Modi for skyrim riverhelm. Addendum to Riverhelmy v1 - TES V: Skyrim - Budinki and locations. De know the keys of Riverhelm

Version: 2-6
Language: Russian

With this mod, you can become the right king of a new, great location, divided by the right place, and in fact, the king of the whole kingdom of Riverhelm! If you become too boring for you, then go to the arena to marvel, or take your part in the battles. Do you want more diy and vchinkiv? -did you want to protect your castle from the pile of conquerors? Now you can do it, just by talking to the guardians of Riverhelm's guard! Do you need a place to save all your cities and trophies? For you! Are you not up to like the owners of your guards? th type of armor! Do you want to take care of all goods in your Volodin? So! It's possible! All merchants in your volodniy Rіverhelma will be cheering for you, even if they will sell goods in the solіdnі volodіnnya! , with their undertakings! Become the ruler of the mine, face or King of Riverhelm! Guard your army and don't forget about your townspeople! You can find all that much more for the help of this mod!

- Now the mod is folded from 3 files bsa.,esp. and esm. (for ease of installation or removal)
- The whole translation was corrected, the names of the deyaky characters were changed, the pardons in the words and texts were changed
- Add new decorations at the main hall of the castle
- Added new decorations in the dark room of the treasury (Enter through the closet in the king's bedroom)
- Mage now sells various elements (near the temple)
- Now your companions enter the kingdom and inside the castle (purchased soldiers of Riverhelm do not enter)
- Corrected pardons at all windows and stands, everything is now working
- adjusted the amount of gold from merchants (from 7000 to -> 1500 gold)
- Guards of other places no longer attack you
- Add a tree in the middle of the place
- Wrong navmesh warning will no longer be shown, all cleared via TES5EDIT
- Dodani deyakі drіbnі change

Possibility fashion:
- Not far from the Meadery of Honning near Whiterun, right-handed to the meadowry, beating the bridge, the city of Riverhelm was roaring, as if to belong to the kingdom of Riverhelm!
- All titles are bought from Baron Dubarkan in the head castle of Riverhelm, then after buying titles you can buy the right to the power of your enterprises from Budinkov
- You can become the Litsar of Riverhelm by purchasing the title of Litsar for 15000 gold, a fee of 1500 gold, the Litsar's coins for addition
- You can become the King of Riverhelm by purchasing the title of King for 50,000 gold, live in a castle, care for people, warriors, care for business
- You can buy a market, a farm, a mine, a smithy, the Guild of Myslivtsiv and cherish them and trade
- You can collect gifts, take away income from business enterprises
- You can recruit special persons, yakі can be companions and protect you from your mandrivkas
- Soldiers and persons can be recruited at the recruiter, who is standing on the palace square not far from the head of the castle of Riverhelm, the recruiter can go on his right or sleep, so it’s better than yogo shukati in the daytime to finish, and after recruiting King of Riverhelm
- Take away access to the fully equipped room with treasures and belongings! Popovnyuyte її
- The King's castle will have its own special blaze
- The city of Riverhelm has rich merchants, who can buy everything you want to sell
- Riverhelmi has close to 100 new NPCs, Townies, Merchants, Servants, Soldiers, Varti, Merchants, etc.
- At the city, alchemy shop, arena for battles, Tavern "4 Shields", shop, barracks, market and more
- You can buy a special cake from the baker, which will give you 100 health points
- You can sell your drink to the bartender in the tavern "Chotiri Shield"
- Mustache guards of Riverhelm beat you with a unique animation
- New unique armor for your warriors, so you can dress up your warriors (via the recruiter)
- New possessions for the King of Riverhelm (Armor can be found on the screen next to your apartment)
- New unique shield with the coat of arms of your army
- Court magician, which sells items that spell
- Cleaners, like tidying up at the great hall of the day
- The Arena is even greater in which you can marvel at the battles yourself, take the fate of activating the importance of protecting the enemy
- Crockery lizard people live near the sewers of Riverhelm, the city is even more unsafe, the stench can attack the place
- At the chambers of the king, there is a secret passage at the secret Temple, majestic treasures and rich showcases for your reach
- Є barracks for the mіskoї varti and so the very booths for robіtnikіv
- You can beat the head gates of vimagati support from the guards at the hour of the attack of bandits and different zbroda.
- You can change the armor of your soldiers by talking to the general at the head hall, for whom you have the title of King, the title of Litsar is not suitable
- At the store you can buy new embellishments, gold items from the form of belongings
- All NPCs of the place will call you appropriately until your status as a grave, queen, as a woman or as a sire or as a king as a man
- You can invest your pennies in the enterprise
- You can export prepared speeches and products
- І a lot of other possibilities

