Pension card line. Privilei for the cards of the purchase of a merezhі hypermarkets “Strichka. De i yak take the Strichki card

If you have become a lucky winner of the discount card of the permanent purchase Strіchka, then you are welcome. After sending cards to the cashier shop, blame the whole law of nutrition about those how the registration of the Strichka card is required. On this side, you take away the information, as the entire activation path is taken from the moment the card is received until the full operation.

You know a lot of people, but how to quickly create an activation, you know few people. To that we virishili to help the unknown helpless people at the given, zdaetsya at first glance, not a simple process. Adding a whole bunch of quills to the recognition of this article, you will no longer have everyday difficulties with a crisp cob of a card.

Below is a list of steps to help you get the information about how to activate your Postal Purchase Card. Let's take a look at the list:

  • Whoever doesn’t know where to take the Strichka card - you can buy it at the checkout in the store for 200 rubles. Tobto. the first crock is a card pridbannya.
  • Another crocodile will be the furnishing to the advanced-information vіddіl, rolled out in the shop, not far from the cash register. It is necessary to contact the company's spokesman and inform him about your request to register the Striking card for further activation.
  • They gave you the company's spivrobitnik to see the questionnaire, it's up to the mark. Fill in the questionnaire and fill out the Strichka card in your own name and you will be able to do it freely. If you get 50 bonuses for the rest of the year, you can earn an additional 100 bonuses per year for an informational overpayment to the store (telephone and/or e-mail). The term for these bonuses is in stock for 31 days.
  • I will complete the questionnaire and send it to the company’s spokesman.
  • For the minds of the loyalty program, your profile will be processed by the company's specialists. The card will be activated by the first pass after the submission of the completed application form.

Whom has the registration process completed. You have issued a loan of about 15 credits.

To speed up the activation process, we will publish the necessary questionnaire for you. Її you can rozdrukuvat in the minds of the home that zazdalegіd memorize. In such a way, save your special hour.

Strichka card - activate online via the Internet

A lot of buyers are asked to register the card online on the official website Without a doubt, the activation of the post-purchase card through the Internet would save a lot of time. The whole process is carried out only by the company's supporters.

Pragnennya ekonomії pritamanno skin daily purchase. Coming to the store, we try to choose those goods, for example, the seller either lowered the prices, or promoted the arrival of products on the basis of vigilant minds. For today's spozhivachіv nayavnіst at merezhevyh trade outlets mozhlivostі pribannya commodіvіv for discount cards є perepechnoy perevagou. Hypermarket "Lenta" also promotes its customers the discount system. Let's figure it out at once, how can we take a map of the number of shops.

What you need to know about the purchase of the company "Lenta"
Coming shopping in the hypermarket, leather buyers want to know, want to know about those who are the company that sells goods to customers and provides services. Speaking about the Lenta company, we can say about those that have been on the market since 1993. The very river was marked by the appearance of the first hypermarket near the cultural capital of our country - near St. Petersburg. Since then, the company has been developing, and today it will be another after the expansion of hypermarkets in the Russian Federation.

Serious numbers are needed for the simple name of the company. Today, there are 108 hypermarkets and 24 supermarkets in sixty places of our fatherland. The range of trading bays of the hypermarket is available for over 22 thousand names of both food and non-food products. As of December 31, 2014, the total area of ​​Strichki retail space was 701.15 thousand m2. No wonder such a great company has its own system of discount cards.

Discount cards "Strichki": what is it?
At the end of 2014, according to the official data of the company, the number of holders of Strichka discount cards became six million active employees. According to the ratings of the company’s fahivtsiv, close to 90% of all purchases made from the lesser hypermarkets all over the country, are made with the help of discount cards.

The philosophy of "Strіchki" will again be included in the discount system of business. The post-purchase card can be issued whether it is a representative of hypermarkets throughout the country.

"Strichka" on post-yny bases we give our customers discounts on the products in the assortment of hypermarkets, as well as the services that the company's representatives rely on. In order to get a special discount on the card, it’s enough to give the cashier an hour to pay for your purchases.

