How to understand the foot is wide. Ways to get it right again

First way- how to protect fahіvtsі vzuttoviki: you need to trim the girth of your foot with a millimeter stitch, for example, in a bundle (for the largest wide areas of the scarlet-bundle part), and for special tables GOST 3927 “Pads vzuttєvі. Mindful technical minds” to be exact. This method of folding and more purchases is unacceptable.

W = 0.25V-0.15C-A, (1)

de W - repeat number B - girth at the bundles, mm; C - dozhina stop,

mm; A - constant coefficient, which is indicated for the table. 3.2.

Table 3.2 - A group of bidding for a state and century confession

Dovzhina stop vyvatsya for rice. 3.2, the girth of the bundles is at the widest points of the scarf for an additional centimeter. Then we will carry out awkward calculations. Priyomi obmiru stop is shown a little 3.2.

Death stop that gom_ki. Dotsilno win the feet of both nig, the rocks are often right and the left of the foot may be remembrance and life. However, the expansions are less common in 20-30%. Repair the obmiryuvannya stop zі znyatya zvnіshny i ​​podzvіdnogo contour. Place the leg (in the nose or panchos) on the obmiruvalny arkush paper with a size of 320x250 mm in such a way that, in the sitting position, the homilka would be in a vertical position in relation to the supporting surface. The edges of the paper on the sides can protrude beyond the contours of the feet. In order to create the correct contour of the christening, we’ll split it at the transverse straight line with an olive so that the stylus sits on the feet, and the olive is perpendicular to the paper. Outline the foot towards the middle of the posterior point of the heel of the foot, following the inner contour of the foot to the end thumb. Let's christen the outer side, beginning with five and ending with the thumb. In this order, they trim the outer contour of the foot, which gives the ability to designate the length of the foot, the width in the bunches, the ankles and the toes, the position of the digital arch, and also, the dotsylnu shape of the scarpet at the insutta. After that, without changing the position of the legs, they mark the lower contour, rotting the olive under the singing hood. The lower contour defines the crypts of the foot: the larger the arch in the straps from the inner side, the more pronounced the crypt and the greater the foot of the foot.

In the middle of the contour of the foot, the following signs are indicated: the width of the foot, the width of the bunches, the bottom of the foot, as well as the girth of the foot in bunches, the girth at the straight foot (at the perimeter 0.55 of the foot), the girth at the oblique foot (through the foot). stop stop). Pose with a contour of the foot on a free place to put down the size of the volume of the gomіlka at the sight of the shot: the height of the number is recorded in the number book, and the size of the volume of the gomіlka is recorded in the signer-vodpovidna of the height.

A. Zibіnim also ordered the appointment of rozmirіv vzuttya vikoristovuvat nomogram - stopomer (Fig. 3.3).

Having inspired (1) a family of straight lines according to different laps, we take a nomogram, for which, knowing the girth of the foot and її rozmіr, you can take a shukan value, then one of the 12 parameters established by GOST 3927. Such a nomogram is practically prepared by a stopometer. .

Figure 3.2- The main signs of the foot and homil

per this equal you can independently determine your duty and without nomograms, for example, at home.

Girth of the back of the foot. The girth of the woman's feet is determined by the formula:

Pro st =0.59D+96 (2)

de Pro st- girth of the foot in the beam part, which confirms the cut 0.68/072D;

D - dozhina of the foot between the largest protruding points in the heels and noses.

Stopomir can be vikoristovuvati for mixing a wet assortment of likhvar vzuttya (RAO) to a store, district, region.

Vikoristannya stopomir allows you to create a single daily closed system:

a buyer - a store - a wholesaler - a virobnik.

How can such a system function?

The buyer, coming to the store, sack three widdles from the indicators for the narrow, middle and wide feet. It's time to speed up with a stopomir.

It should be noted that the difference between the lines should be 4 mm, then the allowance for ± 1 line can be stalely in the direction of the stars to a more spacious number of tight-fitting swelling. After the appointment of the necessary parameters, the client is sent to the required account and picks up a couple immediately without any problems. And otrimani data about the totality and size of a particular citizen can be entered into the computer's memory for further RAV molding. For statistical processing, a total of about 600 samples will be enough, as a result - for a leather store, the world’s RAV can be broken up first, and it will be sold evenly, without overstocking.