- If you can't redeem a penny deposit in Riverhelm, open the console and enter player.additem 0000000f x
- x - pennies, for example 50000 (or other value) and press Enter

- Grad pіdvisає chi vilіtaє on the working steel
There may be a conflict with other fashions for boudins, like roztashovan in the city of Riverhelm
- Baron Dubarkan doesn't want to talk to you
If, during the first dialogue, Baron Dubarkan does not want to speak, then save the order with him (you can F5), see the grit and get excited again, the dialogues will appear!
- You can find the keys at the face of the person
- It was broken on that one, if when removing the title there is a bug when removing the keys from the NPC, then the author moved the keys of that paper into a small Safe at the face of the person
- So it’s just not possible to go out and take away the keys from business enterprises or business, then in the screen in the Litsar’s shirt there will be all the contracts and the keys, so read

- Version gri and higher

Before upgrading from previous version to version 2-6:
1. Collect your belongings from containers, screen, police and so on
2. If you have a partner in Riverhelm, then bring them in between places
3. Move to Whiterun for example, to the tavern and save to a new saving slot (not F5) and see the grey.
4. See all files of the mod as if they were in the previous version of the mod, all files should be seen to be in the text document in the archive (see everything that is written in the text file in the archive, otherwise, be it the file will be deleted in the main version of the old version, then the mod you can correct it wrong, then you don’t need to call out that the mod is costrubaty, everything is distorted, everything works!
5. Go to the group now with the same old mod and save again, and then go to the next new save slot (not F5) and see the game
6.Install a new version of the mod

- Place the Data folder from the archive into the folder from the folder (Data is not inside the Data, but on top), confirm the folders and files and activate the launcher.

- Place RiverHelm.esm in the latest list of mods for the launcher, and after all DLCs and unofficial patches, it is still the same, and place the BecomeKingOfRiverHelm.esp file at the very bottom of the launcher

The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim - Become the King of Riverhelm

gri platform: TES V: Skyrim Legendary Edition

English name: LC-Become King of Riverhelm

Russian name: Become the King of Riverhelm

Current version: 2.6​

Mova fashion: Russian

Rozmir: 111 MB


Modification adds to Skyrim the possibility for your Dovakin to become the right king of the whole kingdom of Riverhelm! You will become the master of your fort and you will be able to cherish it like a god on the soul. Your vіdanny will have gifts and salaries; you can take part in the arena as a spectator or as a participant in fights; you will be entrusted with the organization of the defense of the castle from various conquerors. Do you want special feats, like Richard Levin's heart? Go down into the sewers and fight one by one with the Crockers, a great tribe of lizard people.
Do you need a place to save all your cities and trophies? For you, mark the miraculously pіdіyde taєmny temple near the castle, which can be a wide place for saving all speeches and accessible only to you. Are you not up to like the owners of your guards? Talk to the general at the castle hall and change the main type of armor to a different one. Do you want to have special control over all the goods in your country? There are no problems: all the merchants at your riverside volodins will follow your requests
Riverhelm is a majestic castle with your supporters, people, lyricists, villagers, with your undertakings! Become the master of the mine, face or king of Riverhelm! Guard your army, tell about the consumption of your spivgromads. all points and other possibilities are given to you modification.