The discount card of the Merezhi hypermarkets "Lenta" allows:

  • take part in various draws, lotteries, promotions, which are regularly held by the authorities for their customers, the company "Lenta";
  • buy goods with a discount. With this, for products that are offered as part of seasonal promotions, the discount can be up to 70%, and for products from the special discount catalog Strichki - close to 30%.
  • take part in the drawing of valuable prizes.
The procedure for issuing a discount card "Lenta"
You can get a discount card for the lesser hypermarkets "Lenta". If you regularly visit a number of stores, and you are in control of the range of products presented, then you just need to issue a postage purchase card (as you still don’t have such a card). For whom it is necessary to create a low simple action:
Social program "Strichki"
The cream of the repaid is more pіlg і bonusіv, yakі belong to the holders of discount cards, the company has expanded special program for the pilgrim categories of the population.

The Lenta company offers additional discounts of 3 to 8% on socially significant goods.

You can pay for the withdrawal of supplementary bills:

  • participants in combat activities; blockade;
  • holders of the social card to Oschadbank of Russia;
  • veterans;
  • participants in the liquidation of the last accident at the Chornobyl NPP;
  • wealthy mothers;
  • bіzhentsі chi vimushenі migrants;
  • guardians of minor disabilities;
  • pensioners.
How is the social program implemented?
  1. Citizens, yakі bazhayut otrimati pererakhovanі vshee pіlgi, pіvnі confirm their status (for example, present a pensioner's deed) to the svіvrobіtnik stіyka іnformatsії.
  2. On the pedestal of the overhead bills, the administrator either sees a special sticker on the card, which is already there, or asks for a special card for a special price.
  3. The list of goods that take part in the social program, whether you are willing, you can take on the information.
  4. To get a discount on purchased goods, present your discount card with a special sticker at the cashier's hypermarket.
A skin resident of the metropolis regularly goes to the hypermarket for groceries. Having expanded the system of discount cards, which allow saving money on skin purchases, the Lenta company undoubtedly positively contributes to the increase in the number of purchases at merchant outlets. Discounts and gift cards are easy to take! We have told you, as if it were for you. Now right behind you!

Going to the shops and supermarkets for shopping is a practical need for a skin person. And all hypermarkets, including Lenta, want to get their customers with promotions, propositions, cards, and bonus points. Nobody likes to overpay, that bonus cards are highly popular with all buyers.

What is the Strichka card?

Znizhkov's card to the Strichka store - the same card for a permanent purchase, like a deed at all the merchants in all the country. Discounts are expanding on all goods, they are bought together with her. When you present the hour of any purchase, you become a participant in the rich promotions of the company:

  • Take part in the bonus program.
  • Often the store draws prizes for Lenta cards holders.
  • The right to buy goods for shares, which are worth the money.
  • Purchase of goods with seasonal discounts.
  • For Vlasniks, it is possible to buy goods from special catalogues, from a variety, reduced by 30%.

How to make a fuss?

The card is not unique, all members of your homeland can be quickened by it, and it is impossible to issue more than 1 card per person.

  1. At the hour of purchase, you may present only 1 card.
  2. Like plastic zіpsuvavsya (breaking, rubbing) or else they spent it, it’s necessary to inform about this fact to spіvrobіtnikam at the information desk in the be-yak shop Strіchka.
  3. Usi bali, as if you piled up an hour of koristuvannya, you can spend the hour of making purchases for your bajan.
  4. You have the right to use plastic in any store, regardless of the fact that you bought the discount card.
  5. Bali are written off over and over, it is not possible to often replicate them.
  6. As if the sum in the check showed up less for the sum of balls, the stench burns.
  7. For example, the sum, now, in the check is more for the amount of accumulated points, the retail can be paid in addition, no matter how handy.
  8. Bonuses do not win with the addition of Tyutyunov's virobiv and alcohol.

Term dії

If you add plastic, you don’t have the term dії, but the hypermarket has the right to unilaterally change the term dії for the need, so the rules of corystuvannya and zarahuvannya balіv, not uzgodzhuyuchi tse zі their clients.

National Day discount

Merezha hypermarkets are promoting their active coristuvachs congratulations at the sight of a 15% discount and more on the entire assortment of the store. The proposition is 7 days before the date of your people, this day that 7 days after is holy. The company tries to please recent buyers accept your loyalty and zeal more sacredly, kohane of all.

The procedure for earning points on a loyalty card

  • Already after completing the registration form for plastic, you will be insured up to 150 points.
  • 50 balls like a bath.
  • 100 points, as you were lucky enough to take the information to the same contact number.
  • For a leather check, for someone who has goods with shares, as they constantly pass through the stores of hypermarkets, bonuses are earned. You can find out about those actions that are going on, and if the stench ends, you can always visit the official website of the company.

What robiti, how can Bali not accumulate?