In this rank, systematizing information, otrimana s rіznih dzherel, you can add RAV for okremikh stores, districts and regions.

With the expansion of the obligation to sell, but it will inevitably turn out, the scatterbrain people will understand that it is so convenient to see that the specialization of the okrem workshops is real, and perhaps even enterprises. And then we will come to the zahіdnoї organіzatsії robots and trades: vzuttєvі firms z kon'yunkturnyh mіrkuvani let out vzuttya no more than sing notes, and the buyers, who do not know the parameters of their feet, but knowing, the stocks of these firms їm fіrtіtya, buy less.

The order is the technique of vikonannya roboti:

1. Check out the numbering system around the world.

2. Keep your feet flat from the protruding point of the heel to the largest protruding toe.

3. Designate rozmіr vіdpovіdno vіdpovіdno to vіtchiznânih and zarubіzhnyh systems.

4. Appreciate all the time for the proponated methodology.

5. Determine the frequency of different systems.

6. Zrobiti visnovok schodo roboti.

Food for self-control

1. Name the main numbering systems in a nutshell.

2. Why does the English numbering system look like the American one?

3. How to designate rosemary vzuttya?

4. Name the ways to get it right again.

5. How many pivpovnot vzuttya is known in Russia to normative documents?

Baby 3.3 - Nomogram-stopomir.

Table 3.3 - Results of foot measurement

Addendum A - obmіryuvalny sheet

Whether or not the forest has the nature of growing trees over the area, as well as their density of difference. Tse lie down in the village (svetlyubna, tіnyovitrivala), grow minds (class bonitetu), razmiriv trees that I will become a tree stand itself. Trees of light-loving porods in povnyannі z tіnyovitrivalny for other equal minds make smaller wood stands. With the quietness of the trees themselves, planting for the best minds grows on a single area larger than stovburiv, lower at the highest minds. Irrespective of those that, in the course of the growing season and the growth of trees, the number of them on a single area changes, the amount of areas of their change and the stock of planting increases. Tree stands, passed through different fellings (vibration, sanitary, sightseeing), as a rule, more mature, lower, which are naturally formed.

To assess the density of the standing of trees, it is necessary to understand about again a tree stand, under which a show is born, which characterizes the steps of a tree stand with trees of a tree stand of the space occupied by them.

Povnota is one of the most important taxation indications, which allows you to determine the stock of plantings, characterize your camp and name the state's visitors. In order to determine the totality of the tree stand, it is possible to calculate data on the amount of the area of ​​​​pereriziv, the reserve, the number of trees per 1 hectare and the degree of closure of the canopy. The recurrence that is restored for the sum of the area of ​​​​pereziv is called taxation and serve as a means to stock and growth. The recurrence is assigned for the equal closeness of crowns fox that to serve for the recognition of the gospodarskih zakhodіv.

In the very planted taxation and lіsіvnicha povnoti can be rejuvenated. Spivvіdnoshennya between them do not start and change stalely in the form of generations, vіku, I will plant that minds of misery.

Razrіznyayut absolutly and vіdnosnu povnotu. Absolute The total area of ​​the planting is expressed in square meters by 1-ra, as the total area of ​​the area pereriziv on the height of the breasts of the trees of the element, or the tier (for example, 32 m 2) or the total area of ​​the horizontal projections of the crowns, which make the canopy of the tree stand (for example, 6000) .

In virobnicheskih minds, they most often signify visibly completely, which is manifested in ten parts of one. For one person, take the fullness of a closed planting per 1 ha, as for a given breed, the height (height) that minds is the maximum. Such plants are called normal. Plantings are planted according to the given mental normal, in which all the natural possibilities of the area occupied by it are most vicarious, that is, in which there are no trees or trees. If it’s possible to add more skids for the most common trees, then the totality of it will appear less than 1.0. So, up to the timber mills with a recurrence of 0.5, there are ti, in which up to already known quantity it is possible to add more styles of such trees.