  • Not far from Honning Meadowry, near Whiterun, beside the bridge, the city of Riverhelm was planted, as if to belong to the kingdom of Riverhelm.
  • All titles are bought from Baron Dubarkan in the head castle of Riverhelm, after buying titles you can buy the right to the power of your business from him.
  • You can become the Litsar of Riverhelm by purchasing the title of Litsar for 15,000 gold: a fee of 1500 gold and the Litsar's robes are guaranteed.
  • You can become the King of Riverhelm by purchasing the title of King for 50,000 gold: live in a castle, take care of people, warriors, business.
  • You can buy a market, a farm, a mine, a forge, a Guild of Myslivtsiv and trade with them.
  • You can collect gifts, take away income from household enterprises.
  • You can recruit special persons, yakі can be companions and protect you from the mandras.
  • Soldiers and persons can be recruited from the recruiter, who is standing on the palace square near the head castle of Riverhelm. The recruiter can go to his right or sleep, it’s better to shukati yoga in the daytime dobi. The right to recruitment is denied only by the Litsar or the King of Riverhelm.
  • Take away access to the fully equipped room with treasures and belongings! Popovnyuyte її.
  • The King's castle will have its own special blaze.
  • The city of Riverhelm has rich merchants who can buy everything you want to sell.
  • Riverhelmi has close to 100 new NPCs: townspeople, merchants, servants, soldiers, warty too thin.
  • At the city: an alchemy shop, an arena for battles, a tavern "4 Shields", a shop, a barracks, a market and a lot more.
  • You can have a special cake at the baker's, which will make 100 people healthy.
  • You can sell your drink to the bartender at the Chotiri Shield tavern.
  • Mustache guards of Riverhelm beat you with a unique animation.
  • New unique armor for warriors.
  • New possessions for the King of Riverhelm. The armor is on the screen at your apartment.
  • A new unique shield with the coat of arms of your army.
  • The court magician, which is the sellable item of that spell.
  • Gatherers, as they climb from the great hall of the day.
  • The Arena is even greater, at which you can marvel at the battles and take your own fate, activating whether it is important for the enemy.
  • The lizard people Crockery live near the sewers of Riverhelm. Costs are not safe and may work for your place.
  • At the chambers of the king there is a secret passage at the secret Temple: invisible treasures and rich showcases for your reach.
  • Є barracks for the mіskoї varti and boudinki for robіtnikіv.
  • You can call for reinforcements from the guards at the head gates under the hour of the attack of bandits and various rabble.
  • You can change the armor of your soldiers by talking to the general at the head hall. Zrozumilo, that you are the King.
  • At the store you can get new embellishments, gold items and other expensive items.
  • All NPCs of the place will call you according to your status and sublogs: King or Korolova.
  • You can invest your pennies in the enterprise.
  • You can export prepared speeches and products.
  • And a lot of other possibilities.

If you don’t get tired of dreams about the power castle, download it in the game - a majestic place with a special castle and impersonal privileges. You, who have been playing in that very game for a long time, want to achieve something special in it, become a right king, a leader of the mustache, whatever it is. Danish mod gives such a possibility, with it your order will have a whole place with a crow I will call Riverhelm and a great castle with a blissful blaznem, as if it were a kind of mitigation of the mood of the game character, just go to hell. You will become a rightful king, you know those who did not give a gra for honest merit and a 3rd anniversary, spending time in the gaming space. Enjoy the new life - life in the plantation of the rightful king.

Zavantage Skyrim Mod on Riverhelm

(advantage: 497)
Wow! at the console you can enter "player.additem 0000000f x" de - x - pennies, for example 45500

As soon as the Riverhelm mod was installed in the Skyrim game, impersonal opportunities and privileges will appear. A character can invest his money in a place where he can and take a lot of money, don't be shy, just take pennies from the loot. We all know that the kings take gifts, such an opportunity will be with you, as an allowance up to your income is acceptable. Have you accumulated a lot of trophies and armor? Never mind, now you will have a treasure chest of majestic treasures for the storage of special objects. For a comfortable transfer, the king is entitled to 4 additional, best horses, as if they were happy to deliver you to any place. To explore your new life as a ruler, you can get 40,000 gold for a rahunka, for yaks you “buy” your status and enjoy it in the gaming space.

Have you been dreaming of the city of the Middle Ages for a long time? Vlastovuvati accept for beautiful ladies and gentry faces? Do you want to take the title of nobility more than for tano chi, maybe, take up business with the city?

Everything you need - download the Riverhelm mod on Skyrim!

Become a full-fledged ruler of the mine, and become a king! Lead your people to well-deserved wealth and honors! Dbaite about the villagers, otherwise the stench will cause unsafe turmoil.

A new location will appear on the map near Whiterun. Titles are sold by your potential steward Baron Dubarkan – talk to him.


It is possible that the characters in the castle do not speak on the cob with Dovakin. This is a small modification bug, it is easier to put up with it. To help save that re-advantage.

As it didn’t work, having turned on the mod on Skyrim, Riverhelm again. If the characters speak, all content can be reactivated. If the method is not correct, you have a problem in installed version Skyrim.

