z vih. The positive front of the output signal of the transfer is announced after 10 clock periods and victorious as a clock signal for the upcoming decade of the anniversary. The maximum clock frequency for the K561ІE8 and K176ІЕ8 devices is 2 MHz.

Trivality of the pulse of the fence can be overridden by 300 ns, trivality of the clock pulse can be less than 250 ns. The hour of the dії_impulse of the skid can be overridden by 275 ns. Possible logical and impulsive qualifiers K561IE8 and K176IE8 links in the table.

Zakordonnym analogue of the microcircuit K561IE8 є microcircuit CD4017A.

К561ІЕ8 - technical data

Number of ranks 5
Log in management C,R,EC
Input C control ,
Life pressure 3...15 V
The Hour of Tricky RosesSunday 1700 ns
Input signal frequency 2 MHz
Strumming at maximum pressure of life 0.2 mA
Weekend strum of a low level 0.18mA
The temperature of the inner core -45...+70 pro Z

Stan lichilnikov K561IE8 and K176IE8

Enter Mode
1 X X Q0 = C vor = 1
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