Vіdnosnu povnotu according to the closure of the canopy is designated as a private view under the area of ​​the projection of the entire empty tree stand (absolute closure) on the open area, which is occupied by it:

P \u003d 6000 m 2 / 10000 m 2 \u003d 0.6

Normal plantings, so that the frequency of such 1.0 may and the maximum stock of the village. Tsya furnishing can be vikoristan for the designation of a number of other, more mature tree stands along the way for the calculation of spivvіdnoshnja mizh їkh stocks and stocks of normal plantings.

For example, a pine plantation of II class bonitetu, which is taxed, near Vіtsі 70 in May, the stock of growing part is 260 m3/ha. Behind the special tables, folded to characterize the course of the growth of normal plantings (div. dovidniki), it is known that the stock of the same planting at a total of 1.0 is 383 m 3. That is the length of the tree that is taxed, more expensive

P \u003d Md / Mn \u003d 260/383 \u003d 0.68 (rounded 0.7)

Responsible for the stock of tree stand - to finish the trivala and it is a good operation. For this reason, the totality is often determined in a more simple, but not less accurate way, depending on the sum of the area of ​​the taxed ΣGd and the normal ΣGn timber mills for tiєї of the breed, the number of minds according to the formula P = ΣGd / ΣGн. Therefore, between the reserve and the sum of the area of ​​pereriziv in the forest stand, a dense fallow is observed: it is evident that the average density of the plantings is visible for the reserve and the sum of the area of ​​pereriziv, is practically the same.

Let's assume that in the same pine tree, with a path of sucile pererahuvann with a peaceful fork, or with a path for laying circular test areas with a total volume of Bitterlich, or with the prism of N. P. Anuchin, the sum of the area of ​​pereriziv (absolute povnota) is equal to 25 m 2. In a normal planting for denim of the overhead tables, the growth rate (warehouses of A. V. Tyurin) has a total area of ​​37.2 m 2. Then we become aware of the time:

П= ΣGд / ΣGn = 25/37.2 = 0.67 (rounded 0.7).

Vіdomostі about povnosti allow to classify the planting according to their actual productivity.

For example, in a tree with a totality of 0.5 with other similar taxation signs, the stock is 2 times less, lower with a totality of 1.0, and so on. is guilty of being restored to the same rules and regulations.

It’s more correct to lay down a good amount of water for the great world in the first place, which should be taken for a little bit more, that is, for 1.0. In different tables, there is a growth, folds of okremikh geographic regions, summation of the area pereriziv navіt odnієї breeds, variety and class of bonitet are not the same. Vykoristannya їх yx zrazok zrazok prizvodit to the fact that taxation in different areas of plantings, mayutovі same sumi area pererіzіv i navіt stocks, matimut raznu, inconsistent vіdnosnu povnotu. With the method of adopting this shortfall, as well as the simplification of the technique of rozrakhunkiv, in 1937. a group of spіvrobіtnikіv TsNDІLG pіd kerіvnitstvom N. V. Tretyakova propagated standard table of sums of area perezіv and reserves planting at a totality of 1.0 (div. Forest taxation dovidniki). It was based on the theory of Eichhorn about those that in the intervening area, the amount of area pereriziv and reserves of normal plantings can be assigned beyond the current height independently of the geographical area, the minds of growth and other taxation indications. For this reason, the data for the tables is less than a tree and the average height of a tree stand.

The technique for determining the visibility of the standard table is already simple and can be taken to the offensive. Let the average height of a pine plantation be 24 m, and the total area of ​​​​overlapping is 28 m2. According to the data of the standard table, the sum of the area pereriziv of the same planting at a totality of 1.0 is due to buti 36 m 2. These are the same lines of planting, which are taxed, in the warehouse:

П= ΣGд / ΣGst = 28/36 = 0.78 ≈ 0.8.

