Cry of Vіyni: Attack of the Goblins Chiti Kodi (The War Cry). Cry of War Cry: Attack of the Goblins Chiti Kodi (The War Cry) Cry of War the war cry

Description of flash games

Attack on goblins!

The War Cry

An army of goblins has been terrorizing your settlement for over 50 years, and now, if your commander is too old, you, Yermak, are charged with the task of defending the people of monsters. In the online game "In attack on the goblins!" you will have to conquer the misery of the goblins, in order to earn the trust of your people, even if the army will follow you. Otzhe, on the skin level, there will be a new task for the work of goblins. So as a part of the "strategy" genre, you will have to level up and develop your settlement.

However, in order to take command of the army, you will need gold. For whom the right to run the miners at the mine. It is also necessary for the commander to hire an army and upgrade their recruits so that they are prepared before any attack from the side. The panel will show different skills and abilities that you can attract to your warriors. You can also make a difference for your people, even if it's important. U grі "In attack on the goblіnіv!" Numerical battles with various goblins are checked for you. Get ready for children carefully, but thoughtfully. Good luck in grі!

The axis is already like 50 rokiv, goblins attack the land of the good kingdom. The summer commander, having proponed the position of a military leader, to protect his people from attacks. All the whole hour the shores of their land were kept, but the goblins did not stumble on the advance and steadily bothered. You have to take command of the army into your own hands and try once and for all to leave the enemy.

As a guide to strategies, warfare vartuє great resources, as it is necessary to take here. On the first line, it is necessary for the miners to extract gold, so that they can hire warriors. You can hire not only warriors, but also heroes, who can be improved and modernized. At grі The War Cry, as well as different spells, for example, one of them, a whole board, which inspires the health of the warriors, was ruined in battle. The War Cry is a neimovirno hooting that beautiful flash gra n Russian language, like to endure gravel from the middle class, de need to protect your kingdom from evil goblins.

It’s just a miracle game and it’s especially welcome to play in it, because in it everything is familiar that we know ... Yalinka, birch trees, that is our old history. Grace - a report about the opposition between the Russian army battalion Yermak and Dzhuffikus - the goblin battalion, like a filthy lad. Dzhuffikus vikoristovu magic to fight with us, yogo ordered krizhan gloomy, like for some hour to freeze units, hand from hell you can take to hell be-such a warrior from our paddock. Tsіlі gri on the dermal rіvnі rіznі - in one case you need to spend the song hour in the cloud, in the other - you will need a lot of resources or you will need the tabir of goblins.

As in other similar strategies, we can get units for pennies and win various magic tricks for mana. Playing pennies are earned by pretty grandmothers-miners, mana is not gained by itself, but by the efforts and prayers of the sorcerers.

Grid has a miracle system of prompts and if you don’t lint and read everything that you write, then you can feel calm and comfortable.

Not a lot of recommendations. For everyday life, make no need for buttons - find on the map a point with a sign-images and press on it. You can set up your outpost at the place of the armored goblin outpost, it is also necessary to modify them, especially for an hour of attacks on the remaining levels of the grey.

The best solution is to engage in economic terrorism. If you have carried out an upgrade to save money, you can hide the screen on the tabir of goblins and drive them in miners with the magic "punishment of heaven" - this tactic will give the result - stone, what to roll, what to bring everything to its own way. Grim of the heavens, before the speech, as many as 300 single mani, so you knew. Ale and prirostannya mani at grі, yakshcho carried out all the upgrades and the wise men pray seriously, finish the shvidka.

As a rule, a hail of arrows is not very effective on strong units. The insisting side will always know more expenses, lower will defend itself and, in case of violent attacks, the necessary dexterity will increase resources. The computer unequivocally plays its own role and navit, despite the fact that it was taxed, on the rest of the wines, all the same, there is no need to limit the amount of resources. The best way to kill yoga is to build impersonal cheap, but productive units, for example, archers, and to create a fire shield, push into the natovp before them with harmata and attack with strong units - berserkers.

In such situations, threaten Juffikus with not just empty words ... If you think about warriors-kamikaze - it’s really serious, especially as the stink of modification, then the need for such a unit is better on the way to the camp of victorious magic. One meteorite of magic "punishment of heaven" successfully copes with one kamikaze.

To carry out the offensive, it is necessary to fight wars one by one.

Controlled by a total mouse.

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