Installation order

1. To prevent the collapse of the record, build up the savings in advance. Dodatkovo save after installation, in addition to using bug descriptions with NPC dialogs.

2. Move files from archive to Skyrim/Data

3. Activate the modification in the launcher.

4. Place RiverHelm.esm on the list of mods in the same place. BecomeKingOfRiverHelm.esp can be placed lower.

Note: first update installations in Skyrim mod on Riverhelm, you need to remove the previous version.

so you have problems, to find out about food, what to go before them, yak! Status: work in progress version 1.8...

1.7 NOW!!

You like please vote in skyrimnexus in download area!


So, you have always wanted to own a giant city and castle? Only your outstanding bravery will reward you properly! Now this is your chance! "Become King of RiverHelm" is about those who want to be killed! Lead the kings people and his knights! Follow the journey and enjoy the life of a noble king! But of course, this comes at a cost right? ....


ps: tell your mother the keys to your guilt to Baron Dubarcan in the center of the castle and buy properties!

1 - Buy a mine in hrad and get 15,000 gold income!
2 - Buy title of Knight of Riverhelm for 10,000 in gold and collect the salary of a Knight! And win a beautiful manor to live in!
3 - Become King of Riverhelm when buying a title for 30,000 in gold.
4 - Giant imposing fortress and grandeur worthy of envy of other kings! lol
5 - If you choose a fort and become a great king, you will rule the crown, but without a grave!
6 - Create your quotes in the city or in other titles.
7 - Four Knights with attractive appearance as your followers.
8 - Additional room with rich territories for your arrivals and vihovantsiv like good, like mannequins for your armor.
9 Court Jester.
10-Vendors with abundant gold to sell your items.
11 - More than 50 new NPCs.
12 - Fortress totallo lore friendly to enhance your immersion.
13 - Beautiful view of Whiterun from your personal tower.
14 - Shop for ingredients like Maya - version 1.2
15- Baker who sells special Riverhelm pie that grants 100 health points! version 1.2
16 - Now trade goods at the tavern - the barkeep buys and sells products - version 1.1
17- Now the guards will give greetings to thier Lord including an animation!
18 - A lot of other little thoughts, don't remember now!
19 - New unique armor for your army! 1.3
20 - New armor Riverhelm King! (Armor in the chest of your bed) 1.3
21 - New unique shield with coat arms for his army! 1.3
22 - New home interior "workers house 1.3
23- Added court magician, a magician, like items and specs. 1.4
24- Added a servant who sweeps yoga great hall diarimente. 1.4
25- A huge arena! What does a giant look small! 1.6

About how it was done this mod
Tsey mod buv project, scho buv orientovno pіd hour abandoned by illustrious Reflex101. There I go for a project and a lot of empty days on yoga ... about 200. Such a project will help Reflex101, which I can continue with my good base mod. Take a look at the whole product.

wold you like to thank Locaster?

Locaster modding supporters: How to thank me


1-Extract the file be it.

2-Take data folder and inside your Skyrim folder

3-Activate the mod in launcher and ready.

active the: Become king of Riverhelm.esm
Become king of Riverhelm.esp


Case 1- Crashes, slow, glitch, CTD.

check your load order, here I use the following: Become king of Riverhelm.esm (on top of the list) Become king of Riverhelm.esp (at the end after all other mods)and
I don't have a lot of problems.

Case 2 - If you hit the high frame rates or crashes, you might conflict with another mod.
Tsey mod by itself is not guilty to bring up to tsikh types of problems. If you have any problems, you are guilty of doing a clean save, they can't resolve all mods and restart. Go through all your mods, reenabling them one by one until you discover what was causing the problem. tell what mods you have, so only you can resolve the conflicts by using the method described above.

MODS reports of conflict

2 - Better Fast Travel - Carriages and Ships (required test 1.5)
6 - tower defense beta (required test 1.5)
7 - Dwemer Airstrip (required test 1.5)
8 - Ranger Ridge0 (required for test 1.5) 9 - Dovahkiin Hideout (required for test 1.5)
10 - Dovahkiin Hideout compact (required for test 1.5)
11- deus mons house (work in 1.5)
12- Whiterun Outskirts Market (required test 1.5)
13- WARZONES:Civil Unrest (work in 1.5)

elementxstyle To correct English and record voice files, not only!

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