The standard table of N. V. Tretyakov, put together for the sake of a small number of tables during the course of the growth, may be short, so in the rest of the years they were repeatedly smitten to perfection. According to our findings (on the basis of 250 tables of growth tables), it was revealed that the species numbers (species heights), the sum of the area of ​​​​pereriziv, as well as the reserves of normal plantings of one breed for the same average height, lie not in the geographic area, but in the minds vіdbivayutsya classes bonіtetu. With an increase in minds (lower class of bonitet) with one and the same average height in normal plantations, the amount of area pereriziv and the stock change. Tsya regularity to wear a wild character and manifest itself in any geographic area. The removal of visnovoks was the basis for our standard tables of sums of area pereriziv and stocks of a new type, the main data for which are species, average height of tree stand and grade class (Table 4). Perevaga tsikh table at what they have, krіm lofty, vrakhovuyutsya mind growth, scho allows you to save their wild character. In such a look, the stink is right to count the role of the standard of all 1.0 for any region of the country, the shards of apparent authority in the minds of the growth of other regions catch it and evaluate it for a single scale of bonitet.

Technique of designation of the visual surface of the table. 4 and for the standard table N. V. Tretyakova is analogous, but as an example of 1.0 here, the tabular value of the sum of the area of ​​​​reparations for the first class of bonitet is taken. For example, for a pine plantation of class I bonitetu with an average height of 24 m, the standard is 1.0 more than 42.6 m 2. Let the actual amount of area pereriziv tsgo planting 28 m2. Todi yogo vіdnosna povnota dorіvnyuє P = 28/42.6 = 0.66. According to the standard tables of N. V. Tretyakova, they are worthless (0.78).

It is possible to estimate more fully by the described methods only for the obviousness of these sums of areas pereriziv chi stocks, subtracting them from pererakhunkivs. In practical practice, the frequency is visually determined with an accuracy of ± 0.1, with the help of standard tables or manual tables, the increase in the course of the test is to train the taxator’s okomira. For this reason, in the widest tree stands of the object, which are taxed (lisgospu, lіsnitstva) before the cob, it is planned to lay a few dozen trial areas, on which way the re-arrangement is established the sum of the area of ​​​​pereriziv. Por_vnyuyuchi їh s danimi standard tables, vyznachayut vіdnosnu povnotu, є є svoєrіdnym orienteer for vіzualny vіznachennya vіznachennya іnshih tree stands. As a supplementary guideline, with whom you can win, data are given about the closure of crowns, the width of the standing trees and their diameters.

Designated sumi area pereriziv tree stand (yogo absolute absolute) with a path pererahuvannya trees with a peaceful fork on the right labor worker. Shvidsche and dosit accurately it can be marked by the vibrating-vintage method - a way of laying circular, so-called relascopic maidanchiks for additional special fittings (kutovyh templates), as they are called venerable literature povnotomirs.

For the first time, renew the proponations in 1948. Austrian librarian V. Bitterlich. Vіn є wooden or metal lath (linear) meter long, up to one point, perpendicular to the dolzhina, a nozzle with a virіz 2 cm wide is attached (Fig. 2). It is possible to use other sizes, but in all cases, the width of the width of the nozzle can be extended to the length of the attachment by 1: 50, so the length of the attachment is greater than the width of the nozzle by 50 times.

Technіka vyznachennya sumi plosch pererіzu per 1 hectare is brought up to the step. A typical place is selected from a taxed tree and stands at its center. Having applied the vіlny vіd of the nozzle, I’ll attach it to the eye and having taken it like a tree by the cob, turn 360 "(to the last turn), vіzuyuchi through the nozzle along the diameter (on the height of the breasts) of the trees.


ic. 2 Small. 3

Rice. 2. Revnotomir Bitterlich:

a - attach scheme; b - the principle of work: 1 - trees that give shape for 1 m 2, 2 - the same for 0.5 m 2, 3 - do not be afraid

Rice. 3. Scheme of the theoretical priming of the robotic repetitive meter

The area of ​​the cut of the skin tree, the diameter of which cuts the holes of the nozzle (kut vіzuvannya), is taken for 1 m 2, which exactly closes the holes - for 0.5 m 2. Other trees do not show their shape. The number of trees to be planted is equal to the sum of the area of ​​cross-cutting per 1 hectare in the forest area, expressed in square meters.

For example, when laying a circular test area (to a full turn around itself), the number of cross-cutting the holes of the total number of trees turned out to be 20, which is precisely covered by її 5. That is the sum of the area of ​​cross-cutting of the trees per 1 hectare of trees 20 = 20 + 5 * 0.5 = 22.5 m 2.