Leather savings ball cost 1 Russian ruble. In order to accumulate a lot of points, it is necessary to respectfully follow the information posted on the website of the Strichka store. Having selected the goods that are offered for special promotions, you can always choose for yourself those that you need to come to at a given moment and immediately deduct bonuses for your purchase. In this rank, the balls are constantly accumulated, and you can use them for your own benefit.

Even if the accumulated balls are not squandered to the office of the administration, it is possible that the card has gone out of tune and needs a replacement.

Loyalty card in the Strіchka store is a very useful tool for saving customers' money and increasing their loyalty to the hypermarket. Having added a discount card, you can still go shopping and accept gifts, take part in all promotions and bonus programs of the store.

Video about the card:

A lot of hypermarkets create their own permanent loyalty programs. To cancel the transfer of shares, you need to confirm your participation - a plastic card. Most of all, it gives the opportunity to win a discount and participate in other promotional campaigns. "Lenta" is a large trade network of hypermarkets. You can get your bonus cards for recent purchases. For її otrimannya, it is necessary to viskonate singing podії.

How to activate the post purchase card Streak in the store?

For more lucrative purchases, you can become a member of the program at any store. Who needs:

  • Know the information sheet at any store;
  • complete the questionnaire;
  • pay fixed card variance.

In the questionnaire about obov'yazkovo such data as PIB, date of birth, telephone number and address of residence are indicated. Other items are zapovnyuyutsya behind the bajannyam. Payment will go through once. After that card holder becomes a full-fledged participant of the action, he can take discounts on the same group of goods.

How to register a card online via the Internet on the website of the store?

Tvіr povnoї єstratsії, not leaving the house, not transferred. You can fill in the questionnaire form for a long time, having taken it from the Internet. For whom it is necessary to go to the website of the online store to distribute the post-purchase card and complete the questionnaire. I will bring the updated version to the nearest hypermarket at the information desk and pay for the withdrawal of the card. As soon as you can, it will be possible to take a discount when buying.

How long does it take to activate the card?

The activation of the card is carried out after the transfer of the questionnaire from the completion of special tributes to the contact person in any store. Trivalіst trivaє close to one day with the necessary information.

How to check whether the card is registered by number?

The revision can be done in two ways. The first one is to turn to the spіvrobіtnikіv of one of the hypermarkets and tell the number, instructions on the card, for the verification. The other one is to call to the single information center of the company for information. There is no re-verification, as well as registration through the site.

Become a participant in the program of post-buyers of hypermarkets "Strіchka" is already viable. Having spent a little amount of money on filling, form that small sum for payment, you can take away a large reduction and significantly save on purchases.

Accumulating and saving cards are popular, which are already familiar from great stores, and from small trading shops. For the seller, it’s a miracle that you can get a purchase, and the buyer can try to get the maximum discount that the store hopes for. For whom it is necessary to know, how to take a card, I’ll give you a discount, and in this article it will be told how to take a Strichka card.

At the skin supermarket there is an information sheet, where you can issue a discount card. On the station you see a questionnaire, so you need to fill in the information for yourself. Z obov'yazkovih PIB, vіk, addresses and telephone. Krym tsgogo, in the questionnaire there are items “sublog”, “vehicle presence” and name “fate of the people of children”. All this information for the bazhanya can be left with your own.

It is also necessary to sign a favor about the selection of personal data and to submit a questionnaire to the store's spokesmen. Having taken the form, the spіvrobіtnik will give the Strіchka card, and the next day it will be activated.

As soon as the data entered into the questionnaire is obsolete, it will be necessary to fill it in again.

You can take the form not only for the bill, but also to take it at home, to bring it back.

Victory card, it is important to know the rules. Zakrema, the store can change the design of the card without changing the internal warehouse, that is, in one place on the card there is a sonyshnik ink, and on the next one - a red line, not varto lyakatisya, the work of the card is not the same. Also, it is not possible to get more than one card and to win more than one card when buying, it is unlikely that you need to get more than one card per sim.

Price list Strichki map: current prices for 2017-2018

In 2017, the card cost 200 rubles. In 2018, the price of the card has not changed yet. І at the moment, the promotion of її vartosti is not transferred.

It is important that 50 points are secured for activation on the purchase card, and another 100 points for the yearly withdrawal of Strichka advertising. For the policy of Strichka, one ball is worth one ruble. In this rank, the card costs 50 rubles, or 150 for those who check advertising.