Vinahid povnotomera became the greatest reach of forest taxation for the rest of the rocks. Vono signifi- cantly said that it was easier to appoint a lot of timber stands and the appearance of stocks in the villages. Nini such

the method of gaining a wide width in our world, including in our country, with forest inventory robots, with the taxation of forest and forest funds, too.

Rice. four.

Rice. 5.

Rice. 4. Taxation sight (prism)

Rice. 5. Principle of work from a prism

To make it more compact, it is also possible to crush smaller sizes (for example, with a length of 50 cm and with a nozzle opening 1 cm wide) or to put in place a replacement for a new attachment, founded on an optical principle: relascope of Bittelikh or taxation sight (prism) of N. P. Anuchin. The principle of the robotic taxation aiming of foundations on the power of the broken (zsuvu) image of a tree when viewed through a wedge-shaped prism. The cut of the broken prism is equal to the cut of the v_zuvannya through the cut of the Bitterlich counter.

Taxation sight (Fig. 4) is a glass prism, placed near the case. For a worker, the prism is fixed on the case in such a way that the role of the handle wins.

Attachment to the burnt one looks like it is lifted on the rib of the eye and set at the position perpendicular to the line of sight on the stovbur of the tree on the height of the breasts. The prism can be trimmed on whether it is a sight, easy for the eyes. The view on the tree trunk is seen at the same time through the prism and on top of it. With what part of the stovbur, which is seen through the prism, is crushed to death. In case of partial destruction (Fig. 3.5 b), if the damaged part does not go beyond the borders of the tree, then the spanning is taken for 1 m ", but it should go out (Fig. 3.5, a) and as if it hung in the wind, such a tree cannot be vrakhovuyut. When the tree is destroyed, exactly equal to the thickness of the tree (Fig. 3.5, c), it is taken for 0.5 m. proper preparation and zastosuvannya give the same results.

Visibly small for the size of the circular sample area, it is only a small part of the village, which is taxed, as if it could be heterogeneous for everyday life. Given this, taking away one trial area, it is not possible to expand the entire view. With the method of taking away the salient characteristics of the deli lіsu (seen) that is taxed, it is necessary to lay a sprat of maidanchiks, placing them evenly throughout the deliance.

According to the results, in order to remove ΣG per 1 hectare with an accuracy of +10% for a flexibility of 0.95 (that is, in 95 steps of 100) it is necessary to lay 4...6 circular maidanchiks. With a larger size of the lot, which is taxed, the number of maidanchiks will increase. Approximately, it can be redeemed for this formula: n=5*root(S)

de: S - the area I saw.

In the saplings of plantations, the exact meanings of more and more are known as the sum of more than 10000000000000. With a clear increase in the stock of one species (with partial stocks of over 8 units), the entire tree stand can be seen as well as a clean tree stand. At the folding plantations, the cover line is restored like a sum of more than a dozen tiers. In plantations with an average height of less than 3 m, the lineage is due to the closeness of the crowns. In unaffected young growth - for a number of stems per 1 ha. If the number of stovburіv vіdpovіdає to the lower edge of the zadovіlnogo vіdnovlennya (according to the accepted standards), the recurrence is accepted mentally 0.4.

Warehouse- a change in the villages of species, which is approved by woods from the designated part of the participation of the skin breed in the wild stock. The planting is called clean, as it is built up from 1 village or a house of other times no more than 10% of the total stock. Zmіshan - folded from a number of villages of the porid. Warehouse tree stand is characterized by a formula, in which it is indicated the name of the generation and the digital coefficient, which determines a part of its participation in the wild stock. The sum of all coefficients is good 10. In different forest stands, a part of the skin species is determined for the spivvіdshennya їkh reserves chi sum of the area of ​​pereriziv. If wood becomes less than 2-5% of the tree stock, then it will be written in the warehouse formula without a coefficient, but with a + sign. If the stock generates less than 2% of the total stock, the fate of the warehouse is indicated by the word - singly. In order to characterize the stock of plantings, it is necessary to correctly identify the most important head breed. The breed is vvazhayutsya overwhelmed, as often the largest reserve falls, the breed that has the greatest value for the state is the head one. In close, cooped and relocated plantations, the head breed is considered to be more important, even though the share of the stock is not less than 50% of the wild stock. For oak, cedar, beech, the value becomes 40%. In young animals, the proportion of the head breed to the most important is reduced by 10% - in class 2, and in class 1 - by 20%.

The type of the fox is the type of minds of the mind. Type lіsu - dіlyanki, odnіnі vіdkіnі vіlіnі vіdskі porіdі і іnshmi tiers roslinnostі, fauna, complex lisоrіnіh minds, іn vіdnovlyuvalnymi protsessі, thо for the same economic minds, scho vimahayut і іnіh іnіh same lisоgospodarskih zahodіv. According to the typology of Sukachov, the type of fox is assigned to the most important wood species, and to the most important representative of the living ground cover, which is an indicator of the minds of the plant. To characterize the types of minds of the miscellany, the classification of Pogrebnyak is to be made. TUMs are forest dwellers with similar natural and climatic factors. For example, the classification of Pogrebnyak has 2 factors: wealth and water content of the soil, re-implantation-pokaznik, which characterizes the size of the standing of trees at the tree stand or the steps of the tree stand by the trees of the tree stand of the space occupied by them. In order to mark the totality of the tree stand, it is necessary to vicorate the sum of the area pereriziv and the degree of closedness of the crowns of the village. The povnota, as it is defined through the sum of the area of ​​pereriziv, is called the taxation, and through the steps of the closedness of the crowns - the fox. Taxation differs in absolute absoluteness. The absolute height is expressed in sq. m / ha - the sum of the area perereziv per 1.3 m of the trees of the element in that layer, or as the total area of ​​the horizontal projections of the crowns, which makes the canopy of the tree stand. In virobnichih minds, they most often signify a totality, which is seen in ten parts of a single person. For one, take the fullness of the closed planting per 1 hectare, as for this breed, the maximum number of minds and plantations is the maximum, so the planting is normal, and otherwise - modal. Vіdnosnu povnota mozhna 3 ways: 1) vіdnosna vіdnosna vіznaєєtsya as okreme vіd raspodіlu proektsiї krone on zagalnu occupied by them the area; 2) changing the actual tree stock to normal: Potn = Mf / Mn; 3) according to the sum of the area of ​​the recapture of the taxed tree stand to the sum of the area of ​​the recapture of the normal tree stand: Potn = the sum of Gf / the sum of Gn, Gn - according to the tables of the growth rate and the standard table of the sum of the area of ​​the recapture and the stock of plantings at a total of 1. Gf can be calculated with a path on the tree samples of the area for an additional peaceful fork. And also, in a vibrating-wimming way, we made a path to pererakhunka a lot of trees on reloscopic circular maidanchiks for the help of Bitterlich's povnometer and Anuchin's prism. n=5 sq. roots from S, n-number of reloscopic maidanchiks. In the zmіshanih plantings, the meanings of the totality are known as the sum of the viable totality of the primordial species. When overwhelmed, be it a breed, a clear line can be installed from a overwhelmed village. At the folding plantations, the sum of the sum of all the villages of the tiers is christened. In young growths, the recurrence is due to the closure of crowns. In virobnicheskih minds, the accuracy is visually indicated with an accuracy of ±0.1. At the same time, for the training of taxators, tables of growth are used, or standard tables of sums of the area of ​​recapture. The class of marketability is set according to the percentage of wood output in the wild stock savage number tree by tree. For coniferous plantations, 3 classes of marketability are seen, for leafy plants - 4. For a designated class of marketability of vicorous plants, the following criteria are used: 1) behind the stock of a woody village, coniferous plantations: 1 - 81% and more, 2 - 61-80%, 3 - up to 60%; leaves: 1-71 and more%, 2 - 51-70%, 3 - 31-50%, 4 - less than 30%. 2) according to the percentage yield of woody trunks: conifers: 1 - 91 and more%, 2 - 71-90%, 3 - less than 70%; leaves: 1 - 91 and more%, 2 - 66-90%, 3 - 41-55%, 4 - less than 40%. The class of marketability is chosen for overtaking, overtaking, and resting plantings according to the skin element of the okremo.

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