How to withdraw a purchase card?

A lot of supermarkets give the card to the store when buying for a single sum. It's a pity, Strichka can't lie up to them. The card can be:

  • win at the competition;
  • come for a share.

From the 5th of March 2016 to the 30th of March 2017, the card can be withdrawn for a total of 9 rubles. Possibly, a similar action if it goes through again.

You can use the action for free, for example, ILF rozsilav cards free of charge at the fierce 2017 rock.

How to remember the discount card Our hypermarket on Strіchku

Until December 31, 2017, you can exchange the card of the number of shops "Our Supermarket" for the card of Strechka free of charge, since the line was closed, renting the place to other nearby hypermarkets. Since 2018, the promotion for replacing cards is no longer valid. Come and buy a new card without saving the accumulated points.

Is it possible to withdraw via the Internet?

Possibility to fill in the questionnaire and issue a card via the Internet is not possible. Vaughn is seen less with informational articles. The only thing you can do via the Internet is to download and fill in the questionnaire. About ce bulo it was told trohi more.

Strіchka Pro - discount card for legal entities

For legal entities, that IP Strіchka prepared a special card. According to them, you can be served in the office, and for shopping, the store is ready to send invoices.

In addition, legal persons and individual entrepreneurs are entitled to a reduction of 7.5-9% of the price of goods without the adjustment of the reduction. Vіdsotok vyznajetsya for progressive system znizhok and lie down in іd squandered from Strіchtsі sumi from the previous month. Possibility to take part in all promotions Streaks are saved.

The table shows how much the purchase amount allows for a discount:

The discount for the new month begins not on the first day of the month, but on the third day of the month. In one individual undertaking of a legal entity, there may be more than one representative of the card.

How to withdraw a loyalty card Strіchka About a legal person

To get a Pro card, you need a simple Strichka card, or buy it when you make a Pro. Crimea needs:

  • A copy of the transcript from ЄDRYUL / ЄGRІP. Guilty buti is broken no earlier than one month before the card is issued;
  • a copy of the certificate about the decree on the appearance of the taxpayers;
  • passport of the representative of the individual entrepreneur or legal entity;
  • as the person is not appointed to the clerk, it is necessary to give the person the right to file a legal person.

The card is activated within five working days after the submission of the signed application. All documents, such as a representative's passport, are submitted from an application for informational status.

Gift card to Strichka store

The nominal value of a gift card can be from 10 to 50 thousand. rub. for physiotherapy, and up to 100 ths. rub. for legal issues. It is easy to buy a card at any store Strіchka right at the checkout. With a gift card you can buy goods, so just like with a bank account, the docks of the sum on the rahunka will not be stained again.

The card is not є imenoyu and crying їy may be a person, scho to rob її more handy with victoria, but visuvaє promotion of vimoga to її careless saving.

Important! It is possible to redeem a gift card only at the drop of a hat. Having spent well її, turn your money around not vide.

How to find out for the number, to whom the card of the line is issued?

Tse is impossible. Zgіdno with the rules of carding with a card line, information about the owner of the card is confidential. As if someone else’s card of lows appeared on the hands, it’s necessary to simply put it on the information desk, and not to tell who should be in charge and then don’t win again like I’m in power. Spivrobitniki themselves contact the sergeant, for whom they are registered.

How to redeem a credit card when you spend money on theft?

Renewal cards are available at the information desk. Possibly, borrow more than one day, even if it is necessary to transfer the information.

What does it cost to spend a bonus card?

The first thing you need to do is to rob it, as if you have stolen a card that you stole - go back to the information desk and block the card, so that no one else will rush to it. According to the rules of koristuvannya with a card, the buyer of goiter is turned to spivrobitnikiv, so it’s not necessary to think that it’s necessary. You can confirm the fact with a card with an additional passport or other document that certifies the person. Wash the memory of the ruined cards in different shops of the city, and then the balls are saved. It is possible to ask to pay 50 rubles for issuing a new card.


On the Internet, thoughts about the store and the Strіchka card are ambiguous. Whomeverything is sovereign, who does not deserve to be formalized exclusively in a special form. I have a thought that "in Strichtsi without a card, there is nothing to work." Whether it’s a fluke, thoughts are not so rich and rich, but rich Internet koristuvachs want to know what the Strіchka card is like, first lower її kupuvati. Having left the advice and rozpovіshi in the new about your dosvіd koristuvannya card, you can help others to make a decision.

How to withdraw the card

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